Ask Pandas to delete all rows beneath a certain row - python

I have imported an Excel file as a dataframe using pandas.
I now need to delete all rows from row 41,504 (index 41,505) and below.
I have tried df.drop(df.index[41504]), although that only catches the one row. How do I tell Pandas to delete onwards from that row?
I did not want to delete by an index range as the dataset has tens of thousands of rows, and I would prefer not to scroll through the whole thing.
Thank you for your help.
Kind regards

Drop the remaining range. If you don't mind creating a new df, then use a filter, keeping rows [:41594].

You can reassign the range you do want back into the variable instead of removing the range you do not want.

You can just get the first rows you that you need, ignoring all the rest:

df = df.iloc[:41504]
just another way


showing cells with a particular symbols in pandas dataframe

i have not seen such question, so if you happen to know the answer or have seen the same question, please let me know
i have a dataframe in pandas with 4 columns and 5k rows, one of the columns is "price" and i need to do some manipulations with it. but the data was parsed from web-page and it is not clean, so i cannot convert this column to integer type after getting rid of dollar sign and comas. i found out that it also contains data in the format 3500/mo. so i need to filter cells with /mo and decide whether i can drop them, basing on how many of those i have and what is the price.
now, i have managed to count those cells using
but when i want to see those cells, i cannot do that, because when i create another variable to extract slash-containing cells and use "contains" or smth, i get the series with true/false values - showing me the condition of whether the cell does or does not contain that slash, while i actually need to see cells themselves. any ideas?
You need to use the boolean mask returned by df["price"].str.contains("/") as index to get the respective rows, i.e., df[df["price"].str.contains("/")] (cf. the pandas docs on indexing).

How to modify a Pandas dataframe while iterating over it

So I have a dataframe that I am iterating over, and about halfway through the df I want to modify a column name but continue my iteration. I have code like this:
for index, row in df.iterrows():
do something with row
if certain condition is met:
df.rename(columns={'old_name':'new_name'}, inplace=True)
After I do the rename, the column name is changed in the 'df' variable for subsequent iterations, but the value of 'row' still contains the old column name. How can I fix this? I know I have encountered similar situations in pandas before. Maybe the iterator doesn't get updated even the dataframe itself is modified?
Changing the source of something you're iterating over is not a good practice.
You could set a flag if the condition is met, and then after the iteration, make any necessary changes to the dataframe.
Edited to add: I have a large dataset that needs "line by line" parsing, but that instruction was given to me by a non-programmer. Here's what I did: I added a boolean condition to the dataframe, split the dataframe into two separate dataframes based on that condition, stored one for later integration and moved on with the other dataframe. At the end I used pd.concat to put everything back together. But if you change a column name that pd.concat will create extra columns in the end.

Why is the `df.columns` an empty list while I can see the column names if I print out the dataframe? Python Pandas

import pandas as pd
DATA = pd.read_csv(url)
I have a large dataset that have dozens of columns. After loading it like above into Colab, I can see the name of each column. But running DATA.columns just return Index([], dtype='object'). What's happening in this?
Now I find it impossible to pick out a few columns without column names. One way is to specify names = [...] when I load it, but I'm reluctant to do that since there're too many columns. So I'm looking for a way to index a column by integers, like in R df[:,[1,2,3]] would simply give me the first three columns of a dataframe. Somehow Pandas seems to focus on column names and makes integer indexing very inconvenient, though.
So what I'm asking is (1) What did I do wrong? Can I obtain those column names as well when I load the dataframe? (2) If not, how can I pick out the [0, 1, 10]th column by a list of integers?
It seems that the problem is in the loading as DATA.shape returns (10000,0). I rerun the loading code a few times, and all of a sudden, things go back normal. Maybe Colab was taking a nap or something?
You can perfectly do that using df.loc[:,[1,2,3]] but i would suggest you to use the names because if the columns ever change the order or you insert new columns, the code can break it.

How to add new values to dataframe's columns based on specific row without overwrite existing data

I have a batch of identifier and a pair of values that behave in following manner within an iteration.
For example,
print(indexIDs[i], (coordinate_x, coordinate_y))
Sample output looks like
I would like to add these data into dataframe, where I can use indexIDs[i] as row and append incoming pair of values with same identifier in the next consecutive columns
I have attempted to perform following code, which didn't work.
spatio_location = pd.DataFrame()
spatio_location.loc[indexIDs[i], column_counter] = (coordinate_x, coordinate_y)
It was an ideal initial to associate indexIDs[i] as row, however I could not progress to take incoming data without overwriting previous dataframe. I am aware it has something to do with the second line which uses "=" sign.
I am aware my second line is keep overwriting previous result over and over again. I am looking for an appropriate way change my second line to insert new incoming data to existing dataframe without overwriting from time to time.
Appreciate your time and effort, thanks.
I'm a bit confuesed from the nature of coordinate_x (is it a list or what?) anyway maybe try to use append
you could define an empty df with three columns
after populate it with a loop on your lists
for i in range TOFILL:
finally set a columns as index
hope it helps

Pandas: How to remove rows from a dataframe based on a list?

I have a dataframe customers with some "bad" rows, the key in this dataframe is CustomerID. I know I should drop these rows. I have a list called badcu that says [23770, 24572, 28773, ...] each value corresponds to a different "bad" customer.
Then I have another dataframe, lets call it sales, so I want to drop all the records for the bad customers, the ones in the badcu list.
If I do the following
I got a dataframe with precisely the records I want to drop, but if I do a
It returns a dataframe with the first row dropped (which is a legitimate order), and the rest of the rows intact (it doesn't delete the bad ones), I think I know why this happens, but I still don't know how to drop the incorrect customer id rows.
You need
new_df = sales[~sales.CustomerID.isin(badcu)]
You can also use query
sales.query('CustomerID not in #badcu')
I think the best way is to drop by index,try it and let me know
