Python find curve fit of slightly inclided vertical - python

I have a set of data points on the two-axis scale. I want to fit the points. The number of datapoints runs into a few thousand. Here, I have given reproducible shape data points.
My code:
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
x1 = [327.98999023, 327.98999023, 328.02999878, 367.6499939 ,
374.72000122, 372.73001099, 372.95001221, 373.02999878,
379.39001465, 375.58999634, 378.97000122, 378.1499939 ,
380.70001221, 379.42999268, 379.5 , 379.5 ,
392.22000122, 379.57998657, 376.67999268, 376.67999268]
ym1 = [2.54999995, 2.73999989, 2.91000009, 2.96999991, 3.17000002,
3.40000004, 3.60000014, 3.77999991, 3.98999989, 4.21000004,
4.44000006, 4.62000012, 4.83999997, 5.19999981, 5.32999992,
5.59000015, 5.88999987, 6.20000005, 6.46000028, 6.66999996]
def testfit(x, *p):
''' function to fit the indentation curve
p = [x0,c, poly1d_coeffs ]'''
x = x.astype(float)
y = p[1]*(1-sigmoid(x-p[0],k=1)) + np.poly1d(p[2:])(x) * sigmoid(x-p[0],k=1)
return y
def sigmoid(x, k=1):
return 1/(1+np.exp(-k*x))
p0_guess = (30, 5, 0.3, -10 )
popt, pcov = curve_fit(testfit, x1, ym1, p0=p0_guess) # find optimal parameters
# calculate prediction
yp1 = testfit(x1,popt[0],popt[1],popt[2])
# calculate r^2
r1 = r2_score(ym1,yp1)
Present output:
Out[128]: -2.1490993028157854 # Negative fit score, Really bad fit.


How to calculate "relative error in the sum of squares" and "relative error in the approximate solution" from least squares method?

I have implemented a 3D gaussian fit using scipy.optimize.leastsq and now I would like to tweak the arguments ftol and xtol to optimize the performances. However, I don't understand the "units" of these two parameters in order to make a proper choice. Is it possible to calculate these two parameters from the results? That would give me an understanding of how to choose them. My data is numpy arrays of np.uint8. I tried to read the FORTRAN source code of MINIPACK but my FORTRAN knowledge is zero. I also read checked the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, but I could not really get a number that was below the ftol for example.
Here is a minimal example of what I do:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
class gaussian_model:
def __init__(self):
self.prev_iter_model = None
self.f_vals = []
def gaussian_1D(self, coeffs, xx):
A, sigma, mu = coeffs
# Center rotation around peak center
x0 = xx - mu
model = A*np.exp(-(x0**2)/(2*(sigma**2)))
return model
def residuals(self, coeffs, I_obs, xx, model_func):
model = model_func(coeffs, xx)
residuals = I_obs - model
if self.prev_iter_model is not None:
self.f = np.sum(((model-self.prev_iter_model)/model)**2)
self.prev_iter_model = model
return residuals
# x data
x_start = 1
x_stop = 10
num = 100
xx, dx = np.linspace(x_start, x_stop, num, retstep=True)
# Simulated data with some noise
A, s_x, mu = 10, 0.5, 3
coeffs = [A, s_x, mu]
model = gaussian_model()
yy = model.gaussian_1D(coeffs, xx)
noise_ampl = 0.5
noise = np.random.normal(0, noise_ampl, size=num)
yy += noise
# LM Least squares
initial_guess = [1, 1, 1]
pred_coeffs, cov_x, info, mesg, ier = leastsq(model.residuals, initial_guess,
args=(yy, xx, model.gaussian_1D),
ftol=1E-6, full_output=True)
yy_fit = model.gaussian_1D(pred_coeffs, xx)
rel_SSD = np.sum(((yy-yy_fit)/yy)**2)
RMS_SSD = np.sqrt(rel_SSD/num)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2)
# Plot results
ax[0].scatter(xx, yy)
ax[0].plot(xx, yy_fit, c='r')
ax[1].scatter(range(len(model.f_vals)), model.f_vals, c='r')
# ax[1].set_ylim(0, 1E-6)
rel_SSD is around 1 and definitely not something below ftol = 1E-6.
EDIT: Based on #user12750353 answer below I updated my minimal example to try to recreate how lmdif determines termination with ftol. The problem is that my f_vals are too small, so they are not the right values. The reason I would like to recreate this is that I would like to see what kind of numbers I am getting on my main code to decide on a ftol that would terminate the fitting process earlier.
Since you are giving a function without the gradient, the method called is lmdif. Instead of gradients it will use forward difference gradient estimate, f(x + delta) - f(x) ~ delta * df(x)/dx (I will write as if the parameter).
There you find the following description
c ftol is a nonnegative input variable. termination
c occurs when both the actual and predicted relative
c reductions in the sum of squares are at most ftol.
c therefore, ftol measures the relative error desired
c in the sum of squares.
c xtol is a nonnegative input variable. termination
c occurs when the relative error between two consecutive
c iterates is at most xtol. therefore, xtol measures the
c relative error desired in the approximate solution.
Looking in the code the actual reduction acred = 1 - (fnorm1/fnorm)**2 is what you calculated for rel_SSD, but between the two last iterations, not between the fitted function and the target points.
The problem here is that we need to discover what are the values assumed by the internal variables. An attempt to do so is to save the coefficients and the residual norm every time the function is called as follows.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
class gaussian_model:
def __init__(self):
self.prev_iter_model = None
self.fnorm = []
self.x = []
def gaussian_1D(self, coeffs, xx):
A, sigma, mu = coeffs
# Center rotation around peak center
x0 = xx - mu
model = A*np.exp(-(x0**2)/(2*(sigma**2)))
grad = np.array([
model / A,
model * x0**2 / (sigma**3),
model * 2 * x0 / (2*(sigma**2))
return model, grad
def residuals(self, coeffs, I_obs, xx, model_func):
model, grad = model_func(coeffs, xx)
residuals = I_obs - model
return residuals
def grad(self, coeffs, I_obs, xx, model_func):
model, grad = model_func(coeffs, xx)
residuals = I_obs - model
return -grad
def plot_progress(self):
x = np.array(self.x)
dx = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(x, axis=0)**2, axis=1))
plt.plot(dx / np.sqrt(np.sum(x[1:, :]**2, axis=1)))
fnorm = np.array(self.fnorm)
plt.plot(1 - (fnorm[1:]/fnorm[:-1])**2)
plt.legend(['$||\Delta f||$', '$||\Delta x||$'], loc='upper left');
# x data
x_start = 1
x_stop = 10
num = 100
xx, dx = np.linspace(x_start, x_stop, num, retstep=True)
# Simulated data with some noise
A, s_x, mu = 10, 0.5, 3
coeffs = [A, s_x, mu]
model = gaussian_model()
yy, _ = model.gaussian_1D(coeffs, xx)
noise_ampl = 0.5
noise = np.random.normal(0, noise_ampl, size=num)
yy += noise
Then we can see the relative variation of $x$ and $f$
initial_guess = [1, 1, 1]
pred_coeffs, cov_x, info, mesg, ier = leastsq(model.residuals, initial_guess,
args=(yy, xx, model.gaussian_1D),
ftol=1e-6, full_output=True)
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 6))
yy_fit,_ = model.gaussian_1D(pred_coeffs, xx)
# Plot results
plt.scatter(xx, yy)
plt.plot(xx, yy_fit, c='r')
The problem with this is that the function is evaluated both to compute f and to compute the gradient of f. To produce a cleaner plot what can be done is to implement pass Dfun so that it evaluate func only once per iteration.
# x data
x_start = 1
x_stop = 10
num = 100
xx, dx = np.linspace(x_start, x_stop, num, retstep=True)
# Simulated data with some noise
A, s_x, mu = 10, 0.5, 3
coeffs = [A, s_x, mu]
model = gaussian_model()
yy, _ = model.gaussian_1D(coeffs, xx)
noise_ampl = 0.5
noise = np.random.normal(0, noise_ampl, size=num)
yy += noise
# LM Least squares
initial_guess = [1, 1, 1]
pred_coeffs, cov_x, info, mesg, ier = leastsq(model.residuals, initial_guess,
args=(yy, xx, model.gaussian_1D),
ftol=1e-6, full_output=True)
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 6))
yy_fit,_ = model.gaussian_1D(pred_coeffs, xx)
# Plot results
plt.scatter(xx, yy)
plt.plot(xx, yy_fit, c='r')
Well, the value I am obtaining for xtol is not exactly what is in the lmdif implementation.

Python how to control curvature when joining two points

I have a original curve. I am developing a model curve matching closely the original curve. Everything is working fine but not matching. How to control the curvature of my model curve? Below code is based on answer here.
My code:
def curve_line(point1, point2):
a = (point2[1] - point1[1])/(np.cosh(point2[0]) - np.cosh(point1[0]))
b = point1[1] - a*np.sinh(point1[0])
x = np.linspace(point1[0], point2[0],100).tolist()
y = (a*np.cosh(x) + b).tolist()
return x,y
###### A sample of my code is given below
point1 = [10,100]
point2 = [20,50]
x,y = curve_line(point1, point2)
plt.plot(point1[0], point1[1], 'o')
plt.plot(point2[0], point2[1], 'o')
plt.plot(x,y) ## len(x)
My present output:
I tried following function as well:
y = (50*np.exp(-x/10) +2.5)
The output is:
Instead of just guessing the right parameters of your model function, you can fit a model curve to your data using curve_fit.
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.array([ 1.92, 14.35, 21.50, 25.27, 27.34, 30.32, 32.31, 34.09, 34.21])
y = np.array([8.30, 8.26, 8.13, 7.49, 6.66, 4.59, 2.66, 0.60, 0.06])
def fun(x, a, b, c):
return a * np.cosh(b * x) + c
coef,_ = curve_fit(fun, x, y)
plt.plot(x, y, label='Original curve')
plt.plot(x, fun(x, *coef), label=f'Model: %5.3f cosh(%4.2f x + %4.2f)' % tuple(coef) )
If it is important that the start and end points are closely fitted, you can pass uncertainties to curve_fit, adjusting them to lower values towards the ends, e.g. by
s = np.ones(len(x))
s[1:-1] = s[1:-1] * 3
coef,_ = curve_fit(fun, x, y, sigma=s)
Your other approach a * np.exp(b * x) + c will also work and gives -0.006 exp(0.21 x + 8.49).
In some cases you'll have to provide an educated guess for the initial values of the coefficients to curve_fit (it uses 1 as default).

How to perform a joint fit of several curves (in Python)?

Suppose I'm fitting some data points by a simple linear regression. Now I'd like to perform several joint linear regressions for several sets of data points. More specifically, I want one parameter to be equal among all fits, which is schematically depicted here for the y-axis intersection.
After searching Google for some time I could neither find any Python (Scipy) routine which does that, nor any general literature, how one would accomplish this.
Ideally, I want to perform those joint fits not only in the case of simple linear regressions, but also for more general fit functions (for instance, power-law fits with joint exponent).
The lmfit module allows you to do this, as mentioned in their FAQ:
from lmfit import minimize, Parameters, fit_report
import numpy as np
# residual function to minimize
def fit_function(params, x=None, dat1=None, dat2=None):
model1 = params['offset'] + x * params['slope1']
model2 = params['offset'] + x * params['slope2']
resid1 = dat1 - model1
resid2 = dat2 - model2
return np.concatenate((resid1, resid2))
# setup fit parameters
params = Parameters()
params.add('slope1', value=1)
params.add('slope2', value=-1)
params.add('offset', value=0.5)
# generate sample data
x = np.arange(0, 10)
slope1, slope2, offset = 1.1, -0.9, 0.2
y1 = slope1 * x + offset
y2 = slope2 * x + offset
# fit
out = minimize(residual, params, kws={"x": x, "dat1": y1, "dat2": y2})
# [[Fit Statistics]]
# # fitting method = leastsq
# # function evals = 9
# # data points = 20
# # variables = 3
# chi-square = 1.4945e-31
# reduced chi-square = 8.7913e-33
# Akaike info crit = -1473.48128
# Bayesian info crit = -1470.49408
# [[Variables]]
# slope1: 1.10000000 +/- 8.2888e-18 (0.00%) (init = 1)
# slope2: -0.90000000 +/- 8.2888e-18 (0.00%) (init = -1)
# offset: 0.20000000 +/- 3.8968e-17 (0.00%) (init = 0.5)
# [[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are < 0.100)
# C(slope1, offset) = -0.742
# C(slope2, offset) = -0.742
# C(slope1, slope2) = 0.551
I think this graphing code example does what you want, fitting two data sets with a single shared parameter. Note that if the data sets are of unequal length, that can effectively weight the fit toward the data set with more individual points. This example explicitly sets the initial parameter values to 1,0 - the curve_fit() defaults - and does not use scipy's genetic algorithm to help find initial parameter estimates.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
y1 = np.array([ 16.00, 18.42, 20.84, 23.26])
y2 = np.array([-20.00, -25.50, -31.00, -36.50, -42.00])
comboY = np.append(y1, y2)
x1 = np.array([5.0, 6.1, 7.2, 8.3])
x2 = np.array([15.0, 16.1, 17.2, 18.3, 19.4])
comboX = np.append(x1, x2)
if len(y1) != len(x1):
raise(Exception('Unequal x1 and y1 data length'))
if len(y2) != len(x2):
raise(Exception('Unequal x2 and y2 data length'))
def function1(data, a, b, c): # not all parameters are used here, c is shared
return a * data + c
def function2(data, a, b, c): # not all parameters are used here, c is shared
return b * data + c
def combinedFunction(comboData, a, b, c):
# single data reference passed in, extract separate data
extract1 = comboData[:len(x1)] # first data
extract2 = comboData[len(x1):] # second data
result1 = function1(extract1, a, b, c)
result2 = function2(extract2, a, b, c)
return np.append(result1, result2)
# some initial parameter values
initialParameters = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
# curve fit the combined data to the combined function
fittedParameters, pcov = curve_fit(combinedFunction, comboX, comboY, initialParameters)
# values for display of fitted function
a, b, c = fittedParameters
y_fit_1 = function1(x1, a, b, c) # first data set, first equation
y_fit_2 = function2(x2, a, b, c) # second data set, second equation
plt.plot(comboX, comboY, 'D') # plot the raw data
plt.plot(x1, y_fit_1) # plot the equation using the fitted parameters
plt.plot(x2, y_fit_2) # plot the equation using the fitted parameters
print('a, b, c:', fittedParameters)

How can I make my 2D Gaussian fit to my image

I am trying to fit a 2D Gaussian to an image to find the location of the brightest point in it. My code looks like this:
import numpy as np
import as fits
import os
from astropy.stats import mad_std
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
from lmfit.models import GaussianModel
from astropy.modeling import models, fitting
def gaussian(xycoor,x0, y0, sigma, amp):
'''This Function is the Gaussian Function'''
x, y = xycoor # x and y taken from fit function. Stars at 0, increases by 1, goes to length of axis
A = 1 / (2*sigma**2)
eq = amp*np.exp(-A*((x-x0)**2 + (y-y0)**2)) #Gaussian
return eq
def fit(image):
med = np.median(image)
image = image-med
image = image[0,0,:,:]
max_index = np.where(image >= np.max(image))
x0 = max_index[1] #Middle of X axis
y0 = max_index[0] #Middle of Y axis
x = np.arange(0, image.shape[1], 1) #Stars at 0, increases by 1, goes to length of axis
y = np.arange(0, image.shape[0], 1) #Stars at 0, increases by 1, goes to length of axis
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) #creates a grid to plot the function over
sigma = np.std(image) #The standard dev given in the Gaussian
amp = np.max(image) #amplitude
guess = [x0, y0, sigma, amp] #The initial guess for the gaussian fitting
low = [0,0,0,0] #start of data array
#Upper Bounds x0: length of x axis, y0: length of y axis, st dev: max value in image, amplitude: 2x the max value
upper = [image.shape[0], image.shape[1], np.max(image), np.max(image)*2]
bounds = [low, upper]
params, pcov = curve_fit(gaussian, (xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()), image.ravel(),p0 = guess, bounds = bounds) #optimal fit. Not sure what pcov is.
return params
def plotting(image, params):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(params[0], params[1],s = 10, c = 'red', marker = 'x')
circle = Circle((params[0], params[1]), params[2], facecolor = 'none', edgecolor = 'red', linewidth = 1)
data = fits.getdata('AzTECC100.fits') #read in file
med = np.median(data)
data = data - med
data = data[0,0,:,:]
parameters = fit(data)
#generates a gaussian based on the parameters given
plotting(data, parameters)
The image is plotting and the code is giving no errors but the fitting isn't working. It's just putting an x wherever the x0 and y0 are. The pixel values in my image are very small. The max value is 0.0007 and std dev is 0.0001 and the x and y are a few orders of magnitude larger. So I believe my problem is that because of this my eq is going to zero everywhere so the curve_fit is failing. I'm wondering if there's a better way to construct my gaussian so that it plots correctly?
I do not have access to your image. Instead I have generated some test "image" as follows:
y, x = np.indices((51,51))
x -= 25
y -= 25
data = 3 * np.exp(-0.7 * ((x+2)**2 + (y-1)**2))
Also, I have modified your code for plotting to increase the radius of the circle by 10:
circle = Circle((params[0], params[1]), 10 * params[2], ...)
and I commented out two more lines:
# image = image[0,0,:,:]
# data = data[0,0,:,:]
The result that I get is shown in the attached image and it looks reasonable to me:
Could it be that the issue is in how you access data from the FITS file? (e.g., image = image[0,0,:,:]) Are the data 4D array? Why do you have 4 indices?
I also saw that you have asked a similar question here: Astropy.model 2DGaussian issue in which you tried to use just astropy.modeling. I will look into that question.
NOTE: you can replace code such as
max_index = np.where(image >= np.max(image))
x0 = max_index[1] #Middle of X axis
y0 = max_index[0] #Middle of Y axis
y0, x0 = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(data), data.shape)

Using scipy.optimize.curve_fit with weights

According to the documentation, the argument sigma can be used to set the weights of the data points in the fit. These "describe" 1-sigma errors when the argument absolute_sigma=True.
I have some data with artificial normally-distributed noise which varies:
n = 200
x = np.linspace(1, 20, n)
x0, A, alpha = 12, 3, 3
def f(x, x0, A, alpha):
return A * np.exp(-((x-x0)/alpha)**2)
noise_sigma = x/20
noise = np.random.randn(n) * noise_sigma
yexact = f(x, x0, A, alpha)
y = yexact + noise
If I want to fit the noisy y to f using curve_fit to what should I set sigma? The documentation isn't very specific here, but I would usually use 1/noise_sigma**2 as the weight:
p0 = 10, 4, 2
popt, pcov = curve_fit(f, x, y, p0)
popt2, pcov2 = curve_fit(f, x, y, p0, sigma=1/noise_sigma**2, absolute_sigma=True)
It doesn't seem to improve the fit much, though.
Is this option only used to better interpret the fit uncertainties through the covariance matrix? What is the difference between these two telling me?
In [249]: pcov
array([[ 1.10205238e-02, -3.91494024e-08, 8.81822412e-08],
[ -3.91494024e-08, 1.52660426e-02, -1.05907265e-02],
[ 8.81822412e-08, -1.05907265e-02, 2.20414887e-02]])
In [250]: pcov2
array([[ 0.26584674, -0.01836064, -0.17867193],
[-0.01836064, 0.27833 , -0.1459469 ],
[-0.17867193, -0.1459469 , 0.38659059]])
At least with scipy version 1.1.0 the parameter sigma should be equal to the error on each parameter. Specifically the documentation says:
A 1-d sigma should contain values of standard deviations of errors in
ydata. In this case, the optimized function is chisq = sum((r / sigma)
** 2).
In your case that would be:
curve_fit(f, x, y, p0, sigma=noise_sigma, absolute_sigma=True)
I looked through the source code and verified that when you specify sigma this way it minimizes ((f-data)/sigma)**2.
As a side note, this is in general what you want to be minimizing when you know the errors. The likelihood of observing points data given a model f is given by:
L(data|x0,A,alpha) = product over i Gaus(data_i, mean=f(x_i,x0,A,alpha), sigma=sigma_i)
which if you take the negative log becomes (up to constant factors that don't depend on the parameters):
-log(L) = sum over i (f(x_i,x0,A,alpha)-data_i)**2/(sigma_i**2)
which is just the chisquare.
I wrote a test program to verify that curve_fit was indeed returning the correct values with the sigma specified correctly:
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit, fmin
def make_chi2(x, data, sigma):
def chi2(args):
x0, A, alpha = args
return np.sum(((f(x,x0,A,alpha)-data)/sigma)**2)
return chi2
n = 200
x = np.linspace(1, 20, n)
x0, A, alpha = 12, 3, 3
def f(x, x0, A, alpha):
return A * np.exp(-((x-x0)/alpha)**2)
noise_sigma = x/20
noise = np.random.randn(n) * noise_sigma
yexact = f(x, x0, A, alpha)
y = yexact + noise
p0 = 10, 4, 2
# curve_fit without parameters (sigma is implicitly equal to one)
popt, pcov = curve_fit(f, x, y, p0)
# curve_fit with wrong sigma specified
popt2, pcov2 = curve_fit(f, x, y, p0, sigma=1/noise_sigma**2, absolute_sigma=True)
# curve_fit with correct sigma
popt3, pcov3 = curve_fit(f, x, y, p0, sigma=noise_sigma, absolute_sigma=True)
chi2 = make_chi2(x,y,noise_sigma)
# double checking that we get the correct answer
xopt = fmin(chi2,p0,xtol=1e-10,ftol=1e-10)
print("popt = %s, chi2 = %.2f" % (popt,chi2(popt)))
print("popt2 = %s, chi2 = %.2f" % (popt2, chi2(popt2)))
print("popt3 = %s, chi2 = %.2f" % (popt3, chi2(popt3)))
print("xopt = %s, chi2 = %.2f" % (xopt, chi2(xopt)))
which outputs:
popt = [ 11.93617403 3.30528488 2.86314641], chi2 = 200.66
popt2 = [ 11.94169083 3.30372955 2.86207253], chi2 = 200.64
popt3 = [ 11.93128545 3.333727 2.81403324], chi2 = 200.44
xopt = [ 11.93128603 3.33373094 2.81402741], chi2 = 200.44
As you can see the chi2 is indeed minimized correctly when you specify sigma=sigma as an argument to curve_fit.
As to why the improvement isn't "better", I'm not really sure. My only guess is that without specifying a sigma value you implicitly assume they are equal and over the part of the data where the fit matters (the peak), the errors are "approximately" equal.
To answer your second question, no the sigma option is not only used to change the output of the covariance matrix, it actually changes what is being minimized.
