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List of lists changes reflected across sublists unexpectedly
(17 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'm trying to track how many times a selection was made in a 2D array and how many times it was played in another array (it has to deal with having multiple mp3's in a directory). Not even sure I'm describing it well, but hopefully my example will show my issue.
If you take the code below (and don't have the "PlayHistory.csv" file created), run it, type "A1" you will see two 2D arrays print out. Specifically look at entries for "A1". The Selection Count is 0 and Allowed Selection Count is 1. This is what I'd expect. Now, close the program (or IDE in my case) the "PlayHistory.csv" file is present and notice A1 entry is 0). Run the program again and use "A1" as your input and you'll see both the Selection Count is 1 and the Allowed Selection Count is 1. I'm not even updating the SelectionCount array in the attached code. How is this happening?
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os, sys, csv, vlc, time, serial
from pynput.keyboard import Key, Listener
USBDrive = None
Action = None
Playlist = []
SelectionCount = []
AllowedCount = []
Sel_char = None
Queue_counter = 0
Play_counter = 0
# Create/Find/Open PlayHistory.csv
# Create media folders as needed if new PlayHistory file is created
USBDrive = os.path.join("/media/pi", "USB30FD")
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(USBDrive, PlayHistory)):
datafile = open(os.path.join(USBDrive, PlayHistory), 'r+')
datareader = csv.reader(datafile, delimiter=',')
for row in datareader:
datafile = open(os.path.join(USBDrive, PlayHistory), 'w+')
datawriter = csv.writer(datafile, delimiter=',')
datawriter.writerow(['Selection', 'Count'])
SelectionCount.append(['Selection', 'Count'])
AllowedCount.append(['Selection', 'Count'])
for x in range (65, 87):
if x == 73 or x == 79:
for y in range (1,11):
if y == 10:
datawriter.writerow([chr(x) + str(0),0])
SelectionCount.append([chr(x) + str(0),0])
AllowedCount.append([chr(x) + str(0),0])
# if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(USBDrive, chr(x) + str(0))):
# os.makedirs(os.path.join(USBDrive, chr(x) + str(0)))
datawriter.writerow([chr(x) + str(y),0])
SelectionCount.append([chr(x) + str(y),0])
AllowedCount.append([chr(x) + str(y),0])
# if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(USBDrive, chr(x) + str(y))):
# os.makedirs(os.path.join(USBDrive, chr(x) + str(y)))
#AllowedCount == SelectionCount
# Find location of Selection in SelectionCount 2D array
def find(l, elem):
for row, i in enumerate(l):
column = i.index(elem)
except ValueError:
return row, column
return -1
# MediaPlayer function
def QueueTracker(tracker, selection):
global Queue_counter, Play_counter
if tracker == "Queue":
Queue_counter = Queue_counter + 1
elif tracker == "Play":
print("Play Counter")
Play_counter = Play_counter + 1
count1,count2=find(SelectionCount, selection)
#SelectionCount[count1][1] = int(SelectionCount[count1][1]) + 1
print("SelectionCount: " + str(SelectionCount[count1][1]))
elif tracker == "Allowed":
print("Allowed Counter")
acount1,acount2=find(AllowedCount, selection)
AllowedCount[acount1][1] = int(AllowedCount[acount1][1]) + 1
print("AllowedSelectionCount: " + str(AllowedCount[acount1][1]))
print("Selected Count")
print("Allowed Selection Count")
# Define keyboard actions
def on_press(key):
global Action
Sel_char = int(key.char)
Sel_char = str(key.char)
Sel_char = Sel_char.upper()
Sel_char = None
if Sel_char == "Z":
return False
elif Sel_char == "Y":
print("Play Track")
QueueTracker("Played", "A1")
elif type(Sel_char) == str:
Action = Sel_char
elif type(Sel_char) == int:
Action = Action + str(Sel_char)
QueueTracker("Allowed", "A1")
# Read keyboard input
with Listener(on_press=on_press) as listener:
# Program is shutting down
print ("")
print ("Writing Play Counts to PlayHistory file")
datafile = open(os.path.join(USBDrive, PlayHistory), 'w+')
datawriter = csv.writer(datafile, delimiter=',')
print ("")
print ("Have a nice day!")
print ("")
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks! Brian
Your assessment was essentially correct:
for row in datareader:
That does not make two copies. That makes two pointers to one list. If you modify the list in SelectionCount[0], that will also modify AllowedCount[0]. Change that to
for row in datareader:
You might also consider this simplification to your first loop creating the CSV data:
for y in range (10):
datawriter.writerow([x + str(y),0])
SelectionCount.append([x + str(y),0])
AllowedCount.append([x + str(y),0])
I'm trying to run a simple tic tac toe game script in python. I use a list to track in which cell of the table there is a "X", an "Y" or nothing. to set the value you have to input the coordinate of the cell you want to play in and if the coordinate doesn't exist or it is already occupied, you get an error message and the game ask you to input again. the problem is that whenever i input a number, i get the error message and the program stop. I can't spot the error, can anyone help me?
the cose is the following:
class Tris:
def __init__(self, xo = True):
self.tabella = [0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0] # -this is the starting table
self.xo = xo # -to check if it is "x" turn or "o" turn
self.finito = False # -to check if the game is unfinished
# -just to print grafic style of the table: ignore that
def print_tabella(self):
giocatore = "X" if self.xo else "Y"
tabella_convertita = self.tabella
for n, i in enumerate(tabella_convertita):
if i == 0:
tabella_convertita[n] = " "
elif i == 1:
tabella_convertita[n] = "X"
tabella_convertita[n] = "O"
t1 = "|".join(str(i) for i in tabella_convertita[0:3])
t2 = "|".join(str(i) for i in tabella_convertita[3:6])
t3 = "|".join(str(i) for i in tabella_convertita[6:9])
spazio_casella = "-+-+-"
testo_segnaposto = """use following numbers to set X/O:
turno_di = f"turn : {giocatore}"
tab_finale = t1 + "\n" + spazio_casella + "\n" + t2 + "\n" + spazio_casella + "\n" + t3 + "\n"+ testo_segnaposto +"\n" + turno_di
return tab_finale
def controlla(self, casella):
if casella.isalpha(): # check if the input is not numerical
return False
if not 0 <= int(casella) <= 8: # the value must be between 0 and 8
return False
return self.tabella[int(casella)] == 0 # the cell must not be containing another symbol
def is_winner(self): # check if there is a row, a column or a diagonal with the same symbol
lista_righe = [[self.tabella[0], self.tabella[1], self.tabella[2]], [self.tabella[3], self.tabella[4], self.tabella[5]],
[self.tabella[6], self.tabella[7], self.tabella[8]]]
lista_colonne = [[self.tabella[0], self.tabella[3], self.tabella[6]], [self.tabella[1], self.tabella[4], self.tabella[7]],
[self.tabella[2], self.tabella[5], self.tabella[8]]]
lista_diagonali = [[self.tabella[0], self.tabella[4], self.tabella[8]], [self.tabella[2], self.tabella[4], self.tabella[6]], ]
lista_vincite = [lista_colonne, lista_diagonali, lista_righe]
winner = False
for i in lista_vincite:
for liste in i:
if liste[0] == liste[1] and liste[1] == liste[2] and liste[0] != 0:
winner = True
return winner
def gioca(self):
while self.finito == False: # check if the game is finished
if self.is_winner(): # check if there is a winner
self.finito = True
print(self.print_tabella()) # print the table in grafic form
inp = input("choose a number to set X/O: ")
if not self.controlla(inp): # check if the input is in valid form
print("invalid number or cell already used") # or if the chosen cell is available
self.xo = not self.xo # to track if it is X turn or O turn
if self.xo:
self.tabella[int(inp)] = 1
self.tabella[int(inp)] = 2
gioco_tris = Tris()
The problem is that print_tabella mutates tabella. When you do:
tabella_convertita = self.tabella
... you are not creating a new list, but just a synonym for self.tabella. So whatever you do to tabella_convertita is happening to self.tabella: the numeric content gets replaced with characters.
Instead do:
tabella_convertita = self.tabella[:]
Reading in the data text file,
Running loops to check criteria for valid and invalid student numbers.
Then trying to write 2 text files, one for the invalid student numbers and one for the valid student numbers
This far everything works accept no text files written and no data written to text files at the end
Here is the Script so far
inputList = []
outputList = []
def FileOpen(myList):
INFILE=open("data.txt", "r")
for line in INFILE:
return count
# print("File could not be found")
# exit()
print(FileOpen(inputList),"number of lines read from file")
def AnalyseStudents(rawStudents,totalStudents):
for entry in rawStudents:
amountOfDigits = len(entry)
testOfDigits = entry.isdigit()
def inValid1(val1,val2):
answ = val1 != 8 and val2 != True
return answ
def Valid1(val1,val2):
answ = val1 == 8 and val2 == True
return answ
if inValidResult1:
print(entry, " is an INVALID student number")
elif validResult1:
sum = float((a*8)+(b*7)+(c*6)+(d*5)+(e*4)+(f*3)+(g*2)+(h*1))
result = sum%11
def inValid2 (val):
answ = val != 0
return answ
def Valid2 (val):
answ = val == 0
return answ
if validResult2:
print(entry, " is an VALID student number")
elif inValidResult2:
print(entry, " is an INVALID student number")
def Write(outList):
if outList == (" is an VALID student number"):
for validResult in outList:
elif outList == (" is an INVALID student number"):
for inValidResults in outList:
print("See output files for more details")
Your equality statements are wrong
if outList == (" is an VALID student number"):
elif outList == (" is an INVALID student number"):
The outList is a list but you are comparing it to strings. Put a debug breakpoint at those if statements and decide what you want.
I'm still working my way through this, but for the first function, you can use list comprehension and a couple of other Python functions. Commentary is included.
inputList = []
outputList = []
# Change parameter to the name of the file you want to open.
# Here, we can just make the parameter optional and pass your
# text file name by default.
def FileOpen(filename="data.txt"):
# Using with keeps the open file in context until it's finished
# it will then close automatically.
with open(filename, "r") as INFILE:
# Reach all the data at once and then try to decode it.
data =
data = data.decode("utf-8")
# If data can't be decoded, then it doesn't have that attribute.
# Catch that exception
except AttributeError:
# Python 3 has a string method called .splitlines() that makes
# splitting lines a little simpler.
myList = [line for line in data.splitlines()]
# We'll return two values: The length (or count) of the list
# and the actual list.
return len(myList), myList
# We set up two variables for intake of our count and list results.
count, myList = FileOpen()
print("{} number of lines read from file".format(count))
EDIT: I don't know what the last part of your code is aiming to do. Maybe compare student count to valid entries? Here's the middle part. I moved the function outside and made it evaluate either valid or invalid in one fell swoop.
def is_valid(entry_value):
"""Validate current entry."""
if len(entry_value) != 8 and entry_value.isnumeric():
return False
return True
def AnalyseStudents(rawStudents, totalStudents):
for entry in rawStudents:
# Our new function will return True if the entry is valid
# So we can rework our function to run through the True condition
# first.
if is_valid(entry):
entry_sum = entry[0] * 8
entry_sum += entry[1] * 7
entry_sum += entry[2] * 6
entry_sum += entry[3] * 5
entry_sum += entry[4] * 4
entry_sum += entry[5] * 3
entry_sum += entry[6] * 2
entry_sum += entry[7] * 1
if entry_sum % 11 == 0:
print(entry, " is an VALID student number")
print(entry, " is an INVALID student number")
print(entry, " is an INVALID student number")
AnalyseStudents(inputList, outputList)
I'm making a scalable tic tac toe game in Tkinter (meaning the board size can be 2x2 up to whatever fits the screen). I'm using cget("image") to find what mark a button has. For some reason, the win check displays very random things. I've tried a lot of semi-random things to fix it, but had no success in fixing it. Here's the code:
from tkinter import *
class XOGame:
def main_game(self):
self.__game_window = Tk()
self.__grid_size = 3 # User inputted in a different part of the code
self.__game_window.title("Tic Tac Toe (" + str(self.__grid_size) + "x"
+ str(self.__grid_size) + ")")
# this is user inputted in a different part of the program.
self.__players = ["p1", "p2"]
self.__player1 = self.__players[0]
self.__player2 = self.__players[1]
def build_board(self, window):
self.__size = self.__grid_size ** 2
self.__turn_nr = 1
self.__win = False
self.__empty_square = PhotoImage(master=window,
self.__x = PhotoImage(master=window,
self.__o = PhotoImage(master=window,
self.__squares = [None] * self.__size
# Building the buttons and gridding them
for i in range(self.__size):
self.__squares[i] = (Button(window, image=self.__empty_square))
row = 0
column = 0
number = 1
for j in self.__squares:
j.grid(row=row, column=column)
j.config(command=lambda index=self.__squares.index(j):
column += 1
if number % 3 == 0:
row += 1
column = 0
number += 1
# This is the part where the picture changing happens.
def change_mark(self, i):
Function changes mark of empty button to either X or O depending on the
player in turn. It also checks if the change in mark results in a win.
:param i: The button number, whose mark is being changed
:return: None
if self.__turn_nr % 2 == 1:
self.__player_in_turn = self.__player1
self.__player_in_turn = self.__player2
if self.__player_in_turn == self.__player1:
self.__mark = self.__x
self.__mark = self.__o
self.__squares[i].configure(image=self.__mark, state=DISABLED)
self.__turn_nr += 1
if self.__win is True:
print("this is thought to be a win")
print("the game thinks this is not a win")
# Checking if the game tied.
if self.__turn_nr == self.__size + 1 and not self.__win:
print("the game thinks it tied.")
def check_win(self, i):
Checks if mark placement leads to a win.
:param i: i is the button location.
:return: None
# checks row
if self.__win == False:
for row in self.__rows:
if i + 1 in row:
self.__win = self.checksameimage(row)
if self.__win == True:
# checks column
if self.__win == False:
for column in self.__columns:
if i + 1 in column:
self.__win = self.checksameimage(column)
if self.__win == True:
# if i is in a diagonal, checks one/both diagonals
if self.__win == False:
for diag in self.__diagonals:
if i + 1 in diag:
self.__win = self.checksameimage(diag)
if self.__win == True:
return self.__win
# checking if all the images are same
# This is likely where the issue is. Either this part or checkEqual.
def checksameimage(self, lst):
images = []
for nr in lst:
except IndexError:
return self.checkEqual(images)
def checkEqual(self, lst):
Function checks if all elements in a list are equal. Used for checking
if the dice throws are the same.
:param lst: The list the check is performed on
:return: True/False, True if all elements are equal.
if all(x == lst[0] for x in lst):
return True
return False
def create_win_check_lists(self):
Creates lists whose elements are lists of the locations of each spot
of the game board that belongs to a row/column/diagonal
self.__rows = [[] for _ in range(self.__grid_size)]
for i in range(self.__grid_size):
self.__rows[i].append(i + 1)
for k in range(1, self.__grid_size):
self.__rows[i].append(i + 1 + self.__grid_size * k)
self.__columns = [[] for _ in range(self.__grid_size)]
for i in range(self.__grid_size):
for j in range(1, self.__grid_size + 1):
self.__columns[i].append(i * self.__grid_size + j)
def getDiagonals(self, lst):
self.__diagonals = [[], []]
self.__diagonals[0] = [lst[i][i] for i in range(len(lst))]
self.__diagonals[1] = [lst[i][len(lst) - i - 1] for i in
def start(self):
# Function starts the first window of the game.
def main():
ui = XOGame()
The images used in the code are 125x125. Here is a link that works for 24h:
your problem is unquestionably with indices. We can see what index each square corresponds to by changing the image to be text corresponding to the index:
Try changing this loop in build_board:
for i in range(self.__size):
self.__squares[i] = (Button(window, image=self.__empty_square))
To instead show the index it corresponds to:
for i in range(self.__size):
self.__squares[i] = (Button(window, text=str(i)))
Then print out lst passed to checksameimage and you will see that the indices you are checking are all one higher than you intended.
Desperately trying to create a code for a python TicTacToe game.
Im quite new to Python so am stuck with a feature that I want to add.
The idea is that the player can select whether he wants to play with 2, 3 players or against the computer.
He then selects whether he would like to be X or O (or Y for 3 players)
He then selects any boardsize up to 9x9.
So far so good, the two player, NbyN and X or O selection works and I have split the code into three seperate files (two classes) for ease.
I am lost with trying to figure out how to create the computer algorithm and to extend the game to 3 players.
Has anyone got any idea how I could do this?
Below is the code:
Player File:
class Player:
def __init__(self, player_name, shape):
self.player_name = player_name
self.shape = shape
def get_player_loc_input(self, rows, columns):
player_input = input('Enter in location for your move: ') # player input is with respect to field index location/values
converted_input = int(player_input)
if 1 <= converted_input <= (rows * columns): # bound checking
converted_input -= 1 # adjust from n+1 to n
transformed_value = (rows-(converted_input//columns)-1, converted_input%columns) # (row,col) tuple obj
return transformed_value
raise ValueError('Input is not an index on the playing field. Try again\n')#
TicTac File:
class TicTac:
def __init__(self, rows, columns):
#self.playing_field = [ [7,8,9], [4,5,6], [1,2,3] ] #init the playing field to their respective nums on the numpad: 3x3
self.winner_found = False
self.is_full = False
self.possible_moves_left = columns * rows
self.rows = rows
def DefineBoard():
field = []
value = (rows * columns)
for row in range(rows):
for col in range(columns):
field[row].insert(0, value)
value = value - 1
return field
self.playing_field = DefineBoard()
#value = (rows * columns)
#def decrement(x): return (x-1)
#self.playing_field = [ [ decrement(value) for i in range(columns) ] for i in range(rows)]
def DrawBoard(self): #prints playing field based on size input
for list in self.playing_field:
print('| ', end='')
for item in list:
print(str(item) + ' | ', end='')
def Instructions(self):
print('When entering in the location please enter the number of the index you want to replace with your shape.')
print('\nPrinting Initial Playing Field...')
print('\nLet the game begin!')
def PlayerMove(self, index, shape):
row, col = index[0], index[1]
field_value = self.playing_field[row][col]
#if the value is of type int we can replace it
if isinstance(field_value, int):
self.playing_field[row][col] = shape #overwrite the value
self.possible_moves_left -= 1 #reduce the moves left
#check possible moves after its been updated
if self.possible_moves_left == 0:
self.is_full = True
raise EnvironmentError('All index posistions filled.\nGame Over. Nobody won.')
#else its the Player's shape (string)
raise ValueError('Invalid Index. Position already filled. Try again.\n')
def ConsecutiveSymbols(self):
def check_list(passed_list):
#fast & quick check to tell if the "row" is incomplete
if isinstance(passed_list[0], str):
player_shape = passed_list[0] # set to first val
#compare the values to each other
for val in passed_list:
if isinstance(val, int) or player_shape != val:
return False #we found an inconsistency
return True #everything matched up
def Diagonal(orientation):
DiagonalList = []
counter = 0 if orientation is 'LtR' else self.rows-1
for row in self.playing_field:
counter = counter+1 if orientation is 'LtR' else counter-1
return DiagonalList
# check rows for match
for row_list in self.playing_field:
if check_list(row_list):
return True
#check cols for match
transposed_playing_field = [list(a) for a in zip(*self.playing_field)] #convert our tuples from zip to a list format
for col_list in transposed_playing_field:
if check_list(col_list):
return True
#check diagonals for match
if check_list(Diagonal('LtR')): #LtR \ gets replaced each time we check
return True
if check_list(Diagonal('RtL')): # RtL / gets replaced each time we check
return True
return False #if we got here then no matches were found
Main File:
from .TicTac import TicTac
from .Player import Player
except Exception:
from TicTac import TicTac
from Player import Player
def GameBegins():
Game=input("Would you like to play with 2, 3 players or against the CPU?").upper()
if Game=="2":
selection=input("Player 1: Would you like to play as X or O?").upper()
if selection == "X":
Players = {'Player_1': Player('Player_1', "X"), 'Player_2': Player('Player_2', "O")}
elif selection == "O":
Players = {'Player_1': Player('Player_1', "O"), 'Player_2': Player('Player_2', "X")}
print("Please enter either X or O")
return False
if Game=="3":
selection=input("Player 1: Would you like to play as X, O or Y?").upper()
if selection == "X":
selection2=input("Player 2: Would you like to play as O or Y?").upper()
if selection2=="O":
Players = {'Player_1': Player('Player_1', "X"),"Player_2":Player("Player_2","O"),"Player_3":Player("Player_3","Y")}
elif selection2=="Y":
Players = {'Player_1': Player('Player_1', "X"),"Player_2":Player("Player_2","Y"),"Player_3":Player("Player_3","O")}
print("Please enter either O or Y")
return False
elif selection == "O":
selection2=input("Player 2: Would you like to play as X or Y?").upper()
if selection2=="X":
Players = {'Player_1': Player('Player_1', "O"),"Player_2":Player("Player_2","X"),"Player_3":Player("Player_3","Y")}
elif selection2=="Y":
Players = {'Player_1': Player('Player_1', "O"),"Player_2":Player("Player_2","Y"),"Player_3":Player("Player_3","X")}
print("Please enter either X or Y")
return False
elif selection=="Y":
selection2=input("Player 2: Would you like to play as X or O?").upper()
if selection2=="X":
Players = {'Player_1': Player('Player_1', "Y"),"Player_2":Player("Player_2","X"),"Player_3":Player("Player_3","O")}
elif selection2=="O":
Players = {'Player_1': Player('Player_1', "Y"),"Player_2":Player("Player_2","O"),"Player_3":Player("Player_3","X")}
print("Please enter either X or O")
return False
if Game=="CPU":
x=input("enter boardsize: ")
if x >="2":
rows, columns = int(x),int(x) #Players input becomes board size
print("Please enter a boardsize of 3 or more")
global game
game = TicTac(rows, columns)
player_id = 'Player_1' # index to swap between players, Player_1 starts
while (game.winner_found == False and game.is_full == False):
print('\nIt\'s ' + Players[player_id].player_name + ' Turn')
# loop until user inputs correct index value
while True:
index = Players[player_id].get_player_loc_input(rows,columns)
shape = Players[player_id].shape
game.PlayerMove(index, shape)
except ValueError as msg:
except EnvironmentError as msg:
game.winner_found = game.ConsecutiveSymbols() # check if a player has won
if game.winner_found:
print(Players[player_id].player_name + ' has won!') # print player who won
player_id = 'Player_2' if player_id is 'Player_1' else 'Player_1' # switch between the 2 players
Replay() # Game has ended. Play Again?
def Replay():
PlayerDecision = input('\nDo you want to play again? (Y/N) ')
PlayerDecision = PlayerDecision.upper() #force to uppercase for consistency
if PlayerDecision == 'Y':
elif PlayerDecision == 'N':
for w in winners:
print('Incorrect input.')
def main():
while True:
if __name__ == '__main__':
Would really appreciate some suggestions, thanks in advance!
Been trying to learn python and therefore using a pre-made minesweeper and the exercise was to make a class of some functions. But i seem to fet the error:
line 66, in <listcomp>
values = [grid[r][c] for r,c in self.getneighbors(grid, rowno, colno)]
ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)
And i have no idea how to fix it, tried .items but i have no idea what to do. Hopefully i can get some help/tips. Thank you!
import string
import random
gridsize = int(input('SIZE:'))
numberofmines = int(input('MINES:'))
def setupgrid(gridsize,start,numberofmines):
grid = [['0' for i in range(gridsize)] for i in range(gridsize)]
mines = generatemines(grid,start,numberofmines)
p = omringande(grid)
return (grid,mines)
def showgrid(grid):
gridsize = len(grid)
horizontal = ' '+4*gridsize*'-'+'-'
# Print top column letters
toplabel = ' :) '
for i in string.ascii_lowercase[:gridsize]:
toplabel = toplabel+i+' '
print (toplabel,'\n',horizontal)
# Print left row numbers
for idx,i in enumerate(grid):
row = '{0:2} |'.format(idx+1)
for j in i:
row = row+' '+j+' |'
print (row+'\n'+horizontal)
print ('')
def getrandomcell(grid):
gridsize = len(grid)
a = random.randint(0,gridsize-1)
b = random.randint(0,gridsize-1)
return (a,b)
class omringande(object):
def __init__(self,grid):
self.grid = grid
def getneighbors(self,grid,rowno,colno):
gridsize = len(grid)
row = grid[rowno]
column = grid[rowno][colno]
neighbors = []
for i in range(-1,2):
for j in range(-1,2):
if i == 0 and j == 0: continue
elif -1<rowno+i<gridsize and -1<colno+j<gridsize:
return (row,column)
def getnumbers(self,grid):
gridsize = len(grid)
for rowno,row in enumerate(grid):
for colno,col in enumerate(row):
if col!='X':
# Gets the values of the neighbors
values = [grid[r][c] for r,c in self.getneighbors(grid, rowno, colno)]
# Counts how many are mines
grid[rowno][colno] = str(values.count('X'))
# Generate mines
def generatemines(grid,start,numberofmines):
gridsize = len(grid)
mines = []
for i in range(numberofmines):
cell = getrandomcell(grid)
while cell==(start[0],start[1]) or cell in mines:
cell = getrandomcell(grid)
for i,j in mines: grid[i][j] = 'X'
return mines
def showcells(grid,currgrid,rowno,colno):
# Exit function if the cell was already shown
if currgrid[rowno][colno]!=' ':
# Show current cell
currgrid[rowno][colno] = grid[rowno][colno]
# Get the neighbors if the cell is empty
if grid[rowno][colno] == '0':
for r,c in omringande.getneighbors(grid,rowno,colno):
# Repeat function for each neighbor that doesn't have a flag
if currgrid[r][c] != 'F':
def playagain():
choice = input('Play again? (y/n): ')
return choice.lower() == 'y'
def playgame():
currgrid = [[' ' for i in range(gridsize)] for i in range(gridsize)]
grid = []
flags = []
helpmessage = "Type the column followed by the row (eg. a5).\nTo put or remove a flag, add 'f' to the cell (eg. a5f)\n"
print (helpmessage)
while True:
while True:
lastcell = str(input('Enter the cell ({} mines left): '.format(numberofmines-len(flags))))
print ('\n\n')
flag = False
if lastcell[2] == 'f': flag = True
except IndexError: pass
if lastcell == 'help':
print (helpmessage)
lastcell = (int(lastcell[1])-1,string.ascii_lowercase.index(lastcell[0]))
except (IndexError,ValueError):
print ("Invalid cell.",helpmessage)
if len(grid)==0:
grid,mines = setupgrid(gridsize,lastcell,numberofmines)
rowno,colno = lastcell
if flag:
# Add a flag if the cell is empty
if currgrid[rowno][colno]==' ':
currgrid[rowno][colno] = 'F'
# Remove the flag if there is one
elif currgrid[rowno][colno]=='F':
currgrid[rowno][colno] = ' '
else: print ('Cannot put a flag there')
# If there is a flag there, show a message
if (rowno,colno) in flags:
print ('There is a flag there')
if grid[rowno][colno] == 'X':
print ('Game Over\n')
if playagain(): playgame()
else: exit()
if set(flags)==set(mines):
print ('You Win')
if playagain(): playgame()
else: exit()
I keep getting the error when the player is supposed to make their move. Tried using (mentioned in other forums) the ".items" but without success.