How to update request parameters in FastAPI - python

I am using FastAPI, I want to define a Middleware in which I can intercept the encrypted parameters passed by the front-end and decrypt them, and replace the original parameters with the decrypted ones, what should I do?
I have tried
body = await request.body()
request._body = body
Also I have tried
async def set_body(request: Request, body: bytes):
async def receive() -> Message:
return {"type": "http.request", "body": body}
request._receive = receive
async def get_body(request: Request) -> bytes:
body = await request.body()
set_body(request, body)
return body
But still no solution, can anyone give a solution to the problem, thanks a lot!
class GzipRequest(Request):
async def body(self) -> bytes:
# if not hasattr(self, "_body"):
body = await super().body()
# if "gzip" in self.headers.getlist("Content-Encoding"):
# body = gzip.decompress(body)
self._body = body
return self._body
class GzipRoute(APIRoute):
def get_route_handler(self) -> Callable:
original_route_handler = super().get_route_handler()
async def custom_route_handler(request: Request) -> Response:
request = GzipRequest(request.scope, request.receive)
return await original_route_handler(request)
return custom_route_handler
app.router.route_class = GzipRoute
I also tested this method, but it still didn't work!
I have solved this problem by app.router.route_class = GzipRoute,
main tip: when defining a route in another class, you also need to make a route class, for example:
router = APIRouter(route_class=GzipRoute)


How to write offline test cases for FastAPI dependency?

I currently have the following code for my classification model server. The classifier is passed as a dependency to the index (/) function.
import asyncio
import httpx
class Classifier():
def __init__(
) -> None:
self.client = httpx.AsyncClient()
self.semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(concurrency_limit)
async def download_async(self, url):
async with self.semaphore:
response = await self.client.get(url)
return await response.aread()
async def run(
self, image_urls
image_list = await asyncio.gather(
*[self.download_async(url) for i, url in enumerate(image_urls)]
# Infer Images
async def classifier_dependency() -> Classifier:
return Classifier(
async def index(
data, classifier = Depends(classifier_dependency)
) -> Dict:
results = await
I am trying to write tests for the API which can be run offline. I basically want to much the response from httpx.get(). Here is what I am currently doing.
class AsyncMock(MagicMock): # Not needed if using Python 3.8
async def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super(AsyncMock, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
def update_mock_dependency(image_bytes):
response = AsyncMock(name="Response")
response.aread.return_value = image_bytes
async def override_dependency():
classifier = Classifier(
async def f(_):
return response
classifier.client.get = f
return classifier
server.dependency_overrides[classifier_dependency] = override_dependency
def test_successful_inference(image_bytes, image_urls):
Test that the model output is similar to the expected output.
data = {"images": image_urls}
response ="/", json=data)
assert response.status_code == 200,
I'm not sure how to go about it right now in a clean way. Is there a better alternative using mock.patch instead of manually overriding the httpx.get function?

FastAPI, Pytest TypeError: object dict can't be used in 'await' expression

I am writing an API using FastAPI when I run with uvicorn everything is normal, I get the error when I want to run a test using the FastAPI TestClient.
This is the error:
async def get_user_id(conn, user):
collection = conn.CIA.get_collection("Employees_Info")
user = await collection.find_one({'name':user},{"_id":1, "name":0, "password":0})
TypeError: object dict can't be used in 'await' expression
db\ TypeError
project structure:
This is the code of the test, I am using mongomock, I don't know if this will be the root of the problem:
import collections
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
from fastapi import status
from main import app
from mongoengine import connect, disconnect, get_connection
from db.db_conn import db
client = TestClient(app)
connect('mongoenginetest', host='mongomock://localhost', alias='testdb')
db.client = get_connection('testdb')
db.client.CIA.Employees_Info.insert_one({"name": "user_Name","password": "week"})
def test_ping():
response = client.get("/")
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
assert response.json() == {"message": "Conectado"}
def test_login():
data = {"username":'user_name', 'password':'week'}
response ="/login", data=data)
assert response.headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
I tried performing the Async test according to the FastAPI documentation but it doesn't work either, if I use the "normal" database the test works."/login", tags=["user"], response_model=Token)
async def login_for_access_token(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends(),
db: AsyncIOMotorClient = Depends(get_database)):
authenticate_user_id = await authenticate_user(db, form_data.username, form_data.password)
if not authenticate_user_id:
raise HTTPException(
detail="Incorrect username or password",
headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
access_token = create_access_token(data={"user_id": str(authenticate_user_id["_id"])})
return {"access_token": access_token, "token_type": "bearer"}
async def authenticate_user(conn:AsyncIOMotorClient, username, password):
user_id = await verify_user(conn, username)
if not user_id:
return False
if not await verify_password(conn, user_id, password):
return False
return user_id
async def verify_user(conn, user):
return await get_user_id(conn,user)
async def verify_password(conn, user_id, password):
return pbkdf2_sha256.verify(password, await get_password(conn, user_id))
async def get_user_id(conn, user):
collection = conn.CIA.get_collection("Employees_Info")
user = await collection.find_one({'name':user},{"_id":1, "name":0, "password":0})
if user:
return user
async def get_password(conn, user_id):
collection = conn.CIA.get_collection("Employees_Info")
db = await collection.find_one(user_id)
if db:
return db['password']
Maybe you need install pytest-asyncio.Here more info
collection.find_one() is not a async function, so you are trying to await the result of the function which is a dict, that is why you are getting the error TypeError: object dict can't be used in 'await' expression you are awaiting a dict, not a coroutine which would be returned by an async function.
To fix you code just remove await from
db = await collection.find_one(user_id)
When you do that, you won't really need it to be a async function, so you can just define it regularly, but you will than have to change all the function calls and remove the await from them, otherwise you will get this error again
Full code:
def get_user_id(conn, user):
collection = conn.CIA.get_collection("Employees_Info")
user = collection.find_one({'name':user},{"_id":1, "name":0, "password":0})
if user:
return user
def get_password(conn, user_id):
collection = conn.CIA.get_collection("Employees_Info")
db = collection.find_one(user_id)
if db:
return db['password']
def authenticate_user(conn:AsyncIOMotorClient, username, password):
user_id = verify_user(conn, username)
if not user_id:
return False
if not verify_password(conn, user_id, password):
return False
return user_id
def verify_user(conn, user):
return get_user_id(conn,user)
def verify_password(conn, user_id, password):
return pbkdf2_sha256.verify(password, get_password(conn, user_id))
# This probably has to stay as an async function, I'm not sure how the module works"/login", tags=["user"], response_model=Token)
async def login_for_access_token(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends(),
db: AsyncIOMotorClient = Depends(get_database)):
authenticate_user_id = authenticate_user(db, form_data.username, form_data.password)
if not authenticate_user_id:
raise HTTPException(
detail="Incorrect username or password",
headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
access_token = create_access_token(data={"user_id": str(authenticate_user_id["_id"])})
return {"access_token": access_token, "token_type": "bearer"}
import collections
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
from fastapi import status
from main import app
from mongoengine import connect, disconnect, get_connection
from db.db_conn import db
client = TestClient(app)
connect('mongoenginetest', host='mongomock://localhost', alias='testdb')
db.client = get_connection('testdb')
db.client.CIA.Employees_Info.insert_one({"name": "user_Name","password": "week"})
def test_ping():
response = client.get("/")
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
assert response.json() == {"message": "Conectado"}
def test_login():
data = {"username":'user_name', 'password':'week'}
response ="/login", data=data)
assert response.headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK

Receiving streaming data after implementing asyncio websockets as a class?

My question is closely related to the following question on Stackoverflow and the documentation here.
I am defining a websockets-connection as a class. Next, I create a new class where I call the earlier defined websocket-class as and tell which data to send to the websocket with self.request.
My problem is that the current script only runs once, whereas my desired output is continuous data.
The second link shows that I can retrieve continuous / streaming data using
I include all of the above code in my code (call_api is defined differently due to the desire to write it as a class). Below is my code:
import sys, json
import asyncio
from websockets import connect
class EchoWebsocket:
def __init__(self, URL, CLIENT_ID=None, CLIENT_SECRET=None):
self.url = URL
self.client_id = CLIENT_ID
self.client_secret = CLIENT_SECRET
async def __aenter__(self):
self._conn = connect(self.url)
self.websocket = await self._conn.__aenter__()
return self
async def __aexit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
await self._conn.__aexit__(*args, **kwargs)
async def send(self, message):
await self.websocket.send(message)
async def receive(self):
return await self.websocket.recv()
class DERIBIT:
def __init__(self): = EchoWebsocket(URL='wss://')
self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
self.request = \
{"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "public/subscribe",
"id": 42,
"params": {
"channels": ["deribit_price_index.btc_usd"]}
def get_ticks(self):
return self.loop.run_until_complete(self.__async__get_ticks())
async def __async__get_ticks(self):
async with as echo:
await echo.send(json.dumps(self.request))
response = await echo.receive()
if __name__ == "__main__":
deribit = DERIBIT()
This script gives the following output:
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "public/subscribe", "id": 42, "params": {"channels": ["deribit_price_index.btc_usd"]}}
whereas I would like to see
Please advice.
I only worked with Tornado's websockets but they work pretty well and Tornado has many helpers for dealing with async code:
import json
import tornado
from tornado.ioloop import PeriodicCallback
from tornado.websocket import websocket_connect
class EchoWebsocket:
def __init__(self, url, client_id=None, client_secret=None):
self.url = url
self.client_id = client_id
self.client_secret = client_secret
self.websocket = None
async def connect(self):
if not self.websocket:
self.websocket = await websocket_connect(self.url)
async def close(self):
await self.websocket.close()
self.websocket = None
async def read(self):
return await self.websocket.read_message()
async def write(self, message):
await self.websocket.write_message(message)
class DERIBIT:
def __init__(self): = EchoWebsocket(url='wss://')
self.request = {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "public/subscribe",
"id": 42,
"params": {
"channels": ["deribit_price_index.btc_usd"]}
self.callback = PeriodicCallback(self.get_ticks, 1000)
async def get_ticks(self):
if not
response = await
if __name__ == "__main__":
deribit = DERIBIT()
The example above could be simplified a lot if you integrate the websocket into the DERIBIT class rather than create a separate class for it.
the problem is in the function
first loop.run_until_complete run until the future is complete doc run_until_complete
that mean your function receive will run only one response. run_until_complete is not a callback function!.
so in your case the main:
deribit.get_ticks() -> run the future instance __async__get_ticks
so __async__get_ticks is task: let's see what the task do: ws connection:
2.send request
3.wait the response of the ws
4. print(response)
here the task is done that why you see only one line
async def __async__get_ticks(self):
async with as echo:
await echo.send(json.dumps(self.request))
response = await echo.receive()
after explanation: the solution will be simple:
need to wrap the line response
with while
async def __async__get_ticks(self):
async with as echo:
await echo.send(json.dumps(self.request))
while True:
response = await echo.receive()

How do I Mock the coroutine json() when using aiohttp.ClientSession.get

I want to mock the json() coroutine from the aiohttp.ClientSession.get method. It looks to return an async generator object, which is where I'm confused on how to mock in my example. Here is my code:
async def get_access_token():
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(auth=auth_credentials) as client:
async with client.get(auth_path, params={'grant_type': 'client_credentials'}) as auth_response:
assert auth_response.status == 200
auth_json = await auth_response.json()
return auth_json['access_token']
This is my test case to mock the get method:
json_data = [{
'access_token': 'HSG9hsf328bJSWO82sl',
'expires_in': 86399,
'token_type': 'bearer'
class AsyncMock:
async def __aenter__(self):
return self
async def __aexit__(self, *error_info):
return self
async def test_wow_api_invalid_credentials(monkeypatch, mocker):
def mock_client_get(self, auth_path, params):
mock_response = AsyncMock()
mock_response.status = 200
mock_response.json = mocker.MagicMock(return_value=json_data)
return mock_response
monkeypatch.setattr('wow.aiohttp.ClientSession.get', mock_client_get)
result = await wow.get_access_token()
assert result == 'HSG9hsf328bJSWO82sl'
I think the problem might be that mock_response.json() is not awaitable. In my example I can't call await from a non async function so I'm confused on how I would do that. I would like to keep the test libraries to a minimum which is pytest and pytest-asyncio for the learning experiencing and to rely less on 3rd party libraries.
I was making it more complicated than it needed to be. I simply defined json as an awaitable attribute of AsyncMock which returns the json_data. The complete code looks like this:
json_data = {
'access_token': 'HSG9hsf328bJSWO82sl',
'expires_in': 86399,
'token_type': 'bearer'
class AsyncMock:
async def __aenter__(self):
return self
async def __aexit__(self, *error_info):
return self
async def json(self):
return json_data
async def test_wow_api_invalid_credentials(monkeypatch):
def mock_client_get(self, auth_path, params):
mock_response = AsyncMock()
mock_response.status = 200
return mock_response
monkeypatch.setattr('wow.aiohttp.ClientSession.get', mock_client_get)
result = await wow.get_access_token()
assert result == 'HSG9hsf328bJSWO82sl'
This is part 1, but i suggest you watch part2.
Im not sure i understand your question totally, because using async def or #asyncio.coroutine can help you do this. Actually, i want to write it as comment, however there are so many differences that i can't put it into comment.
import asyncio
json_ = [{
'access_token': 'HSG9hsf328bJSWO82sl',
'expires_in': 86399,
'token_type': 'bearer'
async def response_from_sun():
return json_
class AsyncMock:
async def specify(self):
return self.json[0].get("access_token")
async def __aenter__(self):
return self
async def __aexit__(self, *error_info):
return self
async def mock_client_get():
mock_response = AsyncMock()
mock_response.status = 200
mock_response.json = await response_from_sun()
return mock_response
async def go():
resp = await mock_client_get()
result = await resp.specify()
assert result == 'HSG9hsf328bJSWO82sl'
After adding my answer, i found there is a problem about your mock_response content. Becausemock_response does not contain variable and function which ClientResponse have.
Edit: I try many times and watch ClientSession's code, then i found you can specify a new response class by its parameter. Note: connector=aiohttp.TCPConnector(verify_ssl=False) is unnecessary
import asyncio
import aiohttp
class Mock(aiohttp.ClientResponse):
async def specify(self):
json_ = (await self.json()).get("hello")
return json_
async def go():
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=aiohttp.TCPConnector(verify_ssl=False),response_class=Mock) as session:
resp = await session.get("")
result = await resp.specify()
assert result == 'world'

Python Mock with Aiohttp isn't mocking

I'm using AioHttp to implement a service at work, and during my tests, I'm mocking a method, the issue is there the call for the method is calling the real instead of the mocked method.
async def test_view_job(self, mocked_method):
json = {
"edl": "somedata"
response = await self.client.request("PUT", "/v1/job", json=json)
assert response.status == 200
So I get this error on the assertion of the mock:
msg = "Expected 'add_job_to_db' to be called once. Called 0 times."
My method on the
async def __call__(self, request):
"""Faz post do Job na fila do Render"""
data = await request.json()
job_id = uuid.uuid4()
job = Jobs(
add_job_to_db(['db'], job)
return web.Response(status=200)
except DatabaseError as e:
return web.Response(status=500)
Yes, is a callable method inside a class. The test work fine without the mocking. But I need to mock the call for the db, and I'm not having luck so far.
Any ideas?
Use asynctest package
Don't forget to use #asyncio.coroutine decorator around the unit test
Patch the object where it is used, in this case it export_api.main.add_job_to_db
I'm the author of mocket and few days ago I released the version 2.0.0 which fully supports asyncio/aiohttp.
Here is the same example of code mocking a URL on HTTP and on HTTPS:
import aiohttp
import asyncio
import async_timeout
from unittest import TestCase
from mocket.mocket import mocketize
from mocket.mockhttp import Entry
class AioHttpEntryTestCase(TestCase):
def test_http_session(self):
url = ''
body = "asd" * 100
Entry.single_register(Entry.GET, url, body=body, status=404)
Entry.single_register(Entry.POST, url, body=body*2, status=201)
async def main(l):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=l) as session:
with async_timeout.timeout(3):
async with session.get(url) as get_response:
assert get_response.status == 404
assert await get_response.text() == body
with async_timeout.timeout(3):
async with, data=body * 6) as post_response:
assert post_response.status == 201
assert await post_response.text() == body * 2
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
def test_https_session(self):
url = ''
body = "asd" * 100
Entry.single_register(Entry.GET, url, body=body, status=404)
Entry.single_register(Entry.POST, url, body=body*2, status=201)
async def main(l):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=l) as session:
with async_timeout.timeout(3):
async with session.get(url) as get_response:
assert get_response.status == 404
assert await get_response.text() == body
with async_timeout.timeout(3):
async with, data=body * 6) as post_response:
assert post_response.status == 201
assert await post_response.text() == body * 2
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
