instance methods sharing in python - python

1- is it true?
all the objects of a particular class have their own data members but share the member functions, for which only one copy in the memory exists?
2- and why the address of init in this code is similar:
class c:
def __init__(self,color):
print (f"id of self in __init__ on class is {id(self)}")
def test(self):
print (f"id of __init__ on class is {id(__init__)}")
id of __init__ on class is 1672033309600
id of self in __init__ on class is 1672033251232
id of self in __init__ on class is 1672033249696

Yes, all instances share the same code for a method. When you reference the method through a specific instance, a bound method object is created; it contains a reference to the method and the instance. When this bound method is called, it then calls the method function with the instance inserted as the first argument.
When you reference a method, a new bound method object is created. Unless you save the reference in a variable, the object will be garbage collected immediately. Referring to another method will create another bound method object, and it can use the same address.
Change your code to
init = a.__init__
test = a.test
and you'll get different IDs. Assigning the methods to variables keeps the memory from being reused.


Getting private attribute in parent class using super(), outside of a method

I have a class with a private constant _BAR = object().
In a child class, outside of a method (no access to self), I want to refer to _BAR.
Here is a contrived example:
class Foo:
_BAR = object()
def __init__(self, bar: object = _BAR):
class DFoo(Foo):
"""Child class where I want to access private class variable from parent."""
def __init__(self, baz: object = super()._BAR):
Unfortunately, this doesn't work. One gets an error: RuntimeError: super(): no arguments
Is there a way to use super outside of a method to get a parent class attribute?
The workaround is to use Foo._BAR, I am wondering though if one can use super to solve this problem.
Inside of DFoo, you cannot refer to Foo._BAR without referring to Foo. Python variables are searched in the local, enclosing, global and built-in scopes (and in this order, it is the so called LEGB rule) and _BAR is not present in any of them.
Let's ignore an explicit Foo._BAR.
Further, it gets inherited: DFoo._BAR will be looked up first in DFoo, and when not found, in Foo.
What other means are there to get the Foo reference? Foo is a base class of DFoo. Can we use this relationship? Yes and no. Yes at execution time and no at definition time.
The problem is when the DFoo is being defined, it does not exist yet. We have no start point to start following the inheritance chain. This rules out an indirect reference (DFoo -> Foo) in a def method(self, ....): line and in a class attribute _DBAR = _BAR.
It is possible to work around this limitation using a class decorator. Define the class and then modify it:
def deco(cls):
cls._BAR = cls.__mro__[1]._BAR * 2 # __mro__[0] is the class itself
return cls
class Foo:
_BAR = 10
class DFoo(Foo):
print(Foo._BAR, DFoo._BAR) # 10 20
Similar effect can be achieved with a metaclass.
The last option to get a reference to Foo is at execution time. We have the object self, its type is DFoo, and its parent type is Foo and there exists the _BAR. The well known super() is a shortcut to get the parent.
I have assumed only one base class for simplicity. If there were several base classes, super() returns only one of them. The example class decorator does the same. To understand how several bases are sorted to a sequence, see how the MRO works (Method Resolution Order).
My final thought is that I could not think up a use-case where such access as in the question would be required.
Short answer: you can't !
I'm not going into much details about super class itself here. (I've written a pure Python implementation in this gist if you like to read.)
But now let's see how we can call super:
1- Without arguments:
From PEP 3135:
This PEP proposes syntactic sugar for use of the super type to
automatically construct instances of the super type binding to the
class that a method was defined in, and the instance (or class object
for classmethods) that the method is currently acting upon.
The new syntax:
is equivalent to:
super(__class__, <firstarg>)
...and <firstarg> is the first parameter of the method
So this is not an option because you don't have access to the "instance".
(Body of the function/methods is not executed unless it gets called, so no problem if DFoo doesn't exist yet inside the method definition)
2- super(type, instance)
From documentation:
The zero argument form only works inside a class definition, as the
compiler fills in the necessary details to correctly retrieve the
class being defined, as well as accessing the current instance for
ordinary methods.
What were those necessary details mentioned above? A "type" and A "instance":
We can't pass neither "instance" nor "type" which is DFoo here. The first one is because it's not inside the method so we don't have access to instance(self). Second one is DFoo itself. By the time the body of the DFoo class is being executed there is no reference to DFoo, it doesn't exist yet. The body of the class is executed inside a namespace which is a dictionary. After that a new instance of type type which is here named DFoo is created using that populated dictionary and added to the global namespaces. That's what class keyword roughly does in its simple form.
3- super(type, type):
If the second argument is a type, issubclass(type2, type) must be
Same reason mentioned in above about accessing the DFoo.
4- super(type):
If the second argument is omitted, the super object returned is
If you have an unbound super object you can't do lookup(unless for the super object's attributes itself). Remember super() object is a descriptor. You can turn an unbound object to a bound object by calling __get__ and passing the instance:
class A:
a = 1
class B(A):
class C(B):
sup = super(B)
except AttributeError as e:
print(e) # 'super' object has no attribute 'a'
obj = C()
print(obj.sup.a) # 1
obj.sup automatically calls the __get__.
And again same reason about accessing DFoo type mentioned above, nothing changed. Just added for records. These are the ways how we can call super.

instance methods invokation in python

does objects have its methods or invoke them from superclass in python?
for example:
class tst():
def __init__(self,name,family):
def fun(self,a,b):
newtst=tst("myname","my family"),3,5),5)
in the code above does newtst object invoke fun function from tst class or it has own method and run it directly
and if the latter is true why we need to self parameter in definition class's functions
and in know that id( is different from id( but i think that differences is because of creating new method's object in memory.
Instance methods are implemented as descriptors in python.
This implies, the separate instances are not keeping individual copies of method, but getting the same attribute of a different instances may produce individual results for each of them.
Despite we have the same function object beyond the attributes of all the instances we have, it still doesn't means that
id( == id(
because method descriptor gives us different things when calling on a class and a class instance.
For a class we'll get an unbound method from tst, but for newtst it will be bound to an instance.

What's the different between a constructor & method in Python?

Can anyone simply explain the difference between constructors and methods in Python
When a class is instantiated, its __init__ method is called to initialize the class instance. Memory is allocated for the class instance, __init__ is called, and the new class is returned. __init__ is the constructor for the class. For example:
c = MyClass(123)
When __init__ is called, the first argument, self, is bound to the new class instance, and the second argument is 123.
An ordinary method operates on an existing class instance:
In this case, the first argument, self, is bound to c, which is an existing class instance, and the second argument is 456.
In most ways __init__ is like any other method of the class, except it is implicitly called when a new class instance is created.

Initializing parent class instance attributes

I understand how to initialize a parent class to get their instance attributes in a child class, but not exactly what's going on behind the scenes to accomplish this. (Note: not using super intentionally here, just to make illustration clear)
Below we extend class A by adding an extra attribute y to the child class B. If you look at the class dict after instantiating b=B(), we rightfully see both b.x(inherited from class A) and b.y.
I assume at a high level this is accomplished by the call to A.__init__(self,x=10) performing something similar to b.x=10 (the way a normal instance attribute would be assigned) within the __init__ of class B. It's a bit unclear to me because you are calling the __init__ of class A, not class B, yet class B still gets it's instance attributes updated accordingly. How does class A's __init__ know to update b's instance attributes.
This is different than inherited methods where the b object has no explicit inherited method in it's particular namespace, but looks up the inheritance chain when a call to a missing method is made. With the attribute, the method is actually in b's namespace (it's instance dict).
class A:
def __init__(self,x):
self.x = x
class B(A):
def __init__(self):
self.y = 1
b = B()
>>>{x:10,y:1} #x added to instance dict from parent init
Below we inherit from the built-in list. Here, similar to the above, since we are calling the list's __init__ method within Foolist's __init__, I would expect to see an instance dictionary that contains elems, but it is nowhere to be found. The values 123 are in the object somewhere, as can be seen by printing alist, but not in the instance dict.
class Foolist(list):
def __init__(self, elems):
list.__init__(self, elems)
alist = Foolist('123')
So what exactly is going on in the inheriting class when a parent's __init__ is called from a child's __init__? How are values being bound? It seems different from method lookup, as you are not searching the inheritance chain on demand, but actually assigning values to the inheriting class's instance dict.
How does a call to a parents init fill out it's child's instance dict? Why does the Foolist example not do this?
The answer is simple: self.
As a very rough overview, when instantiating a class, an object is created. This is more or less literally just an empty container without affiliation to anything.* This "empty container" is then passed to the __init__ method of the class that is being instantiated, where it becomes... the self argument! You're then setting an attribute on that object. You're then calling a different class's __init__ method, explicitly passing your specific self object to that method; that method then adds another attribute to the object.
This is in fact how every instance method works. Each method implicitly receives the "current object" as its first argument, self. When calling a parent's __init__ method, you're actually making that object passing very explicit.
You can approximate that behaviour with this simple example:
def init_a(obj):
obj.x = 10
def init_b(obj):
obj.y = 20
o = {}
* The object is not entirely "empty", there are particular attributes set on the object which create an affiliation with a particular class, so the object is "an instance of" a certain class, and Python can locate all the methods it so inherits from the class as needed.

Why should classes with __get__ or __set__ know who uses them?

I just read about descriptors and it felt very unintentional that the behavior of a class can depend on who uses it. The two methods
__get__(self, instance, owner)
__set__(self, instance, value)
do exactly that. They get in the instance of the class that uses them. What is the reason for this design decision? How is it used?
Update: I think of descriptors as normal types. The class that uses them as a member type can be easily manipulated by side effects of the descriptor. Here is an example of what I mean. Why does Python supprt that?
class Age(object):
def __init__(value):
self.value = value
def __get__(self, instance, owener): = 'You got manipulated'
return self.value
class Person(object):
age = Age(42)
name = 'Peter'
peter = Person()
print(, 'is', peter.age)
__get__ and __set__ receive no information about who's calling them. The 3 arguments are the descriptor object itself, the object whose attribute is being accessed, and the type of the object.
I think the best way to clear this up is with an example. So, here's one:
class Class:
def descriptor(self):
foo_instance = Foo()
method_object = foo_instance.descriptor
Functions are descriptors. When you access an object's method, the method object is created by finding the function that implements the method and calling __get__. Here,
method_object = foo_instance.descriptor
calls descriptor.__get__(foo_instance, Foo) to create the method_object. The __get__ method receives no information about who's calling it, only the information needed to perform its task of attribute access.
Descriptors are used to implement binding behaviour; a descriptor requires a context, the object on which they act.
That object is the instance object passed in.
Note that without a descriptor, attribute access on an object acts directly on the object attributes (the instance __dict__ when setting or deleting, otherwise the class and base classes attributes are searched as well).
A descriptor lets you delegate that access to a separate object entirely, encapsulating getting, setting and deleting. But to be able to do so, that object needs access to the context, the instance. Because getting an attribute also normally searches the class and its bases, the __get__ descriptor method is also passed the class (owner) of the instance.
Take functions, for example. A function is a descriptor too, and binding them to an instance produces a method. A class can have any number of instances, but it makes little sense to store bound methods on all those instances when you create the instance, that would be wasteful.
Instead, functions are bound dynamically; you look up the function name on the instance, the function is found on the class instead, and with a call to __get__ the function is bound to the instance, returning a method object. This method object can then pass in the instance to the function when called, producing the self argument.
An example of the descriptor protocol in action is bound methods. When you access an instance method you can either call it immediately or save it into a variable: a = Now, when you call a(x, y, z) the instance o is passed to foo as the first self parameter:
class C(object):
def foo(self, x, y, z):
print(self, x, y, z)
o = C()
a =
a(1, 2, 3) # prints <C instance at 0x...> 1 2 3
This works because functions implement the descriptor protocol; when you __get__ a function on an object instance it returns a bound method, with the instance bound to the function.
There would be no way for the above to work without the descriptor protocol giving access to the object instance.
