I am trying to rotate an image so it is facing the mouse at all times and I am noticing that the image size is changing. I am trying to troubleshoot but am having no luck. I would love some advice.
Here is what I am using:
ang = 360 - math.atan2(mousey - 540, mousex - 960) * 180 / math.pi
rotcircle = pygame.transform.scale(pygame.transform.rotate(redcircle,ang), [100, 100])
rect = rotcircle.get_rect(center=(960,540))
Just think about it. If you rotated an image 45 degrees, for example, the surface would naturally have to be larger in order to accommodate the corners, which would otherwise stick out of the original surface's bounds. So, if you rotate the image, it's going to be larger, just as the documentation says:
Unless rotating by 90 degree increments, the image will be padded larger to hold the new size. If the image has pixel alphas, the padded area will be transparent. Otherwise pygame will pick a color that matches the Surface colorkey or the topleft pixel value.
You're explicitly forcing the surface to be 100x100, meaning that the closer the image gets to being rotated by 45 degrees (again, for example), the smaller it'll appear. The easy solution is to stop resizing the image, or use another surface that's large enough to hold the rotated image and then blit the rotated image onto it.
I want to visualize results of keypoint tracking algorithm in python. I have a sequence of (Image, Keypoint) pairs (video basically). Tracking algorithm is strong enough to give me subpixel accuracy. But i have no idea, how to visualize it properly.
I tried to round my coordinates and draw a circle by cv2.circle(image, (int(round(x)), int(round(y)))), but it leads to visual jittering of my keypoints due to small image resolution.
I checked OpenCV, Pillow, skimage, Pygame (pygame.draw.circle). All of them cannot properly draw circle with float coordinates.
DIPlib has the function DrawBandlimitedBall(), which draws a disk or a circle with smooth transitions and with floating-point origin coordinates (disclosure: I'm one of the authors). You might need to draw the circle in an empty image, then blend it in to get the effect you are looking for. Code would look something like this:
import diplib as dip
img = dip.ImageRead('/Users/cris/dip/images/flamingo.tif')
p = [366.4, 219.1]
# Create an empty image and draw a circle in it
circle = dip.Image(img.Sizes(), 1, 'SFLOAT')
dip.DrawBandlimitedBall(circle, diameter=22.3, origin=p, value=1, mode='empty')
circle /= dip.Maximum(circle)
# Blend: img * (1-circle) + circle * color
img *= 1 - circle
img += circle * dip.Create0D([0,255,0]) # we make the circle green here
dip.ImageWrite(img, 'so.jpg')
(Note that the circle actually looks better without the JPEG compression artifacts.)
You could draw the circle directly in the image, but this function adds the circle values to the image, it doesn't attempt to blend, and so you'd get a much worse look for this particular application.
I am making a scene where there is a thumbs-up image that is supposed to get bigger on mouse hover, and shrink back to normal size when the mouse is no longer hovering.
This is how I make the thumbs-up image:
thumbs_up_image = pygame.image.load("./plz_like.png")
thumbs_up_rect = thumbs_up_image.get_rect(topleft=(screen.get_width() // 2 - thumbs_up_image.get_width() + 75,
screen.get_height() // 2 + thumbs_up_image.get_height() - 225))
And this is how I make it get bigger:
if thumbs_up_rect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):
thumbs_up_image = pygame.transform.scale(thumbs_up_image,
[n + 50 for n in thumbs_up_image.get_size()])
thumbs_up_rect = thumbs_up_image.get_rect()
This is how the image is blited:
screen.blit(thumbs_up_image, thumbs_up_rect)
The problem is that when I hover on the thumbs-up image, it first goes to the top-left corner of the screen. Then, when I hover on it again, it gets super big and pixelated.
What am I doing wrong?
I managed to figure it out by myself.
This is how I do it:
First, I prepared a bigger version of the image and it's rect: (as shown below)
big_thumbs_image = pygame.transform.scale(thumbs_up_image, [i + 50 for i in thumbs_up_image.get_size()])
big_thumbs_image_rect = thumbs_up_image.get_rect(
topleft=(screen.get_width() // 2 - thumbs_up_image.get_width() + 55,
screen.get_height() // 2 + thumbs_up_image.get_height() - 250))
Then, when the small image's rect collides with the mouse, blit the bigger image:
if thumbs_up_rect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):
screen.blit(big_thumbs_image, big_thumbs_image_rect)
You are not showing the code that actually renders the image to the screen.; But basically: you are not saving the original size - at each hover event it will grow and grow (and it will grow once per frame, if that code is run in the mainloop).
You need a variable to hold the original image, one to tell your code the image has already been resized, and an else clause on this if to restore the original image: pygame won't do that for you.
Also, when you use the get_rect for the image, its top-left position will always be "0, 0" - you have to translate this top-left corner to a suitable coordinate- getting the rectangle center of the original sprite (wherever the data of its location on the screen is kept), and setting the same center on the new rect should work.
And finally, prefer "rotozoom" than "scale" - Pygame documentation is clear that the second method uses better algorithms for scaling.
Try using this pygame function:
pygame.transform.rotozoom(Surface, angle, scale)
I also had some issues with pixilation in a game but it seemed to work with this.
I want to rotate a black and white image. I am trying to use the rotate function as follows:
image.rotate(angle, fillcolor=255)
I am required to older versions of Python and Pillow, and they do not support the 'fillcolor' argument. I cannot upgrade to the newer versions due to certain restrictions and cannot use any external libraries.
Is there another way to fill the area outside the rotated image with white color using Pillow?
Rotated image has black color in the area outside the rotated part. I want to fill it with white color.
Original : Original image
Rotated :Rotated image
You can try Interpolating the Original Image, with the cropped one via Image.composite() to get rid of the black bars/borders.
from PIL import Image
img = Image.open(r"Image_Path").convert("RGBA")
angle = 30
img = img.rotate(angle)
new_img = Image.new('RGBA', img.size, 'white')
Alpha_Image = Image.composite(img, new_img, img)
Alpha_Image = Alpha_Image.convert(img.mode)
The above code takes in an Image, converts it into mode RGBA (Alpha is required for this process), and then rotates the Image by 30 degrees. After that It creates a empty Image object of mode RGBA of the same dimensions as the original image, with each pixel having a default value of 255 each channel (i.e Pure white for RGB, and Full Opacity in the context of Alpha/Transparency). Then Interpolates the original image with this empty one using the mask of original Image (we are using the transparency mask of the first image). This results in the Desired images, where black bars/edges are replaced by white. In the end we convert the image color space to the original one.
An awkward option that has always worked for me, seeing as with my tools I always get a light gray "border" around the rotated image that interferes with filling:
add a border on the non-rotated image and use the fill color with that border.
The bordering operation is lossless and filling will be exact (and easy).
rotate the bordered image. The seam will now also be correct (but not exact unless you
rotate by 45° or 90°).
calculate the size of the rotated border using trigonometry. The result will not be exact (i.e. "131.12 pixel"). Usually you can do this in reverse, starting with an exact border on the rotated image and calculating the border you need to add, and adjust the border width so that the nonrotated border is exact. Example: with a rotated border of 170 pixels you get a nonrotated border of 140.3394 pixels. So you use a 510 pixel rotated border, resulting in the need to add a 421.018 pixel nonrotated border. This is close enough to 421 pixels that it is acceptable.
remove the rotated border.
This also helps avoiding some artefacts near the cut parts of the image that fall off the rotated image.
It has the drawback that you end up with a more massive rotation, with higher memory expenditure and computation time, especially if you use larger borders to increase precision.
Edit: As no external libraries are allowed, I would suggest cropping the rectangle you want and pasting it onto the original image, this could be done with magic numbers (of the rectangle's coordinates), this works for me (you might will need to tweek a little)
im = Image.open("mFul4.png")
rotated = im.rotate(105)
box = (55, 65,200,210)
d = rotated.crop(box=box)
im.paste(d, box=box)
im.save("ex.bmp" )
and the output
Edit2: This is the ugliest way, but it works, you might need to tweak the magic numbers a bit to have it more precise, I was working on your given image, so couldn't tell when i'm overdoing it. It produces the same output
from PIL import Image
im = Image.open("mFul4.png")
cos = 0.240959049 # -cos(angle)
d = im.rotate(angle)
pix = d.load()
tri_x = 120
for i in range(4): # 4 triangles
for j in range(tri_x, -1, -1):
for k in range(int((tri_x-j)*cos)+1, -1, -1):
x,y =( j, k )if i <1 else (d.size[0]-j-1, d.size[1]-k-1)
if i in [2,3]:
y, x = (d.size[0] - j-2 , k) if i <3 else (j, d.size[1] - k)
pix[x,y] = (255, 255, 255, 255)
I am using pygame to make a simple game. I am having issues with circle collisions. I am getting the following error:
"AttributeError: 'pygame.Rect' object has no attribute 'rect'"
Here is the particular code I am having issues with below:
if pygame.sprite.collide_circle(hero_circle, enemy_circle):
Use pygame.mask to create a collision mesh for your objects and use the mesh to do collision detections.
In more detail:
Create an image file for both of your circles and set the bg color to something you will not use anywhere else.
Set that color to "transparent" in your image editor.
Import the images.
Create a mesh for them with pygame.mask and set it to make transparent pixels non-collidable.
Use the generated mask as your collision detection mesh.
(Technically this is just doing collision detection of a circle shaped area on a rectangle, but who cares!)
draw a rectangle shape
rect(Surface, color, Rect, width=0) -> Rect
Draws a rectangular shape on the Surface. The given Rect is the area of the rectangle. The width argument is the thickness to draw the outer edge. If width is zero then the rectangle will be filled.
Keep in mind the Surface.fill() method works just as well for drawing filled rectangles. In fact the Surface.fill() can be hardware accelerated on some platforms with both software and hardware display modes.
The best way I've found to check circle collision detection is to calculate the distance between the center points of two circles. If the distance is less than the sum of the two circle's radii, then you've collided.
Just like how gmk said it but if your are using circles instead of rectangles, you should use this pygame function :
pygame.draw.circle(surface, color, center_point, radius, width)
This draws a circle on your surface (which would go in the surface area). Clearly the color requires a list of numbers (RGB anyone?). Your center_point decides the location of your circle since it will be the location of the center of your circle. The radius will need a number to set the radius of the circle (using the number like 25 will set your radius at 25 pixels/diameter at 50 pixels). the width section is optional as it sets the thickness of the perimeter of your circle (having 0 will have none at all). If you are not using circles, you should change your title... But anyways, I hope this helps you!
I'm currently cropping images this way:
self.crop = self.img[self.y_center - self.radius:self.y_center + self.radius,
self.x_center - self.radius:self.x_center + self.radius:, ]
Where y_center and x_center are defined by clicks, and radius is the size of the crop. But I repeatedly run into a problem where the click is on an extreme side of an image. In that case, how do I extend the side on the other side of the image?
Basically I do not want to compromise the size.
The simple & stupid (r) way:
check if the rectangle around the point goes beyond the image
move it the corresponding amount of pixels if it does
repeat for all the 4 sides
Not so s&s is how to handle the case where the rectangle is larger than the entire image, but we'll see...
# X,Y - size of the image - 1 (maximum possible values for x,y)
# x,y - click coordinates relative to the image
t=x+radius; if t>X: x-=t-X
t=y+radius; if t>Y: y-=t-Y
t=x-radius; if t<0: x-=t #t<0 so it's increased actually
t=y-radius; if t<0: y-=t
del t
crop = img[x-radius:min(x+radius,X), y-radius:min(y+radius,Y)]
With min, we handle the case when the rectangle is larger than the image.
We check from the "high" side because we chose the order of adjustments so that the last ones have docked the rectangle to the "low" side.