There isnt a error in the code but when I run the code it doesn't do it the way I want it to
elif player == '-blackjack':
betted = int(input('how much would you like to gamble? : '))
your_card = random.randrange(2,21)
your_drawed = random.randrange(1,12)
opponent_card = random.randrange(2,21)
opponent_drawed = random.randrange(1,12)
if betted > player_money:
print('oye you dont have this much')
elif betted <= player_money:
game = True
while game:
opponent_drawed = random.randrange(1,12)
your_drawed = random.randrange(1,12)
print(' ________________________________')
print('|Your total card : ' + str(your_card))
print('|Opponents total card : ?')
print('|h to hit, s to stay.')
player = input('|________________________________')
if opponent_card < 15:
opponent_card += opponent_drawed
elif opponent_card >= 15:
if player == 'h':
your_card = your_card + your_drawed
if your_card > 21:
if opponent_card > 21:
print('BOTH BUSTED! tie')
game = False
elif opponent_card <= 21:
print('BUSTED! You lost ' + str(betted))
player_money -= betted
game = False
elif your_card == 21:
if opponent_card == 21:
print('Both 21! Tie')
game = False
elif opponent_card < 21 or opponent_card > 21:
print('You win! you won ' + str(betted))
player_money += betted
game = False
elif opponent_card > 21:
if your_card > 21:
print('man opponent busted tho, you should have stayed TIE!')
game = False
elif your_card <= 21:
print('opponent busted! you won ' + str(betted))
player_money += betted
game = False
elif player == 's':
if opponent_card == 21:
if your_card == 21:
print('both 21! tie!')
game = False
elif your_card < 21:
print('opponent reached 21 in this turn you lose ' + str(betted))
player_money -= betted
game = False
elif opponent_card > 21:
print('opponent busted you win ' + str(betted))
player_money += betted
game = False
When I run this code, the hit for blackjack works but the 's' button stay doesn't work
this happens when I try to stay, why does it do this? When I do hit it does successfully go up and everything works fine but just the stay part doesn't seem to be working
You need another conditional for the case where opponent_card < 21.
import random
player_health = 100
boss_health = 80
guard1_health = 10
guard1_status = "alive"
guard2_health = 15
gladiator_health = 20
weapon = 0
level = 0
turn = 0
def choose_weapon():
global weapon
global level
weapon = int(input("Choose your weapon:\n 1: Sword \n 2: Daggers \n 3: Bow \n Type here to choose:"
if weapon == 1:
weapon = str("Sword")
print("You have chosen", weapon)
elif weapon == 2:
weapon = str("Daggers")
print("You have chosen", weapon)
weapon = str("Bow")
print("You have chosen", weapon)
level += 1
def level_1_enemy():
global guard1_status
global guard1_health
global level
global turn
global weapon
print("Player turn")
if guard1_status == "alive" and guard1_health > 0 and turn == 1:
if weapon == 1:
guard1_health -= 8
print("Guard health:", guard1_health)
turn -= 1
elif weapon == 2:
guard1_health -= 5
print("Guard health:", guard1_health)
turn -= 1
elif weapon == 3:
bow_crit = random.randint(1, 10)
if bow_crit == 1:
guard1_health -= 20
print("Guard health:", guard1_health)
guard1_health -= 5
print("Guard health:", guard1_health)
if guard1_health <= 0:
print("You defeated the Guard, next level!")
guard1_status = "dead"
level += 1
def level_1_player():
global player_health
global weapon
global level
global turn
if player_health > 0 and turn == 0:
if weapon == 2:
dodge = random.randint(1, 3)
if dodge == 1:
print("You dodged the attack!")
player_health -= 5
print("\n\nThe enemy hit you! (-5 hp)")
print("Enemy health: ", guard1_health)
print("Your health: ", player_health)
player_health -= 5
print("\n\nThe enemy hit you! (-5 hp)")
print("Enemy health: ", guard1_health)
print("Your health: ", player_health)
print("You have died, Game Over.")
while level == 1:
if turn == 0:
turn += 1
elif turn == 1:
turn -= 1
I want to have the game loop through player and enemy turns until either the player is dead or the enemy. It reaches the first IF in level_1_enemy and prints "test", but does not continue to the next if statement even though the condition "weapon == 1" is true.
The last while loop is meant to repeat the level_1_enemy and level_1_player functions. It does do both but will also not stop looping once the guard or player is dead.
This question is in relation to Dr Angela Yu's 11th day of Python tutorials. I am not able to execute the code I typed in. The code is typed in replit. Where am I making mistakes? This code is supposed to play the game of Blackjack.
import random
from replit import clear
from art import logo
def draw_card():
cards = [11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10]
return random.choice(cards)
def calculate_score(cards):
if sum(cards) == 21 and len(cards) == 2:
return 0
if sum(cards) > 21 and 11 in cards:
return sum(cards)
def compare(user_score, computer_score):
if user_score > 21 and computer_score > 21:
print("You went over 21. You lost")
elif computer_score == 0:
print("You lost. Computer has blackjack")
elif user_score == 0:
print("You won with a blackjack.")
elif user_score == computer_score:
elif user_score > 21:
print("You lost")
elif computer_score > 21:
print("you won")
elif user_score > computer_score:
print("You won.")
print("Computer won")
def play_game():
print (logo)
user_cards = []
computer_cards = []
for number in range(2):
game_end = False
while not game_end:
user_score = calculate_score(user_cards)
computer_score = calculate_score(computer_cards)
print(f" Your cards: {user_cards}, your score: {user_score}.")
print(f" Computer's first card: {computer_cards[0]}")
get_card = input("Type 'y' to get another card, type 'n' to pass: ")
if get_card == "y".lower():
game_end = True
while computer_score < 17:
print(f" Your final hand: {user_cards}, final score: {user_score}")
print(f" Computer's final hand: {computer_cards}, final score: {computer_score}")
print(compare(user_score, computer_score))
play = input("Do you want to play a game of blackjack. Type y or n: ").lower()
while play == "y":
I am not able to debug this code in thonny due to some functions I can only find in replit.
You never recompute computer_score, so computer_score < 17 will stay True forever.
There are bugs in your code.Here are the solutions.
Do this:
#The main bug is that the program gets stuck at while loop in around lineNO 62 where it says "while computer_score < 17:"
#I could solve it for you but i don't know the game, so do something there.
#My suggestion: use if statement instead of while loop.
This question already has answers here:
Why does "a == x or y or z" always evaluate to True? How can I compare "a" to all of those?
(8 answers)
Closed last year.
So I was doing a blackjack program. Everything was working until I got this:
Your cards: [2, 4]
Total: 6
Chose your next move: stand
Dealer's cards: [5]
Your cards: [2, 4, 10]
Total: 16
Chose your next move: stand
Dealer's cards: [5]
Your cards: [2, 4, 10, 10]
Total: 26
The loop is supposed to break when move == stand I think it's the break function, but there is a high chance I messed something else up.
Here's the bit of code I think is messing up:
while player_cards_total < 21:
player_cards_total = sum(player_cards)
dealer_cards_total = sum(dealer_cards)
if player_cards_total > 20:
print('\n\n//////////////////////////\nDealer\'s cards: ', dealer_cards)
print('Your cards: ', player_cards,'\nTotal: ', player_cards_total, '\n//////////////////////////')
move = get_move()
if move == 'hit':
The while loop is an individual loop, and not a inner loop
Here's the whole code
import time
Ace = 11
Jack = 10
Queen = 10
King = 10
cards = [Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King]
Ace_21 = False
player_bal = 0
dealer_bal = 0
player_cards = []
dealer_cards = []
player_cards_total = 0
dealer_cards_total = 0
card = ''
move = ''
moves = 0
def get_card():
return(int(cards[random.randrange(1, 13)]))
dealer_cards = [get_card(),]
player_cards = [get_card(), get_card()]
player_cards_total = sum(player_cards)
def get_move():
if moves == 0:
print('\nDealer\'s cards: ', dealer_cards)
print('Your cards: ', player_cards,'\nTotal: ', player_cards_total)
move = input('Chose your next move: ')
if move == 'h' or 'Hit':
move = 'hit'
elif move == 's' or 'Stand':
move = 'stand'
while player_cards_total < 21:
player_cards_total = sum(player_cards)
dealer_cards_total = sum(dealer_cards)
if player_cards_total > 20:
print('\n\n//////////////////////////\nDealer\'s cards: ', dealer_cards)
print('Your cards: ', player_cards,'\nTotal: ', player_cards_total, '\n//////////////////////////')
move = get_move()
if move == 'hit':
if player_cards_total > 21:
print('You lose!!!')
elif player_cards_total == 21:
print('Great job, you win')
print('DEALER\'S TURN')
while dealer_cards_total < 20:
dealer_cards_total = sum(dealer_cards)
get_move always returns 'hit', so the break can never run. This is caused by a logic error.
You need to change the following lines:
if move == 'h' or 'Hit':
elif move == 's' or 'Stand':
Now to the right of "or" is a non-empty string so these if's will always be True.
Instead you need:
if move == 'h' or move == 'Hit':
elif move == 's' or move == 'Stand':
This will actually test of move is equal to either string separately as you intended. Furthermore, you could also use this convention if you would like:
if move in ['h', 'Hit']:
elif move in ['s', 'Stand']:
im just working on a blackjack project and im new to coding so its a little tough trying to add new functions such as the hit/stand function. I have tried making a hit/stand function but im not sure how to actually add a new card to the total of the players cards and the dealer also. im just staring by adding the players to try and get some result but a am just stuck at this rate and have no idea how i can properly implement this. I have a sep file that stores the list of the deck and shuffle but is imported
import playing_cards
import random
player_hand = []
dealers_hand = []
hands = [[]]
#STAGE 1 - testing purpose only
# Testing code for step 1
##card = playing_cards.deal_one_card()
#Stage 2 - testing purpose only (PLAYERS HAND)
# Deal first card
card = playing_cards.deal_one_card()
# Append it to the player_hand list
# Deal second card
card = playing_cards.deal_one_card()
# Append it to the player_hand list
# Display the player's hand to the screen using a simple print statement
#print("Player's hand is ", player_hand)
#Stage 4 and 5
suits = {'C': 'Club', 'H': 'Heart', 'D': 'Diamond', 'S': 'Spade'}
names = {'2': '2', '3': '3', '4': '4',
'5':'5', '6': '6', '7': '7', '8': '8', '9': '9', 'T': '10','J': 'Jack', 'Q': 'Queen', 'K': 'King', 'A': 'Ace'}
def score_hand(player_hand):
" Scores hand with adjustment for Ace "
value = {}
for i in range(10):
value[str(i)] = i
value['J'] = 10
value['Q'] = 10
value['K'] = 10
value['A'] = 11
value['T'] = 10
score = sum(int(value[card[0]]) for card in player_hand)
if score > 21:
# Adjust for Aces
adjustment = sum(10 if card[0]=='A' else 0 for card in player_hand)
score -= adjustment
return score
#ask about this
def show_result(player_hand):
player_score = int(score_hand(player_hand))
if player_score > 21:
print('*** Player Bust! ***')
elif player_score == 21:
print('*** Blackjack! Player Wins! ***')
## push(player_hand,dealer_hand)
##def push(player_score,dealers_score):
## print("Dealer and Player tie! It's a push.")
## // Logic to continue game
def hit_stand(show_hand,player_hand):
while True:
x = input("Would you like to Hit or Stand? Enter 'h' or 's'")
if x[0].lower() == 'h':
hit(show_hand,player_hand) # hit() function defined above
elif x[0].lower() == 's':
print("Player stands. Dealer is playing.")
playing = False
def show_hand(player_hand):
score = f"Player's hand is {score_hand(player_hand)}: "
cards = ' | '.join([f"{names[card[0]]} of {suits[card[1]]}" for card in player_hand])
return score + cards
for hand in hands:
#Stage 3 - Testing purpose only (DEALERS HAND)
### Deal first card
card = playing_cards.deal_one_card()
### Append it to the player_hand list
### Deal second card
card = playing_cards.deal_one_card()
### Append it to the player_hand list
### Display the player's hand to the screen using a simple print statement
#Stage 4 and 5
def score_hand(dealers_hand):
" Scores hand with adjustment for Ace "
value = {}
for i in range(10):
value[str(i)] = i
value['J'] = 10
value['Q'] = 10
value['K'] = 10
value['A'] = 11
value['T'] = 10
score = sum(int(value[card[0]]) for card in dealers_hand)
if score > 21:
# Adjust for Aces
adjustment = sum(10 if card[0]=='A' else 0 for card in dealers_hand)
score -= adjustment
return score
#ask about this
def show_result(dealers_hand):
dealers_score = int(score_hand(dealers_hand))
if dealers_score > 21:
print('*** Dealer Bust! ***')
elif dealers_score == 21:
print('*** Blackjack! Dealer Wins! ***')
def show_hand(dealers_hand):
score = f"Dealers's hand is {score_hand(dealers_hand)}: "
cards = ' | '.join([f"{names[card[0]]} of {suits[card[1]]}" for card in dealers_hand])
return score + cards
for hand in hands:
hit_stand(show_hand, player_hand)
import random
Player_Cards=[] # im also beginner in programming just little know some C from College
Total_Player=0 # and watched some tutorial like 5 min and get the whole algorithm
# then start thinking and coding i have little excuse like how to i
Total_Dealer=0 # stop when player or dealer hit >=21 expect option .
#Deal the cards
#Dealer Cards
while len(Dealer_Cards) != 2:
if len(Dealer_Cards) == 2:
print("Dealer has ",Dealer_Cards)
# Player Cards
while len(Player_Cards) != 2:
if len(Player_Cards) == 2:
print("You have ",Player_Cards)
print("you have 2 option Hit or Stay:[Click '1' for Hit and if you want to Stay click '0']:")
option= int(input(""))
if option == 0:
Total_Dealer+= sum(Dealer_Cards) #Dealer_Cards= i
print("sum of the Dealer cards:",Total_Dealer)
Total_Player+= sum(Player_Cards) # Player_Cards= x
print("sum of the Player cards:",Total_Player)
if Total_Dealer > Total_Player:
print("Dealer Wons")
elif Total_Player > Total_Dealer:
print("You Won")
elif option == 1:
while len(Player_Cards) != 3:
if len(Player_Cards) == 3:
print("You have ",Player_Cards)
print("you have 2 option Hit or Stay:[Click '1' for Stay and if you want to Stay click '0']")
option= int(input(""))
if option== 0:
Total_Dealer += sum(Dealer_Cards)
print("sum of the Dealer cards:", Total_Dealer)
Total_Player += sum(Player_Cards)
print("sum of the Player cards:", Total_Player)
if Total_Player > 21 and Total_Dealer <= 21:
print("You are BUSTED !")
elif Total_Player == Total_Dealer:
elif Total_Player <= 21 and Total_Dealer > 21:
print("You WON !")
elif (Total_Player < 21 and Total_Dealer < 21) and (Total_Player > Total_Dealer):
print("You WON !")
elif (Total_Player < 21 and Total_Dealer < 21) and (Total_Dealer > Total_Player):
print("Dealer WON !")
elif option == 1:
while len(Player_Cards) != 4:
if len(Player_Cards) == 4:
print("You have ",Player_Cards)
print("you have 2 option Hit or Stay:[Click '1' for Stay and if you want to Stay click '0']")
option= int(input(""))
if option == 0:
Total_Dealer += sum(Dealer_Cards)
print("sum of the Dealer cards:", Total_Dealer)
Total_Player += sum(Player_Cards)
print("sum of the Player cards:", Total_Player)
if Total_Player > 21 and Total_Dealer <= 21:
print("You are BUSTED !")
elif Total_Player == Total_Dealer:
elif Total_Player <= 21 and Total_Dealer > 21:
print("You WON !")
elif (Total_Player < 21 and Total_Dealer < 21) and (Total_Player > Total_Dealer):
print("You WON !")
elif (Total_Player < 21 and Total_Dealer < 21) and (Total_Dealer > Total_Player):
print("Dealer WON !")
elif option == 1:
while len(Player_Cards) != 5:
Player_Cards.append(random.randint(1, 11))
if len(Player_Cards) == 5:
print("You have ",Player_Cards)
Total_Dealer+= sum(Dealer_Cards)
print("sum of the Dealer cards:",Total_Dealer)
Total_Player+= sum(Player_Cards)
print("sum of the Player cards:",Total_Player)
if Total_Player > 21 and Total_Dealer <= 21:
print("You are BUSTED !")
elif Total_Player == Total_Dealer:
elif Total_Player <= 21 and Total_Dealer > 21:
print("You WON !")
elif (Total_Player < 21 and Total_Dealer < 21) and (Total_Player > Total_Dealer):
print("You WON !")
elif (Total_Player < 21 and Total_Dealer < 21) and (Total_Dealer > Total_Player):
print("Dealer WON !")
Maybe this will get you on the right track (I couldn't find a 'hit' function defined, so you can do all the work right in hit_stand, as follows):
def hit_stand(show_hand,player_hand):
while True:
x = input("Would you like to Hit or Stand? Enter 'h' or 's'")
if x[0].lower() == 'h':
elif x[0].lower() == 's':
print("Player stands. Dealer is playing.")
playing = False
That will solve how the player hits, but I didn't see logic in your code for the dealer to decide to hit or stand, which are based on standard house rules.
Right now I'm having trouble with the code restarting. It restarts but it doesn't go back to the beginning. It just keeps asking me if I want to restart.
For example it says
The player has cards [number, number, number, number, number] with a total value of (whatever the numbers add up too.)
--> Player is busted!
Start over? Y/N
I type in Y and it keeps saying
The player has cards [number, number, number, number, number] with a total value of (whatever the numbers add up too.)
--> Player is busted!
Start over? Y/N
Can anyone please fix it so that it will restart. - or tell me how to my code is below.
from random import choice as rc
def playAgain():
# This function returns True if the player wants to play again, otherwise it returns False.
print('Do you want to play again? (yes or no)')
return input().lower().startswith('y')
def total(hand):
# how many aces in the hand
aces = hand.count(11)
t = sum(hand)
# you have gone over 21 but there is an ace
if t > 21 and aces > 0:
while aces > 0 and t > 21:
# this will switch the ace from 11 to 1
t -= 10
aces -= 1
return t
cards = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11]
c2win = 0 # computer2 win
cwin = 0 # computer win
pwin = 0 # player win
while True:
player = []
pbust = False # player busted
cbust = False # computer busted
c2bust = False # computer2 busted
while True:
tp = total(player)
print ("The player has cards %s with a total value of %d" % (player, tp))
if tp > 21:
print ("--> Player is busted!")
pbust = True
print('Start over? Y/N')
answer = input()
if answer == 'n':
done = True
elif tp == 21:
print ("\a BLACKJACK!!!")
print("do you want to play again?")
answer = input()
if answer == 'y':
done = False
hs = input("Hit or Stand/Done (h or s): ").lower()
if 'h' in hs:
if 's' in hs:
while True:
comp = []
while True:
comp2 = []
while True:
tc = total(comp)
if tc < 18:
print ("the computer has %s for a total of %d" % (comp, tc))
if tc > 21:
print ("--> Computer is busted!")
cbust = True
if pbust == False:
print ("Player wins!")
pwin += 1
print('Start over? Y/N')
answer = input()
if answer == 'y':
if answer == 'n':
done = True
elif tc > tp:
print ("Computer wins!")
cwin += 1
elif tc == tp:
print ("It's a draw!")
elif tp > tc:
if pbust == False:
print ("Player wins!")
pwin += 1
elif cbust == False:
print ("Computer wins!")
cwin += 1
print ("Wins, player = %d computer = %d" % (pwin, cwin))
exit = input("Press Enter (q to quit): ").lower()
if 'q' in exit:
print ("Thanks for playing blackjack with the computer!")
fun little game, I removed the second dealer for simplicity, but it should be easy enough to add back in. I changed input to raw_input so you could get a string out of it without entering quotes. touched up the logic a bit here and there, redid formating and added comments.
from random import choice as rc
def play_again():
"""This function returns True if the player wants to play again,
otherwise it returns False."""
return raw_input('Do you want to play again? (yes or no)').lower().startswith('y')
def total(hand):
"""totals the hand"""
#special ace dual value thing
aces = hand.count(11)
t = sum(hand)
# you have gone over 21 but there is an ace
while aces > 0 and t > 21:
# this will switch the ace from 11 to 1
t -= 10
aces -= 1
return t
cards = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11]
cwin = 0 # computer win
pwin = 0 # player win
while True:
# Main Game Loop (multiple hands)
pbust = False # player busted
cbust = False # computer busted
# player's hand
player = []
pbust = False # player busted
cbust = False # computer busted
while True:
# Player Game Loop (per hand)
tp = total(player)
print ("The player has cards %s with a total value of %d" % (player, tp))
if tp > 21:
print ("--> Player is busted!")
pbust = True
elif tp == 21:
print ("\a BLACKJACK!!!")
hs = raw_input("Hit or Stand/Done (h or s): ").lower()
if hs.startswith('h'):
#Dealers Hand
comp = []
tc = total(comp)
while tc < 18:
# Dealer Hand Loop
tc = total(comp)
print ("the computer has %s for a total of %d" % (comp, tc))
if tc > 21:
print ("--> Computer is busted!")
cbust = True
# Time to figure out who won
if cbust or pbust:
if cbust and pbust:
print ("both busted, draw")
elif cbust:
print ("Player wins!")
pwin += 1
print ("Computer wins!")
cwin += 1
elif tc < tp:
print ("Player wins!")
pwin += 1
elif tc == tp:
print ("It's a draw!")
print ("Computer wins!")
cwin += 1
# Hand over, play again?
print ("\nWins, player = %d computer = %d" % (pwin, cwin))
exit = raw_input("Press Enter (q to quit): ").lower()
if 'q' in exit:
print ("\n\nThanks for playing blackjack with the computer!")