I am creating a discord bot that will help managing tasks.
Currently, I want to remove the date from the task string. But I am kinda stuck.
I tried some stuff with the .split method. But apparently, there is a two arguments cap.
I didn't find a helpful post on here so I hope someone can help me...
if message.content.startswith(PREFIX + COMMAND_TASK):
subject = message.content.split(' ')[1]
task = message.content.split(' ', 2)[2:]
date = message.content.split(' ')[-1]
task = task[:task.find(date)-1]
embed = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Colour(0xbd10e0))
await message.channel.send(embed=embed)
It looks like this:
You can find the index of the date in the string via find()
The task description will become
subject = message.content.split(' ')[1]
task = message.content.split(' ', 2)[2:]
date = message.content.split(' ')[-1]
task = task[:task[0].find(date)-1] # -1 so that we don't have the last space that is before 03
Now, your task should be exactly "A description of the task"
Hi so im having a problem where when I try to use this command its bringing the USERID instead of what im trying to get heres the error
File "goonie.py", line 421, in spam
spammers = users[str(ctx.author.id)]['text_max']
KeyError: '932428536176848938'
The numbers are the "ctx.author.id" and im trying to get the "text_max"
async def spam(ctx, message,amount):
users = await get_paid_data()
spammers = users[str(ctx.author.id)]['text_max']
if amount > spammers:
if str(ctx.author.id) in users:
if users[str(ctx.author.id)]['vip'] == 'Y':
timeleft = datetime.strptime(users[str(ctx.author.id)]['expDate'],'%Y-%m-%d') - datetime.now()
if timeleft.days <= 0:
em = discord.Embed(color=0x000000, description="Sorry your plan on this tool has expired")
await ctx.send(embed=em) ```
users is a dictionary.
You first access the str(ctx.author.id) key in the dictionary.
The error is telling you the dictionary does not contain a key corresponding to the value of string value of ctx.author.id. Therefore, you cannot access text_max because the first part of your dict navigation is incorrect.
You should print users and see what it contains:
My initial guess is that you're converting the id to a string when it in-fact doesn't need to be converted, but it's impossible to say without seeing the contents of the dictionary.
Maybe the title is a bit confusing but my brain is stuck on this for like days now. So here is my "problem". I am redoing my Discord Bot and I have a small task that will check 2 JSON files (same format, different data) and there is a difference between them it will send a message.
This code needs to load 2 JSON files ("VATSIM_DATA_old.json & VATSIM_Data_new.json") and compare them and find differences. Now for simplicity, I reduced code so I just get if someone came online and if they are no longer online.
So my flow for this is something like this:
-When bots start, fetch JSON data and save it to file so we can compare updated data with this file,
-Now it is time to check if someone came online by fetching new data from the same link and saving it to the new file,
-Load both files as JSON so we can find all items inside of them and compare if some items are present in both or only in one of them,
-After comparing them and doing actions such as sending messages to the channel let's save that new data to our Old_Data.json file and go to sleep for X min (I set it to 5),
The problem I have is that it will send the same message every time a task is started. So my logic here was ok let's check if files are changing and they are but the code still somehow ignores part of the code that tells him if data is not changed here simply pass.
So here is my code:
atc = ["ADR_CTR", "ADR_W_CTR", "ADR_U_CTR", "ADR_E_CTR"] #this is short version of array which needs to be checked. This will most likely be moved to the config file so code is cleaner
async def atcAnnoucements(self):
#Load old and new VATSIM Data for comparing!
with open("VATSIM_Data_old.json", encoding="utf-8") as f:
data = json.load(f)
file = open("VATSIM_Data_new.json", "w", encoding="utf-8")
with open("VATSIM_Data_new.json", encoding="utf-8") as s:
data1 = json.load(s)
#Check if new VATSIM data contains some changes in online atc
#If callsign from atc array is present in VATSIM_Data_old it will check is same controller active or not
#If the controller is not changed it will skip, if new controller comes online it will send a message that the ATC station came online
for item in data1['clients']:
if item['callsign'] in data['clients']:
if item['callsign'] in atc:
time_start = item['time_logon']
time_logg = time_start[:19]
logon_start = datetime.strptime(time_logg, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
time_logon = logon_start.strftime('%H:%M')
channel = self.bot.get_channel(781834455765483562)
embed = Embed(title="ATC Annoucement", description="`New controller just logged in!`", color=0x00ff4c)
embed.add_field(name='Position', value=f"`{item['callsign']}`", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name='Frequency', value=f"`{item['frequency']}`", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name='Controller', value=f"`{item['realname']}`", inline=False)
embed.set_footer(text=f"Logged on at: {time_logon}")
await channel.send(embed=embed)
if item['callsign'] in data['clients'] and atc and not data1['clients']:
channel = self.bot.get_channel(781834455765483562)
embed2 = Embed(title="ATC Logged off!", description=f"{item['callsign']} just logged off!", color=0xff8800)
await channel.send(embed=embed2)
file = open("VATSIM_Data_old.json", "w", encoding="utf-8")
print("Saved new VATSIM Data!")
In my first attempt to just get 1 message, I did something like the code below and it worked. But as soon as I changed to the code above it simply sends the same message all over again
json1 = open("VATSIM_Data_old.json", "r", encoding="utf-8").read()
xy = json.dumps(json1)
s1 = json.loads(xy)
t = requests.get('https://data.vatsim.net/vatsim-data.json').json()
xx = json.dumps(t)
s = json.loads(xx)
for item in s['clients']:
if item['callsign'] in atc:
if item['callsign'] in s1:
if item['callsign'] in atc:
time_start = item['time_logon']
time_logg = time_start[:19]
logon_start = datetime.strptime(time_logg, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
time_logon = logon_start.strftime('%H:%M')
channel = self.bot.get_channel(781834455765483562)
embed = Embed(title="ATC Annoucement", description="`New controller just logged in!`", color=0x00ff4c)
embed.add_field(name='Position', value=f"`{item['callsign']}`", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name='Frequency', value=f"`{item['frequency']}`", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name='Controller', value=f"`{item['realname']}`", inline=False)
embed.set_footer(text=f"Logged on at: {time_logon}")
await channel.send(embed=embed)```
Hello so I have been trying to fox this for a few hours now and just cant figure out what is wrong, I have made api calls in discord python before but this is the first time using multiple variables like this.
async def random(ctx):
url = ('https://randomuser.me/api/')
response = requests.get(url)
title = response.json()["title"]
first = response.json()["first"]
last = response.json()["last"]
number = response.json()["number"]
street = response.json()["name"]
city = response.json()["city"]
state = response.json()["state"]
postcode = response.json()["postcode"]
country = response.json()["country"]
phone = response.json()["phone"]
age = response.json()["age"]
dob = response.json()["date"]
gender = response.json()["gender"]
username = response.json()["username"]
password = response.json()["password"]
image = response.json()['large']
embed = discord.Embed(title="Random Generator", description="**Name:** f'{title}, {first} {last}\n**Address:** {number} {street}, {city}, {state}, {postcode}, {country}\n**Phone:** {phone}\n**Age:** {age}, {dob}\n**Gender:** {gender}\n**Alias:** {username}, {password}\n\n**Profile Picture Link:** {large}'", color=18321)
embed.set_footer(text="Thanks for using the bot")
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
Please if anyone knows what is wrong and can help thank you
f-strings cannot be used inside other strings.
Instead of doing
description="**Name:** f'..."
you should do
description=f"**Name:** {title}..."
Same with all your f-strings
You can't use f-strings inside other strings like "name: f'{title}'". Try this instead:
description = f"**Name:** {title}..."
Hi I'm having an issue checking through a list codes that are stored in a temp dictionary and matching ones that exist and if one doesn't exist then print/await a different result. I'm doing this by comparing the uses for each invite before the user joined and after they joined.
It seems as if the if statement if invite.uses < find_invite_by_code(invites_after_join, invite.code).uses: is being ignored and the else statement is being printed/awaited instead for both expired and none expired code. I'm not too sure why this is happening. Help would be appreciated.
I have commented parts of the code for a better understanding.
Here is my code:
invites = {} #temporary dict to store the codes
# A function to find an invite in a guilds.invites() list
def find_invite_by_code(invite_list, code):
# Simply looping through each invite in an
# invite list which we will get using guild.invites()
for inv in invite_list:
# Check if the invite code in this element
# of the list is the one we're looking for
if inv.code == code:
# If it is, we return it.
return inv
async def on_member_join(self, member):
time = datetime.utcnow()
users = len([e.name for e in member.guild.members])
name = member
name = " ~ ".join((name.name, name.nick)) if name.nick else name.name
# Getting the invites before the user joining
# from our cache for this specific guild
invites_before_join = invites[member.guild.id]
# Getting the invites after the user joining
# so we can compare it with the first one, and
# see which invite uses number increased
invites_after_join = await member.guild.invites()
# Loops for each invite we have for the guild
# the user joined.
for invite in invites_before_join:
# Now, we're using the function we created just
# before to check which invite count is bigger
# than it was before the user joined.
if invite.uses < find_invite_by_code(invites_after_join, invite.code).uses:
# Now that we found which link was used we'll start the embed
joinmsg = discord.Embed(title=f'{member.name}#{member.discriminator} has joined', timestamp=time, colour=discord.Color(random.randint(0x000000, 0xFFFFFF)))
joinmsg.add_field(name="**Account Created:**", value=member.created_at.strftime("%#d %b %Y, at %I:%M%p"), inline=True)
joinmsg.add_field(name="**Invite:**", value=f"||{invite.code}||", inline=True)
joinmsg.add_field(name="**Inviter:**", value=f"{invite.inviter}", inline=False)
joinmsg.set_footer(text=f"Member {users} • User ID: {member.id}")
await self.bot.send_log_message(member.guild, embed=joinmsg)
#We use an else statement if a NoneType is returned this would happen if the invite link has expired.
# Create the embed to be sent
joinmsg = discord.Embed(title=f'{member.name}#{member.discriminator} has joined', timestamp=time, colour=discord.Color(random.randint(0x000000, 0xFFFFFF)))
joinmsg.add_field(name="**Account Created:**", value=member.created_at.strftime("%#d %b %Y, at %I:%M%p"), inline=True)
joinmsg.add_field(name="**Invite:**", value=f"Expired", inline=True)
joinmsg.set_footer(text=f"Member {users} • User ID: {member.id}")
await self.bot.send_log_message(member.guild, embed=joinmsg)
# We will now update our cache so it's ready
# for the next user that joins the guild
invites[member.guild.id] = invites_after_join
# return to prevent looping when we already got what we want
It looks like something isn't happening quite the way you want it to, I would add a print function before it and print the values of invite.uses and find_invite_by_code(invites_after_join, invite.code).uses and then print the type of them too, if you still can't spot the error, then we'll have a problem
print(invite.uses, find_invite_by_code(invites_after_join, invite.code).uses)
print(type(invite.uses), type(find_invite_by_code(invites_after_join, invite.code).uses))
I'm relatively new to programming and a recent project I've started to work on is a chatbot in python for an irc channel I frequent.
One of my goals is to have the bot able to very basically keep track of conversations it is having with users.
I presently an using conversation objects. When a user addresses the bot, it creates a new convo object and stores a log of the conversation, the current topic, etc. in that object.
When the user speaks, if their message matches the topic of the conversation, it chooses a response based on what they've said and the new topic.
For example, if the bot joins, and a user says: "Hello, bot." the conversation will be created and the topic set to "greeting".
the bot will say hello back and if the user asks: "What's up?", the bot will change the topic to "currentevents", and reply with "not much" or similar.
topic have related topic, and if the bot notices a sudden change to a topic not marked as related (questions are exceptions), it will act slightly confused and taken aback.
My question is though: I feel like my method is a bit overly complicated and unnecessary. I'm sure objects aren't the best thing to use. What would be another approach to keeping track of a conversation and it's topic? Be it a better way or worse, I'm just looking for ideas and a little brainstorming.
Before you say this isn't the right place, I've tried asking on programmers.stackexchange.com, but I didn't receive a relevant response, just someone who misunderstood me. I'm hoping I can get some more feedback on a more active site. In a way this is code help :)
Here's the code for my current approach. There are still a few bugs and I'm sure the code is far from efficient. Any tips or help on the code is welcomed.
def __init__(slef):
self.dicti_topics = {"None":["welcomed", "ask", "badbot", "leave"],
"welcomed":["welcomed", "howare", "badbot", "ask", "leave"],
"howare":["greetfinished", "badbot", "leave"]}
self.dicti_lines = {"hello":"welcomed", "howareyou":"howare", "goaway":"leave", "you'rebad":"badbot", "question":"asked"}
self.dicti_responce = dicti["Arriving dicti_responce"]
def do_actions(self):
if len(noi.recv) > 0:
line = False
##set vars
item = noi.recv.pop(0)
#update and trim lastrecv list
if len(noi.lastrecv) > 10: noi.lastrecv = noi.lastrecv[1:10]
args = item.split()
channel, user = args[0], args[1].split("!")[0]
message = " ".join(w for w in args[2:])
print "channel:", channel
print "User:", user
print "Message:", message
if re.match("noi", message):
if not user in noi.convos.keys():
noi.convos[user] = []
if not noi.convos[user]:
noi.convos[user] = Conversation(user)
noi.convos[user].channel = channel
line = "What?"
send(channel, line)
if re.match("hello|yo|hey|ohai|ello|howdy|hi", message) and (noi.jointime - time.time() < 20):
print "hello convo created"
if not user in noi.convos.keys():
noi.convos[user] = []
if not noi.convos[user]:
noi.convos[user] = Conversation(user, "welcomed")
noi.convos[user].channel = channel
#if user has an active convo
if user in noi.convos.keys():
line = None
convo = noi.convos[user]
topic = convo.topic
#remove punctuation, "noi", and make lowercase
rmsg = message.lower()
for c in [".", ",", "?", "!", ";"]:
rmsg = rmsg.replace(c, "")
#print rmsg
rlist = rmsg.split("noi")
for rmsg in rlist:
rmsg.strip(" ")
#categorize message
if rmsg in ["hello", "yo", "hey", "ohai", "ello", "howdy", "hi"]: rmsg = "hello"
if rmsg in ["how do you do", "how are you", "sup", "what's up"]: rmsg = "howareyou"
if rmsg in ["gtfo", "go away", "shooo", "please leave", "leave"]: rmsg = "goaway"
if rmsg in ["you're bad", "bad bot", "stfu", "stupid bot"]: rmsg = "you'rebad"
#if rmsg in []: rmsg =
#if rmsg in []: rmsg =
#Question handling
r = r'(when|what|who|where|how) (are|is) (.*)'
m = re.match(r, rmsg)
if m:
rmsg = "question"
responce = "I don't know %s %s %s." % (m.group(1), m.group(3), m.group(2))
#dicti_lines -> {message: new_topic}
#if msg has an entry, get the new associated topic
if rmsg in self.dicti_lines.keys():
new_topic = self.dicti_lines[rmsg]
relatedtopics = self.dicti_topics[topic]
#if the topic is related, change topic
if new_topic in relatedtopics:
noi.convos[user] = convo
#and respond
if new_topic == "leave": line = random.choice(dicti["Confirm"])
if rmsg == "question": line = responce
else: line = random.choice(self.dicti_responce[new_topic])
#otherwise it's confused
line = "Huh?"
if line:
line = line+", %s." % user
send(channel, line)
This is the do_action of a state in a state machine.
having clear goals is important in programming even before you set out deciding what objects and how. Unfortunately from what I've read above this isn't really clear.
So first forget the how of the program. forget about the objects, the code and what they do.
Now Imagine someone else was going to write for you the program. someone who is such a good programmer, they don't need you do tell them how to code. here are some questions they might ask you.
What is the purpose of your program in one sentence?
explain to me as simply as possible the main terms, IRC, Conversation.
what must it be able do? short bullet points.
explain in steps how you would use the program eg:
i type in
it then says
depending on weather... it gives me a list of this...
Having done this then forget about your convo object or whatever and think in terms of 1, 2 and 4. On Pen and paper think about the main elements of your problems i,e Conversations.Don't Just create Objects... you'll find them.
Now think about the relationships of those elements in terms of how they interact. i.e.
"Bot adds message to Topic, User adds message to Topic, messages from Topic are sent to Log."
this will help you find what the objects are, what they must do and what information they'll need to store.
Having said all that, I would say your biggest problem is your taking on more than you can chew. To begin with, for a computer to recognise words and put them into topics is quite complicated and involves linguistics and/or statistics. As a new programmer I'd tend to avoid these areas because they will simply let you down and in the process kill your motivation. start small... then go BIG. try messing with GUI programming, then make a simple calculator and stuff...