I want some guidance related to mobile app development using Odoo framework (if I can or i can use my custom app in mobil or i misunderstood) for Android and iPhone. I am testing using Postman. I can login successfully from Postman using json type login credentials in Body. but failed to get into the GET method, my Contol file is as below. used session_id from Cookies and my url is:
showing this when trying to access above url (i have only 1 database):
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": null,
"error": {
"code": 404,
"message": "404: Not Found", .... }
Is there any other requirements to achieve these 4 methods GET/POST/PUT/DELETE ?
if i create an interface for mobile app like my web app and just access it via mobile, is it ok or there is/are different things to learn ? if it is, please provide the link to the guide to create a custom mobile app OR there is any app exists which i can customize and use as part of my app like inheritance in odoo framework?
Control File ( tests/constollers/controllers.py ):
from odoo import http
from odoo.http import request
class Testapi(http.Controller):
#http.route("/get_brands", type='json', auth='user')
def get_brands(self):
brands_rec = request.env['tests.brands'].search([])
brands = []
for rec in brands_rec:
vals = {
'id': rec.id,
'name': rec.name,
print('Brands... ', brands)
data = {'status': 200, 'response': brands, 'message': 'Success'}
return data
Please help how i can develop a mobile app for end user / employees login page and other mobile UI for query, data entry, change password etc. or any link(s) for guidance to achieve.
I'm attempting to authenticate to a website to automate some device configuration.
There is no official API so I'm using "WebSpy" in my browser to watch what URLs are targeted and the payloads being sent.
I'm unable to get initial authentication working with a python post request.
The target url is https://xxxxxx.xxx/authenticate.
The payload I see when logging in from a web browser is.
{ "client_id": xxxxxx,
"username": <plainText username>,
"password": <plainText password>,
"realm": "xxxxx",
"credential_type": "http://auth0.com/oauth/grant-type/password-realm"}
If I replicate all this in a python requests.POST I get back
{ "error": "invalid request",
"error_description": "Unknown client."}
I should mention the "client_id" I'm sending in my python post is just copied from what I see coming from the browser.
I imagine that client ID should be dynamically generated somehow but I don't see where it's coming from.
I should also mention I see some reference to a \callback URL happening after login within the web browser so I'm guessing that is how/when the auth token is being offered.
Can anyone point me in the right direction on all this?
Thank you in advance.
We are using the PyFCM module to send the notification via google firebase and somehow the notification analysis report's data is missing in the report section of the GCP firebase console.
Can someone know how to enable the notification analysis on firebase? As we want to know the details of the notification being sent, received, and opened.
We need to add the analytics_label with every notification being sent to firebase and for PyFcm using Django you can pass the analytics_label in the fcm_options given below:-
from pyfcm import FCMNotification
push_service = FCMNotification(api_key=FCM_SERVER_KEY)
registration_ids = ['user_mobile_token_key']
data = {
"body": "test body,
"title": "title,
"priority": "high"
extra_kwargs = {'**fcm_options**': {
'analytics_label': 'notification-label'}}
result = push_service.multiple_devices_data_message(registration_ids=registration_ids,
data_message=data, extra_kwargs=extra_kwargs)
I have a Slack App that is connected to an AWS Lex bot. Thus, the Request URL for the Slack app is the Postback URL provided by Lex. However, I want to add a Home tab for the app, but am unable to publish a surface for all users. The Slack API only seems to allow you to publish a surface for a specific user (user_id is a required parameter for the POST call). How can I publish this view to all users who use the app?
publish_url = "https://slack.com/api/views.publish"
header = {'content-type':'application/json'}
parameters = {
"token": slack_token,
"user_id": member_id, # <--- This is my problem
"view": json.dumps({
"type": "home",
"blocks": [
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": "Welcome to *Survey Analyzer*! ..."
r = requests.post(publish_url, params=parameters, headers=header)
When I use my own member ID, it pushes the view properly to me and me only. I've also tried using the app's ID, but that doesn't seem to push the view to any users.
You can only publish a home tab for each user separately. You can use users.list to retrieve all users of a workspace and then call views.publish for each user in that list.
Alternatively you can subscribe to the app_home_opened event through the Events API. Once a user opens the home tab it will fire an event including the user's id. That way you'll only publish a view for a user who is actually visiting the home tab of your app.
This is a bit of a newbie Q.
I'm using Python 3.6
I am trying to use the domain realestate api to write a scraper that collects data of houses/apartments for sale in my area, but i am having trouble getting the post request to work. I have registered and retrieved my client_id and secret_id for the authentication. The post request returns a status_code of 400
response = requests.post('https://auth.domain.com.au/v1/connect/token',
data = {'client_id':client_id,
"scope":"api_agencies_read api_listings_read",
search_parameters = {
"listingType": "Sale",
"locations": [
"state": "NSW",
"suburb": "Balgowlah",
"postcode": 2093,
"includeSurroundingSuburbs": True
url = "https://api.domain.com.au/v1/listings/residential/_search"
auth = {"Authorization":"Bearer "+access_token}
request = requests.post(url, data=search_parameters, headers=auth)
I know my authentication is correct, because i can use the Live API on the website to test the same request (i had to select the client, secret id and the project to allow direct access), and i get a valid access token from the code above.
'expires_in': 43200,
'token_type': 'Bearer'}
{'errors': {'parameters': ['Undefined error.']},
'message': 'The request is invalid.'}
I've been able to implement the notebook from this post. So i can be sure my client and secret ids are connected to the domain project.
#furas had the solution:
look at the example closer :)
The example uses "Content-Type":"text/json" but you use "application/json" instead of "text/json"
I am going to use Firebase Auth and Database modules to create my web app. However, not all things that I want my app to do is possible to achieve on only front end. So I want to also use backend with Python's Bottle framework to handle requests and Pyrebase to get access to Firebase Database.
Let's say that after logging in I need to go to mainpage and see personalized content, for example my notes. They are structured this way in DB:
"notes": [{
"id": "1",
"title": "X",
"author": "user1"
"id": "2",
"title": "Y",
"author": "user2"
} and so on... ]
So how it's possible to implement showing only my articles on main page?
I understand that I need to filter my notes based on author value, but how to let Bottle understand who is currently logged in?
I've read there, that I should somehow send unique token to backend server to authenticate current user, but how to do that? Inserting Token in every link as GET parameter seems to be silly, but I see no other way to implement that.
Start by organizing your database so that each note becomes a child object:
"notes": {
"id1": {
"id": "id1",
"title": "X",
"author": "user1",
"id2": {
Then this particular interaction can be implemented entirely in the client-side. Just execute a query to filter the notes you want. For example in a JS client:
var uid = firebase.auth().currentUser.uid;
var query = ref.orderByChild('author').equalTo(uid);
// Listen for query value events
If you want to run this on a backend server, and you want to ensure that only logged in users are allowed to execute it, then you must pass the ID token from the client app to the server on each request. Here's how to implement the server-side logic using the Python Admin SDK:
import firebase_admin
from firebase_admin import auth
from firebase_admin import db
token = '....' # Extract from the client request
decoded = auth.verify_id_token(token)
uid = decoded.uid
ref = db.reference('path/to/notes')
notes = ref.order_by_child('author').equal_to(uid).get()
# Process notes response
except ValueError as ex:
# Send error to client