I've got a python script that writes a row to a sqlite3 database. I would like to run it with crontab, but can't get it working.
What I've tried so far
crontab -l
* * * * * /opt/homebrew/bin/python3 /Users/natemcintosh/dev/battery_condition/
* * * * * /opt/homebrew/bin/python3 /Users/natemcintosh/dev/battery_condition/
The first command is the one that appends to the database row. I can copy and paste that command at the command line, run it, and it adds the row. It does not run every minute. The contents of /Users/natemcintosh/dev/battery_condition/ are
# /Users/natemcintosh/dev/battery_condition/
import subprocess
import re
import sqlite3
import datetime
def get_conds():
# Run the command to get battery info
command = "system_profiler SPPowerDataType".split()
response =, check=True, capture_output=True)
response = str(response.stdout)
# Get just the parts of interest
cycle_count = re.findall(r"Cycle Count: (\d+)", response)[0]
condition = re.findall(r"Condition: (\w+)", response)[0]
max_capacity = re.findall(r"Maximum Capacity: (\d+)", response)[0]
now = str(
return [now, cycle_count, condition, max_capacity]
def append_row_to_db(db_name: str, items: list):
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_name)
with conn:
conn.execute("INSERT INTO battery_condition VALUES (?,?,?,?)", items)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Get the condition
battery_condition = get_conds()
# Append to the file
filename = "/Users/natemcintosh/dev/battery_condition/battery_condition.db"
append_row_to_db(filename, battery_condition)
The second command is a test script that does work.
import datetime
if __name__ == "__main__":
with open("/Users/natemcintosh/Desktop/crontest.txt", "a+") as f:
now = str(
Every minute, a new line appears in /Users/natemcintosh/Desktop/crontest.txt with the current date and time. I've also tried having the test script write to other locations on disk, and they all seem to work.
With the help of Gordon Davisson, I've figure out the issue. When I call, check=True, capture_output=True), the command did not have the full path to the executable.
It used to be
command = "system_profiler SPPowerDataType".split()
I got the full path to the system_profiler command with
$ which system_profiler
And fixed the line in my python script to be
command = "/usr/sbin/system_profiler SPPowerDataType".split()
The tool now runs successfully!
It is explained in how one can run a subprocess and read out the results live. However, it looks like it creates a file with a name test.log to do so. This makes me worry that if multiple scripts are using this trick in the same directory the test.log file might well be corrupted. Is there a way that does not require a file to be created outside Python? Or can we make sure that each process uses a unique log file? Or am I completely misunderstanding the situation and is there no risk of simultaneous writes by different programs to the same test.log file?
You don't need to write the live output to a file. You can write it to simply to STDOUT with sys.stdout.write("your message").
On the other hand you can generate unique log files for each process:
import os
import psutil
pid = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
process_name =
path, extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "my_basic_log_file.log"))
created_log_file_name = "{0}_{1}{2}".format(path, process_name, extension)
>>> python3
If you see the above example my process name was python3 so this process name was inserted to the "basic" log file name. With this solution you can create unique log files for your processes.
You can set your process name with the setproctitle.setproctitle("my_process_name").
Here is an example.
import os
import psutil
import setproctitle
pid = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
process_name =
path, extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "my_basic_log_file.log"))
created_log_file_name = "{0}_{1}{2}".format(path, process_name, extension)
>>> python3
Previously I have written a quite complex and safe command caller which can make live output (not to file). You can check it:
import sys
import os
import subprocess
import select
import errno
def poll_command(process, realtime):
Watch for error or output from the process
:param process: the process, running the command
:param realtime: flag if realtime logging is needed
:return: Return STDOUT and return code of the command processed
coutput = ""
poller = select.poll()
poller.register(process.stdout, select.POLLIN)
fdhup = {process.stdout.fileno(): 0}
while sum(fdhup.values()) < len(fdhup):
r = poller.poll(1)
except select.error as err:
if not err.args[0] == errno.EINTR:
r = []
for fd, flags in r:
if flags & (select.POLLIN | select.POLLPRI):
c = version_conversion(fd, realtime)
coutput += c
fdhup[fd] = 1
return coutput.strip(), process.poll()
def version_conversion(fd, realtime):
There are some differences between Python2/3 so this conversion is needed.
c =, 4096)
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
c = c.decode("ISO-8859-1")
if realtime:
return c
def exec_shell(command, real_time_out=False):
Call commands.
:param command: Command line.
:param real_time_out: If this variable is True, the output of command is logging in real-time
:return: Return STDOUT and return code of the command processed.
if not command:
print("Command is not available.")
return None, None
print("Executing '{}'".format(command))
rtoutput = real_time_out
p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
out, return_code = poll_command(p, rtoutput)
if p.poll():
error_msg = "Return code: {ret_code} Error message: {err_msg}".format(
ret_code=return_code, err_msg=out
print("[OK] - The command calling was successful. CMD: '{}'".format(command))
return out, return_code
exec_shell("echo test running", real_time_out=True)
>>> python3
Executing 'echo test running'
test running
[OK] - The command calling was successful. CMD: 'echo test running'
I hope my answer answers your question! :)
I am trying to execute several lines of bash in Python 3 and check the status of each line separately.
I first tried to use gestatusoutput from subprocess, but each line is run in a separated process that does not communicate with the others (for the sake of simplicity, the given MWE consists of setting a variable, but what I intend to do in my actual code is more complex than that — and I know about os.environ for this very specific example):
from subprocess import getstatusoutput as cmd
stat, out = cmd("export TEST=1")
stat, out = cmd("echo $TEST")
will therefore returns:
>>> print(out)
(0, "")
I then tried the following:
cmdline = """export TEST=1
echo $TEST"""
stat, out = cmd(cmdline)
That works but forces me to parse the output, specially if I want to check the status of the first command (if echo works, the status returns by cmd is 0 whatever happens before), that is not very robust.
I saw some things using Popen (still from subprocess) but was unable to use it efficiently.
Any help would be appreciated!
To me, you are trying to share the environment variable between two process, which is not possible.
It looks like this:
Process 1 python #TEST = ""
|Process 2-->"export TEST=1" #Change Process2 env variable TEST to '1'
|Process 3-->"echo $TEST" #Print Process3 env variable TEST (get from process 1)
You can use os.environ[] to change the current environment first (Process 1 variable),Later on use the variable after fork.
Something like this
import os
import subprocess
import sys
os.environ['TEST'] = '1'
out = subprocess.check_call('echo $TEST',shell = True)
I resulted doing the following:
create a launch command wrapping subprocess.Popen to launch my bash commands, that in addition allows me either to retrieve the current environment or to pass a custom environment
create a get_env to parse the return from the previous command and get a dict of the environment
launch wrapper
import os
import subprocess as sp
def launch(cmd_, env=os.environ, get_env=False):
if get_env: cmd_ += " && printenv"
load = sp.Popen(cmd_, shell=True, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE, env=env)
out = load.communicate()
err = load.returncode
return(err, out)
Retrieve the environment
def get_env(out, encoding='utf-8'):
lout = str(out[0], encoding).split('\n')
new_env = {}
for line in lout:
if len(line.split('=')) <= 1:
k = line.split("=")[0]
v = "=".join(line.split("=")[1:])
new_env[k] = v
return new_env
(This is a simple version, it may be more complicated if you have things like functions in your environment — it happens.)
I can use it as follow:
err, out = launch("export TEST=1", get_env=True)
if not err: new_env = get_env(out)
err, out = launch("echo $TEST", env=new_env)
and therefore:
>>> print(str(out[0], encoding='utf-8'))
I want to write a Python script which will check every minute if some pre-defined process is still running on Linux machine and if it doesn't print a timestamp at what time it has crashed. I have written a script which is doing exactly that but unfortunately, it works correctly with only one process.
This is my code:
import subprocess
import shlex
import time
from datetime import datetime
proc_def = "top"
grep_cmd = "pgrep -a " + proc_def
proc_run = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(grep_cmd)).decode('utf-8')
proc_run = proc_run.strip().split('\n')
Creating a dictionary with key the PID of the process and value
the command line
proc_dict = dict(zip([i.split(' ', 1)[0] for i in proc_run],
[i.split(' ', 1)[1] for i in proc_run]))
check_run = "ps -o pid= -p "
for key, value in proc_dict.items():
check_run_cmd = check_run + key
# While the output of check_run_cmd isn't empty line do
while subprocess.check_output(
# This print statement is for debugging purposes only
If the check_run_cmd is returning an error, it shows us the time
and date of the crash as well as the PID and the command line
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print(f"PID: {key} of command: \"{value}\" stopped
at {'%d-%m-%Y %T')}")
# Check if the proc_def is actually running on the machine
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print(f"The \"{proc_def}\" command isn't running on this machine")
For example, if there are two top processes it will show me information about the crash time of only one of these processes and it will exit. I want to stay active as long as there is another process running and exit only if both processes are killed. It should present information when each of the processes has crashed.
It shall also not be limited to two proc only and support multiple processes started with the same proc_def command.
Have to change the logic a bit, but basically you want an infinite loop alternating a check on all processes - not checking the same one over and over:
import subprocess
import shlex
import time
from datetime import datetime
proc_def = "top"
grep_cmd = "pgrep -a " + proc_def
proc_run = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(grep_cmd)).decode('utf-8')
proc_run = proc_run.strip().split('\n')
Creating a dictionary with key the PID of the process and value
the command line
proc_dict = dict(zip([i.split(' ', 1)[0] for i in proc_run],
[i.split(' ', 1)[1] for i in proc_run]))
check_run = "ps -o pid= -p "
while proc_dict:
for key, value in proc_dict.items():
check_run_cmd = check_run + key
# While the output of check_run_cmd isn't empty line do
# This print statement is for debugging purposes only
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print(f"PID: {key} of command: \"{value}\" stopped at {'%d-%m-%Y %T')}")
del proc_dict[key]
# Check if the proc_def is actually running on the machine
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print(f"The \"{proc_def}\" command isn't running on this machine")
This suffers from the same problems in the original code, namely the time resolution is 3 seconds, and if a new process is run during this script, you won't ping it (though this may be desired).
The first problem would be fixed by sleeping for less time, depending on what you need, the second by running the initial lines creating proc_dict in the while True.
I've starting a script but for some reason it's not working as intended.
I'm trying to cycle through a folder going over all of the files in the folder and making it following command in command prompt for each file:
adb install -r C:\foldername\filename.apk
I want the command to run as a window rather than in the background so that I can see the ordinary command prompt window.
I'm also then waiting until all of the cmd.exe windows have gone before starting a new batch of 5 commands.
Here's what I have so far, I think the problem is to do with how I am running the command, I've tried a few types (included two in this, os.system() and subprocess.popen()
import os
import time
import subprocess
import shutil
AppsNewDir = "C:\\NewApps"
counter = 0
def is_process_running(process):
n = 0 # number of instances of the program running
prog = [line.split() for line in subprocess.check_output("tasklist").splitlines()]
[prog.pop(e) for e in [0, 1, 2]] # useless
for task in prog:
if task[0] == process:
n = n + 1
if n > 0:
return True
return False
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(AppsNewDir):
for file in files:
if ".apk" in file:
print file
command = "adb install -r " + AppsNewDir + "\\" + file
proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True,
stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, close_fds=True)
counter += 1
if counter == 5:
while is_process_running("cmd.exe"):
counter = 0
Currently it appears to be running sequentially rather than simultaneously, I may be wrong but based on what I see in console in real time it
I write lots of small scripts to manipulate files on a Bash-based server. I would like to have a mechanism by which to log which commands created which files in a given directory. However, I don't just want to capture every input command, all the time.
Approach 1: a wrapper script that uses a Bash builtin (a la history or fc -ln -1) to grab the last command and write it to a log file. I have not been able to figure out any way to do this, as the shell builtin commands do not appear to be recognized outside of the interactive shell.
Approach 2: a wrapper script that pulls from ~/.bash_history to get the last command. This, however, requires setting up the Bash shell to flush every command to history immediately (as per this comment) and seems also to require that the history be allowed to grow inexorably. If this is the only way, so be it, but it would be great to avoid having to edit the ~/.bashrc file on every system where this might be implemented.
Approach 3: use script. My problem with this is that it requires multiple commands to start and stop the logging, and because it launches its own shell it is not callable from within another script (or at least, doing so complicates things significantly).
I am trying to figure out an implementation that's of the form log_this.script other_script other_arg1 other_arg2 > file, where everything after the first argument is logged. The emphasis here is on efficiency and minimizing syntax overhead.
EDIT: iLoveTux and I both came up with similar solutions. For those interested, my own implementation follows. It is somewhat more constrained in its functionality than the accepted answer, but it also auto-updates any existing logfile entries with changes (though not deletions).
Sample usage:
$ "python3 > test_file.txt"
creates a log file in the parent directory of the output file with the following:
2015-10-12#10:47:09 test_file.txt "python3 > test_file.txt"
Additional file changes are added to the log;
$ "python3 > test_file_2.txt"
the log now contains
2015-10-12#10:47:09 test_file.txt "python3 > test_file.txt"
2015-10-12#10:47:44 test_file_2.txt "python3 > test_file_2.txt"
Running on the original file name again changes the file order in the log, based on modification time of the files:
$ "python3 > test_file.txt"
2015-10-12#10:47:44 test_file_2.txt "python3 > test_file_2.txt"
2015-10-12#10:48:01 test_file.txt "python3 > test_file.txt"
Full script:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
A wrapper script that will write the command-line
args associated with any files generated to a log
file in the directory where the files were made.
import sys
import os
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
import subprocess
import time
from datetime import datetime
def listFiles(mypath):
Return relative paths of all files in mypath
return [join(mypath, f) for f in listdir(mypath) if
isfile(join(mypath, f))]
def read_log(log_file):
Reads a file history log and returns a dictionary
of {filename: command} entries.
Expects tab-separated lines of [time, filename, command]
entries = {}
with open(log_file) as log:
for l in log:
l = l.strip()
mod, name, cmd = l.split("\t")
# cmd = cmd.lstrip("\"").rstrip("\"")
entries[name] = [cmd, mod]
return entries
def time_sort(t, fmt):
Turn a strftime-formatted string into a tuple
of time info
parsed = datetime.strptime(t, fmt)
return parsed
ARGS = sys.argv[1]
ARG_LIST = ARGS.split()
# Guess where logfile should be put
if (">" or ">>") in ARG_LIST:
# Get position after redirect in arg list
redirect_index = max(ARG_LIST.index(e) for e in ARG_LIST if e in ">>")
output = ARG_LIST[redirect_index + 1]
output = os.path.abspath(output)
out_dir = os.path.dirname(output)
elif ("cp" or "mv") in ARG_LIST:
output = ARG_LIST[-1]
out_dir = os.path.dirname(output)
out_dir = os.getcwd()
# Set logfile location within the inferred output directory
LOGFILE = out_dir + "/cmdlog_history.log"
# Get file list state prior to running
all_files = listFiles(out_dir)
pre_stats = [os.path.getmtime(f) for f in all_files]
# Run the desired external commands, shell=True)
# Get done time of external commands
TIME_FMT = "%Y-%m-%d#%H:%M:%S"
log_time = time.strftime(TIME_FMT)
# Get existing entries from logfile, if present
if LOGFILE in all_files:
logged = read_log(LOGFILE)
logged = {}
# Get file list state after run is complete
post_stats = [os.path.getmtime(f) for f in all_files]
post_files = listFiles(out_dir)
# Find files whose states have changed since the external command
changed = [e[0] for e in zip(all_files, pre_stats, post_stats) if e[1] != e[2]]
new = [e for e in post_files if e not in all_files]
all_modded = list(set(changed + new))
if not all_modded: # exit early, no need to log
# Replace files that have changed, add those that are new
for f in all_modded:
name = os.path.basename(f)
logged[name] = [ARGS, log_time]
# Write changed files to logfile
with open(LOGFILE, 'w') as log:
for name, info in sorted(logged.items(), key=lambda x: time_sort(x[1][1], TIME_FMT)):
cmd, mod_time = info
if not cmd.startswith("\""):
cmd = "\"{}\"".format(cmd)
log.write("\t".join([mod_time, name, cmd]) + "\n")
You can use the tee command, which stores its standard input to a file and outputs it on standard output. Pipe the command line into tee, and pipe tee's output into a new invocation of your shell:
echo '<command line to be logged and executed>' | \
tee --append /path/to/your/logfile | \
i.e., for your example of other_script other_arg1 other_arg2 > file,
echo 'other_script other_arg1 other_arg2 > file' | \
tee --append /tmp/mylog.log | \
If your command line needs single quotes, they need to be escaped properly.
OK, so you don't mention Python in your question, but it is tagged Python, so I figured I would see what I could do. I came up with this script:
import sys
from os.path import expanduser, join
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
def issue_command(command):
process = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
return process.communicate()
home = expanduser("~")
log_file = join(home, "command_log")
command = sys.argv[1:]
with open(log_file, "a") as fout:
fout.write("{}\n".format(" ".join(command)))
out, err = issue_command(command)
which you can call like (if you name it log_this and make it executable):
$ log_this echo hello world
and it will put "echo hello world" in a file ~/command_log, note though that if you want to use pipes or redirection you have to quote your command (this may be a real downfall for your use case or it may not be, but I haven't figured out how to do this just yet without the quotes) like this:
$ log_this "echo hello world | grep h >> /tmp/hello_world"
but since it's not perfect, I thought I would add a little something extra.
The following script allows you to specify a different file to log your commands to as well as record the execution time of the command:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import argparse
from os.path import expanduser, join
from time import time
def issue_command(command):
process = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
return process.communicate()
home = expanduser("~")
default_file = join(home, "command_log")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", type=argparse.FileType("a"), default=default_file)
parser.add_argument("-p", "--profile", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("command", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.profile:
start = time()
out, err = issue_command(args.command)
runtime = time() - start
entry = "{}\t{}\n".format(" ".join(args.command), runtime)
out, err = issue_command(args.command)
entry = "{}\n".format(" ".join(args.command))
You would use this the same way as the other script, but if you wanted to specify a different file to log to just pass -f <FILENAME> before your actual command and your log will go there, and if you wanted to record the execution time just provide the -p (for profile) before your actual command like so:
$ log_this -p -f ~/new_log "echo hello world | grep h >> /tmp/hello_world"
I will try to make this better, but if you can think of anything else this could do for you, I am making a github project for this where you can submit bug reports and feature requests.