Python Graph API request only retrieving 1 attachment from an email - python

I'm using a python script to send an API request to get the attachments of an email. The email I'm using has 4 attachments (plus pictures in the signature in the email). The python request only retrieves 1 attachment along with the pics from the signature. When using Postman with the exact same information, it retrieves all attachments along with the pics.
Any ideas on how I can get the other attachments?
import requests
url = '{{users email}}/messages/{{messageID}}/attachments'
body = None
head = {"Content-Type": "application/json;charset=UFT-8", "Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken}
response1 = requests.get(url, data=body, headers=head)
response = response1.text
Below shows the response from the python script, with only 7 items, and the Postman response with 10 items.

Below code retrieves multiple attachments
(files being an array of attachment names)
def execute(accessToken, messageID, files, noAttachments):
import os
from os import path
import requests
import base64
import json
if noAttachments == "False":
url = '{{users email}}/messages/{{messageID}}/attachments'
body = {}
head = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken}
responseCode = requests.request("GET", url, headers=head, data = body)
response = responseCode.text
test = json.loads(responseCode.text.encode('utf8'))
x, contentBytes = response.split('"contentBytes":"',1)
if len(files) == 1:
imgdata = base64.b64decode(str(contentBytes))
filename = "C:/Temp/SAPCareAttachments/" + files[0]
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
for file in test["value"]:
imgdata = base64.b64decode(file["contentBytes"])
if file["name"] in files:
filename = "C:/Temp/" + file["name"]
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:


Python api for copy trading on bitget

I’ve quite recently found this feature on Bitget which enables users to essentially copy other ranked traders. This feature comes with a corresponding api documentation. But after going through it im more confused than ever. Firstly, im trying to obtain the historical data trading data of specific traders which are available data on their “orders tab” from the website (shown in excerpt above). I reckon this is possible from the following get request from the documentation: “GET /api/mix/v1/trace/waitProfitDateList”.
Based on the above http request from i have produced the following python code below. The request response is 403. Help a fellow novice
import requests
import hmac
import base64
import hashlib
import json
import time
def sign(message, secret_key):
mac =, encoding='utf8'), bytes(message, encoding='utf-8'), digestmod='sha256')
d = mac.digest()
return base64.b64encode(d).decode('utf-8')
def pre_hash(timestamp, method, request_path, query_string, body):
return str(timestamp) + str.upper(method) + request_path + query_string + body
if __name__ == '__main__':
params = {
"pageSize": 10,
"pageNo": 1
rest_url = ""
secret_key = ""
api_key = ""
passphrase = ""
timestamp = int(time.time_ns() / 1000000);
query_string = '&'.join([f'{k}={v}' for k, v in params.items()])
message = pre_hash(timestamp, 'GET', '/api/mix/v1/trace/waitProfitDateList', "?"+query_string,"")
sign = sign(message, secret_key)
headers = {
response = requests.get(rest_url, headers=headers, params=params)
if response.status_code == 200:
result = response.json()

upload image from pixabay api to wordpress using rest api and python

I am new to python,and want to know upload image from pixabay api or others source to wordpress using rest api and python.
When i use this :
url=url_image = "{API_KEY}&q={keyword}.jpg"
They show this message "
{"code":"rest_upload_unknown_error","message":"Sorry, you are not
allowed to upload this file type.","data":{"status":500}}"
import base64, requests
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
# keyword = input('Enter Your name')
keyword = 'flower'
def header(user, password):
credentials = user + ':' + password
token = base64.b64encode(credentials.encode())
header_json = {'Authorization': 'Basic ' + token.decode('utf-8'),
'Content-Disposition' : 'attachment; filename=%s'% "test1.jpg"}
return header_json
def upload_image_to_wordpress(file_path, header_json):
media = {'file': file_path,'caption': 'f{keyword}'}
responce ="", headers = header_json, files = media)
heder = header("username","password") #username, application password
url_image = "{API_KEY}&q={keyword}.jpg"
# url=""
raw = requests.get(f'{url_image}').content
with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False,mode="wb",suffix=".jpg") as img :
# print(f.file())
c = open(,"rb")

How to download mail attachment through script?

I am writing a python script to fetch mail attachments through Graph API.
In the Graph Explorer, I can perfectly download file attachments by manually pressing the download button after calling:{message-id}/attachments/{attachment-id}/$value
However, when trying to make the same request in my Python script, all I get returned is 'Response [200]' (so the request works, but the file is not reachable).
I try to make the request like this:
def get_mails_json():
requestHeaders = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' +result["access_token"],'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
queryResults = msgraph_request(graphURI + "/v1.0/me/messages?$filter=isRead ne true",requestHeaders)
return json.dumps(queryResults)
data = json.loads(mails)
values = data['value']
for i in values:
mail_id = i['id']
mail_subj = i['subject']
if i['hasAttachments'] != False:
attachments = o365.get_attachments(mail_id)
attachments = json.loads(attachments)
attachments = attachments['value']
for i in attachments:
details = o365.get_attachment_details(mail_id,i["id"])
except Exception as e:
def get_attachment_details(mail,attachment):
requestHeaders = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + result["access_token"],'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
queryResults = msgraph_request(graphURI + "/v1.0/me/messages/"+mail+"/attachments/"+attachment+'/$value',requestHeaders)
return json.dumps(queryResults)
Is there a way for me to download the file to AT ALL through my python script ?
I found a simple solution to downloading a file through a python script!
I used chip's answer, found on this thread:
thread containing chip's answer
I make the request for the attachment like so:
def get_attachment_details(mail,attachment):
requestHeaders = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + result["access_token"],'Content-Type': 'application/file'}
resource= graphURI + "/v1.0/me/messages/"+mail+"/attachments/"+attachment+'/$value'
payload = {}
results = requests.request("GET", resource,headers=requestHeaders,data=payload, allow_redirects=False)
return results.content
This gets me the encoded bytes of the file, which I then decode and write to a file like so:
for i in attachments:
details = o365.get_attachment_details(mail_id,i["id"])
toread = io.BytesIO()
with open(i['name'], 'wb') as f:

How to convert 'io.BufferedWriter' to 'Dataframe' - Python

I am downloading files from One Drive with the following piece of code:
if response.status_code == 200:
print('\n> Response Success')
with open('Book2.xlsx', 'wb') as File:
print('\n> File Downloaded')
print('\n> Failed:', response.status_code)
The code is from:This post here
The "File" is coming from One Drive with the use of the following code:
import sys, os, time, requests
import pandas as pd
import urllib.parse
OneDrive_FilePath = 'Book2.xlsx'
OneDrive_FileURL = '' + OneDrive_FilePath + ':/content'
OneDrive_FileURL = urllib.parse.quote(OneDrive_FileURL, safe=':/')
Client_Id = 'XXXX'
Tenant_Id = 'YYYYY'
Refresh_Token_First = 'ZZZZZ'
PostStr = {'grant_type': 'refresh_token', 'client_id': Client_Id, 'refresh_token': Refresh_Token_First}
Token_Response ='' + Tenant_Id + '/oauth2/v2.0/token', data=PostStr)
Access_Token = Token_Response.json()['access_token']
New_Refresh_Token = Token_Response.json()['refresh_token']
if Access_Token is None or New_Refresh_Token is None:
print('\n> Failed: Access_Token NOT Retrieved')
Response = requests.get(OneDrive_FileURL, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + Access_Token})
The "File" which is getting downloaded is in the form of "io.BufferedWriter". I want to actually load the "File" as a data frame so that I can do certain operations on that and upload it to AWS.
How can I do that, please help.
As explained in the comments, the type of File is mostly irrelevant. All you need to do is read the excel directly from the response, as in :
url = ""
res = requests.get(url)
The last statement produces a regular pandas dataframe. You can use that however you want.

bitfinex api v2 error, invalid key

I am trying to make a basic authenticated api call to their new v2 api and getting an invalid api key error returned.
I reissued the api key just to verify, same error.
from time import time
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import hashlib
import hmac
APIkey = b'myapikeyyouarenotsupposedtosee'
secret = b'myceeeeecretkeyyyy'
url = ''
payload = {
'nonce': int(time() * 1000),
paybytes = urllib.parse.urlencode(payload).encode('utf8')
sign =, paybytes, hashlib.sha512).hexdigest()
headers = {
'Key': APIkey,
'Sign': sign
req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers, data=paybytes)
with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response:
the_page =
How do I make an authenticated api call to the new v2 API for bitfinex?
Your headers are wrong. I was also trying to do this and tried using the example code from the bitfinex v2 api docs, however their example contained a bug in that they needed to encode the strings into UTF-8 byte arrays first. So I've fixed it and posting the entire example below.
# Example Bitfinex API v2 Auth Python Code
import requests # pip install requests
import json
import base64
import hashlib
import hmac
import os
import time #for nonce
class BitfinexClient(object):
def _nonce(self):
# Returns a nonce
# Used in authentication
return str(int(round(time.time() * 10000)))
def _headers(self, path, nonce, body):
secbytes = self.SECRET.encode(encoding='UTF-8')
signature = "/api/" + path + nonce + body
sigbytes = signature.encode(encoding='UTF-8')
h =, sigbytes, hashlib.sha384)
hexstring = h.hexdigest()
return {
"bfx-nonce": nonce,
"bfx-apikey": self.KEY,
"bfx-signature": hexstring,
"content-type": "application/json"
def req(self, path, params = {}):
nonce = self._nonce()
body = params
rawBody = json.dumps(body)
headers = self._headers(path, nonce, rawBody)
url = self.BASE_URL + path
resp =, headers=headers, data=rawBody, verify=True)
return resp
def active_orders(self):
# Fetch active orders
response = self.req("v2/auth/r/orders")
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()
print('error, status_code = ', response.status_code)
return ''
# fetch all your orders and print out
client = BitfinexClient()
result = client.active_orders()
Why not use one of the open source api clients out there ? and you can compare to your work .
