Increase performance of np.where() loop - python

I am trying to speed up the code for the following script (ideally >4x) without multiprocessing. In a future step, I will implement multiprocessing, but the current speed is too slow even if I split it up to 40 cores. Therefore I'm trying to optimize to code first.
import numpy as np
def loop(x,y,q,z):
matchlist = []
for ind in range(len(x)):
return matchlist
def find_match(x,y,q,z):
A = np.where(q == x)
B = np.where(z == y)
return np.intersect1d(A,B)
# N will finally scale up to 10^9
N = 1000
M = 300
X = np.random.randint(M, size=N)
Y = np.random.randint(M, size=N)
# Q and Z size is fixed at 120000
Q = np.random.randint(M, size=120000)
Z = np.random.randint(M, size=120000)
# convert int32 arrays to str64 arrays, to represent original data (which are strings and not numbers)
X = np.char.mod('%d', X)
Y = np.char.mod('%d', Y)
Q = np.char.mod('%d', Q)
Z = np.char.mod('%d', Z)
matchlist = loop(X,Y,Q,Z)
I have two arrays (X and Y) which are identical in length. Each row of these arrays corresponds to one DNA sequencing read (basically strings of the letters 'A','C','G','T'; details not relevant for the example code here).
I also have two 'reference arrays' (Q and Z) which are identical in length and I want to find the occurrence (with np.where()) of every element of X within Q, as well as of every element of Y within Z (basically the find_match() function). Afterwards I want to know whether there is an overlap/intersect between the indexes found for X and Y.
Example output (matchlist; some rows of X/Y have matching indexes in Q/Y, some don't e.g. index 11):
The code works fine so far, but it would take quite long to execute with my final dataset where N=10^9 (in this code example N=1000 to make the tests quicker). 1000 rows of X/Y need about 2.29s to execute on my laptop:
Every find_match() takes about 2.48 ms to execute which is roughly 1/1000 of the final loop.
One first approach would be to combine (x with y) as well as (q with z) and then I only need to run np.where() once, but I couldn't get that to work yet.
I've tried to loop and lookup within Pandas (.loc()) but this was about 4x slower than np.where().
The question is closely related to a recent question from philshem (Combine several NumPy "where" statements to one to improve performance), however, the solutions provided on this question do not work for my approach here.

Numpy isn't too helpful here, since what you need is a lookup into a jagged array, with strings as the indexes.
lookup = {}
for i, (q, z) in enumerate(zip(Q, Z)):
lookup.setdefault((q, z), []).append(i)
matchlist = [lookup.get((x, y), []) for x, y in zip(X, Y)]
If you don't need the output as a jagged array, but are OK with just a boolean denoting presence, and can preprocess each string to a number, there is a much faster method.
lookup = np.zeros((300, 300), dtype=bool)
lookup[Q, Z] = True
matchlist = lookup[X, Y]
You typically won't want to use this method to replace the former jagged case, as dense variants (eg. Daniel F's solution) will be memory inefficient and numpy does not support sparse arrays well. However, if more speed is needed then a sparse solution is certainly possible.

You only have 300*300 = 90000 unique answers. Pre-compute.
Q_ = np.arange(300)[:, None] == Q
Z_ = np.arange(300)[:, None] == Z
lookup = np.logical_and(Q_[:, None, :], Z_)
Out[]: (300, 300, 120000)
Then the result is just:
out = lookup[X, Y]
If you really want the indices you can do:
i = np.where(out)
out2 = np.split(i[1], np.flatnonzero(np.diff(i[0]))+1)
You'll parallelize by chunking with this method, since a boolean array of shape(120000, 1000000000) will throw a MemoryError.


Numpy - replacing value in array based on a condition on a coordinate vector representing one dimension

I have a data array of multiple dimensions, with the last one being the distance. On the other hand, I have the distance vector r. For instance:
Data = np.ones((20, 30, 100))
r = np.linspace(10, 50, 100)
Finally, I also have a list of critical distance values called r0, such that (r0.shape == Data.shape[:-1]).all(). For instance,
r0 = np.random.random((20, 30))*40 + 10
I'm looking to replace values of Data by zero based on a condition on r and r0 corresponding to the first dimensions of Data. For example, I want for any i and j that:
Data[i, j, r>=r0[i,j]] = 0
Consider that Data can be a big array such that using loops is very long. My current workaround is:
r_temp = np.broadcast_to(np.expand_dims(r, list(np.arange(len(Data.shape)-1))), Data.shape)
Data[r_temp >= r0[..., None]] = 0
It is fast, but it consumes a lot of memory considering that I have to store the array r_temp, which can be problematic if Data starts to be big.
Any solution that does not necessitate to create and store r_temp ?
Note: for the creation of r_temp, see here.

Eliminating Redundancy with (Multiple) Nested For-Loops

for x in range(10):
for y in range(10):
for z in range(10):
if (1111*x + 1111*y + 1111*z) == (10000*y + 1110*x + z):
Is there a way to shorten this code, specifically the first 3 lines where I've used three similar looking for loops? I'm quite new to python so please explain any modules used, if possible.
Well, you're essentially evaluating a function in a 3d coordinate system, with coordinates given by x, y, and z. So let's look at Numpy, which implements arrays in Python. If you're familiar with matlab or IDL, these arrays have similar functionality.
import numpy
x = numpy.arange(10) #Same as range but creates an array instead of a generator
y = numpy.arange(10)
z = numpy.arange(10)
#Now build a 3d array with every point
#defined by the coordinate arrays
xg, yg, zg = numpy.meshgrid(x,y,z)
#Evaluate your functions
#and store the Boolean result in an array.
mask = (1111*xg + 1111*yg + 1111*zg) == (10000*yg + 1110*xg + zg)
#Print out the z values where the mask is True
Is this more readable? Debatable. Is it shorter? No. But it does leverage array operations which may be faster in certain circumstances.

Einsum slower than explicit Numpy implementation for n-mode tensor-matrix product

I'm trying to implement the n-mode tensor-matrix product (as defined by Kolda and Bader: efficiently in Python using Numpy. The operation effectively gets down to (for matrix U, tensor X and axis/mode k):
Extract all vectors along axis k from X by collapsing all other axes.
Multiply these vectors on the left by U using standard matrix multiplication.
Insert the vectors again into the output tensor using the same shape, apart from X.shape[k], which is now equal to U.shape[0] (initially, X.shape[k] must be equal to U.shape[1], as a result of the matrix multiplication).
I've been using an explicit implementation for a while which performs all these steps separately:
Transpose the tensor to bring axis k to the front (in my full code I added an exception in case k == X.ndim - 1, in which case it's faster to leave it there and transpose all future operations, or at least in my application, but that's not relevant here).
Reshape the tensor to collapse all other axes.
Calculate the matrix multiplication.
Reshape the tensor to reconstruct all other axes.
Transpose the tensor back into the original order.
I would think this implementation creates a lot of unnecessary (big) arrays, so once I discovered np.einsum I thought this would speed things up considerably. However using the code below I got worse results:
import numpy as np
from time import time
def mode_k_product(U, X, mode):
transposition_order = list(range(X.ndim))
transposition_order[mode] = 0
transposition_order[0] = mode
Y = np.transpose(X, transposition_order)
transposed_ranks = list(Y.shape)
Y = np.reshape(Y, (Y.shape[0], -1))
Y = U # Y
transposed_ranks[0] = Y.shape[0]
Y = np.reshape(Y, transposed_ranks)
Y = np.transpose(Y, transposition_order)
return Y
def einsum_product(U, X, mode):
axes1 = list(range(X.ndim))
axes1[mode] = X.ndim + 1
axes2 = list(range(X.ndim))
axes2[mode] = X.ndim
return np.einsum(U, [X.ndim, X.ndim + 1], X, axes1, axes2, optimize=True)
def test_correctness():
A = np.random.rand(3, 4, 5)
for i in range(3):
B = np.random.rand(6, A.shape[i])
X = mode_k_product(B, A, i)
Y = einsum_product(B, A, i)
print(np.allclose(X, Y))
def test_time(method, amount):
U = np.random.rand(256, 512)
X = np.random.rand(512, 512, 256)
start = time()
for i in range(amount):
method(U, X, 1)
return (time() - start)/amount
def test_times():
print("Explicit:", test_time(mode_k_product, 10))
print("Einsum:", test_time(einsum_product, 10))
Timings for me:
Explicit: 3.9450525522232054
Einsum: 15.873924326896667
Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? I know there are circumstances where storing intermediate results can decrease complexity (e.g. chained matrix multiplication), however in this case I can't think of any calculations that are being repeated. Is matrix multiplication so optimized that it removes the benefits of not transposing (which technically has a lower complexity)?
I'm more familiar with the subscripts style of using einsum, so worked out these equivalences:
In [194]: np.allclose(np.einsum('ij,jkl->ikl',B0,A), einsum_product(B0,A,0))
Out[194]: True
In [195]: np.allclose(np.einsum('ij,kjl->kil',B1,A), einsum_product(B1,A,1))
Out[195]: True
In [196]: np.allclose(np.einsum('ij,klj->kli',B2,A), einsum_product(B2,A,2))
Out[196]: True
With a mode parameter, your approach in einsum_product may be best. But the equivalences help me visualize the calculation better, and may help others.
Timings should basically be the same. There's an extra setup time in einsum_product that should disappear in larger dimensions.
After updating Numpy, Einsum is only slightly slower than the explicit method, with or without multi-threading (see comments to my question).

Python numpy grid transformation using universal functions

Here is my problem : I manipulate 432*46*136*136 grids representing time*(space) encompassed in numpy arrays with numpy and python. I have one array alt, which encompasses the altitudes of the grid points, and another array temp which stores the temperature of the grid points.
It is problematic for a comparison : if T1 and T2 are two results, T1[t0,z0,x0,y0] and T2[t0,z0,x0,y0] represent the temperature at H1[t0,z0,x0,y0] and H2[t0,z0,x0,y0] meters, respectively. But I want to compare the temperature of points at the same altitude, not at the same grid point.
Hence I want to modify the z-axis of my matrices to represent the altitude and not the grid point. I create a function conv(alt[t,z,x,y]) which attributes a number between -20 and 200 to each altitude. Here is my code :
def interpolation_extended(self,temp,alt):
for l in range(0,t):
for j in range(0,z):
for lat in range(0,x):
for lon in range(0,y):
return new
But this takes definitely too much time, I can't work this it. I tried to write it using universal functions with numpy :
def interpolation_extended(self,temp,alt):
for j in range(0,z):
return new
But that does not work. Do you have any idea of doing this in python/numpy without using 4 nested loops ?
Thank you
I can't really try the code since I don't have your matrices, but something like this should do the job.
First, instead of declaring conv as a function, get the whole altitude projection for all your data:
conv = np.round(alt / 500.).astype(int)
Using np.round, the numpys version of round, it rounds all the elements of the matrix by vectorizing operations in C, and thus, you get a new array very quickly (at C speed). The following line aligns the altitudes to start in 0, by shifting all the array by its minimum value (in your case, -20):
conv -= conv.min()
the line above would transform your altitude matrix from [-20, 200] to [0, 220] (better for indexing).
With that, interpolation can be done easily by getting multidimensional indices:
t, z, y, x = np.indices(temp.shape)
the vectors above contain all the indices needed to index your original matrix. You can then create the new matrix by doing:
new_matrix[t, conv[t, z, y, x], y, x] = temp[t, z, y, x]
without any loop at all.
Let me know if it works. It might give you some erros since is hard for me to test it without data, but it should do the job.
The following toy example works fine:
A = np.random.randn(3,4,5) # Random 3x4x5 matrix -- your temp matrix
B = np.random.randint(0, 10, 3*4*5).reshape(3,4,5) # your conv matrix with altitudes from 0 to 9
C = np.zeros((3,10,5)) # your new matrix
z, y, x = np.indices(A.shape)
C[z, B[z, y, x], x] = A[z, y, x]
C contains your results by altitude.

Arrays in loops

Hi I have a question that I am not sure how to implement in python.
I have three different arrays. I have values in X and values in Y. Such that to each X a specific Y belongs (X,Y). Now, from it I built a histogram.
U, V = histogram(X, bins=arange(min(X), max(X), 50))
The third array (V) has the number of points for each bin. Knowing this, I want to print the different Y values for each point in different bins. It is:
for i, j in zip(X, Y):
if a<i<b:
print j
where a is the first value in V and b the second one. For example in my first case, the first value is 500 and the second one 600, so it would be:
for i, j in zip(X, Y):
if 500<i<600:
print j
and here it prints the Y values for the points that lie in the range 500-600 in X. What now I would like to do is to implement a loop so I don't have to be writing manually the different entries for V. I was thinking about something like:
for i, j, k in zip(X,Y,range(len(V))):
if V[k]<i<V[k+1]:
print j
But it doesn't work. Any ideas?
From the code in your question, it looks like you're using numpy. There are better ways to approach this problem in numpy, and I'll go over those at the end of the answer. For the moment, though, let's look at why what you tried didn't work.
The reason that it's not working is that your V array is the bin edges. It's not the same size as your X or Y arrays.
When you zip sequences together, zip stops when the shortest sequence has been iterated through. For example:
for i, j in zip([1, 2], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]):
print j
Will yield:
In your case, you actually want to iterate over the bins, and then have an inner loop over X an Y. For example:
for k in range(len(V)):
for i, j in zip(x, y):
if V[k]<i<V[k+1]:
print j
We could also make this a bit more readable by doing something like:
bin_edges = V
for left, right in zip(bin_edges, bin_edges[1:]):
for i, j in zip(x, y):
if left < i < right:
print j
However, this both of these are horribly inefficient in numpy. (Iterating through numpy arrays is slower than iterating through lists, but this would be slow even with lists.)
Fortunately, you're using numpy, and there are much more efficient ways.
First, let's reproduce the example above, but let's use boolean indexing to remove the inner loop:
import numpy as np
# Generate some random data
x, y = np.random.random((2, 100))
# Your "U" and "V" arrays, but I'm changing the names for clarity
counts, bins = np.histogram(x, bins=20)
# Rather than iterate over an index, let's use a slightly different trick
for left, right in zip(bins[:-1], bins[1:]):
# Use boolean indexing to replace the inner loop
print y[(x > left) & (x < right)]
Another way to do this is through numpy.digitize:
import numpy as np
# Generate some x, y data
x, y = np.random(2, 100)
# Create a histogram of x
counts, bins = np.histogram(x, bins=30)
# Return an series of indicies of which bin each x-value falls into
# This will be the same size as x and have values between 0 to len(bins)
idx = np.digitize(x, bins)
# Print the y-values for each bin
for i in range(bins.size):
y[idx == i]
Either way, using boolean indexing for this instead of the inner loop will yield significant speedups.
What is the error you're getting? You're probably indexing outside of the array in
for i, j, k in zip(X,Y,range(len(V))):
if V[k]<i<V[k+1]:
print j
When k is len(V) there is no V[k+1]. You can do something like
for i, j, k in zip(X,Y,range(len(V)-1)):
if V[k]<i<V[k+1]:
print j
#handle the last bin separately
if X[-1] > V[-1]:
print Y[-1]
