I am getting along with dict comprehensions and trying to understand how the below 2 dict comprehensions work:
select_vals = ['name', 'pay']
test_dict = {'data': [{'name': 'John', 'city': 'NYC', 'pay': 70000}, {'name': 'Mike', 'city': 'NYC', 'pay': 80000}, {'name': 'Kate', 'city': 'Houston', 'pay': 65000}]}
dict_comp1 = [{key: item[key] for key in select_vals } for item in test_dict['data'] if item['pay'] > 65000 ]
The above line gets me
[{'name': 'John', 'pay': 70000}, {'name': 'Mike', 'pay': 80000}]
dict_comp2 = [{key: item[key]} for key in select_vals for item in test_dict['data'] if item['pay'] > 65000 ]
The above line gets me
[{'name': 'John'}, {'name': 'Mike'}, {'pay': 70000}, {'pay': 80000}]
How does the two o/ps vary when written in a for loop ? When I execute in a for loop
dict_comp3 = []
for key in select_vals:
for item in test_dict['data']:
if item['pay'] > 65000:
dict_comp3.append({key: item[key]})
The above line gets me same as dict_comp2
[{'name': 'John'}, {'name': 'Mike'}, {'pay': 70000}, {'pay': 80000}]
How do I get the o/p as dict_comp1 in a for loop ?
The select vals iteration should be the inner one
result = []
for item in test_dict['data']:
if item['pay'] > 65000:
aux = {}
for key in select_vals:
aux[key] = item[key]
I have a list of dictionaries that is like this:
{'name': ['Sam'], 'where': ['London']},
{'name': ['Jon'], 'where': ['NY']},
{'name': ['Jon'], 'hobby': ['fifa']},
{'Age': ['20'], 'Country': ['US']},
I do have a dictionary like this that could have a lot of same keys but a lot doesn't have that key too. As in above example, we have name key in first 3, but we don't have name key in the 4th. I am trying to get a list of all values that has key 'name'.
What you want is unclear (nor the link to pandas or numpy).
If you simply want the values of name when those exist:
l = [{'name': ['Sam'], 'where': ['London']},
{'name': ['Jon'], 'where': ['NY']},
{'name': ['Jon'], 'hobby': ['fifa']},
{'Age': ['20'], 'Country': ['US']},]
out = [d['name'] for d in l if 'name' in d]
# [['Sam'], ['Jon'], ['Jon']]
# or as flat list
out = [name for d in l if 'name' in d for name in d['name']]
# ['Sam', 'Jon', 'Jon']
# or just the first name
out = [d['name'][0] for d in l if 'name' in d]
# ['Sam', 'Jon', 'Jon']
Here is a way to extract all names:
data = [
{'name': ['Sam'], 'where': ['London']},
{'name': ['Jon'], 'where': ['NY']},
{'name': ['Jon'], 'hobby': ['fifa']},
{'Age': ['20'], 'Country': ['US']},
names = [item['name'][0] for item in data if 'name' in item]
['Sam', 'Jon', 'Jon']
I assume your data is a list of dicts.
data = [{'name': ['Sam'], 'where': ['London']},
{'name': ['Jon'], 'where': ['NY']},
{'name': ['Jon'], 'hobby': ['fifa']},
{'Age': ['20'], 'Country': ['US']},]
You can get a sub list of all elements with a name key like this:
output = [elem for elem in data if elem.get("name")]
There are many ways to do this. One would be:
_list = [{'name': ['Sam'], 'where': ['London']},
{'name': ['Jon'], 'where': ['NY']},
{'name': ['Jon'], 'hobby': ['fifa']},
{'Age': ['20'], 'Country': ['US']}]
print(*(name for d in _list if (name := d.get('name'))))
['Sam'] ['Jon'] ['Jon']
You can try a list expression:
all_dicts = [{'name': ['Sam'], 'where': ['London']},
{'name': ['Jon'], 'where': ['NY']},
{'name': ['Jon'], 'hobby': ['fifa']},
{'Age': ['20'], 'Country': ['US']}]
dicts_with_name = [d.values() for d in all_dicts if 'name' in d.keys() ]
This extracts all values (for all keys) of those dictionaries in the list that have a name field. If you want the key, value pairs, you can d.items() instead of d.values()
I have a list of dictionaries:
mydict = [
{'name': 'test1', 'value': '1_1'},
{'name': 'test2', 'value': '2_1'},
{'name': 'test1', 'value': '1_2'},
{'name': 'test1', 'value': '1_3'},
{'name': 'test3', 'value': '3_1'},
{'name': 'test4', 'value': '4_1'},
{'name': 'test4', 'value': '4_2'},
I would like to use it to create a dictionary where the values are lists or single values depending of number of their occurrences in the list above.
Expected output:
outputdict = {
'test1': ['1_1', '1_2', '1_3'],
'test2': '2_1',
'test3': '3_1',
'test4': ['4_1', '4_2'],
I tried to do it the way below but it always returns a list, even when there is just one value element.
outputdict = {}
outputdict.setdefault(mydict.get('name'), []).append(mydict.get('value'))
The current output is:
outputdict = {
'test1': ['1_1', '1_2', '1_3'],
'test2': ['2_1'],
'test3': ['3_1'],
'test4': ['4_1', '4_2'],
Do what you have already done, and then convert single-element lists afterwards:
outputdict = {
name: (value if len(value) > 1 else value[0])
for name, value in outputdict.items()
You can use a couple of the built-in functions mainly itertools.groupby:
from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter
mydict = [
{'name': 'test1', 'value': '1_1'},
{'name': 'test2', 'value': '2_1'},
{'name': 'test1', 'value': '1_2'},
{'name': 'test1', 'value': '1_3'},
{'name': 'test3', 'value': '3_1'},
{'name': 'test4', 'value': '4_1'},
{'name': 'test4', 'value': '4_2'},
def keyFunc(x):
return x['name']
outputdict = {}
# groupby groups all the items that matches the returned value from keyFunc
# in our case it will use the names
for name, groups in groupby(mydict, keyFunc):
# groups will contains an iterator of all the items that have the matched name
values = list(map(itemgetter('value'), groups))
if len(values) == 1:
outputdict[name] = values[0]
outputdict[name] = values
I want to compare below dictionaries. Name key in the dictionary is common in both dictionaries.
If Name matched in both the dictionaries, i wanted to do some other stuff with the data.
PerfData = [
{'Name': 'abc', 'Type': 'Ex1', 'Access': 'N1', 'perfStatus':'Latest Perf', 'Comments': '07/12/2017 S/W Version'},
{'Name': 'xyz', 'Type': 'Ex1', 'Access': 'N2', 'perfStatus':'Latest Perf', 'Comments': '11/12/2017 S/W Version upgrade failed'},
{'Name': 'efg', 'Type': 'Cust1', 'Access': 'A1', 'perfStatus':'Old Perf', 'Comments': '11/10/2017 S/W Version upgrade failed, test data is active'}
beatData = [
{'Name': 'efg', 'Status': 'Latest', 'rcvd-timestamp': '1516756202.632'},
{'Name': 'abc', 'Status': 'Latest', 'rcvd-timestamp': '1516756202.896'}
l = [{'name': 'abc'}, {'name': 'xyz'}]
k = [{'name': 'a'}, {'name': 'abc'}]
[i['name'] for i in l for f in k if i['name'] == f['name']]
Hope above logic work for you.
The answer provided didn't assign the result to any variable. If you want to print it, add the following would work:
result = [i['name'] for i in l for f in k if i['name'] == f['name']]
I have been given the following list of dictionaries:
names = [
{'first_name': 'Jane', 'last_name': 'Doe'},
{'first_name': 'John', 'last_name': 'Kennedy'},
{'first_name': 'Ada', 'last_name': 'Lovelace'}
Part a was to return an array of full names, which I did as follows:
[user['first_name'] +' '+ user['last_name'] for user in names]
It returned the following:
['Jane Doe', 'John Kennedy', 'Ada Lovelace']
Part b is to Now do the same thing above, only return a list of dictionaries, with 'name' being the key. Result should be:
[{'name':'Jane Doe'},{'name':'John Kennedy'},{'name': 'Ada Lovelace'}]
I have tried everything I can think of. From trying to change the key, to changing back to a list and then back to a dictionary. I'm very new at Python and would appreciate any help possible.
[{'name': '{first_name} {last_name}'.format(**n)} for n in names]
The following comprehension using join will work:
result = [{'name': ' '.join((d['first_name'], d['last_name']))} for d in names]
# [{'name': 'Jane Doe'}, {'name': 'John Kennedy'}, {'name': 'Ada Lovelace'}]
Adjust your list comprehension to the following:
names = [
{'first_name': 'Jane', 'last_name': 'Doe'},
{'first_name': 'John', 'last_name': 'Kennedy'},
{'first_name': 'Ada', 'last_name': 'Lovelace'}
result = [{'name':d['first_name']+' '+ d['last_name']} for d in names]
The output:
[{'name': 'Jane Doe'}, {'name': 'John Kennedy'}, {'name': 'Ada Lovelace'}]
list(map(lambda d: {'name': ' '.join((d['first_name'], d['last_name']))},names))
I have a list of dict what some data, and I would like to extract certain key:value pairs into a new list of dicts. I know one way that I could do this would be to use del i['unwantedKey'], however, I would rather not delete any data but instead create a new dict with the needed data.
The column order might change, so I need something to extract the two key:value pairs from the larger dict into a new dict.
Current Data Format
[{'Speciality': 'Math', 'Name': 'Matt', 'Location': 'Miami'},
{'Speciality': 'Science', 'Name': 'Ben', 'Location': 'Las Vegas'},
{'Speciality': 'Language Arts', 'Name': 'Sarah', 'Location': 'Washington DC'},
{'Speciality': 'Spanish', 'Name': 'Tom', 'Location': 'Denver'},
{'Speciality': 'Chemistry', 'Name': 'Jim', 'Location': 'Dallas'}]
Code to delete key:value from dict
import csv
data= []
for line in csv.DictReader(open('data.csv')):
for i in data:
del i['Speciality']
print data
Desired Data Format without using del i['Speciality']
[{'Name': 'Matt', 'Location': 'Miami'},
{'Name': 'Ben', 'Location': 'Las Vegas'},
{'Name': 'Sarah', 'Location': 'Washington DC'},
{'Name': 'Tom', 'Location': 'Denver'},
{'Name': 'Jim', 'Location': 'Dallas'}]
If you want to give a positive list of keys to copy over into the new dictionaries:
import csv
with open('data.csv', 'rb') as csv_file:
data = list(csv.DictReader(csv_file))
keys = ['Name', 'Location']
new_data = [dict((k, d[k]) for k in keys) for d in data]
print new_data
suppose we have,
l1 = [{'Location': 'Miami', 'Name': 'Matt', 'Speciality': 'Math'},
{'Location': 'Las Vegas', 'Name': 'Ben', 'Speciality': 'Science'},
{'Location': 'Washington DC', 'Name': 'Sarah', 'Speciality': 'Language Arts'},
{'Location': 'Denver', 'Name': 'Tom', 'Speciality': 'Spanish'},
{'Location': 'Dallas', 'Name': 'Jim', 'Speciality': 'Chemistry'}]
to create a new list of dictionaries that do not contain the keys 'Speciality' we can do,
l2 = []
for oldd in l1:
newd = {}
for k,v in oldd.items():
if k != 'Speciality':
newd[k] = v
and now l2 will be your desired output. In general you can exclude an arbitrary list of keys like so
exclude_keys = ['Speciality', 'Name']
l2 = []
for oldd in l1:
newd = {}
for k,v in oldd.items():
if k not in exclude_keys:
newd[k] = v
the same can be done with an include_keys variable
include_keys = ['Name', 'Location']
l2 = []
for oldd in l1:
newd = {}
for k,v in oldd.items():
if k in include_keys:
newd[k] = v
You can create a new list of dicts limited to the keys you want with one line of code (Python 2.6+):
NLoD=[{k:d[k] for k in ('Name', 'Location')} for d in LoD]
Try it:
>>> LoD=[{'Speciality': 'Math', 'Name': 'Matt', 'Location': 'Miami'},
{'Speciality': 'Science', 'Name': 'Ben', 'Location': 'Las Vegas'},
{'Speciality': 'Language Arts', 'Name': 'Sarah', 'Location': 'Washington DC'},
{'Speciality': 'Spanish', 'Name': 'Tom', 'Location': 'Denver'},
{'Speciality': 'Chemistry', 'Name': 'Jim', 'Location': 'Dallas'}]
>>> [{k:d[k] for k in ('Name', 'Location')} for d in LoD]
[{'Name': 'Matt', 'Location': 'Miami'}, {'Name': 'Ben', 'Location': 'Las Vegas'}, {'Name': 'Sarah', 'Location': 'Washington DC'}, {'Name': 'Tom', 'Location': 'Denver'}, {'Name': 'Jim', 'Location': 'Dallas'}]
Since you are using csv, you can limit the columns that you read in the first place to the desired columns so you do not need to delete the undesired data:
dc=('Name', 'Location')
with open(fn) as f:
LoD=[{k:row[k] for k in dc} for row in reader]
keys_lst = ['Name', 'Location']
new_data={key:val for key,val in event.items() if key in keys_lst}