Recursive pathfinding algorithm keeps returning None - python

To find a path in a 2D map, I call get_building_path() on a Person instance, but it keeps returning None. I have no idea what is going wrong as I am pretty new to Python.
Below I have provided code needed to reproduce the issue. I have tried many things but I still don't understand why it keeps returning None:
from random import randint
width = 1400
height = 700
gridSize = 20
people = []
buildings = []
map = [['' for c in range(int(width/gridSize))] for r in range(int(height/gridSize))]
class Person():
def __init__(self,row,col):
self.row = row
self.col = col
def getMin(self,paths): # find shortest path
if (len(paths) == 0): return [] # if nothing was found, return an empty list
min = paths[0]
for n in range(1,len(paths),1):
if ((paths[n] != None and len(paths[n]) < len(min)) or min==[None]): # make sure [None] is not returned since that would be the shortest
min = paths[n]
return min
def path_helper(self,visited,path,row,col,destR,destC): # destR and destC are the row and col of the target position
if ((row,col) in visited or map[row][col] != 'road' or row < 0 or row > len(map)-1 or col < 0 or col > len(map[0])-1):
return None # make sure the current position has not been visited, and is in bounds of the map
path.append([row,col]) # add current position to the path
visited.append((row,col)) # mark current position as visited
if (row == destR and col == destC): # return the path if we found the destination
return path
others=[] # look in all four directions from the current position
others.remove(None) # remove any path that did not find anything
return self.getMin(others)
def get_path(self,row,col):
return self.path_helper([],[],self.row,self.col,row,col) #call to recursive helper function
def get_building_path(self,type):
all = []
for b in buildings:
if (b.type == type):
target = all[randint(0,len(all)-1)] #get a random buildings of type 'type'
return self.get_path(target.row,target.col)
class Building():
def __init__(self,type,row,col):
self.type = type
self.row = row
self.col = col
midrow = int(height/gridSize/2) #get midpoint of the map
midcol = int(width/gridSize/2)
for n in range(0,3,2): #add new buildings to buildings list, along with the map
map[midrow+n][midcol-2] = buildings[len(buildings)-1]
map[midrow+n][midcol-1] = buildings[len(buildings)-1]
map[midrow+n][midcol] = buildings[len(buildings)-1]
map[midrow+n][midcol+1] = buildings[len(buildings)-1]
map[midrow+n][midcol+2] = buildings[len(buildings)-1]
for n in range(-2,3,1): #add roads to connect the buildings together
map[midrow+1][midcol+n] = 'road'
testPath = people[0].get_building_path('house')
If you would like to visually see how the buildings and roads are positioned, here is a picture of it:
From left to right, the buildings are 'house', 'school', 'workplace', 'store', 'restaurant'.
The blue circle represents the person.
(The top left building has a position of (17,33) (row,col)

A few issues:
others.remove(None) only removes the first occurrence of None
map[row][col] != 'road' will be True when arriving at the target, so this test should be only done after you have verified that you have not yet arrived at the target.
map[row][col] != 'road' will potentially give an error when row or col are out of range, so you should first do that range check
So path_helper should be corrected to:
def path_helper(self,visited,path,row,col,destR,destC):
# next IF should come before the other IF:
if row == destR and col == destC: # no parentheses needed
return path
# reorder conditions in next IF statement
if (row,col) in visited or row < 0 or row > len(map)-1 or col < 0 or col > len(map[0])-1 or map[row][col] != 'road':
return None
others = list(filter(None, others)) # delete ALL occurrences of None
return self.getMin(others)
There are some other things that could be improved (like using a set for visited, and not shadowing the native map function with your own variable), but the above mentioned changes will make it work.


PYTHON DFS Infinite while loop

Im trying to implement dfs on a matrix but inside my while loop in cases the goal is unreachable it never exists the loop.
Any ideas how to tackle that?
Some pointers for the code:
RowCol and RowNum have indices of reachable neighbours(i.e right, down,right diagonal down)I am adding that to the indices of the current node to get the neighbours indices. If it's not visited or an obstacle(equal to 1) add it to stack and repeat.
while stack:
curr = stack.get() # Dequeue the front cell
# If we have reached the destination cell,
# we are done
pt =
if pt == goal:
print("Sequence : ")
print("Path : ")
print(curr.path+" to "+str(pt))
return curr.dist
# Otherwise enqueue its adjacent cells
for i in range(3):
if i == 0 or i == 1:
cost = 2
elif i == 2:
cost = 3
row = pt[0] + rowNum[i]
col = pt[1] + colNum[i]
# if adjacent cell is valid, has path
# and not visited yet, enqueue it.
if isValid(row, col):
if matrix[row][col] == "0" and not visited[row][col]:
visited[row][col] = True
Adjcell = queueNode([row, col], curr.dist + cost,curr.path+" to "+str(
# Return -1 if destination cannot be reached
print("Can't reach goal")
return -1
If you want to make loop use
while True :

Dijkstra algorithm in python using dictionaries

Dear computer science enthusiasts,
I have stumbled upon an issue when trying to implement the Dijkstra-algorithm to determine the shortest path between a starting node and all other nodes in a graph.
To be precise I will provide you with as many code snippets and information as I consider useful to the case. However, should you miss anything, please let me know.
I implemented a PQueue class to handle Priority Queues of each individual node and it looks like this:
class PQueue:
def __init__(self):
self.items = []
def push(self, u, value):
self.items.append((u, value))
# insertion sort
j = len(self.items) - 1
while j > 0 and self.items[j - 1][1] > value:
self.items[j] = self.items[j - 1] # Move element 1 position backwards
j -= 1
# node u now belongs to position j
self.items[j] = (u, value)
def decrease_key(self, u, value):
for i in range(len(self.items)):
if self.items[i][0] == u:
self.items[i][1] = value
j = i
# insertion sort
while j > 0 and self.items[j - 1][1] > value:
self.items[j] = self.items[j - 1] # Move element 1 position backwards
j -= 1
# node u now belongs to position j
self.items[j] = (u, value)
def pop_min(self):
if len(self.items) == 0:
return None
return self.items.index(min(self.items))
In case you're not too sure about what the Dijkstra-algorithm is, you can refresh your knowledge here.
Now to get to the actual problem, I declared a function dijkstra:
def dijkstra(self, start):
# init
totalCosts = {} # {"node"= cost,...}
prevNodes = {} # {"node"= prevNode,...}
minPQ = PQueue() # [[node, cost],...]
visited = set()
# start init
totalCosts[str(start)] = 0
prevNodes[str(start)] = start
minPQ.push(start, 0)
# set for all other nodes cost to inf
for node in range(self.graph.length): # #nodes
if node != start:
totalCosts[str(node)] = np.inf
while len(minPQ.items) != 0: # Main loop
# remove smallest item
curr_node = minPQ.items[0][0] # get index/number of curr_node
# check neighbors
for neighbor in self.graph.adj_list[curr_node]:
# check if visited
if neighbor not in visited:
# check cost and put it in totalCost and update prev node
cost = self.graph.val_edges[curr_node][neighbor] # update cost of curr_node -> neighbor
minPQ.push(neighbor, cost)
totalCosts[str(neighbor)] = cost # update cost
prevNodes[str(neighbor)] = curr_node # update prev
# calc alternate path
altpath = totalCosts[str(curr_node)] + self.graph.val_edges[curr_node][neighbor]
# val_edges is a adj_matrix with values for the connecting edges
if altpath < totalCosts[str(neighbor)]: # check if new path is better
totalCosts[str(neighbor)] = altpath
prevNodes[str(neighbor)] = curr_node
minPQ.decrease_key(neighbor, altpath)
Which in my eyes should solve the problem mentioned above (optimal path for a starting node to every other node). But it does not. Can someone help me clean up this mess that I have been trying to debug for a while now. Thank you in advance!
In fact I realized that my dictionaries used to store the previously visited nodes (prevNodes) and the one where I save the corresponding total cost of visiting a node (totalCosts) are unequally long. And I do not understand why.

Spawning objects in groups when the first object of the group was spawned randomly Python

I'm currently doing a project, and in the code I have, I'm trying to get trees .*. and mountains .^. to spawn in groups around the first tree or mountain which is spawned randomly, however, I can't figure out how to get the trees and mountains to spawn in groups around a single randomly generated point. Any help?
grid = []
def draw_board():
row = 0
for i in range(0,625):
if grid[i] == 1:
elif grid[i] == 2:
elif grid[i] == 3:
elif grid[i] == 4:
elif grid[i] == 5:
row = row + 1
if row == 25:
print ("\n")
row = 0
There's a number of ways you can do it.
Firstly, you can just simulate the groups directly, i.e. pick a range on the grid and fill it with a specific figure.
def generate_grid(size):
grid = [0] * size
right = 0
while right < size:
left = right
repeat = min(random.randint(1, 5), size - right) # *
right = left + repeat
grid[left:right] = [random.choice(figures)] * repeat
return grid
Note that the group size need not to be uniformly distributed, you can use any convenient distribution, e.g. Poisson.
Secondly, you can use a Markov Chain. In this case group lengths will implicitly follow a Geometric distribution. Here's the code:
def transition_matrix(A):
"""Ensures that each row of transition matrix sums to 1."""
copy = []
for i, row in enumerate(A):
total = sum(row)
copy.append([item / total for item in row])
return copy
def generate_grid(size):
# Transition matrix ``A`` defines the probability of
# changing from figure i to figure j for each pair
# of figures i and j. The grouping effect can be
# obtained by setting diagonal entries A[i][i] to
# larger values.
# You need to specify this manually.
A = transition_matrix([[5, 1],
[1, 5]]) # Assuming 2 figures.
grid = [random.choice(figures)]
for i in range(1, size):
current = grid[-1]
next = choice(figures, A[current])
return grid
Where the choice function is explained in this StackOverflow answer.

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'function' and 'float'

I can't seem to figure out why I keep getting this error. The command line error traceback looks like this:
The point of the following code is to essentially give artificial intelligence to Pacman; keep him away from unscared ghosts, while eating all the food and capsules on a map. Most of code for this was given by the prof for an AI class, which can be found here.
The evaluationFunction method returns a very simple heuristic value that takes into consideration the distances to ghosts, food and capsules. The getAction function is found within my ExpectimaxAgent class (passed arg is MulitAgentSearchAgent), and it gathers all relevant information together, iterates through all possible actions and passes the info along to expectimax. The expectimax function is supposed to calculate a heuristic value which when returned to getAction is compared to the other action-heuristic values, and the one with the highest heuristic is chosen as the best action.
This should be all the relevant code for this error (if not I'll add more, also a quick apology for the noob mistakes in this question, I'm first time poster):
class ReflexAgent(Agent):
def getAction(self, gameState):
# Collect legal moves and successor states
legalMoves = gameState.getLegalActions()
# Choose one of the best actions
scores = [self.evaluationFunction(gameState, action) for action in legalMoves]
bestScore = max(scores)
bestIndices = [index for index in range(len(scores)) if scores[index] == bestScore]
chosenIndex = random.choice(bestIndices) # Pick randomly among the best
return legalMoves[chosenIndex]
def evaluationFunction(self, currentGameState, action):
successorGameState = currentGameState.generatePacmanSuccessor(action)
oldPos = currentGameState.getPacmanPosition()
newPos = successorGameState.getPacmanPosition()
newFood = successorGameState.getFood()
newGhostStates = successorGameState.getGhostStates()
# heuristic baseline
heuristic = 0.0
# ghost heuristic
for ghost in newGhostStates:
ghostDist = manhattanDistance(ghost.getPosition(), newPos)
if ghostDist <= 1:
if ghost.scaredTimer != 0:
heuristic += 2000
heuristic -= 200
# capsule heuristic
for capsule in currentGameState.getCapsules():
capsuleDist = manhattanDistance(capsule, newPos)
if capsuleDist == 0:
heuristic += 100
heuristic += 10.0/capsuleDist
# food heuristic
for x in xrange(newFood.width):
for y in xrange(newFood.height):
if (newFood[x][y]):
foodDist = manhattanDistance(newPos, (x,y))
if foodDist == 0:
heuristic += 100
heuristic += 1.0/(foodDist ** 2)
if currentGameState.getNumFood() > successorGameState.getNumFood():
heuristic += 100
if action == Directions.STOP:
heuristic -= 5
return heuristic
def scoreEvaluationFunction(currentGameState):
return currentGameState.getScore()
class MultiAgentSearchAgent(Agent):
def __init__(self, evalFn = 'scoreEvaluationFunction', depth = '2'):
self.index = 0 # Pacman is always agent index 0
self.evaluationFunction = util.lookup(evalFn, globals())
self.depth = int(depth)
class ExpectimaxAgent(MultiAgentSearchAgent):
def getAction(self, gameState):
# Set v to smallest float value (-infinity)
v = float("-inf")
bestAction = []
# Pacman is agent == 0
agent = 0
# All legal actions which Pacman can make from his current location
actions = gameState.getLegalActions(agent)
# All successors determined from all the legal actions
successors = [(action, gameState.generateSuccessor(agent, action)) for action in actions]
# Iterate through all successors
for successor in successors:
# Expectimax function call (actor = 1, agentList = total number of agents, state = successor[1], depth = self.depth, evalFunct = self.evaluationFunction)
temp = expectimax(1, range(gameState.getNumAgents()), successor[1], self.depth, self.evaluationFunction)
# temp is greater than -infinity (or previously set value)
if temp > v:
# Set v to the new value of temp
v = temp
# Make the best action equal to successor[0]
bestAction = successor[0]
return bestAction
def expectimax(agent, agentList, state, depth, evalFunct):
# Check if won, lost or depth is less than/equal to 0
if depth <= 0 or state.isWin() == True or state.isLose() == True:
# return evalFunct
return evalFunct
# Check to see if agent is Pacman
if agent == 0:
# Set v to smallest float value (-infinity)
v = float("-inf")
# Otherwise, agent is ghost
# Set v to 0
v = 0
# All possible legal actions for Pacman/Ghost(s)
actions = state.getLegalActions(agent)
# All successors determined from all the legal actions for the passed actor (either Pacman or Ghost(s))
successors = [state.generateSuccessor(agent, action) for action in actions]
# Find the inverse of the length of successors
p = 1.0/len(successors)
# Iterate through the length of successors
for j in range(len(successors)):
# Temp var to store the current successor at location j
successor = successors[j]
# Check if agent is Pacman
if agent == 0:
# Set v to the max of its previous value or recursive call to expectimax
v = max(v, expectimax(agentList[agent + 1], agentList, successor, depth, evalFunct))
# Check if agent is equal to ghost 2
elif agent == agentList[-1]:
# Increment v by the recursive call to p times expectimax (with agent=agentlist[0], agentList, state=successor, depth-=1, evalFunct)
v += expectimax(agentList[0], agentList, successor, depth - 1, evalFunct) * p
# Otherwise
# Increment v by p times the recursive call to expectimax (with agent=agentList[agent+1], agentList, state=successor, depth, evalFunct)
v += expectimax(agentList[agent + 1], agentList, successor, depth, evalFunct) * p
return v
I've looked at a few other posts on here, and around the inter-webs, but have found nothing that seems to be similar to my issue. I've tried to pass the value to a temp variable, even tried to move the multiplication before the function call, but those changes have given me the exact same error, on the exact same line.
The error was the first return inside of the expectimax function. Instead of:
def expectimax(agent, agentList, state, depth, evalFunct):
# Check if won, lost or depth is less than/equal to 0
if depth <= 0 or state.isWin() == True or state.isLose() == True:
# return evalFunct
return evalFunct <--- cause of the error
It should have been:
return evalFunct(state)
This is because (as was pointed out) evalFunct only points to the evaluation function the user chose (from the command line arguments).

Python 3.3.2 - 'Grouping' System with Characters

I have a fun little problem.
I need to count the amount of 'groups' of characters in a file. Say the file is...
The code will then count the amount of groups of #'s. For example, the above would be 3. It includes diagonals. Here is my code so far:
build = []
height = 0
with open('file.txt') as i:
height += 1
length = len(build[0])
dirs = {'up':(-1, 0), 'down':(1, 0), 'left':(0, -1), 'right':(0, 1), 'upleft':(-1, -1), 'upright':(-1, 1), 'downleft':(1, -1), 'downright':(1, 1)}
def find_patches(grid, length):
queue = []
queue.append((0, 0))
patches = 0
while queue:
current = queue.pop(0)
line, cell = path[-1]
if ## This is where I am at. I was making a pathfinding system.
Here’s a naive solution I came up with. Originally I just wanted to loop through all the elements once an check for each, if I can put it into an existing group. That didn’t work however as some groups are only combined later (e.g. the first # in the second row would not belong to the big group until the second # in that row is processed). So I started working on a merge algorithm and then figured I could just do that from the beginning.
So how this works now is that I put every # into its own group. Then I keep looking at combinations of two groups and check if they are close enough to each other that they belong to the same group. If that’s the case, I merge them and restart the check. If I completely looked at all possible combinations and could not merge any more, I know that I’m done.
from itertools import combinations, product
def canMerge (g, h):
for i, j in g:
for x, y in h:
if abs(i - x) <= 1 and abs(j - y) <= 1:
return True
return False
def findGroups (field):
# initialize one-element groups
groups = [[(i, j)] for i, j in product(range(len(field)), range(len(field[0]))) if field[i][j] == '#']
# keep joining until no more joins can be executed
merged = True
while merged:
merged = False
for g, h in combinations(groups, 2):
if canMerge(g, h):
merged = True
return groups
# intialize field
field = '''\
groups = findGroups(field)
print(len(groups)) # 3
I'm not exactly sure what your code is trying to do. Your with statement opens a file, but all you do is append the file object to a list before the with ends and it gets closed (without its contents ever being read). I suspect his is not what you intend, but I'm not sure what you were aiming for.
If I understand your problem correctly, you are trying to count the connected components of a graph. In this case, the graph's vertices are the '#' characters, and the edges are wherever such characters are adjacent to each other in any direction (horizontally, vertically or diagonally).
There are pretty simple algorithms for solving that problem. One is to use a disjoint set data structure (also known as a "union-find" structure, since union and find are the two operations it supports) to connect groups of '#' characters together as they're read in from the file.
Here's a fairly minimal disjoint set I wrote to answer another question a while ago:
class UnionFind:
def __init__(self):
self.rank = {}
self.parent = {}
def find(self, element):
if element not in self.parent: # leader elements are not in `parent` dict
return element
leader = self.find(self.parent[element]) # search recursively
self.parent[element] = leader # compress path by saving leader as parent
return leader
def union(self, leader1, leader2):
rank1 = self.rank.get(leader1,1)
rank2 = self.rank.get(leader2,1)
if rank1 > rank2: # union by rank
self.parent[leader2] = leader1
elif rank2 > rank1:
self.parent[leader1] = leader2
else: # ranks are equal
self.parent[leader2] = leader1 # favor leader1 arbitrarily
self.rank[leader1] = rank1+1 # increment rank
And here's how you can use it for your problem, using x, y tuples for the nodes:
nodes = set()
groups = UnionFind()
with open('file.txt') as f:
for y, line in enumerate(f): # iterate over lines
for x, char in enumerate(line): # and characters within a line
if char == '#':
nodes.add((x, y)) # maintain a set of node coordinates
# check for neighbors that have already been read
neighbors = [(x-1, y-1), # up-left
(x, y-1), # up
(x+1, y-1), # up-right
(x-1, y)] # left
for neighbor in neighbors:
if neighbor in nodes:
my_group = groups.find((x, y))
neighbor_group = groups.find(neighbor)
if my_group != neighbor_group:
groups.union(my_group, neighbor_group)
# finally, count the number of unique groups
number_of_groups = len(set(groups.find(n) for n in nodes))
