i'm trying to reduce the amount of logging that the napalm library sends to syslog, but also allow for info logs to be sent from other parts of the code. I set up logging.basicConfig to be INFO but then i'd like the napalm function to be WARNING and above.
So i have code like this:
from napalm import get_network_driver
import logging
import getpass
filename="/var/log/myscripts/script.log", level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s %(message)s")
def napalm(device):
username = getpass.getuser()
driver = get_network_driver("junos")
router = driver(str(device), username, "", password="", timeout=120)
return router
router = napalm('myrouter')
config = "hostname foobar"
show = router.compare_config()
The issue is the logging.info output never makes it to the log file. If i do logging.warning(show) it does, but i'd like this to be info. The reason i want the function to be WARNING is that it generates so much other logging at the info level that is just noise. So trying to cut down on that.
A nice trick from the book Effective Python. See if it helps your situation.
def napalm(count):
for x in range(count):
logger.info('useless log line')
def debug_logging(level):
logger = logging.getLogger()
old_level = logger.getEffectiveLevel()
with debug_logging(logging.WARNING):
By calling logging.getLogger() without a parameter you are currently retrieving the root logger, and overriding the level for it also affects all other loggers.
You should instead retrieve the library's logger and override level only for that specific one.
The napalm library executes the following in its __init__.py:
logger = logging.getLogger("napalm")
i.e. the library logger's name is "napalm".
You should thus be able to override the level of that specific logger by putting the following line in your script:
Generic example:
import logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
A = logging.getLogger("A")
B = logging.getLogger("B")
A.debug("#1 from A gets printed")
B.debug("#1 from B gets printed")
A.debug("#2 from A doesn't get printed") # because we've increased the level
B.debug("#2 from B gets printed")
DEBUG: #1 from A gets printed
DEBUG: #1 from B gets printed
DEBUG: #2 from B gets printed
Since this didn't work well for you, it's probably because there's a bunch of various other loggers in this library:
$ grep -R 'getLogger' .
napalm/junos/junos.py:log = logging.getLogger(__file__)
napalm/base/helpers.py:logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
napalm/base/clitools/cl_napalm.py:logger = logging.getLogger("napalm")
napalm/base/clitools/cl_napalm_validate.py:logger = logging.getLogger("cl_napalm_validate.py")
napalm/base/clitools/cl_napalm_test.py:logger = logging.getLogger("cl_napalm_test.py")
napalm/base/clitools/cl_napalm_configure.py:logger = logging.getLogger("cl-napalm-config.py")
napalm/__init__.py:logger = logging.getLogger("napalm")
napalm/pyIOSXR/iosxr.py:logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
napalm/iosxr/iosxr.py:logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
I would then resort to something like this (related: How to list all existing loggers using python.logging module):
# increase level for all loggers
for name, logger in logging.root.manager.loggerDict.items():
or perhaps it will suffice if you just print the various loggers, identify the most noisy ones, and silence them one by one.
I have a Python script and I want that the info method write the messages in the console. But the warning, critical or error writes the messages to a file. How can I do that?
I tried this:
import logging
console_log = logging.getLogger("CONSOLE")
stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
file_log = logging.getLogger("FILE")
file_handler = logging.FileHandler('log.txt')
def log_to_console(message):
def log_to_file(message):
but the message that should be only in the file is going to the console too, and the message that should be in the console, is duplicating. What am I doing wrong here?
What happens is that the two loggers you created propagated the log upwards to the root logger. The root logger does not have any handlers by default, but will use the lastResort handler if needed:
A "handler of last resort" is available through this attribute. This
is a StreamHandler writing to sys.stderr with a level of WARNING, and
is used to handle logging events in the absence of any logging
configuration. The end result is to just print the message to
Source from the Python documentation.
Inside the Python source code, you can see where the call is done.
Therefore, to solve your problem, you could set the console_log and file_log loggers' propagate attribute to False.
On another note, I think you should refrain from instantiating several loggers for you use case. Just use one custom logger with 2 different handlers that will each log to a different destination.
Create a custom StreamHandler to log only the specified level:
import logging
class MyStreamHandler(logging.StreamHandler):
def emit(self, record):
if record.levelno == self.level:
# this ensures this handler will print only for the specified level
Then, use it:
my_custom_logger = logging.getLogger("foobar")
my_custom_logger.propagate = False
stream_handler = MyStreamHandler()
file_handler = logging.FileHandler("log.txt")
my_custom_logger.info("THIS SHOULD SHOW ONLY IN CONSOLE")
my_custom_logger.warning("THIS SHOULD SHOW ONLY IN FILE")
And it works without duplicate and without misplaced log.
I'm using pytest-3.7.1 which has good support for logging, including live logging to stdout during tests. I'm using --log-cli-level=DEBUG to dump all debug-level logging to the console as it happens.
The problem I have is that --log-cli-level=DEBUG turns on debug logging for all modules in my test program, including third-party dependencies, and it floods the log with a lot of uninteresting output.
Python's logging module has the ability to set logging levels per module. This enables selective logging - for example, in a normal Python program I can turn on debugging for just one or two of my own modules, and restrict the log output to just those, or set different log levels for each module. This enables turning off debug-level logging for noisy libraries.
So what I'd like to do is apply the same concept to pytest's logging - i.e. specify a logging level, from the command line, for specific non-root loggers. For example, if I have a module called test_foo.py then I'm looking for a way to set the log level for this module from the command line.
I'm prepared to roll-my-own if necessary (I know how to add custom arguments to pytest), but before I do that I just want to be sure that there isn't already a solution. Is anyone aware of one?
I had the same problem, and found a solution in another answer:
Instead of --log-cli-level=DEBUG, use --log-level DEBUG. It disables all third-party module logs (in my case, I had plenty of matplotlib logs), but still outputs your app logs for each test that fails.
I got this working by writing a factory class and using it to set the level of the root logger to logger.INFO and use the logging level from the command line for all the loggers obtained from the factory. If the logging level from the command line is higher than the minimum global log level you specify in the class (using constant MINIMUM_GLOBAL_LOG_LEVEL), the global log level isn't changed.
import logging
class EasyLogger():
root_logger = logging.getLogger()
specified_log_level = root_logger.level
format_string = '{asctime} '
format_string += '{module:>' + MODULE_FIELD_WIDTH_IN_CHARS + 's}'
format_string += '[{lineno:' + LINE_NO_FIELD_WIDTH_IN_CHARS + 'd}]'
format_string += '[{levelname:^' + LEVEL_NAME_FIELD_WIDTH_IN_CHARS + 's}]: '
format_string += '{message}'
level_change_warning_sent = False
def get_logger(cls, logger_name):
if not EasyLogger._logger_has_format(cls.root_logger, cls.format_string):
logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
return logger
def _setup_root_logger(cls):
formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt=cls.format_string, style='{')
if not cls.root_logger.hasHandlers():
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
for handler in cls.root_logger.handlers:
if (cls.specified_log_level < MINIMUM_GLOBAL_LOG_LEVEL and
cls.level_change_warning_sent is False):
max(cls.specified_log_level, logging.WARNING),
"Setting log level for %s class to %s, all others to %s" % (
cls.level_change_warning_sent = True
def _logger_has_format(logger, format_string):
for handler in logger.handlers:
return handler.format == format_string
return False
The above class is then used to send logs normally as you would with a logging.logger object as follows:
from EasyLogger import EasyLogger
class MySuperAwesomeClass():
def __init__(self):
self.logger = EasyLogger.get_logger(__name__)
def foo(self):
self.logger.debug("debug message")
self.logger.info("info message")
self.logger.warning("warning message")
self.logger.critical("critical message")
self.logger.error("error message")
Enable/Disable/Modify the log level of any module in Python:
I'm trying to do some basic logging. I'm doing the following:
log = logging.getLogger('test')
log.error('test') # 'test' gets logged
log.info('test') # Nothing gets logged, as expected
log.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Now info should be logged, right?
log.info('test') # No output
log.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Getting desperate
log.info('test') # Still nothing
What aspect of the logging module am I missing?
You have forgot to add handlers i.e. logging.basicConfig(), can you check if following code works for you.
import logging
log = logging.getLogger('test')
You need to configure logging before you use it like below. You can configure it beautifully in python.
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(name)25s %(lineno)4d %(levelname)8s: %(message)s', level=40)
above statement will print timestamp, name of the file, line number, level type, message
level of logging also can be set during basic Config itself (40 = ERROR)
It is not necessary to call basicConfig.
However, the issue is about handlers (as pointed out by #Mahesh Karia).
You see, if you don't define some handlers you are dependent on whatever is already "in place" for you and that raises lots of confusion.
Check this:
You create your "test" logger
>>> log = logging.getLogger('test')
which prints WARNING messages but does not print INFO messages even after setting the level to INFO:
>>> log.warning('hi')
>>> log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
>>> log.info('hi')
(personally, I think this is very wrong behaviour)
It can be "solved" by manipulating "handlers".
Your "test" logger has none
>>> log.handlers
nor does it parent, the "root logger"
>>> log.parent
<RootLogger root (WARNING)>
>>> log.parent.handlers
however, one can add a handler easy enough (to the root logger)
>>> log.parent.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler())
and now your "test" logger "works":
>>> log.info('hi')
PS. Was using Python 3.8.2 prompt after importing logging module.
I created a module named log.py where a function defines how the log will be registered. Here is the atomic code:
import logging
import time
def set_up_log():
Create a logging file.
# Create the parent logger.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Create a file as handler.
file_handler = logging.FileHandler('report\\activity.log')
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(filename)s - %(name)s - % (levelname)4s - %(message)s')
# Start recording.
logger.info('______ STARTS RECORDING _______')
if __name__=='__main__':
A second module named read_file.py is using this log.py to record potential error.
import logging
import log
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def read_bb_file(input_file):
Input_file must be the path.
Open the source_name and read the content. Return the result.
content = list()
file = open(input_file, 'r')
except IOError, e:
for line in file:
str = line.rstrip('\n\r')
return content
if __name__ == "__main__":
logger.info("begin execution")
c = read_bb_file('textatraiter.out')
logger.info("end execution")
In the command prompt lauching read_file.py, I get this error:
No handlers could be found for logger "__main__"
My result in the file is the following
2014-05-12 13:32:58,690 - log.py - log - INFO - ______ STARTS RECORDING _______
I read lots of topics here and on Py Doc but it seems I did not understand them properly since I have this error.
I add I would like to keep the log settlement appart in a function and not define it explicitely in my main method.
You have 2 distinct loggers and you're only configuring one.
The first is the one you make in log.py and set up correctly. Its name however will be log, because you have imported this module from read_file.py.
The second logger, the one you're hoping is the same as the first, is the one you assign to the variable logger in read_file.py. Its name will be __main__ because you're calling this module from the command line. You're not configuring this logger.
What you could do is to add a parameter to set_up_log to pass the name of the logger in, e.g.
def set_up_log(logname):
logger = logging.getLogger(logname)
That way, you will set the handlers and formatters for the correct logging instance.
Organizing your logs in a hierarchy is the way logging was intended to be used by Vinay Sajip, the original author of the module. So your modules would only log to a logging instance with the fully qualified name, as given by __name__. Then your application code could set up the loggers, which is what you're trying to accomplish with your set_up_log function. You just need to remember to pass it the relevant name, that's all. I found this reference very useful at the time.
I'm looking for a simple way to extend the logging functionality defined in the standard python library. I just want the ability to choose whether or not my logs are also printed to the screen.
Example: Normally to log a warning you would call:
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s', filename='log.log', filemode='w')
This sets the configurations of the log and puts the warning into the log
I would like to have something along the lines of a call like:
logging.warning("WARNING!!!", True)
where the True statement signifys if the log is also printed to stdout.
I've seen some examples of implementations of overriding the logger class
but I am new to the language and don't really follow what is going on, or how to implement this idea. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
The Python logging module defines these classes:
Loggers that emit log messages.
Handlers that put those messages to a destination.
Formatters that format log messages.
Filters that filter log messages.
A Logger can have Handlers. You add them by invoking the addHandler() method. A Handler can have Filters and Formatters. You similarly add them by invoking the addFilter() and setFormatter() methods, respectively.
It works like this:
import logging
# make a logger
main_logger = logging.getLogger("my logger")
# make some handlers
console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() # by default, sys.stderr
file_handler = logging.FileHandler("my_log_file.txt")
# set logging levels
# add handlers to logger
Now, you can use this object like this:
main_logger.info("logged in the FILE")
main_logger.warning("logged in the FILE and on the CONSOLE")
If you just run python on your machine, you can type the above code into the interactive console and you should see the output. The log file will get crated in your current directory, if you have permissions to create files in it.
I hope this helps!
It is possible to override logging.getLoggerClass() to add new functionality to loggers. I wrote simple class which prints green messages in stdout.
Most important parts of my code:
class ColorLogger(logging.getLoggerClass()):
__GREEN = '\033[0;32m%s\033[0m'
__FORMAT = {
'fmt': '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s',
'datefmt': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
def __init__(self, format=__FORMAT):
formatter = logging.Formatter(**format)
self.root.handlers = []
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
def info(self, message):
def info_green(self, message):
self.root.info(self.__GREEN, message)
if __name__ == '__main__':
logger = ColorLogger()
logger.info("This message has default color.")
logger.info_green("This message is green.")
Handlers send the log records (created by loggers) to the appropriate
(from the docs: http://docs.python.org/library/logging.html)
Just set up multiple handlers with your logging object, one to write to file, another to write to the screen.
Here is an example function you can call in your classes to get logging set up with a handler.
def set_up_logger(self):
# create logger object
self.log = logging.getLogger("command")
# create console handler and set min level recorded to debug messages
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
# add the handler to the log object
You would just need to set up another handler for files, ala the StreamHandler code that's already there, and add it to the logging object. The line that says ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) means that this particular handler will take logging messages that are DEBUG or higher. You'll likely want to set yours to WARNING or higher, since you only want the more important things to go to the console. So, your logging would work like this:
self.log.info("Hello, World!") -> goes to file
self.log.error("OMG!!") -> goes to file AND console