Beginner question: RASP PI 4 - Python - IOError - python

Im trying to establish my own Raspy-Installation with a light-control.
I am trying to get a script-code working, to enable the light-control-service.
I am getting a really simple error message, but i cant fix it on my own:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 13, in <module>
bus.write_byte_data(0x39, 0x00 | 0x80, 0x03)
IOError: [Errno 5] Input/output error
I just want to show you the complete code. Is anyone able to help me? :)
from os import system
system("sudo killall pigpiod")
system("sudo pigpiod")
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import pigpio
import smbus
bus = smbus.SMBus(1)
#Lichtsensor (Adresse 0x39) initialisieren
#Power On Mode
bus.write_byte_data(0x39, 0x00 | 0x80, 0x03)
bus.write_byte_data(0x39, 0x01 | 0x80, 0x02)
#kurze Pause
#Lichtsensor auslesen
data = bus.read_i2c_block_data(0x39, 0x0c | 0x80, 2)
data1 = bus.read_i2c_block_data(0x39, 0x0e | 0x80, 2)
#Lichtdaten aufbereiten
ch0 = data[1] * 256 + data[0]
ch1 = data1[1] * 256 + data1[0]
#Lichtdaten ausgeben
print "Volles Spektrum (Infrarot+sichtbar) : %d lux" %ch0
print "Infrarot-Wert: %d lux" %ch1
print "sichtbares Licht-Wert : %d lux" %(ch0 - ch1)
#GPIO ports setzen und zuweisen
red = 17
green = 27
blue = 22
PIR = 5
GPIO.setup(red, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(green, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(blue, GPIO.OUT)
pi = pigpio.pi()
#Variablen definieren
pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(red, 0)
pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(green, 0)
pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(blue, 0)
fade_in_delay = .1
fade_out_delay = .1
delay_time = 5
mycolor = blue
brightness = 200
min_light = 9
moment = 0
#Script starten
while RUNNING:
data = bus.read_i2c_block_data(0x39, 0x0c | 0x80, 2)
data1 = bus.read_i2c_block_data(0x39, 0x0e | 0x80, 2)
ch0 = data[1] * 256 + data[0]
ch1 = data1[1] * 256 + data1[0]
light = ch0 - ch1
print "sichtbares Licht-Wert : %d lux" %(light)
print "PIR = ON"
print "PIR = OFF"
if moment > 1:
start = moment
start = 0
if ( & (light < min_light)):
for x in range(start,brightness):
pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(mycolor, x)
moment = x
while ( & (light < min_light)):
if not ( & (moment > 0)):
for x in range(brightness, 0, -1):
pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(mycolor, x)
moment = 0
except KeyboardInterrupt:
I couldnt transform the usual tools to fix the problem i got by using google. Im also just a beginner in writing own python-scripts. Normally I´m looking for existing codes (like this) and get it done for my own use case.


How do I correct an "ETIMEDOUT" error on an ESP32?

I am using a System on Chip (SoC) ESP32 microcontroller and a MPU6050 (an sensor that contains a gyroscope and an accelerometer). I used a piece of code to activate the accelerometer and get readings from it. I connected the SDA and SCL pins of the ESP32 to SDA and SCL pins of the MPU6050 respectively. I also powered the accelerometer with 3.3 volts.
However, my code suddenly crashed, and it gave the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 76, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 37, in mpu6050_init
OSError: [Errno 116] ETIMEDOUT
Here is my Micropython code:
#import PIN and I2C from machine library
from machine import Pin, SoftI2C,
import time
#Define I2C bus
i2c = SoftI2C(sda=Pin(21), scl=Pin(22))
#Device address on the I2C bus
MPU6050_ADDR = 0x68
#PWR_MGMT_1 memory address
MPU6050_PWR_MGMT_1 = 0x6B
#Accelerometer and Gyroscope's high and low register for each axis
MPU6050_ACCEL_ZOUT_L = 0x40
MPU6050_GYRO_XOUT_H = 0x43
MPU6050_GYRO_XOUT_L = 0x44
MPU6050_GYRO_YOUT_H = 0x45
MPU6050_GYRO_YOUT_L = 0x46
MPU6050_GYRO_ZOUT_H = 0x47
MPU6050_GYRO_ZOUT_L = 0x48
#Accelerometer's LSB/g (least significant bits per gravitational force) sensitivity
MPU6050_LSBG = 16384.0
#Gyroscope's LSB/g sensitivity
MPU6050_LSBDS = 131.0
#Set all bits in the PWR_MGMT_1 register to 0
def mpu6050_init(i2c):
i2c.writeto_mem(MPU6050_ADDR, MPU6050_PWR_MGMT_1, bytes([0])) **#line 37**
def combine_register_values(h, l):
if not h[0] & 0x80:
return h[0] << 8 | l[0]
return -((h[0] ^ 255) << 8) | (l[0] ^ 255) + l
#Get Accelerometer values
def mpu6050_get_accel(i2c):
accel_x_h = i2c.readfrom_mem(MPU6050_ADDR, MPU6050_ACCEL_XOUT_H, 1)
accel_x_l = i2c.readfrom_mem(MPU6050_ADDR, MPU6050_ACCEL_XOUT_L, 1)
accel_y_h = i2c.readfrom_mem(MPU6050_ADDR, MPU6050_ACCEL_YOUT_H, 1)
accel_y_l = i2c.readfrom_mem(MPU6050_ADDR, MPU6050_ACCEL_YOUT_L, 1)
accel_z_h = i2c.readfrom_mem(MPU6050_ADDR, MPU6050_ACCEL_ZOUT_H, 1)
accel_z_l = i2c.readfrom_mem(MPU6050_ADDR, MPU6050_ACCEL_ZOUT_L, 1)
return [combine_register_values(accel_x_h, accel_x_l) / MPU6050_LSBG,
combine_register_values(accel_y_h, accel_y_l) / MPU6050_LSBG,
combine_register_values(accel_z_h, accel_z_l) / MPU6050_LSBG]
#Get Gyroscope values
def mpu6050_get_gyro(i2c):
gyro_x_h = i2c.readfrom_mem(MPU6050_ADDR, MPU6050_GYRO_XOUT_H, 1)
gyro_x_l = i2c.readfrom_mem(MPU6050_ADDR, MPU6050_GYRO_XOUT_L, 1)
gyro_y_h = i2c.readfrom_mem(MPU6050_ADDR, MPU6050_GYRO_YOUT_H, 1)
gyro_y_l = i2c.readfrom_mem(MPU6050_ADDR, MPU6050_GYRO_YOUT_L, 1)
gyro_z_h = i2c.readfrom_mem(MPU6050_ADDR, MPU6050_GYRO_ZOUT_H, 1)
gyro_z_l = i2c.readfrom_mem(MPU6050_ADDR, MPU6050_GYRO_ZOUT_L, 1)
return [combine_register_values(gyro_x_h, gyro_x_l) / MPU6050_LSBDS,
combine_register_values(gyro_y_h, gyro_y_l) / MPU6050_LSBDS,
combine_register_values(gyro_z_h, gyro_z_l) / MPU6050_LSBDS]
if __name__ == "__main__":
i2c = SoftI2C(sda=Pin(21), scl=Pin(22))
mpu6050_init(i2c) **#Line 76**
while True:
print("Accelerometer:\t", mpu6050_get_accel(i2c), "g") #Print Accelerometer values (X,Y,Z)
#print("Gyroscope:\t", mpu6050_get_gyro(i2c), "°/s") #Print Gyroscope values (X,Y,Z)
Also, Can someone explain why I2C doesn't work? The system required me to use SoftI2C.
I have used the code above for my MPU6050 and ESP32. It worked well for days, and gave me readings. However, the code stopped working. I might have tampered with some things that I don't know. Therefore, I'll need help with getting myself on track.

AD5270 SPI potentiometer with Python

I try to use a AD5270, 20KOhm SPI potentiometer for a personal project with my Raspberry Pi 3B+. I translate some Arduino libraries code to Python language but it looks like it won't work. I can't test if the potentiometer is good value configured so I read the resistor value and always get 0 from SPI register.
Problem : I don't know if my writing is well done because I can't probe the resistor. To know if it works, I read the register and always receive 0x00. Writing and/or reading won't work.
Expect : reading what I have written.
Hardware setup :
!SYNC = CE0 = PIN24
with 1uF ext capacitor and 3V3 supply (from Raspberry).
The datasheet of the AD5270 is available here.
Minimalist code following the datasheet that won't work :
spi = spidev.SpiDev(), spi_device_select)
spi.max_speed_hz = 50000 # Datasheet p7
spi.mode = 1 # CPOL = 0, CPHA = 1 (Datasheet p7)
# Datasheet example
data = [0x1C, 0x03]
r = spi.xfer(data)
data = [0x05, 0x00]
r = spi.xfer(data)
data = [0x08, 0x00]
r = spi.xfer(data)
data = [0xC0, 0x00]
r = spi.xfer(data)
From your hardware setup:
DIN = MISO = PIN21 (through 10 Ohm resistor)
SDO = MOSI = PIN19 (through 10 Ohm resistor)
DIN is input to AD5270, and therefore output of your RPI, so it should be MOSI. Same problem for SDO.
I finally got the tricks. Don't forget to add a pullup on SDO line and configure Spidev for the AD5270. This code work quite well :
# SPI test code for AD5270BRMZ-20
import time
import spidev
spi_bus = 0 # SPI0
spi_device_select = 0 # CE0
spi = spidev.SpiDev(), spi_device_select)
spi.max_speed_hz = 50000 # Datasheet p7
spi.mode = 1 # CPOL = 0, CPHA = 1 (Datasheet p7)
spi.lsbfirst = False # Datasheet p18
READ_RDAC = 0x08
def AD5270_CalcRDAC(resistance):
return int((resistance / MAX_RESISTANCE) * 1024.0)
def AD5270_ReadReg(command):
data = [(command & 0x3C), 0]
r = spi.xfer2(data)
data = [0x00, 0x00]
r2 = spi.xfer2(data)
result = r2[0]
result = (result << 8) | r2[1]
return result
def AD5270_WriteReg(command, value):
ui16Command = (command & 0x3C) << 8 | (value & 0x3FF)
data = [(ui16Command >> 8) & 0xFF, ui16Command & 0xFF]
def AD5270_ReadRDAC():
RDAC_val = AD5270_ReadReg(READ_RDAC)
RDAC_val &= 0x03FF
return ((RDAC_val) * MAX_RESISTANCE) / 1024.0
def AD5270_WriteRDAC(resistance):
RDAC_val = AD5270_CalcRDAC(resistance)
AD5270_WriteReg(WRITE_RDAC, RDAC_val);
return ((RDAC_val * MAX_RESISTANCE) / 1024.0)
AD5270_WriteRDAC(10000.0) # Write 10KOhm

Python Script for Art Museum Installation intermittently locks up, Removing Thermal Camera Sensor read function seems to work?

I have a python script for an installation in an art museum that is meant to run continuously playing sounds, driving an LED matrix, and sensing people via OpennCV and a thermal camera.
Each of the parts of the script work and all of them work together but randomly the script locks up and I need to restart it. I want to script to not lock up so no one has to reset it during the exhibition.
I have the code running on a spare Raspberry Pi and a spare LED matrix and it continues to cycle through fine. The only changes that I made were commenting out the start of a thread to check the IR sensor and a call to a function to get the max temp from the sensor.
To be clear, if I leave these bits of code in the script runs fine 1 -3 or sometimes 10 times. But it seems to lock up in the first "state" when IRcount = 0
I am stuck. Any help is greatly appreciated.
import glob
import queue
import sys
import pygame
import cv2
import random
import math
import colorsys
import time
from rpi_ws281x import *
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import threading
global thresh
sys.path.insert(0, "/home/pi/irpython/build/lib.linux-armv7l-3.5")
import MLX90640 as mlx
currentTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
InflateWait = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
minTime = 6000
maxTime = 12000
lineHeight1 = 0
lineHue1 = float(random.randrange(1,360))/255
# IR Functions
# Function to just grab the Max Temp detected. If over threshold then start
# the sequence, if not stay in state 0
def maxTemp():
mlx.setup(8) #set frame rate of MLX90640
f = mlx.get_frame()
# get max and min temps from sensor
# v_min = min(f)
v_max = int(max(f))
return v_max
# Function to detect individual people's heat blob group of pixels
# run in a thread only at the end of the script
def irCounter():
img = 'L', (24,32), "black") # make IR image
mlx.setup(8) #set frame rate of MLX90640
f = mlx.get_frame()
for x in range(24):
row = []
for y in range(32):
val = f[32 * (23-x) + y]
img.putpixel((x, y), (int(val)))
# convert raw temp data to numpy array
imgIR = np.array(img)
# increase the 24x32 px image to 240x320px for ease of seeing
bigIR = cv2.resize(depth_uint8, dsize=(240,320), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
# Use a bilateral filter to blur while hopefully retaining edges
brightBlurIR = cv2.bilateralFilter(bigIR,9,150,150)
# Threshold the image to black and white
retval, threshIR = cv2.threshold(brightBlurIR, 26, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
# Define kernal for erosion and dilation and closing operations
kernel = np.ones((5,5),np.uint8)
erosionIR = cv2.erode(threshIR,kernel,iterations = 1)
dilationIR = cv2.dilate(erosionIR,kernel,iterations = 1)
closingIR = cv2.morphologyEx(dilationIR, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)
# Detect countours
contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(closingIR, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
# Get the number of contours ( contours count when touching edge of image while blobs don't)
ncontours = str(len(contours))
# Show images in window during testing
cv2.imshow("Combined", closingIR)
#initialize pygame
print("pygame initialized")
# assign sound chennels for pygame
channel0 = pygame.mixer.Channel(0)
channel1 = pygame.mixer.Channel(1)
channel2 = pygame.mixer.Channel(2)
channel3 = pygame.mixer.Channel(3)
channel4 = pygame.mixer.Channel(4)
channel5 = pygame.mixer.Channel(5)
channel6 = pygame.mixer.Channel(6)
channel7 = pygame.mixer.Channel(7)
channel8 = pygame.mixer.Channel(8)
channel9 = pygame.mixer.Channel(9)
channel10 = pygame.mixer.Channel(10)
channel11 = pygame.mixer.Channel(11)
channel12 = pygame.mixer.Channel(12)
channel13 = pygame.mixer.Channel(13)
channel14 = pygame.mixer.Channel(14)
channel15 = pygame.mixer.Channel(15)
channel16 = pygame.mixer.Channel(16)
channel17 = pygame.mixer.Channel(17)
channel18 = pygame.mixer.Channel(18)
channel19 = pygame.mixer.Channel(19)
channel20 = pygame.mixer.Channel(20)
channel21 = pygame.mixer.Channel(21)
channel22 = pygame.mixer.Channel(22)
channel23 = pygame.mixer.Channel(23)
channel24 = pygame.mixer.Channel(24)
channel25 = pygame.mixer.Channel(25)
channel26 = pygame.mixer.Channel(26)
channel27 = pygame.mixer.Channel(27)
channel28 = pygame.mixer.Channel(28)
# load soundfiles
echoballs = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/echo balls FIX.ogg")
organbounce = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/ORGAN BOUNCE fix.ogg")
jar = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/jar whoop fix.ogg")
garland = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/GARLAND_fix.ogg")
dribble= pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/dribble.ogg")
cowbell = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/cowbell fix.ogg")
clackyballs = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/clacky balls boucne.ogg")
burpees = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/burpees_fix.ogg")
brokensynth = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/broken synth bounce.ogg")
woolballs = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/wool balls in jar FIX.ogg")
wiimoye = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/wiimoye_fix.ogg")
warpyorgan = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/warpy organ bounce#.2.ogg")
vibrate = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/vibrate fix.ogg")
turtlesbounce = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/turtles fix.ogg")
timer = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/timer.ogg")
tape = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/tape fix.ogg")
tambourine = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/TAMBOURINE.ogg")
springybounce = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/springy bounce.ogg")
smash3 = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/smash fix.ogg")
bristle2 = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/BRISTLE FIX.ogg")
blackkeys = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/black keys FIX.ogg")
zipper = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/zipper.ogg")
presatisfactionsweep = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/pre-satisfaction sweep .ogg")
satisfaction = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/SATISFACTION.ogg")
altsatisfaction = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/alt_satisfaction_trimmed.ogg")
solosatisfaction = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/SOLO_SATISFACTION.ogg")
print("sound files loaded")
# initializing sounds list
soundsList = [echoballs, organbounce, zipper, jar, garland, dribble, cowbell, clackyballs, burpees, brokensynth, woolballs,
wiimoye, warpyorgan, vibrate, turtlesbounce, timer, tambourine, springybounce, smash3, bristle2, blackkeys, zipper ]
IRcount = 0 # define initial state for main loop
pygame.display.set_mode((32, 8))
print("pygame dispaly open")
# LED strip configuration:
LED_COUNT = 256 # Number of LED pixels.
LED_PIN = 18 # GPIO pin connected to the pixels (18 uses PWM!).
#LED_PIN = 10 # GPIO pin connected to the pixels (10 uses SPI /dev/spidev0.0).
LED_FREQ_HZ = 800000 # LED signal frequency in hertz (usually 800khz)
LED_DMA = 10 # DMA channel to use for generating signal (try 10)
LED_BRIGHTNESS = 100 # Set to 0 for darkest and 255 for brightest
LED_INVERT = False # True to invert the signal (when using NPN transistor level shift)
LED_CHANNEL = 0 # set to '1' for GPIOs 13, 19, 41, 45 or 53
# Define functions which animate LEDs in various ways.
# PNG to LED function used to shuffle througfh folders of numbered PNGs exported
# from animations created
def pngToLED (strip, pngfile):
RGBimage ='RGB')
np_image = np.array(RGBimage)
colours = [Color(x[0],x[1],x[2]) for rows in np_image for x in rows]
colours2d = np.reshape(colours, (32, 8), order='F')
colours2d[1::2, :] = colours2d[1::2, ::-1]
pic = colours2d.flatten('C')
for i in range( 0, strip.numPixels(), 1 ):# iterate over all LEDs - range(start_value, end_value, step)
strip.setPixelColor(i, int(pic[ i ]))
def colorWipe(strip, color,wait_ms=10):
"""Wipe color across display a pixel at a time."""
for i in range(strip.numPixels()):
strip.setPixelColor(i, color)
def theaterChase(strip, color, wait_ms, iterations=10):
"""Movie theater light style chaser animation."""
for j in range(iterations):
for q in range(3):
for i in range(0, strip.numPixels(), 3):
strip.setPixelColor(i+q, color)
for i in range(0, strip.numPixels(), 3):
strip.setPixelColor(i+q, 0)
def wheel(pos):
"""Generate rainbow colors across 0-255 positions."""
if pos < 85:
return Color(pos * 3, 255 - pos * 3, 0)
elif pos < 170:
pos -= 85
return Color(255 - pos * 3, 0, pos * 3)
pos -= 170
return Color(0, pos * 3, 255 - pos * 3)
def rainbow(strip, wait_ms=20, iterations=1):
"""Draw rainbow that fades across all pixels at once."""
for j in range(256*iterations):
for i in range(strip.numPixels()):
strip.setPixelColor(i, wheel((i+j) & 255))
def rainbowCycle(strip, wait_ms=20, iterations=5):
"""Draw rainbow that uniformly distributes itself across all pixels."""
for j in range(256*iterations):
for i in range(strip.numPixels()):
strip.setPixelColor(i, wheel((int(i * 256 / strip.numPixels()) + j) & 255))
def theaterChaseRainbow(strip, wait_ms=90):
"""Rainbow movie theater light style chaser animation."""
for j in range(256):
for q in range(3):
for i in range(0, strip.numPixels(), 3):
strip.setPixelColor(i+q, wheel((i+j) % 255))
for i in range(0, strip.numPixels(), 3):
strip.setPixelColor(i+q, 0)
# Plasma LED Function from Root 42
def plasmaLED (plasmaTime):
h = 8
w = 32
out = [ Color( 0, 0, 0 ) for x in range( h * w ) ]
plasmaBright = 100.0
for x in range( h ):
for y in range( w ):
hue = (4.0 + math.sin( plasmaTime + x ) + math.sin( plasmaTime + y / 4.5 ) \
+ math.sin( x + y + plasmaTime ) + math.sin( math.sqrt( ( x + plasmaTime ) ** 2.0 + ( y + 1.5 * plasmaTime ) ** 2.0 ) / 4.0 ))/8
hsv = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb( hue , 1, 1 )
if y % 2 == 0: #even
out[ x + (h * y)] = Color( *[ int( round( c * plasmaBright ) ) for c in hsv ] )
else: #odd
out[ (y * h) + (h -1 -x) ] = Color( *[ int( round( c * plasmaBright ) ) for c in hsv ] )
for i in range( 0, strip.numPixels(), 1 ):# iterate over all LEDs - range(start_value, end_value, step)
strip.setPixelColor(i, out[ i ]) # set pixel to color in picture
# variables for plasma
plasmaTime = 5.0 # time
plasmaSpeed = 0.05 # speed of time
# thread for IRcounter function
class TempTask:
def __init__(self):
self.ir_temp = 0
self.lock = threading.Lock() #control concurrent access for safe multi thread access
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.update_temp)
def update_temp(self):
while True:
with self.lock:
self.ir_temp = irCounter()
def start(self):
# Millis timer count function
def CheckTime( lastTime, wait):
if currentTime - lastTime >= wait:
lastTime += wait
return True
return False
# Main program logic follows:
if __name__ == '__main__':
# not currently starting the trhead because program is locking up without it
# want to figure out initial problem first
#start thread
#task = TempTask()
# Create NeoPixel object with appropriate configuration.
# Intialize the library (must be called once before other functions).
print ('Press Ctrl-C to quit.')
while True:
currentTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
if IRcount == 0:
#random solid color
colorWipe(strip, Color(random.randint(60,255), random.randint(60,255), random.randint(60,255)))
# use random.sample() to shuffle sounds list
shuffledSounds = random.sample(soundsList, len(soundsList))
if pygame.mixer.Channel(0).get_busy() == False:[0],loops = -1)
thresh = 0
# the threshold check below is the only thing I have taken out of
# Program on my test Raspberry Pi. It seems to not lock up without it
# not sure why this would be a problem.
thresh = int(maxTemp())
print (thresh)
if thresh >= 27:
InflateWait = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
print (thresh)
IRcount = 1
print("Threshold Temp Detected: Begin Sound Sequence")
IRcount = 0
if CheckTime(InflateWait,random.randint(minTime, maxTime)):
InflateWait = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
IRcount += 1
elif IRcount == 1:
LEDimages = glob.glob("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/Crystal_Mirror/*.png")
for LEDimage in sorted(LEDimages):
pngToLED (strip, LEDimage)
if pygame.mixer.Channel(1).get_busy() == False:[1],loops = -1)
waitTime = random.randint(minTime, maxTime)
if CheckTime(InflateWait,waitTime):
InflateWait = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
IRcount += 1
elif IRcount == 2:
LEDimages = glob.glob("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/Mercury_Loop/*.png")
for LEDimage in sorted(LEDimages):
pngToLED (strip, LEDimage)
if pygame.mixer.Channel(2).get_busy() == False:[2],loops = -1)
waitTime = random.randint(minTime, maxTime)
if CheckTime(InflateWait,waitTime):
InflateWait = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
IRcount += 1
elif IRcount == 3:
LEDimages = glob.glob("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/Pink_Lava/*.png")
for LEDimage in sorted(LEDimages):
pngToLED (strip, LEDimage)
if pygame.mixer.Channel(3).get_busy() == False:[3],loops = -1)
waitTime = random.randint(minTime, maxTime)
if CheckTime(InflateWait,waitTime):
InflateWait = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
IRcount += 1
elif IRcount == 4:
LEDimages = glob.glob("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/Horiz_Mosaic/*.png")
for LEDimage in sorted(LEDimages):
pngToLED (strip, LEDimage)
if pygame.mixer.Channel(4).get_busy() == False:[4],loops = -1)
waitTime = random.randint(minTime, maxTime)
if CheckTime(InflateWait,waitTime):
InflateWait = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
IRcount += 1
elif IRcount == 5:
plasmaTime = plasmaTime + plasmaSpeed # increment plasma time
if pygame.mixer.Channel(5).get_busy() == False:[5],loops = -1)
waitTime = random.randint(minTime, maxTime)
if CheckTime(InflateWait,waitTime):
InflateWait = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
IRcount += 1
elif IRcount == 6:
LEDimages = glob.glob("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/Radio_Loop/*.png")
for LEDimage in sorted(LEDimages):
pngToLED (strip, LEDimage)
if pygame.mixer.Channel(6).get_busy() == False:[6],loops = -1)
waitTime = random.randint(minTime, maxTime)
if CheckTime(InflateWait,waitTime):
InflateWait = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
IRcount += 1
elif IRcount == 7:
LEDimages = glob.glob("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/Star_Loop/*.png")
for LEDimage in sorted(LEDimages):
pngToLED (strip, LEDimage)
if pygame.mixer.Channel(7).get_busy() == False:[7],loops = -1)
waitTime = random.randint(minTime, maxTime)
if CheckTime(InflateWait,waitTime):
InflateWait = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
IRcount += 1
elif IRcount == 14:
plasmaTime = plasmaTime + plasmaSpeed # increment plasma time
if pygame.mixer.Channel(14).get_busy() == False:[14],loops = -1)
waitTime = random.randint(minTime, maxTime)
if CheckTime(InflateWait,waitTime):
InflateWait = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
IRcount += 1
print (thresh)
elif IRcount == 15:
plasmaTime = plasmaTime + plasmaSpeed # increment plasma time
if pygame.mixer.Channel(15).get_busy() == False:[15],loops = -1)
waitTime = random.randint(minTime, maxTime)
if CheckTime(InflateWait,waitTime):
InflateWait = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
IRcount += 1
elif IRcount == 16:
# random color theater chase increment random ms to speed up with sounds
theaterChase(strip, Color(random.randint(1,255), random.randint(1,255), random.randint(1,255)), random.randint(40,50))
if pygame.mixer.Channel(22).get_busy() == False:
IRcount = 17
print("sweep end start")
elif IRcount == 18:
# random color theater chase increment random ms to speed up with sounds
theaterChase(strip, Color(random.randint(1,255), random.randint(1,255), random.randint(1,255)), random.randint(30,40))
if pygame.mixer.Channel(22).get_busy() == False:
IRcount = 19
print("Play Satisfaction Sount")
elif IRcount == 19:
rainbowCycle(strip, 5)
if pygame.mixer.Channel(23).get_busy() == False: IRcount = 0
except KeyboardInterrupt:
colorWipe(strip, Color(0,0,0), 1)
Update 1 - Suspected Function(s)
When I left the script run overnight and came to the exhibit in the morning it would be stuck in the 1st state IRcount = 0 The only things that happen in that state is the maxTemp() function to get the max temp, the LED color wipe function to cycle colors.
When I would come in in the morning it would be stuck, playing a single sound from pygame, as it should, but it would not be cycling colors. I removed the maxTemp() from my test Pi and it has been working fine.
def maxTemp():
mlx.setup(8) #set frame rate of MLX90640
f = mlx.get_frame()
# get max and min temps from sensor
# v_min = min(f)
v_max = int(max(f))
return v_max
Update # 2
I thought that the thread might be the problem so I commented out the thread start call. That is why I made the simpler maxTemp() function to see if that would work better than the thread. So when I was using the max temp then the thread wasn't being called.
I don't understand threads very well. Is it possible to have the max temp variable update continuously and have the simple OpenCV numPy manipulations running continuously? That would be ideal. When I originally added the thread it seemed to stop after a few cycles.
I do not have a join on the thread. I know threads don't "restart" but do I need to call it again as the state machine starts again?
# not currently starting the thread because program is locking up without it
# want to figure out initial problem first
#start thread
#task = TempTask()
Update #3
I Uploaded new code that eliminated the duplicate functions. Everything is handled in the thread temp.task now. That seems to work fine. I also put the github suggestion of polling the thermal sensor if the image is a duplicate but that has not happened.
I left the program run over night and when I came in in the morning it was locked up. The SD card is set to read only mode. I ssh'd into the pi. I have my auto start python script in /etc/profile
It seems to start the script each time I log into ssh. When I logged in this morning to see if the pi was still up it game an out of memory error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/ruff-wavs/", line 210, in <module>
altsatisfaction = pygame.mixer.Sound("/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/alt_satisfaction_trimmed.ogg")
pygame.error: Unable to open file '/home/pi/ruff-wavs/sounds/alt_satisfaction_trimmed.ogg'
OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
"__main__", mod_spec)
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 85, in _run_code
exec(code, run_globals)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/virtualenvwrapper/", line 223, in <module>
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/virtualenvwrapper/", line 145, in main
OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
-bash: cannot create temp file for here-document: No space left on device
Could that be because it is in read only mode?
I used this script to switch from writable to read only and back.
I suspect the issue is that you're accessing the mlx device both in the main thread via maxTemp() as well as in the irCounter() thread. The fact that it works when you take out the maxTemp call, and that that call happens in the if IRcount == 0: state supports this.
I would add the maxTemp functionality to the irCounter thread, so that accessing it from only a single thread; and update a global variable (protected by a lock) with the maxTemp results if you need to retain this functionality.

Using both SPIs of Rasberry with two different RTDs

I am using the following code to get the temperature of a PT100 (3-wire) and a PT1000 (2-wire) simultaneously on my raspberry.
According to my wiring is correct.
from Max31865 import Max31865
maxGarraum = Max31865()
maxGarraum.initPt100_3WireSensor(26, True)
maxFleisch = Max31865()
maxFleisch.initPt1000_2WireSensor(24, True)
while True:
My looks like the following:
import time, math
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
# import numpy
class Max31865():
def initPt1000_2WireSensor(self, iCsPin):
self.csPin = iCsPin
# Fleischsensor Pt1000 (2-wire)
self.registerCode = 0xA2
def initPt100_3WireSensor(self, iCsPin):
self.csPin = iCsPin
# Garraumsensor Pt100 (3-wire)
self.registerCode = 0xB2
def setupGPIO(self):
GPIO.setup(self.csPin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(self.misoPin, GPIO.IN)
GPIO.setup(self.mosiPin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(self.clkPin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(self.csPin, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(self.clkPin, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(self.mosiPin, GPIO.LOW)
def getCurrentTemp(self):is
# b10000000 = 0x80
# 0x8x to specify 'write register value'
# 0xx0 to specify 'configuration register'
# 0b10110010 = 0xB2
# Config Register -
# ---------------
# bit 7: Vbias -> 1 (ON)
# bit 6: Conversion Mode -> 0 (MANUAL)
# bit 5: 1-shot ->1 (ON)
# bit 4: 3-wire select -> 1 (3 wire config) (0 for 2-/4-wire)
# bit 3-2: fault detection cycle -> 0 (none)
# bit 1: fault status clear -> 1 (clear any fault)
# bit 0: 50/60 Hz filter select -> 0 (60Hz)
# 0b11010010 or 0xD2 for continuous auto conversion
# at 60Hz (faster conversion)
# one shot
self.writeRegister(0, self.registerCode)
# conversion time is less than 100ms
time.sleep(.1) # give it 100ms for conversion
# read all registers
out = self.readRegisters(0, 8)
conf_reg = out[0]
#print("Config register byte: %x" % conf_reg)
[rtd_msb, rtd_lsb] = [out[1], out[2]]
rtd_ADC_Code = ((rtd_msb << 8) | rtd_lsb) >> 1
temp = self.calcTemperature(rtd_ADC_Code)
# High fault threshold
[hft_msb, hft_lsb] = [out[3], out[4]]
hft = ((hft_msb << 8) | hft_lsb) >> 1
# Low fault threshold
[lft_msb, lft_lsb] = [out[5], out[6]]
lft = ((lft_msb << 8) | lft_lsb) >> 1
print ("High fault threshold: ", hft , " --- Low fault threshold: " , lft)
status = out[7]
# 10 Mohm resistor is on breakout board to help
# detect cable faults
# bit 7: RTD High Threshold / cable fault open
# bit 6: RTD Low Threshold / cable fault short
# bit 5: REFIN- > 0.85 x VBias -> must be requested
# bit 4: REFIN- < 0.85 x VBias (FORCE- open) -> must be requested
# bit 3: RTDIN- < 0.85 x VBias (FORCE- open) -> must be requested
# bit 2: Overvoltage / undervoltage fault
# bits 1,0 don't care
# print "Status byte: %x" % status
if ((status & 0x80) == 1):
raise FaultError("High threshold limit (Cable fault/open)")
if ((status & 0x40) == 1):
raise FaultError("Low threshold limit (Cable fault/short)")
if ((status & 0x04) == 1):
raise FaultError("Overvoltage or Undervoltage Error")
return temp
def writeRegister(self, regNum, dataByte):
GPIO.output(self.csPin, GPIO.LOW)
# 0x8x to specify 'write register value'
addressByte = 0x80 | regNum;
# first byte is address byte
#print("Cs-Pin: ", self.csPin, "Addresse: ", addressByte)
# the rest are data bytes
GPIO.output(self.csPin, GPIO.HIGH)
def readRegisters(self, regNumStart, numRegisters):
out = []
GPIO.output(self.csPin, GPIO.LOW)
# 0x to specify 'read register value'
for byte in range(numRegisters):
data = self.recvByte()
GPIO.output(self.csPin, GPIO.HIGH)
return out
def sendByte(self, byte):
for bit in range(8):
GPIO.output(self.clkPin, GPIO.HIGH)
if (byte & 0x80):
GPIO.output(self.mosiPin, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(self.mosiPin, GPIO.LOW)
byte <<= 1
GPIO.output(self.clkPin, GPIO.LOW)
def recvByte(self):
byte = 0x00
for bit in range(8):
GPIO.output(self.clkPin, GPIO.HIGH)
byte <<= 1
if GPIO.input(self.misoPin):
byte |= 0x1
GPIO.output(self.clkPin, GPIO.LOW)
return byte
def calcTemperature(self, RTD_ADC_Code):
global temp
R_REF = 0.0 # Reference Resistor
Res0 = 0.0; # Resistance at 0 degC for 400ohm R_Ref
a = 0.0
b = 0.0
c = 0.0
if (self.registerCode == 0xA2):
############# PT1000 #############
R_REF = 4300.0 # Reference Resistor
Res0 = 1000.0; # Resistance at 0 degC for 430ohm R_Ref
a = .00381
b = -.000000602
# c = -4.18301e-12 # for -200 <= T <= 0 (degC)
c = -0.000000000006
# c = 0 # for 0 <= T <= 850 (degC)
############# PT100 #############
R_REF = 430.0 # Reference Resistor
Res0 = 100.0; # Resistance at 0 degC for 430ohm R_Ref
a = .00390830
b = -.000000577500
# c = -4.18301e-12 # for -200 <= T <= 0 (degC)
c = -0.00000000000418301
# c = 0 # for 0 <= T <= 850 (degC)
Res_RTD = (RTD_ADC_Code * R_REF) / 32768.0 # PT1000 Resistance
#print("CS-Pin: " , self.csPin, " --- ADC-Value: ", RTD_ADC_Code , " --- Resistance: ", round(Res_RTD, 2) , " Ohms")
# Callendar-Van Dusen equation
# Res_RTD = Res0 * (1 + a*T + b*T**2 + c*(T-100)*T**3)
# Res_RTD = Res0 + a*Res0*T + b*Res0*T**2 # c = 0
# (c*Res0)T**4 - (c*Res0)*100*T**3
# + (b*Res0)*T**2 + (a*Res0)*T + (Res0 - Res_RTD) = 0
# quadratic formula:
# for 0 <= T <= 850 (degC)
temp = -(a * Res0) + math.sqrt(a * a * Res0 * Res0 - 4 * (b * Res0) * (Res0 - Res_RTD))
temp = round(temp / (2 * (b * Res0)), 2)
# removing numpy.roots will greatly speed things up
# temp_C_numpy = numpy.roots([c*Res0, -c*Res0*100, b*Res0, a*Res0, (Res0 - Res_RTD)])
# temp_C_numpy = abs(temp_C_numpy[-1])
# print "Solving Full Callendar-Van Dusen using numpy: %f" % temp_C_numpy
if (temp < 0): # use straight line approximation if less than 0
# Can also use python lib numpy to solve cubic
# Should never get here in this application
temp = (RTD_ADC_Code / 32) - 256
print ("CSPin " , self.csPin, " - ADC: ", RTD_ADC_Code , " - Resistance: ", round(Res_RTD, 2) , " Ohms - Temp: " , temp)
return temp
# Programmstart #
csPin = 0
misoPin = 21
mosiPin = 19
clkPin = 23
registerCode = 0
# BOARD:21,19,23
# BCM: 9,10,11
class FaultError(Exception):
The problem is that I get no data for the PT100-rtd - only for the PT1000.
The wiring with my raspberry must be correct, because I also adapted my code to test the wiring with two PT1000-rtd and it works.
I think that my problem is somewhere at "getCurrentTemp(self)". Maybe at the readRegister(..) and writeRegister(..) with the "regNum" and "regNumStart".
Any idea?
It looks like you are trying to use the circuitPython code.
Look at this location for the latest version of this code.
Follow the instructions and ensure that you have all required
dependencies met on your platform.
Look here for their simple example of how to test.
Good Luck!

ADXL345 Device ID and offset being wrong (Raspberry Pi)

Currently using 3 Raspberry Pi's. Each one of them should be able to collect x, y and z with an accelerometer. However a problem is occuring when I run the following script on my newest Raspberry Pi:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Example on how to read the ADXL345 accelerometer.
# Kim H. Rasmussen, 2014
import sys, math, os, spidev, datetime, ftplib
# Setup SPI
spi = spidev.SpiDev()
#spi.mode = 3 <-- Important: Do not do this! Or SPI won't work as intended, or even at all.,0)
spi.mode = 3
# Read the Device ID (should be xe5)
id = spi.xfer2([128,0])
print 'Device ID (Should be 0xe5):\n'+str(hex(id[1])) + '\n'
# Read the offsets
xoffset = spi.xfer2([30 | 128,0])
yoffset = spi.xfer2([31 | 128,0])
zoffset = spi.xfer2([32 | 128,0])
accres = 2
accrate = 13
print 'Offsets: '
print xoffset[1]
print yoffset[1]
# print str(zoffset[1]) + "\n\nRead the ADXL345 every half second:"
# Initialize the ADXL345
def initadxl345():
# Enter power saving state
spi.xfer2([45, 0])
# Set data rate to 100 Hz. 15=3200, 14=1600, 13=800, 12=400, 11=200, 10=100 etc.
spi.xfer2([44, accrate])
# Enable full range (10 bits resolution) and +/- 16g 4 LSB
spi.xfer2([49, accres])
# Enable measurement
spi.xfer2([45, 8])
# Read the ADXL x-y-z axia
def readadxl345():
rx = spi.xfer2([242,0,0,0,0,0,0])
out = [rx[1] | (rx[2] << 8),rx[3] | (rx[4] << 8),rx[5] | (rx[6] << 8)]
# Format x-axis
if (out[0] & (1<<16 - 1 )):
out[0] = out[0] - (1<<16)
# out[0] = out[0] * 0.004 * 9.82
# Format y-axis
if (out[1] & (1<<16 - 1 )):
out[1] = out[1] - (1<<16)
# out[1] = out[1] * 0.004 * 9.82
# Format z-axis
if (out[2] & (1<<16 - 1 )):
out[2] = out[2] - (1<<16)
# out[2] = out[2] * 0.004 * 9.82
return out
# Initialize the ADXL345 accelerometer
# Read the ADXL345 every half second
timetosend = 60
with open('/proc/uptime','r') as f: # get uptime
uptime_start = float(f.readline().split()[0])
uptime_last = uptime_start
active_file_first = "S3-" + str(pow(2,accrate)*25/256) + "hz10bit" + str(accres) + 'g' + str(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%y%m%d%H%M')) $
active_file = active_file_first.replace(":", ".")
wStream = open('/var/log/sensor/' + active_file,'wb')
finalcount = 0
print "Creating " + active_file
while uptime_last < uptime_start + timetosend:
finalcount += 1
time1 = str('%S.%f'))
time2 = str('%M'))
time3 = str('%H'))
time4 = str('%d'))
time5 = str('%m'))
time6 = str('%Y'))
axia = readadxl345()
# Print the reading
# print axia[0]
# print axia[1]
# print str(axia[2]) + '\n'
# elapsed = time.clock()
# current = 0
# while(current < timeout):
# current = time.clock() - elapsed
with open('/proc/uptime', 'r') as f:
uptime_last = float(f.readline().split()[0])
def doftp(the_active_file):
session = ftplib.FTP('','sensor3','L!ghtSp33d')
file = open('/var/log/sensor/' + active_file, 'rb') # file to send
session.storbinary('STOR' + active_file, file) # send the file
My two other Raspberry Pi's show the following when I run the script:
Device ID (Should be 0xe5):
This is supposed to be the same for my 3rd Raspberry Pi regardless of how the accelerometer is positioned before I run the script.
However for some reason I get an output like this with my new Raspberry Pi:
Device ID (Should be 0xe5):
Sometimes it shows a complete different Device ID and offset.
All 3 Raspberry Pi have the exact same in both /etc/modules and /boot/config.txt.
When I run ls /dev/*spi* on both I get /dev/spidev0.0 /dev/spidev0.1 for all 3 Raspberry Pi's.
After exchanging MicroSD cards between the Raspberry Pi's it became clear that the issue has nothing to do with the hardware. It comes down to the software.
Does anyone in here have an idea of how I fix this issue? The fact that it isn't showing proper Device ID and offsets just makes the data I collect messed up and useless.
