I want to plot two probability density functions (pdf) based on values of a certain column in a dataframe. The first one for all the values that correspond to rows with target label = 0 and second one where target label = 1.
My attempt is below, but as you can see the curves do not look like a pdf (the max value is 0 and they are not confined to X axis in range 0-1 and 5-6. I assume I can get something close by playing around with bw factor, but I am looking for a one-liner that just figures out right params and plots a pdf(including figuiring out the right X-axis start/end to use). Is there any such built in function that does this. If not, would appreciate some pointers on how to build something like this.
#matplotloib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity
values = np.random.rand(10)
values_shift5 = np.random.rand(10) + 5
df = pd.DataFrame({'values' : values, 'label' : np.zeros(10)})
df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame({'values' : values_shift5, 'label' : np.ones(10)})])
kde_label_0 = KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.5).fit(df[df.label == 0]['values'].values.reshape(-1, 1))
kde_label_1 = KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.5).fit(df[df.label == 1]['values'].values.reshape(-1, 1))
X_plot = np.linspace(0, 10, 50).reshape(-1, 1)
log_density_0 = kde_label_0.score_samples(X_plot)
log_density_1 = kde_label_1.score_samples(X_plot)
plt.plot(X_plot, log_density_0, label='Label 0')
plt.plot(X_plot, log_density_1, label='Label 1')
I'd like to ask how to draw the Probability Density Function (PDF) plot in Python.
This is my codes.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as stats
x = np.random.normal(50, 3, 1000)
source = {"Genotype": ["CV1"]*1000, "AGW": x}
I generated a data frame. Then, I tried to draw a PDF graph.
df_mean = np.mean(df["AGW"])
df_std = np.std(df["AGW"])
pdf = stats.norm.pdf(df["AGW"], df_mean, df_std)
plt.plot(df["AGW"], pdf)
I obtained above graph. What I did wrong? Could you let me how to draw the Probability Density Function (PDF) Plot which is also known as normal distribution graph.
Could you let me know which codes (or library) I need to use to draw the PDF graph?
Always many thanks!!
You just need to sort the values (not really check what's after edit)
pdf = stats.norm.pdf(df["AGW"].sort_values(), df_mean, df_std)
plt.plot(df["AGW"].sort_values(), pdf)
And it will work.
The line df["AGW"].sort_values() doesn't change df. Maybe you meant df.sort_values(by=['AGW'], inplace=True).
In that case the full code will be :
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as stats
x = np.random.normal(50, 3, 1000)
source = {"Genotype": ["CV1"]*1000, "AGW": x}
df.sort_values(by=['AGW'], inplace=True)
df_mean = np.mean(df["AGW"])
df_std = np.std(df["AGW"])
pdf = stats.norm.pdf(df["AGW"], df_mean, df_std)
plt.plot(df["AGW"], pdf)
Which gives :
Edit :
I think here we already have the distribution (x is normally distributed) so we dont need to generate the pdf of x. As the use of the pdf is for something like this :
mu = 50
variance = 3
sigma = math.sqrt(variance)
x = np.linspace(mu - 5*sigma, mu + 5*sigma, 1000)
plt.plot(x, stats.norm.pdf(x, mu, sigma))
Here we dont need to generate the distribution from x points, we only need to plot the density of the distribution we already have .
So you might use this :
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.random.normal(50, 3, 1000) #Generating Data
source = {"Genotype": ["CV1"]*1000, "AGW": x}
df=pd.DataFrame(source) #Converting to pandas DataFrame
df.plot(kind = 'density'); # or df["AGW"].plot(kind = 'density');
Which gives :
You might use other packages if you want, like seaborn :
import seaborn as sns
plt.figure(figsize = (5,5))
sns.kdeplot(df["AGW"] , bw = 0.5 , fill = True)
Or this :
import seaborn as sns
sns.set_style("whitegrid") # Setting style(Optional)
plt.figure(figsize = (10,5)) #Specify the size of figure
sns.distplot(x = df["AGW"] , bins = 10 , kde = True , color = 'teal'
, kde_kws=dict(linewidth = 4 , color = 'black')) #kde for normal distribution
Check this article for more.
My problem is calculating the area under the peaks in my FT-IR analysis. I usually work with Origin but I would like to see if I get a better result working with Python. The data I'm using is linked here and the code is below. The problem I'm facing is, I don't know how to find the start and the end of the peak to calculate the area and how to set a Baseline.
I found this answered question about how to calculate the area under multiple peaks but I don't know how to implement it in my code: How to get value of area under multiple peaks
import numpy as np
from numpy import trapz
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(r'CuCO3.csv', skiprows=5)
Wavenumber = df.iloc[:,0]
Absorbance = df.iloc[:,1]
Wavenumber_Peak = Wavenumber.iloc[700:916] #Where the peaks start/end that i want to calculate the area
Absorbance_Peak = Absorbance.iloc[700:916] #Where the peaks start/end that i want to calculate the area
plt.plot(Wavenumber_Peak, Absorbance_Peak)
Plot of the peaks to calculate the area:
Okay, I have quickly added the code from the other post to your beginning and checked that it works. Unfortunately, the file that you linked did not work with your code, so I had to change some stuff in the beginning to make it work (in a very unelegant way, because I do not really know how to work with dataframes). If your local file is different and processing the file in this way does not work, then just exchange my beginning by yours.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import peakutils
df = pd.read_csv(r'CuCO3.csv', skiprows=5)
data = np.asarray([[float(y) for y in x[0].split(",")] for x in df.to_numpy()])
Wavenumber = np.arange(700, 916)
Absorbance = data[700:916,1]
indices = peakutils.indexes(Absorbance, thres=0.35, min_dist=0.1)
peak_values = [Absorbance[i] for i in indices]
peak_Wavenumbers = [Wavenumber[i] for i in indices]
plt.scatter(peak_Wavenumbers, peak_values)
plt.plot(Wavenumber, Absorbance)
ixpeak = Wavenumber.searchsorted(peak_Wavenumbers)
ixmin = np.array([np.argmin(i) for i in np.split(Absorbance, ixpeak)])
ixmin[1:] += ixpeak
mins = Wavenumber[ixmin]
# split up the x and y values based on those minima
xsplit = np.split(Wavenumber, ixmin[1:-1])
ysplit = np.split(Absorbance, ixmin[1:-1])
# find the areas under each peak
areas = [np.trapz(ys, xs) for xs, ys in zip(xsplit, ysplit)]
# plotting stuff
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 7))
plt.plot(Wavenumber, Absorbance, label='trace 0')
plt.plot(peak_Wavenumbers, Absorbance[ixpeak], '+', c='red', ms=10, label='peaks')
plt.plot(mins, Absorbance[ixmin], 'x', c='green', ms=10, label='mins')
plt.title('Example data')
plt.ylim(-.1, 1.6)
plt.bar(np.arange(len(areas)), areas)
plt.xlabel('Peak number')
plt.ylabel('Area under peak')
plt.title('Area under the peaks of trace 0')
How can I rotate a seaborn.lineplot so that the result will be as a function of y and not a function of x.
For example, this code:
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
df = pd.DataFrame([[0,1],[0,2],[0,1.5],[1,1],[1,5]], columns=['group','val'])
Create this figure:
But is there a way to rotate the figure in 90° ? so that in the X we will have "val" and in Y we will have "group" and the std will go from left to right and not from bottom to up.
EDIT: I've opened a ticket in seaborn to ask for this feature: https://github.com/mwaskom/seaborn/issues/1661
Per the seaborn docs on lineplot, the dataframe passed to data must be
Tidy (“long-form”) dataframe where each column is a variable and each row is an observation.
Which seems to imply there is no way to force the axes to switch, even by manipulating the data. If there is a way to do that I haven't found it - I'm sure there is a more elegant way to do this, but one way you could go about it is to do it by hand so to speak. Something like this would do the trick
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame([[0,1],[0,2],[0,1.5],[1,1],[1,5]], columns=['group','val'])
group = df['group'].tolist()
val = df['val'].tolist()
yl = list()
yu = list()
avg = list()
ii = 0
while ii < len(group): #Loop through all the groups
g = group[ii]
y0 = val[ii]
y1 = val[ii]
s = 0
jj = ii
while (jj < len(group) and group[jj] == g):
s += val[jj]
#This takes the min and max, but could easily take the standard deviation
if val[jj] > y1:
y1 = val[jj]
if val[jj] < y0:
y0 = val[jj]
jj += 1
avg.append(s/(jj - ii))
ii = jj
x = np.linspace(min(group), max(group), len(yl))
plt.plot(avg, x, color="#5a9edd", linestyle="-", linewidth=1.5)
plt.fill_betweenx(x, yl, yu, alpha=0.3)
This will give you the following plot:
For brevity this uses the minimum and maximum from each group to give the error band, but that can be easily changed to standard error or standard deviation as needed.
Consider what you'd do if not using seaborn. You would calculate the mean and standard deviation and plot those as a function of the group. Now it is quite straight forward to exchange x and y for a plot(x,y): plot(y,x). For the filled region, you can use fill_betweenx instead of fill_between.
Below the two cases for comparisson.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df = pd.DataFrame([[0,1],[0,2],[0,1.5],[1,1],[1,5]], columns=['group','val'])
mean = df.groupby("group").mean()
std = df.groupby("group").std()
fig, (ax, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2)
ax.plot(mean.index, mean["val"].values)
ax.fill_between(mean.index, (mean-std)["val"].values, (mean+std)["val"].values, alpha=.5)
ax.set(xlabel="group", ylabel="val")
ax2.plot(mean["val"].values, mean.index)
ax2.fill_betweenx(mean.index, (mean-std)["val"].values, (mean+std)["val"].values, alpha=.5)
ax2.set(ylabel="group", xlabel="val")
I'm looking for a way to plot multiple bars per value in matplotlib. For numerical data, this can be achieved be adding an offset to the X data, as described for example here:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
X = np.array([1,3,5])
Y = [1,2,3]
Z = [2,3,4]
plt.bar(X - 0.4, Y) # offset of -0.4
plt.bar(X + 0.4, Z) # offset of 0.4
plt.bar() (and ax.bar()) also handle categorical data automatically:
X = ['A','B','C']
Y = [1,2,3]
plt.bar(X, Y)
Here, it is obviously not possible to add an offset, as the categories are not directly associated with a value on the axis. I can manually assign numerical values to the categories and set labels on the x axis with plt.xticks():,
X = ['A','B','C']
Y = [1,2,3]
Z = [2,3,4]
_X = np.arange(len(X))
plt.bar(_X - 0.2, Y, 0.4)
plt.bar(_X + 0.2, Z, 0.4)
plt.xticks(_X, X) # set labels manually
However, I'm wondering if there is a more elegant way that makes use of the automatic category handling of bar(), especially if the number of categories and bars per category is not known in before (this causes some fiddling with the bar widths to avoid overlaps).
There is no automatic support of subcategories in matplotlib.
Placing bars with matplotlib
You may go the way of placing the bars numerically, like you propose yourself in the question. You can of course let the code manage the unknown number of subcategories.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
X = ['A','B','C']
Y = [1,2,3]
Z = [2,3,4]
def subcategorybar(X, vals, width=0.8):
n = len(vals)
_X = np.arange(len(X))
for i in range(n):
plt.bar(_X - width/2. + i/float(n)*width, vals[i],
width=width/float(n), align="edge")
plt.xticks(_X, X)
subcategorybar(X, [Y,Z,Y])
Using pandas
You may also use pandas plotting wrapper, which does the work of figuring out the number of subcategories. It will plot one group per column of a dataframe.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
X = ['A','B','C']
Y = [1,2,3]
Z = [2,3,4]
df = pd.DataFrame(np.c_[Y,Z,Y], index=X)
I wish to generate a dendrogram based on correlation using pandas and scipy. I use a dataset (as a DataFrame) consisting of returns, which is of size n x m, where n is the number of dates and m the number of companies. Then I simply run the script
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.cluster import hierarchy as hc
import numpy as np
m = 5
dates = pd.date_range('2013-01-01', periods=365)
random_matrix = np.random.normal(0, 0.01, size=(len(dates), m))
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data=random_matrix, index=dates)
z = hc.linkage(dataframe.values.T, method='average', metric='correlation')
dendrogram = hc.dendrogram(z, labels=dataframe.columns)
and I get a nice dendrogram. Now, the thing is that I'd also like to use other correlation measures apart from just ordinary Pearson correlation, which is a feature that's incorporated in pandas by simply invoking DataFrame.corr(method='<method>'). So, I thought at first that it was to simply run the following code
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.cluster import hierarchy as hc
import numpy as np
m = 5
dates = pd.date_range('2013-01-01', periods=365)
random_returns = np.random.normal(0, 0.01, size=(len(dates), m))
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data=random_returns, index=dates)
corr = dataframe.corr()
z = hc.linkage(corr.values, method='average')
dendrogram = hc.dendrogram(z, labels=corr.columns)
However, if I do this I get strange values on the y-axis as the maximum value > 1.4. Whereas if I run the first script it's about 1. What am I doing wrong? Am I using the wrong metric in hc.linkage?
EDIT I might add that the shape of the dendrogram is exactly the same. Do I have to normalize the third column of the resulting z with the maximum value?
Found the solution. If you have already calculated a distance matrix (be it correlation or whatever), you simply have to condense the matrix using distance.squareform. That is,
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data=random_returns, index=dates)
corr = 1 - dataframe.corr()
corr_condensed = hc.distance.squareform(corr) # convert to condensed
z = hc.linkage(corr_condensed, method='average')
dendrogram = hc.dendrogram(z, labels=corr.columns)