TKinter grid layout shows expected behavior only with label image - python

I want to create a grid of pictures and comments like a detail view in a folder. However, when I don't load the image (the "magic two lines" after XXX), the layout collapses and I see only the borders, not even Label widgets. But of course it should work in both cases. Here is some simplified version:
import os.path as osp
import tkinter as tk
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
IMG_FILE = '/your/magic/image/path/name.png'
class Comparator:
def __init__(self):
self.root = tk.Tk()
self.ctrl = ctrl = tk.Frame(self.root, padx=10, pady=10)
ctrl.grid(row=0, column=0)
lframe = tk.Frame(self.root)
lframe.grid(row=0, column=1, rowspan=2)
inner_frame = tk.Frame(lframe, bg='#444', padx=7, pady=7)
inner_frame.grid(row=0, column=0)
# group of widgets
tk_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
for num in range(23):
yard = tk.Frame(inner_frame, bg='#222', padx=6, pady=6)
ya_col = num % 4
ya_row = num // 4
yard.grid(column = ya_col, row = ya_row)
stone = tk.Label(yard, text='Img name', width=179, height=179)
stone.grid(row=0, column=0)
# XXX magic two lines that generate the right layout:
stone.image = tk_img
# end magic two lines
tk.Label(yard, text='%d : %d %d' % (num, ya_row, ya_col)).grid(row=1, column=0)
There are a few redundant tk.Frame instances because it's just a simplified version; for instance ctrl is supposed to be filled with a lot of buttons etc. Actually, I also wanted the inner_frame to be in a scrollable tk.Canvas, but let's say that's another story...
I don't understand what happens. Any suggestions would be very nice :-)
[edit] Maybe it depends on the fact that width is interpreted either in pixels or in number of chars? How do I fix that?


How to add a specific spacing in pixels between tkinter buttons?

I have written some code for some buttons. However, I am not sure how to add a specific number of pixels of spacing for each button. So far is the code I have written. However, I have not yet figured out a reliable way to add spacing between the buttons in pixel sizes.
import tkinter as tk
#from tkinter import PhotoImage
def banana():
print ("Sundae")
def tomato():
print ("Ketchup")
def potato():
print ("Potato chips")
root = tk.Tk()
f1 = tk.Frame(root, width=70, height=30)
f1.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky="we")
button_qwer = tk.Button(f1, text="Banana", command=banana)
button_asdf = tk.Button(f1, text="Tomato", command=tomato)
button_zxcv = tk.Button(f1, text="Potato", command=potato)
button_qwer.grid(row=0, column=0)
button_asdf.grid(row=0, column=1)
button_zxcv.grid(row=0, column=2)
Adding space between widgets depends on how you are putting the widgets in the window. Since you are using grid, one simple solution is to leave empty columns between the buttons, and then give these columns a minsize equal to the space you want.
f1.grid_columnconfigure((1, 3), minsize=10, weight=0)
button_qwer.grid(row=0, column=0)
button_asdf.grid(row=0, column=2)
button_zxcv.grid(row=0, column=4)
Using a specific number of pixels of spacing between each Buttondoesn't sound to me like such as good idea because it isn't very flexible nor easily portable to devices with different resolutions.
Nevertheless I've figured-out a way of doing it—namely by putting a do-nothing invisible button between of the each real ones. This got somewhat involved, mostly because it requires putting an image on each Button used this way so its width option argument will be interpreted as number of pixels instead of number of characters (here's some documentation describing the various Button widget configuration options).
import tkinter as tk
# Inline XBM format data for a 1x1 pixel image.
BITMAP = """
#define im_width 1
#define im_height 1
static char im_bits[] = {
root = tk.Tk()
bitmap = tk.BitmapImage(data=BITMAP, maskdata=BITMAP)
f1 = tk.Frame(root, width=70, height=30)
f1.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=tk.EW)
def banana():
print ("Sundae")
def tomato():
print ("Ketchup")
def potato():
print ("Potato chips")
def layout_buttons(parent, buttons, spacing):
if buttons:
first, *rest = buttons
first.grid(row=0, column=0) # Position first Button.
for index, button in enumerate(rest, start=1):
col = 2*index
# Dummy widget to separate each button from the one before it.
separator = tk.Button(parent, relief=tk.FLAT, state=tk.ACTIVE,
image=bitmap, borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0,
separator.grid(row=0, column=col-1)
button.grid(row=0, column=col)
buttons = (
tk.Button(f1, text="Banana", command=banana),
tk.Button(f1, text="Tomato", command=tomato),
tk.Button(f1, text="Potato", command=potato),
layout_buttons(f1, buttons, 30)
Here's a blow-up showing that the spacing is exactly 30 pixels (as counted in my image editor and indicated by the thin horizontal black line between the adjacent edges of the two Buttons).

Enabling the "setgrid" option for a Tkinter widget

I am using the grid geometry manager of Tkinter to generate a table with horizontally scrollable text in column 2. I tried creating a Listbox widget that lives in column 2 (as a child of the overall frame) and spans all the rows. This seemed promising, until it became apparent that the lines of text in the Listbox are not aligned with the rows of the parent grid. I've been searching in vain for a way to pad each row of text in the Listbox so that the rows match up; but even if that were possible, I would prefer a more general, less kludgy solution.
I recently stumbled across a description of Gridded Geometry Management that alludes to a setgrid option for a widget. It purports to do exactly what I want: that is, "[determine] whether this widget controls the resizing grid for its top-level window." I tried enabling this option in my Listbox widget, but to no avail. Am I somehow misunderstanding the purpose/usage of setgrid?
(In order to see the problem with the code below, use the Select File or Select Folder buttons to load multiple audio files into the file list.)
#! /usr/bin/env python
# This tool allows the user to select audio files
# (or folders containing audio files) and subject
# them to loudness analysis.
import sys
import os
import codecs
import re
import Tkinter
from Tkinter import *
import tkFileDialog
from os import walk
from os import path
from Tkinter import Tk, Text, BOTH, W, N, E, S
from ttk import Frame, Button, Label, Style, Progressbar
from ScrolledText import *
from progressbar import ProgressBar
class Leveler_tk(Frame):
fileList = []
allowedExtensions = ['mp3','mp2','m4a','aiff','wav']
def __init__(self, parent):
Frame.__init__(self, parent)
self.parent = parent
def initialize(self): = Style()"default")
self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
self.columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
self.columnconfigure(2, pad=250)
self.columnconfigure(3, weight=1)
self.columnconfigure(4, weight=1)
self.columnconfigure(5, weight=1)
lbl1 = Label(self, text="Analyze")
lbl1.grid(pady=4, padx=5,row=0,column=0)
lbl2 = Label(self, text="Adjust")
lbl2.grid(pady=4, padx=5,row=0,column=1)
lbl3 = Label(self, text="File")
lbl3.grid(pady=4, padx=5,row=0,column=2)
lbl4 = Label(self, text="Integrated\nLoudness")
lbl4.grid(pady=4, padx=5,row=0,column=3)
lbl5 = Label(self, text="LRA")
lbl5.grid(pady=4, padx=5,row=0,column=4)
lbl6 = Label(self, text="Peak")
lbl6.grid(pady=4, padx=5,row=0,column=5)
lbl7 = Label(self, text="Progress")
lbl7.grid(pady=4, padx=5,row=0,column=6)
lbl8 = Label(self, text="Meets\nSpecs?")
lbl8.grid(sticky=W, pady=4, padx=5,row=0,column=7)
file_btn = Button(self, text="Select File",command=self.selectFile)
file_btn.grid(row=1,rowspan=2, column=8,padx=5,pady=4)
folder_btn = Button(self, text="Select Folder", command=self.selectFolder)
folder_btn.grid(row=3, rowspan=2, column=8,padx=5,pady=4)
def render(self):
count = 0
filebox = Listbox(self,selectmode=EXTENDED,setgrid=1)
scrollbar = Scrollbar(filebox, orient=HORIZONTAL)
filebox.grid(row=1, column=2, rowspan=len(self.fileList), columnspan=1, sticky=N+S+E+W)
scrollbar.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)
for file in self.fileList:
analyze = IntVar()
adjust = IntVar()
Radiobutton(self, text="", variable=analyze, value=count, borderwidth=0).grid(row=count+1, column=0)
Radiobutton(self, text="", variable=adjust, value=count, borderwidth=0).grid(row=count+1, column=1)
filebox.insert(END, file + "\n")
Progressbar(self, orient=HORIZONTAL,length=100, mode='determinate').grid(row=count+1, column=6)
count += 1
def addToList(self, name):
dot ="\.(?=[^.]*$)",name)
extension = name[dot.end():]
if extension in self.allowedExtensions and not name in self.fileList:
def selectFile(self):
input = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(filetypes = [('MP3', '*.mp3'), ('MP2', '*.mp2'), ('M4A', '*.m4a'), ('AIFF', '*.aiff'), ('WAV', '*.wav')], multiple = 1)
for el in input:
if os.path.isfile(el) and ".DS_Store" not in el:
tkMessageBox.showerror("Some error")
def selectFolder(self):
input = tkFileDialog.askdirectory()
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walk(input):
for name in filenames:
if name != ".DS_Store":
self.addToList(dirpath + "/" + name)
def main():
root = Tk()
app = Leveler_tk(root)
if __name__ == "__main__":
I think you are misunderstanding setgrid.
It is so that a widget with a natural size that is based on something other than a pixel (such as a text widget, whose size is based on characters) can prevent the parent from setting it to an unnatural size (eg: 20.5 characters). With setgrid, when you interactively resize the window it will resize in grid units (eg: character height or width) rather than pixels.
setgrid doesn't prevent resizing so much as that it makes sure resizing happens at multiples of some other unit.
Here is the complete, definitive reference for the setgrid option, from the tcl/tk manual:
Specifies a boolean value that determines whether this widget controls
the resizing grid for its top-level window. This option is typically
used in text widgets, where the information in the widget has a
natural size (the size of a character) and it makes sense for the
window's dimensions to be integral numbers of these units. These
natural window sizes form a grid. If the setGrid option is set to true
then the widget will communicate with the window manager so that when
the user interactively resizes the top-level window that contains the
widget, the dimensions of the window will be displayed to the user in
grid units and the window size will be
constrained to integral numbers of grid units. See the section GRIDDED
GEOMETRY MANAGEMENT in the wm manual entry for more details.

Textbox not expanding with containing frame - TKinter

I'm building an application that provides viewports for an internal data file. The files are somewhat complex, so I've created three sub-windows that handle different aspects of the file. The upper left provides an outline of the different sections, the upper right provides a series of text widgets containing errors found in the data file, and the lower provides a view of the datafile itself. To facilitate all of this, I wrote a small class that serves as a frame for each of these sections and can be populated with labels, textboxes, etc. (Code below.)
The problem I'm running into is that the text widgets in the upper right and lower sections do not expand with their containing frame. Based on various searches of, Stackoverflow, and others, I think I have the settings correct, but obviously something is wrong. If I enlarge the main window, each section adapts as it should, but the text widgets don't expand left to right to fill the new subwindow dimensions.
Any tips are greatly appreciated.
Here's the class that provides functionality for the subwindows:
import Tkinter as tk
class ScrollingChildFrame(tk.Frame):
A Tkinter class creating a scrollable window that can be used
in a docked multiple document interface form. The window created here
allows addition of widgets to create scrolling tables (spreadsheet like),
groups of text fields, etc.
def __init__(self, root):
self.count = 0
self.root = root
self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self, height=self.winfo_height(), width=self.winfo_width() )
self.canvas.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nsew')
self.vsb = tk.Scrollbar(self, orient='vertical', command=self.canvas.yview)
self.hsb = tk.Scrollbar(self, orient='horizontal', command=self.canvas.xview)
self.intframe = tk.Frame(self.canvas)
self.intframe.config(height=self.winfo_height(), width=self.winfo_width())
self.canvas.configure(yscrollcommand=self.vsb.set, xscrollcommand=self.hsb.set)
self.canvas.create_window(0, 0, window=self.intframe, anchor='nw')
#set event bindings
self.bind('<Configure>', self.OnFrameConfigure)
self.intframe.bind('<Configure>', self.OnIntFrameConfigure)
def OnFrameConfigure(self, event=None):
adjust canvas when main frame adjusts
self.canvas.configure(width=event.width - self.vsb.winfo_width()-2,
height=event.height - self.hsb.winfo_height()-2)
def OnIntFrameConfigure(self, event=None):
adjust the scrolling window when the internal frame is adjusted
Here's an example of how I'm using it with textboxes that don't expand:
import Tkinter as tk
from scrollingchildframe import *
class Vis_GUI:
The main GUI class
def __init__(self):
#tkinter stuff
self.root = tk.Tk()
def create_frames(self):
Build the GUI frames
#data blocks
self.block_frame = ScrollingChildFrame(self.root)
self.block_frame.config(height=200, width=200)
##error list
self.error_frame = ScrollingChildFrame(self.root)
self.error_frame.config(height=200, width=300)
self.data_frame = ScrollingChildFrame(self.root)
self.data_frame.config(height=300, width=500)
##populate with empty cells
##place them on the grid
self.block_frame.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=2, pady=2, sticky='nsew')
self.error_frame.grid(row=0,column=1, padx=2, pady=2, sticky='nsew')
self.data_frame.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=2,pady=2, sticky='nsew')
def PopulateEmpty(self):
Populate the frames with empty contents so it doesn't look quite so empty.
z = tk.Text(self.data_frame.intframe)
z.insert(tk.INSERT, 'blah\nblah\nblah')
height = float(z.index(tk.END))
z.config( height=height, state=tk.DISABLED, wrap=tk.NONE)
z.pack(anchor='nw', expand=1, fill=tk.X)
z = tk.Text(self.error_frame.intframe, height=1)
z.pack(anchor='w', expand = 1, fill=tk.X)
z = tk.Label(self.block_frame.intframe, text = 'No file open')
if (__name__=="__main__"):
wv = Vis_GUI()
The Frame also has to have expand and fill options set (and you will have to check on what ScrollingChildFrame does-and this is not a complaint about incomplete code, just pointing out the next step). Using just pack() for the Frame in the following code will not allow it to expand. You can uncomment it and comment the other pack if you want to see the difference.
import Tkinter as tk ## Python 2.x
except ImportError:
import tkinter as tk ## Python 3.x
## use separate frame instead of top
##fr.pack() ## does not expand
fr.pack(anchor='nw', expand=1, fill=tk.X)
z = tk.Text(fr)
insert_text="%s" % ("blah"*25) + 'blah\nblah\nblah'
z.insert(tk.INSERT, insert_text)
height = float(z.index(tk.END))
z.config( height=height, state=tk.DISABLED, wrap=tk.NONE)
z.pack(anchor='nw', expand=1, fill=tk.X)

When using a scrolled canvas in Tkinter, columns of contained frame are cut off

I'm trying to make a Tkinter widget that contains a number of tables, which are currently frames with entries filled using the .grid method, which can be switched between by pressing buttons. My current attempt at a solution uses the following code:
from tkinter import *
def dot(root, num):
root.subframe = TFrame(root, num)
root = Tk()
vscrollbar = Scrollbar(root,orient='vertical')
root.defaultframe = MainFrame(root)
root.canvas = Canvas(root, yscrollcommand=vscrollbar.set)
root.subframe = Frame(root.canvas)
where MainFrame has the following structure:
class MainFrame(Frame):
def __init__(self, root):
Frame.__init__(self, root)
b1 = Button(self, text='table 1', command=lambda: dot(root, 0))
b2 = Button(self, text='table 2', command=lambda: dot(root, 1))
b1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=N+E+W+S)
b2.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=N+E+W+S)
and TFrame:
class TFrame(Frame):
def __init__(self, foor, num):
Frame.__init__(self, root.canvas)
for i in range(12):
self.grid_columnconfigure(i, minsize=50)
for x in range(12):
for y in range(20):
label = Label(self, text=num)
When I run the code, pressing the buttons loads the tables, which scroll in the vertical as expected. But only the first 8 columns or so are visible, no matter how the window is resized. Changing the width of the MainFrame by adding empty labels and the like does not affect the size of the TFrame created, even if it is several times wider than the 8 columns the TFrame ends up being. While I could have a somewhat tolerable solution by adding a horizontal scroll bar as well as the vertical, my experiences so far with scrolling in tkinter in general have been negative enough that I hope to avoid using it by any possible means.
Okay, found a solution. It turns out there weren't columns being cut off, the whole canvas was being cut off, and all my test cases just happened to have exactly the right number of columns vs column width that it looked like the columns after the first 8 were being cut off.
fixed the problem.

How to control the tkinter combobox selection highlighting

I wrote a small farad converter to learn GUI programming. It works great, looks fine-ish. The only problem is I can't seem to figure out how to control this strange highlighting that comes up on my ttk.Combobox selections. I did use a ttk.Style(), but it only changed the colors of the ttk.Combobox background, entries, etc. I also tried changing openbox/gtk themes.
I'm talking about what's seen there on the text "microfarads (uF)".
It'd be fine, if it highlighted the entire box; but I'd rather have it gone completely.
How can I manipulate a ttk.Combobox's selection highlight?
# what the farad?
# thomas kirkpatrick (jtkiv)
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
# ze la programma.
def conversion(*args):
# this is the numerical value
inV = float(inValue.get())
# these two are the unit (farads, microfarads, etc.) values
inU = inUnitsValue.current()
outU = outUnitsValue.current()
# "mltplr" is multiplied times inValue (inV)
if inU == outU:
mltplr = 1
mltplr = 10**((outU - inU)*3)
# start of GUI code
root = Tk()
root.title("What the Farad?")
# frame
mainFrame = ttk.Frame(root, width="364", padding="4 4 8 8")
mainFrame.grid(column=0, row=0)
# input entry
inValue = StringVar()
inValueEntry = ttk.Entry(mainFrame, width="20", justify="right", textvariable=inValue)
inValueEntry.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky="W")
# input unit combobox
inUnitsValue = ttk.Combobox(mainFrame)
inUnitsValue['values'] = ('kilofarads (kF)', 'farads (F)', 'millifarads (mF)', 'microfarads (uF)', 'nanofarads (nF)', 'picofarads (pF)')
inUnitsValue.grid(column=2, row=1, sticky="e")
inUnitsValue.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>', conversion)
# result label
outValue = StringVar()
resultLabel = ttk.Label(mainFrame, textvariable=outValue)
resultLabel.grid(column=1, row=2, sticky="e")
# output unit combobox
outUnitsValue = ttk.Combobox(mainFrame)
outUnitsValue['values'] = ('kilofarads (kF)', 'farads (F)', 'millifarads (mF)', 'microfarads (uF)', 'nanofarads (nF)', 'picofarads (pF)')
outUnitsValue.grid(column=2, row=2, sticky="e")
outUnitsValue.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>', conversion)
# padding for widgets
for child in mainFrame.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=4, pady=4)
# focus
# bind keys to convert (auto-update, no button)
root.bind('<KeyRelease>', conversion)
Could it be that with a readonly combobox the problem is not the selection but the relatively strong focus-indicator?
With this workarround you lose the ability to control your program by keyboard. To do it right you would have to change the style of the focus-highlighting.
from tkinter import *
from ttk import *
def defocus(event):
root = Tk()
comboBox = Combobox(root, state="readonly", values=("a", "b", "c"))
comboBox.bind("<FocusIn>", defocus)
You can use the Combobox's selection_clear() method to clear the selection whenever you want.
Just refresh the selected value of the Combobox.
This will help for removing the highlight.
import tkinter.ttk
import tkinter
items = ["test1","test2","test3","test4"]
class TkCombobox(tkinter.ttk.Combobox):
def __init__(self, *arg, **kwarg):
super(TkCombobox, self).__init__(*arg, **kwarg)
self._strvar_ = tkinter.StringVar()
self["textvariable"] = self._strvar_
self.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", self.highlight_clear)
def highlight_clear(self, event):
current = self._strvar_.get()
master = tkinter.Tk();master.geometry("400x400")
c = TkCombobox(master, values=items, state="readonly")
