Triplet networks using keras for RNN - python

I am trying to write a custom loss function for triplet loss(using keras), which takes 3 arguments anchor,positive and negative. The triplets are generated using gru layer and the arguments for is provided through data generators.
The problem I am facing is while training :
TypeError: Cannot convert a symbolic Keras input/output to a numpy array.
This error may indicate that you're trying to pass a symbolic value to a NumPy
call, which is not supported. Or, you may be trying to pass Keras symbolic
inputs/outputs to a TF API that does not register dispatching, preventing Keras from automatically
converting the API call to a lambda layer in the Functional Model.
Implementation of loss function
def batch_hard_triplet_loss(self, anchor_embeddings, pos_embeddings, neg_embeddings, margin):
def loss(y_true, y_pred):
# distance between the anchor and the positive
pos_dist = K.sum(K.square(anchor_embeddings - pos_embeddings), axis=-1)
max_pos_dist = K.max(pos_dist)
# distance between the anchor and the negative
neg_dist = K.sum(K.square(anchor_embeddings - neg_embeddings), axis=-1)
max_neg_dist = K.min(neg_dist)
# compute loss
basic_loss = max_pos_dist - max_neg_dist + margin
tr_loss = K.maximum(basic_loss, 0.0)
return tr_loss
#return triplet_loss
return loss
Can this be because keras is expecting array as returned loss but I am providing a scalar value?


How can I implement this custom loss function in Keras?

I'm trying to implement a custom loss function on my neural network, which would look like this, if tensors were, instead, numpy arrays:
def custom_loss(y_true, y_pred):
activated = y_pred[y_true > 1]
return np.abs(activated.mean() - activated.std()) / activated.std()
The y's have a shape of (batch_size, 1); that's to say, it's a scalar output for each input row.
obs: this post (Converting Tensor to np.array using K.eval() in Keras returns InvalidArgumentError) gave me an initial direction for which to walk on.
This is a reproducible setup for which I'm trying to apply the custom loss function:
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras import layers
X = np.random.normal(0, 1, (256, 5))
Y = np.random.normal(0, 1, (256, 1))
model = keras.Sequential([
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss=custom_loss), Y)
The .fit() on the last line throws the error AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'mean', if I define custom_loss as stated above on my question.
It's a simple catch. You can use your custom loss as follows
def custom_loss(y_true, y_pred):
activated = y_pred[y_true > 1]
return tf.math.abs(tf.reduce_mean(activated) -
tf.math.reduce_std(activated)) / tf.math.reduce_std(activated)
or if you want to use tf.boolean_mask(tensor, mask, ..) then you need to ensure that the mask condition is in the shape of (None,) or 1D. And if we apply tf.where(y_true>1) it will produce a 2D tensor that needs to be reshaped in your case.
def custom_loss(y_true, y_pred):
activated = tf.boolean_mask(y_pred, tf.reshape(tf.where(y_true>1),[-1]) )
return tf.math.abs(tf.reduce_mean(activated) -
tf.math.reduce_std(activated)) / tf.math.reduce_std(activated)
Have you tried writing it in tensorflow as had gradient problems? Or is this just how to do so in tensorflow? -- Don't worry, I won't give you a classic toxic SO response!
I would try something like this (not tested, but seems along the right track):
def custom_loss(y_true, y_pred):
activated = tf.boolean_mask(y_pred, tf.where(y_true>1))
return tf.math.abs(tf.reduce_mean(activated) - tf.math.reduce_std(activated)) / tf.math.reduce_std(activated))
You may need to play around with dimensions in there, since all of those functions allow for specifying the dimensions to work with.
Also, you will lose the loss function when you save the model, unless you subclass the general loss function. That may be more detail than you are looking for, but if you have problems saving and loading the model, let me know.

Keras custom loss function with samples from complete input dataset

I am trying to devise a custom loss function for Variational auto-encoder in Keras with two parts: reconstruction loss and divergence loss. However, instead of using the gaussian distribution for divergence loss, I want to sample randomly from the input and then perform the divergence loss based on the sampled inputs. However, I do not know how to sample inputs which are from the complete datastet and then perform a loss with respect to it. The encoder model is:
x_input = Input((input_size,))
enc1 = Dense(encoder_size[0], activation='relu')(x_input)
drop = Dropout(keep_prob)(enc1)
enc2 = Dense(encoder_size[1], activation='relu')(drop)
drop = Dropout(keep_prob)(enc2)
mu = Dense(latent_dim, activation='linear', name='encoder_mean')(drop)
encoder = Model(x_input,mu)
The structure of loss should be:
# the input is the placeholder for the complete input
def loss(x, y, input):
reconstruction_loss = mean_squared_error(x, y)
sample_num = 100
sample_input = sample_from_input(input, sample_num)
sample_encoded = encoder.predict(sample_input) <-- this would not work with placeholder
sample_prior = gaussian(mean=0, std=1)
# perform KL divergence between sample_encoded and sample_prior
I have not found anything similar given. It would be great if somebody can point me in the right direction.
There are couple of problems in your code. First, when you create your custom loss function, it expects only two (equivalent) parameters of y_true and y_pred. So you will not be able to pass explicitly the parameter of input in your case. If you wish to pass additional parameters, you have to use the concept of nested function.
Next thing is inside predict function you will not be able to pass TensorFlow placeholders. You will have to pass Numpy array equivalents in it. So I would recommend you to rewrite your sample_from_input which samples from a set of file path inputs, reads it and sends a Numpy array of file data. Also, in the parameter of input_data, pass it the file paths where your data is present.
I have enclosed only the relevant parts of code.
def custom_loss(input_data):
def loss(y_true, y_pred):
reconstruction_loss = mean_squared_error(x, y)
sample_num = 100
sample_input = sample_from_input(input_data)
# sample_input is a Numpy array
sample_encoded = encoder.predict(sample_input)
sample_prior = gaussian(mean=0, std=1)
# perform KL divergence between sample_encoded and sample_prior
divergence_loss = # Your logic returning a numeric value
return reconstruction_loss + divergence_loss
return loss
encoder.compile(optimizer='adam', loss=custom_loss('<<input_data_path>>'))

Do I need to use backend function for a custom Keras loss

I would like to implement a custom loss function shown in this paper with Keras.
My loss is not going down and I have the feeling that it is because of the implementation of the loss: It doesn't use Keras' backend for everything but rather a combination of some K functions, simple operations and numpy:
def l1_matrix_norm(M):
return K.cast(K.max(K.sum(K.abs(M), axis=0)), 'float32')
def reconstruction_loss(patch_size, mask, center_weight=0.9):
mask = mask.reshape(1, *mask.shape).astype('float32')
mask_inv = 1 - mask
def loss(y_true, y_pred):
diff = y_true - y_pred
center_part = mask * diff
center_part_normed = l1_matrix_norm(center_part)
surr_part = mask_inv * diff
surr_part_normed = l1_matrix_norm(surr_part)
num_pixels ='float32')
numerator = center_weight * center_part_normed + (1 - center_weight) * surr_part_normed
return numerator / num_pixels
return loss
Is it necessary to use Keras functions, if so for which type of operations do I need it (I saw some code where simple operations such as addition don't use K).
Also if I have to use a Keras backend function, can I instead use TensorFlows function?
NN training depends on being able to compute the derivatives of all functions in the graph including the loss function. Keras backend functions and TensorFlow functions are annotated such that tensorflow (or other backend) automatically known how to compute gradients. That is not the case for numpy functions. It is possible to use non tf functions, if you do know how to compute their gradients manually (see tf.custom_gradients). In general, I would recommend with sticking with backend functions preferably and then tensorflow functions when necessary.

Tensor to numpy conversion without gradient dependence

I am creating a custom loss function to use with Keras in a CNN-architecture for segmentation. The loss should be a binary-cross-entropy-loss with each pixel weighted by the distance to the boundary of the GT foreground.
This distance is easily calculated with the scipy function scipy.ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt, but this functions requires a numpy-array as an input. For the loss function I only have "y_true" and "y_pred" which are both tensors.
I have tried converting "y_true" to a numpy array using np_y_true = y_true.eval(), but get the following error:
('conv3d_19_target' is the name for the placeholder of y_true. The shape of this is unknown to the program at this stage, though it is always (1,64,64,64,2).
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'conv3d_19_target' with dtype float and shape [?,?,?,?,?]
I have also tried np_y_true = y_true.numpy(), with the following result:
AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'numpy'
I believe there is two issues:
y_true is just a placeholder, and is therefore unknown when the loss function is first read.
Keras/tensorflow believes that the gradient should pass through all parts that are dependent on y_true. This is however not
necessary here, as this is just a weight parameter to be calculated
at each pass.
A first attempt on how I thought of my loss function:
def DFweighted_entropy():
def weighted_loss(y_true,y_pred):
np_ytrue = y_true.numpy() #OR
#np_y_true = K.eval(y_true)
#Calculate distance-field:
df_inside = distance_transform_edt(np_ytrue[:,:,:,1]) #Background
df_outside = distance_transform_edt(np_ytrue[:,:,:,0]) #Foreground
np_df = np_ytrue[:,:,:,1]*df_inside+np_ytrue[:,:,:,0]*df_outside #Combined
df_loss = (K.max(y_pred,0)-y_pred * y_true + K.log(1+K.exp((-1)*K.abs(y_pred))))*np_df
return df_loss
return weighted_loss
The loss function is used when the model is compiled:
model.compile(optimizer=keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=1e-4,beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08,decay=0.0),loss = DFweighted_entropy(), metrics=['acc',dice_coefficient])
Any ideas for solutions are appreciated!

TensorFlow pass gradient unchaned

Say I have some custom operation binarizer used in a neural network. The operation takes a Tensor and constructs a new Tensor. I would like to modify that operation such that it is only used in the forward pass. In the backward pass, when gradients are calculated, it should just pass through the gradients reaching it.
More concretly, say binarizer is:
def binarizer(input):
prob = tf.truediv(tf.add(1.0, input), 2.0)
bernoulli = tf.contrib.distributions.Bernoulli(p=prob, dtype=tf.float32)
return 2 * bernoulli.sample() - 1
and I setup my network:
# ...
h1_before_my_op = tf.nn.tanh(tf.matmul(x, W) + bias_h1)
h1 = binarizer(h1_before_b)
# ...
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y - y_true))
train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.5).minimize(loss)
How do I tell TensorFlow to skip gradient calculation in the backward pass?
I tried defining a custom operation as described in this answer, however: py_func cannot return Tensors, that's not what it is made for – I get:
UnimplementedError (see above for traceback): Unsupported object type Tensor
You're looking for tf.stop_gradient(input, name=None):
Stops gradient computation.
When executed in a graph, this op outputs its input tensor as-is.
h1 = binarizer(h1_before_b)
h1 = tf.stop_gradient(h1)
