Permission error [Errno13]Permission denied while installing robotframework-SikuliLibrary - python

I have a Linux machine with Ubuntu rel 20.10, I'm using the robot framework with Eclipse. I have a problem with a Sikulilibrary
doesnt'work. I tried to pip install robotframework-SikuliLibrary,
But i have this error
> Exception : Initializing test library Sikulilibrary with no arguments
> failed:Permission error[Errno13]Permission denied
I tried to install Selenium library all is ok,do you have any questions about this issue?
Robotframework 3.2
Python 3.8.6
Thanks a lot

pip wants to install the package in your system, and you don't have the right to write here. But... Do NOT use sudo with pip. This will install system-wide and can break your installation or a package can overwrite this one.
Use virtualenv, or pipenv.
E.g. To use virtualenv:
cd your-project
python -mvenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
# and then
pip install XXX
You will need to call source .venv/bin/activate anytime you want to work and launch your project. The behavior is to change the installation path to a local path (and not your system).
Or, like said #BIOS in comment, use your "home" installation with "--user" option to install in ~/.local/lib.

Make sure that you are adding the module in the correct Python installation (your Python 3.8 and not the system Python) and that you are installing in your home directory. This way no special permission will be needed.
pip3 install --user robotframework-SikuliLibrary
The above will install the package in the user site-packages directory of the current (running) Python. In my case it is ~/.local/lib/Python3.9/site-packages, which is already in my PATH. It should be the case for you too, so you should be good to go.
Otherwise, if you have problems like ModuleNotFoundError just find your site-packages directory with:
python3 -m site
You will have it under USER_SITE. Take note of it and add it to PATH following help from this question.
Otherwise, like #Metal3D said, you could use a virtual environment


What is the difference between installing a package in my Windows CMD and in VS Code terminal?

I am doing this project where i need to install a package called Twint.
I want to install this package and use it's commands in my VS Code.
What happends when i for example type this in my Windows CMD?
pip3 install --user --upgrade git+
Because i can't type this in my VS code terminal, where i usually install packages with pip.
It will return an error that says ERROR: Cannot find command 'git' - do you have 'git' installed and in your PATH?''
Now if i run this in my Windows Command it seems that i can't directly import the package in VS code?
Can anyone help me out with this confusion, where does the files get stored and how do i create good habbits around installing packages?
Hope someone understands what im struggeling with here.
It is often the case that computers have more than one version of python installed and that editors like VS code use a different version than pip uses on the command line. pip installs packages where the version of python it is linked to expects them to be, but VScode doesn't know to look there.
It sounds like you have git installed where pip installs things, so you can upgrade from the command line without issue, but there's no installation of git where VScode is looking, so there's nothing to upgrade.
You either need to find where pip installs things and add it to the $PATH VScode uses, or try running a variation of python -m pip install --user git (specifying a specific url, or other things, as needed) from within VScode, which will ensure the package gets installed in a place that VScode looks for packages.
Download and Install git in your windows from here:
Then add its installation bin path to your windows's environment path. Then you will find the git command at the command prompt globally.
This may solve you problem.

Installing pyobjc on a Mac

I am facing problems installing pyobjc on my mac.
Basically I have to install pyobjc on a new Mac System in the system default python. I have so far tried easy_install, pip and downloading the pkg file and installing. All give me a error in different ways. Some give me a error saying certain safari files are missing other cant due to some permission being denied even though I am running them through sudo su.
I then found a fix.
pip install pyobjc --user
This worked and I could access all the modules I required, but then if I try running python through sudo, I cant access those modules.
Can anyone suggest a fix for this.
NOTE: I don't mind a different method to install also. Also I have not tried brew due to some previous difficulties with it.
NOTE 2: I need to be able to access those modules using all users on the computer, the root user and me(the non-root user)
i had to (temporarily) move (using sudo) /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/Extras.pth to another name before I could install the current pyobjc.
This is what works for me:
sudo mv /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/Extras.pth /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/Extras.pth_orig
pip install --upgrade pyobjc
sudo mv /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/Extras.pth_orig /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/Extras.pth
It appears that something in the .pth file interferes with the install, but does not impede running pyobjc.
but then if I try running python through sudo, I cant access those
Because sudo python basically means run python as some other user (root by default). That user may have a different set of environment variables, including $PATH.
Some of linux distributions use older Python version for root user,like centos.If the Python verison you're running with sudo isn't correct,you can't access those modules installed by pip.
So in my opinion,if you didn't get permission issues,you don't need to use sudo ,using sudo might bring unexpected mistakes(most environment variables issues),maybe chown or chmod can fix those issues.
So here are my plans:
Plan A: The best way is to try to use virtualenv.
Plan B: Install modules without sudo command,if got permission errors(not very common),try --user .
Install to the Python user install directory for your platform.
Typically ~/.local/, or %APPDATA%Python on Windows.
In most cases,you should modify your PYTHONPATH.See details from How do I access packages installed by pip --user.
Plan C: All related commands are executed with sudo.sudo pip install (all modules) and sudo python a good idea.

Installing python packages with no installation directory acces and no pip/easy_install/virtual_env

At work we have python installed, but no additional modules. I want to import some scipy modules but I have no access to the python directory for installation.
Similar questions have been asked on StackOverflow, but the answers always assumed easy install, pip or virtualenv were installed. At my workplace, none of these packages are installed. It's just the plain python installation and nothing else.
Is there still an option for me for installing modules in my local folder and calling them from python? If so, how do I go about it?
Not exactly installing modules on your local folder, but a solution nonetheless:
I used to work for a company that used windows and didn't have admin access, so I ended up using Portable python.
It seems portable python is no longer mantained, but you can see some other portable python solutions on their site, most of which you can run straight from your usb.
You can download pip from here and install it without root privileges by typing:
python --user
This will install to directory with prefix $HOME/.local so the pip executable will be in the directory $HOME/.local/bin/pip, for your convenience you can add this directory to $PATH by adding to end of .bashrc file this string
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin/:$PATH
After this you can install any packages by typing
pip install package --user
Or you can alternatively compile the python distribution from source code and install to your home directory to directory $HOME/.local or $HOME/opt or any subfolder of $HOME you prefer, let's call this path $PREFIX. For doing this you have to download python source code from official site, unpack it and then run
./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --enable-shared
make install
And then add python binary to $PATH, python libraries to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, by adding to the end of $HOME/.bashrc file whit strings
export PATH=$PREFIX/bin:$PATH
and when after restarting bash you can also run
and pip and will be installed automatically to your $PREFIX directory. And all other packages those you will install with pip will be automatically installed also to $PREFIX directory. This way is more involved, but it allows you to have the last version of python.

Why can't I install setuptools on my Centos 6 VPS?

I'm trying to install setuptools for Python2.7 on a Centos 6 VPS with Digital Ocean using this tutorial. When I reach the step where you "Intall setuptools using the Python we've installed (2.7.6)", I get this error:
[username#hotsname setuptools-1.4.2]$ python2.7 install
running install
error: can't create or remove files in install directory
The following error occurred while trying to add or remove files in the
installation directory:
[Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/test-easy-install-1111.write-test'
The installation directory you specified (via --install-dir, --prefix, or
the distutils default setting) was:
Perhaps your account does not have write access to this directory? If the
installation directory is a system-owned directory, you may need to sign in
as the administrator or "root" account. If you do not have administrative
access to this machine, you may wish to choose a different installation
directory, preferably one that is listed in your PYTHONPATH environment
For information on other options, you may wish to consult the
documentation at:
Please make the appropriate changes for your system and try again.
Now, I previously followed instructions on the same digital ocean community site to give the user executing the above root privileges. When I try to use sudo to do this task, I get:
[username#hostname setuptools-1.4.2]$ sudo python2.7 install
[sudo] password for username:
sudo: python2.7: command not found
So I'm a little confused. I feel like I'm probably missing something simple. Digital Ocena was unable to provide further support on this. I've worked with virtualenv for a long time and am familiar with what to do once I get it installed, I'm just stuck here as it's my first time setting up a Centos host. Can you tell what I'm missing?
Thank you!
Changing to root user did the trick. Thanks CasualDemon.
Nowadays, if you'd like to install setuptools & pip easily, you can run this file with your python interpreter:
You made need administrator (root) privileges for installing it to your system python (e.g sudo python
Afterwards you can upgrade pip and/or setuptools through e.g:
$ pip install -U setuptools
$ pip install -U pip
I recommend for most python development you only install setuptools, pip, and virtualenv as root (or purely virtualenv, if you're being conservative). After, you can use virtualenv virtual environments to create isolated python environments which don't need to install to the system python or affect its installed packages. That way no other python (and/or pip invocations) needs to be run as root.

Have MySQLdb installed, works outside of virtualenv but inside it doesn't exist. How to resolve?

I'm using the most recent versions of all software (Django, Python, virtualenv, MySQLdb) and I can't get this to work. When I run "import MySQLdb" in the python prompt from outside of the virtualenv, it works, inside it says "ImportError: No module named MySQLdb".
I'm trying to learn Python and Linux web development. I know that it's easiest to use SQLLite, but I want to learn how to develop larger-scale applications comparable to what I can do in .NET. I've read every blog post on Google and every post here on StackOverflow and they all suggest that I run "sudo pip install mysql-python" but it just says "Requirement already satisfied: mysql-python in /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7"
Any help would be appreciated! I'm stuck over here and don't want to throw in the towel and just go back to doing this on Microsoft technologies because I can't even get a basic dev environment up and running.
If you have created the virtualenv with the --no-site-packages switch (the default), then system-wide installed additions such as MySQLdb are not included in the virtual environment packages.
You need to install MySQLdb with the pip command installed with the virtualenv. Either activate the virtualenv with the bin/activate script, or use bin/pip from within the virtualenv to install the MySQLdb library locally as well.
Alternatively, create a new virtualenv with system site-packages included by using the --system-site-package switch.
source $ENV_PATH/bin/activate
pip uninstall MySQL-python
pip install MySQL-python
this worked for me.
I went through same problem, but using pip from virtualenv didn't solve the problem as I got this error
error: could not delete '/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/': Permission denied
Earlier I had installed the package by sudo pip install mysql-python
To solve, copy files /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/MySQL_python-1.2.5-py2.7.egg-info and /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/_mysql* to ~/v/lib/python-2.7/site-packages and include /usr/local/mysql/lib in DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH env variable.
For the second step I am doing export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mysql/lib in ~/.profile
