Average of a 3D numpy slice based on 2D arrays - python

I am trying to calculate the average of a 3D array between two indices on the 1st axis. The start and end indices vary from cell to cell and are represented by two separate 2D arrays that are the same shape as a slice of the 3D array.
I have managed to implement a piece of code that loops through the pixels of my 3D array, but this method is painfully slow in the case of my array with a shape of (70, 550, 350). Is there a way to vectorise the operation using numpy or xarray (the arrays are stored in an xarray dataset)?
Here is a snippet of what I would like to optimise:
# My 3D raster containing values; shape = (time, x, y)
values = np.random.rand(10, 55, 60)
# A 2D raster containing start indices for the averaging
start_index = np.random.randint(0, 4, size=(values.shape[1], values.shape[2]))
# A 2D raster containing end indices for the averaging
end_index = np.random.randint(5, 9, size=(values.shape[1], values.shape[2]))
# Initialise an array that will contain results
mean_array = np.zeros_like(values[0, :, :])
# Loop over 3D raster to calculate the average between indices on axis 0
for i in range(0, values.shape[1]):
for j in range(0, values.shape[2]):
mean_array[i, j] = np.mean(values[start_index[i, j]: end_index[i, j], i, j], axis=0)

One way to do this without loops is to zero-out the entries you don't want to use, compute the sum of the remaining items, then divide by the number of nonzero entries. For example:
i = np.arange(values.shape[0])[:, None, None]
mean_array_2 = np.where((i >= start_index) & (i < end_index), values, 0).sum(0) / (end_index - start_index)
np.allclose(mean_array, mean_array_2)
# True
Note that this assumes that the indices are in the range 0 <= i < values.shape[0]; if this is not the case you can use np.clip or other means to standardize the indices before computation.


Python: create 3D array using values of another 3D array that meet a condition

I'm basically trying to take the weighted mean of a 3D dataset, but only on a filtered subset of the data, where the filter is based off of another (2D) array. The shape of the 2D data matches the first 2 dimensions of the 3D data, and is thus repeated for each slice in the 3rd dimension.
Something like:
import numpy as np
myarr = np.array([[[4,6,8],[9,3,2]],[[2,7,4],[3,8,6]],[[1,6,7],[7,8,3]]])
myarr2 = np.array([[7,3],[6,7],[2,6]])
weights = np.random.rand(3,2,3)
filtered = []
for k in range(len(myarr[0,0,:])):
temp1 = myarr[:,:,k]
temp2 = weights[:,:,k]
filtered.append(temp1[np.where(myarr2 > 5)]*temp2[np.where(myarr2 > 5)])
average = np.array(np.sum(filtered,1)/len(filtered[0]))
I am concerned about efficiency here. Is it possible to vectorize this so I don't need the loop, or are there other suggestions to make this more efficient?
The most glaring efficiency issue, even the loop aside, is that np.where(...) is being called multiple times inside the loop, on the same condition! You can just do this a single time beforehand. Moreover, there is no need for a loop. Your operation basically equates to:
mask = myarr2 > 5
average = (myarr[mask] * weights[mask]).mean(axis=0)
There is no need for an np.where either.
myarr2 is an array of shape (i, j) with same first two dims as myarr and weight, which have some shape (i, j, k).
So if there are n True elements in the boolean mask myarr2 > 5, you can apply it on your other arrays to obtain (n, k) elements (taking all elements along third axis, when there is a True at a certain [i, j] position).

Summarize ndarray by 2d array in Python

I want to summarize a 3d array dat using indices contained in a 2d array idx.
Consider the example below. For each margin along dat[:, :, i], I want to compute the median according to some index idx. The desired output (out) is a 2d array, whose rows record the index and columns record the margin. The following code works but is not very efficient. Any suggestions?
import numpy as np
dat = np.arange(12).reshape(2, 2, 3)
idx = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 2]])
out = np.empty((3, 3))
for i in np.unique(idx):
out[i,] = np.median(dat[idx==i], axis = 0)
[[ 1.5 2.5 3.5]
[ 6. 7. 8. ]
[ 9. 10. 11. ]]
To visualize the problem better, I will refer to the 2x2 dimensions of the array as the rows and columns, and the 3 dimension as depth. I will refer to vectors along the 3rd dimension as "pixels" (pixels have length 3), and planes along the first two dimensions as "channels".
Your loop is accumulating a set of pixels selected by the mask idx == i, and taking the median of each channel within that set. The result is an Nx3 array, where N is the number of distinct incides that you have.
One day, generalized ufuncs will be ubiquitous in numpy, and np.median will be such a function. On that day, you will be able to use reduceat magic1 to do something like
unq, ind = np.unique(idx, return_inverse=True)
np.median.reduceat(dat.reshape(-1, dat.shape[-1]), np.r_[0, np.where(np.diff(unq[ind]))[0]+1])
1 See Applying operation to unevenly split portions of numpy array for more info on the specific type of magic.
Since this is not currently possible, you can use scipy.ndimage.median instead. This version allows you to compute medians over a set of labeled areas in an array, which is exactly what you have with idx. This method assumes that your index array contains N densely packed values, all of which are in range(N). Otherwise the reshaping operations will not work properly.
If that is not the case, start by transforming idx:
_, ind = np.unique(idx, return_inverse=True)
idx = ind.reshape(idx.shape)
idx = np.unique(idx, return_inverse=True)[1].reshape(idx.shape)
Since you are actually computing a separate median for each region and channel, you will need to have a set of labels for each channel. Flesh out idx to have a distinct set of indices for each channel:
chan = dat.shape[-1]
offset = idx.max() + 1
index = np.stack([idx + i * offset for i in range(chan)], axis=-1)
Now index has an identical set of regions defined in each channel, which you can use in scipy.ndimage.median:
out = scipy.ndimage.median(dat, index, index=range(offset * chan)).reshape(chan, offset).T
The input labels must be densely packed from zero to offset * chan for index=range(offset * chan) to work properly, and the reshape operation to have the right number of elements. The final transpose is just an artifact of how the labels are arranged.
Here is the complete product, along with an IDEOne demo of the result:
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import median
dat = np.arange(12).reshape(2, 2, 3)
idx = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 2]])
def summarize(dat, idx):
idx = np.unique(idx, return_inverse=True)[1].reshape(idx.shape)
chan = dat.shape[-1]
offset = idx.max() + 1
index = np.stack([idx + i * offset for i in range(chan)], axis=-1)
return median(dat, index, index=range(offset * chan)).reshape(chan, offset).T
print(summarize(dat, idx))

Extracting 1d arrays from 3d numpy array using 2d boolean

Say I have a 3d numpy array:
i, j, k = 10, 3, 4
arr = np.arange(120).reshape(i, j, k)
and a 2d boolean array:
mask = np.random.random((j, k)) > 0.5
n = mask.sum()
I want to be able to extract the 1d arrays from arr along its 1st dimension which correspond with the True values of mask. The result should have shape, (i, n). How could this be done?
I pulling up some old code and for some reason I was doing arr[mask] but this gives a shape of (n, k) (I'm not sure why) and a warning:
VisibleDeprecationWarning: boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 0; dimension is 10949 but corresponding boolean dimension is 11
Simply mask along the last two axes -

numpy insert 2D array into 4D structure

I have a 4D array: array = np.random.rand(3432,1,30,512)
I also have 5 sets of 2D arrays with shape (30,512)
I want to insert these into the 4D structure along axis 1 so that my final shape is (3432,6,30,512) (5 new arrays + the original 1). I need to iteratively insert this set for each of the 3432 elements
Whats the most effective way to do this?
I've tried reshaping the 2D to 4D and then inserting along axis 1. I'm expecting axis 1 to never exceed a size of 6, but the 2D arrays just keep getting added, rather than a set for each of the 3432 elements. I think my problem lies in not fully understanding the obj param for the insert method:
all_data = np.reshape(all_data, (-1, 1, 30, 512))
for i in range(all_data.shape[0]):
num_band = 1
for band in range(5):
temp_trial = np.zeros((30, 512)) # Just an example. values arent actually 0
temp_trial = np.reshape(temp_trial, (1,1,30,512))
all_data = np.insert(all_data, num_band, temp_trial, 1)
num_band += 1
Create an array with the final shape first and insert the elements later:
final = np.zeros((3432,6,30,512))
for i in range(3432): # note, this will take a while
for j in range(6):
final[i, j, :, :] = # insert your array here (np.ones((30, 512)))
or if you actually want to broadcast this over the zeroth axis, assuming each of the 3432 should be the same for each "band":
for i in range(6):
final[:, i, :, :] = # insert your array here (np.ones((30, 512)))
As long as you don't do many loops there is no need to vectorize it

Reshape from flattened indices in Python

I have an image of size M*N whose pixels coordinates has been flattened to a 1D array according to a space-filling curve (i.e. not a classical rasterization where I could have used reshape).
I thus process my 1D array (flattened image) and I then would like to reshape it to a M*N array (initial size).
So far, I have done this with a for-loop:
for i in range(img_flat.size):
img_res[x[i], y[i]] = img_flat[i]
x and y being the x and y pixels coordinates according to my path scan.
However, I am wondering how to do this in a unique line of code.
If x and y are numpy arrays of dimension 1 and lengths n, and img_flat also has length n img_res is a numpy array of dimension 2 (h, w) such that `h*w = n, then:
img_res[x, y] = img_flat
Should suffice
In fact, it was easy:
vec = np.arange(0, seg.size, dtype=np.uint)
img_res[x[vec], y[vec]] = seg[vec]
