So, I made a software using python, the GUI is made with pyqt5, after wrapping everything with pyinstaller package i have an executable called Main.exe. When i execute the file normally it works, but i need to execute it with python code. i found this code which is usefull:
import os
with other executable it works fine but whenever i try it with my executable 'Main.exe' it doesn't work. where is the problem coming from?
I am trying to convert my .py file to an .exe file and I have tried all methods (auto-py-to-exe, pyinstaller, cz_freeze) and it does create the exe file but it always gives an error or the window opens and closes as soon as I double click the file.
It is a SpeechRecognition AI project coded in python. And it works just fine in the IDLE but once I create the .exe and try to run it the window pops up and shut down immediately after. (I use the cx_freeze and method for this)
If I try to convert .py to .exe using pyinstaller it gives me several different kinds of error messages.
As a .py file it works just fine but it doesn't work as an exe.
This is the error I get when using pyinstaller or auto-py-to-exe: Failed to execute script 'pyi_rth_win32comgenpy' due to unhandled exception: Module 'pythoncom' isn't in frozen sys.path
Module 'pythoncom' isn't in frozen sys.path
I tried several things but nothing seems to work. I was previously using Python3.10 so I uninstalled it and downgraded to Python3.8 and reinstalled all the modules so technically it should work. I tried to create .exe files of another project and it worked just fine.
Another issue I come across is ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyttsx3.drivers' I compiled the .exe using cx_freeze and it did create an .exe but it gives me this error.
Could someone please help me out with this?
(PS: This is the list of imports I am using for this project:
screenshot of all imports
import speech_recognition as sr
import pyttsx3
import datetime
import wikipedia
import wikipediaapi
import webbrowser
import os
import time
import subprocess
import wolframalpha
import json
import requests
from newsapi import NewsApiClient)
I just solved this for my project, which is using none of the direct imports your project is, but it appears the same low level library is causing an issue.
In my case, the single import is:
from pywinauto.application import Application
The solution is to tell PyInstaller to bundle the missing .DLL, which in this case is pythoncomxx.dll where xx is your python version. 39 in my case.
Here is the call that eventually worked for me.
pyinstaller --onefile --add-binary ".venv/Lib/site-packages/pywin32_system32/pythoncom39.dll;."
More generally: pyinstaller --onefile --add-binary "[path to dll];."
Note, I'm on Windows. If you are on mac/linux, the ; character in the --add-binary argument would be :. See note in the documentation here
This clicked for me when I used ProcMon to profile the file access of my initial version that was failing. It was looking for this .DLL in a bunch of different folders, then quitting.
The answers to this question were helpful. But I didn't want to settle for copying the DLL to output manually. And consequently, having to use a directory output versus a single executable file.
Answers on this question also gave the hint about using the --add-binary flag, but ultimately I had to provide the specific path to the missing DLL instead of just referencing by name as these answers showed. It probably works to specify the DLL by name if it is accessible on your PATH.
How to locate this DLL in the first place? Do a search on your site-packages folder.
I am trying to convert my .py file to an .exe file and I have tried all methods (auto-py-to-exe, pyinstaller, cz_freeze) and it does create the exe file but it always gives an error or the window opens and closes as soon as I double click the file.
It is a SpeechRecognition AI project coded in python. And it works just fine in the IDLE but once I create the .exe and try to run it the window pops up and shut down immediately after. (I use the cx_freeze and method for this)
If I try to convert .py to .exe using pyinstaller it gives me several different kinds of error messages.
As a .py file it works just fine but it doesn't work as an exe.
This is the error I get when using pyinstaller or auto-py-to-exe: Failed to execute script 'pyi_rth_win32comgenpy' due to unhandled exception: Module 'pythoncom' isn't in frozen sys.path
Module 'pythoncom' isn't in frozen sys.path
I tried several things but nothing seems to work. I was previously using Python3.10 so I uninstalled it and downgraded to Python3.8 and reinstalled all the modules so technically it should work. I tried to create .exe files of another project and it worked just fine.
Another issue I come across is ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyttsx3.drivers' I compiled the .exe using cx_freeze and it did create an .exe but it gives me this error.
Could someone please help me out with this?
(PS: This is the list of imports I am using for this project:
screenshot of all imports
import speech_recognition as sr
import pyttsx3
import datetime
import wikipedia
import wikipediaapi
import webbrowser
import os
import time
import subprocess
import wolframalpha
import json
import requests
from newsapi import NewsApiClient)
I just solved this for my project, which is using none of the direct imports your project is, but it appears the same low level library is causing an issue.
In my case, the single import is:
from pywinauto.application import Application
The solution is to tell PyInstaller to bundle the missing .DLL, which in this case is pythoncomxx.dll where xx is your python version. 39 in my case.
Here is the call that eventually worked for me.
pyinstaller --onefile --add-binary ".venv/Lib/site-packages/pywin32_system32/pythoncom39.dll;."
More generally: pyinstaller --onefile --add-binary "[path to dll];."
Note, I'm on Windows. If you are on mac/linux, the ; character in the --add-binary argument would be :. See note in the documentation here
This clicked for me when I used ProcMon to profile the file access of my initial version that was failing. It was looking for this .DLL in a bunch of different folders, then quitting.
The answers to this question were helpful. But I didn't want to settle for copying the DLL to output manually. And consequently, having to use a directory output versus a single executable file.
Answers on this question also gave the hint about using the --add-binary flag, but ultimately I had to provide the specific path to the missing DLL instead of just referencing by name as these answers showed. It probably works to specify the DLL by name if it is accessible on your PATH.
How to locate this DLL in the first place? Do a search on your site-packages folder.
I was doing the same on windows with os.system("filename.exe")
But on mac, pyinstaller is creating unix executable and have no extension to it.
I've tried os.system("filename") which didn't work.
I've also tried os.system("./filename") which worked on python script but when I make executable file it is not working.
if the executable is python just import the file and it will run the main block
assume this is
and in your python code do
import a
the output will be
I wanted to compile my python program that uses pygame into an executable using py2exe but I'm experiencing some problems. I run the script in the windows command line and it seems to work. It creates a dist directory but when I try to open the .exe file, it briefly opens a command line window and then doesn't do anything.
Could this possibly be because I've used pygame and py2exe doesn't support it? Or do I need to put a copy of the pygame library into the same directory as my program?
There is an answer to this on the pygame wiki:
To include pygame in the executable, you will need to edit BuildExe.__init__
Try running the .exe from the command line to see if it's printing some kind of error message. Probably it's missing some DLLs, which you'll need to manually specify when executing py2exe.
This blog post might be useful.
You should use PyInstaller to turn your program and its dependencies into a standalone executable
Using it is as simple as running pyinstaller /path/to/
I'm trying to convert .py to .exe , but I'm not able to convert it with the help of py2exe in the command line.
I searched on the internet about a py2exe with a GUI frontend and I got the results as:
GUI2EXE (3/5) (The best one I found, but the .exe comes with lots of .dll files and the .exe file is buggy and doesn't work properly.)
H-two-O (2/5) (Waste of time. Doesn't compile any .exe files associated with Tkinter. Very creative and useful for other file formats.)
PytoEXE (1.3/5) (Just as H-two-O , but doesn't compile Tkinter files to .exe)
GP2EXE (?/5) (I didn't try it out. Maybe you can give a view on it.)
PyBuilder (2.7/5) (Reliable, good GUI interface with options but lacks some of the features and compiling speed to that of GUI2EXE.)
PythontoEXE (1.3/5) (Same as PytoEXE)
But these weren't good. I need a compiler better than all of the compilers listed above which can compile Tkinter files to .exe without any bugs.
Here's how I use py2exe. I know this isn't what you're asking for, but according to my experience, it's really annoying until it works. So please hear me out.
Assuming your Python file is called
New file (same folder):
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
From here, you can create a .bat file in the same folder, or run it from the command line. Either way, you'll be running python py2exe to compile the code.