I want to replace the values of specific columns. I can change the values one by one but, I have hundreds of columns and I need to change the columns starting with a specific string. Here is an example, I want to replace the string when the column name starts with "Q14"
df.filter(regex = 'Q14').replace(1, 'Selected').replace(0, 'Not selected')
The above code is working. But, how I can implement it in my dataframe? As this is the function so I can't use inplace.
Consider below df:
In [439]: df = pd.DataFrame({'Q14_A':[ 1,0,0,2], 'Q14_B':[0,1,1,2], 'Q12_A':[1,0,0,0]})
In [440]: df
Q14_A Q14_B Q12_A
0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0
2 0 1 0
3 2 2 0
Filter columns that start with Q14, save it in a variable:
In [443]: cols = df.filter(regex='^Q14').columns
Now, change the above selected columns with your replace commands:
In [446]: df[cols] = df[cols].replace(1, 'Selected').replace(0, 'Not selected')
In [447]: df
Q14_A Q14_B Q12_A
0 Selected Not selected 1
1 Not selected Selected 0
2 Not selected Selected 0
3 2 2 0
You can iterate over all columns and based on matched condition apply column transformation using apply command:
for column in df.columns:
if column.startswith("Q"):
df[column] = df[column].apply(lambda x: "Selected" if x == 1 else "Not selected")
Using pandas.Series.replace dict
df = pd.DataFrame({'Q14_A':[ 1,0,0,2], 'Q14_B':[0,1,1,2], 'Q12_A':[1,0,0,0]})
cols = df.filter(regex='^Q14').columns
replace_map = {
1: "Selected",
0 : "Not Selected"
df[cols] = df[cols].replace(replace_map)
I want do delete rows in a pandas dataframe where a the second column = 0
So this ...
Code Int
0 A 0
1 A 1
2 B 1
Would turn into this ...
Code Int
0 A 1
1 B 1
Any help greatly appreciated!
Find the row you want to delete, and use drop.
delete_row = df[df["Int"]==0].index
df = df.drop(delete_row)
Code Int
1 A 1
2 B 1
Further more. you can use iloc to find the row, if you know the position of the column
delete_row = df[df.iloc[:,1]==0].index
df = df.drop(delete_row)
You could use loc and drop in one line of code.
df = df.drop(df["Int"].loc[df["Int"]==0].index)
You could use this as well!
df = df[df.Int != 0]
I have a python pandas dataframe with a bunch of names and series, and I create a final column where I sum up the series. I want to get just the row name where the sum of the series equals 0, so I can then later delete those rows. My dataframe is as follows (the last column I create just to sum up the series):
1 2 3 4 total
Ash 1 0 1 1 3
Bel 0 0 0 0 0
Cay 1 0 0 0 1
Jeg 0 1 1 1 3
Jut 1 1 1 1 4
Based on the last column, the series "Bel" is 0, so I want to be able to print out that name only, and then later I can delete that row or keep a record of these rows.
This is my code so far:
def check_empty(df):
df['total'] = df.sum(axis=1) # create the 'total' column to find zeroes
for values in df['total']:
if values == 0:
But this obviously is wrong because I am passing the index of 0 to this loop, which will always print the name of the first row. Not sure what method I can implement here though?
There are great solutions below and I also found a way using a simpler python skill, enumerate (because I still find list comprehension hard to write):
def check_empty(df):
df['total'] = df.sum(axis=1)
for name, values in enumerate(df['total']):
if values == 0:
One possible way may be following where df is filtered using value in total:
def check_empty(df):
df['total'] = df.sum(axis=1) # create the 'total' column to find zeroes
index = df[df['total'] == 0].index.values.tolist()
If you would like to iterate through row then, using df.iterrows() may be other way as well:
def check_empty(df):
df['total'] = df.sum(axis=1) # create the 'total' column to find zeroes
for index, row in df.iterrows():
if row['total'] == 0:
Another option is np.where.
import numpy as np
df.iloc[np.where(df.loc[:, 'total'] == 0)]
1 2 3 4 total
Bel 0 0 0 0 0
I have a dataframe that i want to sort on one of my columns (that is a date)
However I have a loop i am running on the index (while i<df.shape[0]), I need the loop to go on my dataframe once it is sorted by date.
Is the current index modified accordingly to the sorting or should I use df.reset_index() ?
Maybe I'm not understanding the question, but a simple check shows that sort_values does modify the index:
df = pd.DataFrame({'x':['a','c','b'], 'y':[1,3,2]})
df = df.sort_values(by = 'x')
x y
0 a 1
2 b 2
1 c 3
And a subsequent:
df = df.reset_index(drop = True)
x y
0 a 1
1 b 2
2 c 3
This is my pandas DataFrame with original column names.
old_dt_cm1_tt old_dm_cm1 old_rr_cm2_epf old_gt
1 3 0 0
2 1 1 5
Firstly I want to extract all unique variations of cm, e.g. in this case cm1 and cm2.
After this I want to create a new column per each unique cm. In this example there should be 2 new columns.
Finally in each new column I should store the total count of non-zero original column values, i.e.
old_dt_cm1_tt old_dm_cm1 old_rr_cm2_epf old_gt cm1 cm2
1 3 0 0 2 0
2 1 1 5 2 1
I implemented the first step as follows:
cols = pd.DataFrame(list(df.columns))
ind = [c for c in df.columns if 'cm' in c]
df.ix[:, ind].columns
How to proceed with steps 2 and 3, so that the solution is automatic (I don't want to manually define column names cm1 and cm2, because in original data set I might have many cm variations.
You can use:
print df
old_dt_cm1_tt old_dm_cm1 old_rr_cm2_epf old_gt
0 1 3 0 0
1 2 1 1 5
First you can filter columns contains string cm, so columns without cm are removed.
df1 = df.filter(regex='cm')
Now you can change columns to new values like cm1, cm2, cm3.
print [cm for c in df1.columns for cm in c.split('_') if cm[:2] == 'cm']
['cm1', 'cm1', 'cm2']
df1.columns = [cm for c in df1.columns for cm in c.split('_') if cm[:2] == 'cm']
print df1
cm1 cm1 cm2
0 1 3 0
1 2 1 1
Now you can count non - zero values - change df1 to boolean DataFrame and sum - True are converted to 1 and False to 0. You need count by unique column names - so groupby columns and sum values.
df1 = df1.astype(bool)
print df1
cm1 cm1 cm2
0 True True False
1 True True True
print df1.groupby(df1.columns, axis=1).sum()
cm1 cm2
0 2 0
1 2 1
You need unique columns, which are added to original df:
print df1.columns.unique()
['cm1' 'cm2']
Last you can add new columns by df[['cm1','cm2']] from groupby function:
df[df1.columns.unique()] = df1.groupby(df1.columns, axis=1).sum()
print df
old_dt_cm1_tt old_dm_cm1 old_rr_cm2_epf old_gt cm1 cm2
0 1 3 0 0 2 0
1 2 1 1 5 2 1
Once you know which columns have cm in them you can map them (with a dict) to the desired new column with an adapted version of this answer:
col_map = {c:'cm'+c[c.index('cm') + len('cm')] for c in ind}
# ^ if you are hard coding this in you might as well use 2
so that instead of the string after cm it is cm and the character directly following, in this case it would be:
{'old_dm_cm1': 'cm1', 'old_dt_cm1_tt': 'cm1', 'old_rr_cm2_epf': 'cm2'}
Then add the new columns to the DataFrame by iterating over the dict:
for col,new_col in col_map.items():
if new_col not in df:
df[new_col] =[int(a!=0) for a in df[col]]
df[new_col]+=[int(a!=0) for a in df[col]]
note that int(a!=0) will simply give 0 if the value is 0 and 1 otherwise. The only issue with this is because dicts are inherently unordered it may be preferable to add the new columns in order according to the values: (like the answer here)
import operator
for col,new_col in sorted(col_map.items(),key=operator.itemgetter(1)):
if new_col in df:
df[new_col]+=[int(a!=0) for a in df[col]]
df[new_col] =[int(a!=0) for a in df[col]]
to ensure the new columns are inserted in order.
If I have a dataframe and want to drop any rows where the value in one column is not an integer how would I do this?
The alternative is to drop rows if value is not within a range 0-2 but since I am not sure how to do either of them I was hoping someonelse might.
Here is what I tried but it didn't work not sure why:
df = df[(df['entrytype'] != 0) | (df['entrytype'] !=1) | (df['entrytype'] != 2)].all(1)
There are 2 approaches I propose:
In [212]:
df = pd.DataFrame({'entrytype':[0,1,np.NaN, 'asdas',2]})
0 0
1 1
2 NaN
3 asdas
4 2
If the range of values is as restricted as you say then using isin will be the fastest method:
In [216]:
0 0
1 1
4 2
Otherwise we could cast to a str and then call .isdigit()
In [215]:
df[df['entrytype'].apply(lambda x: str(x).isdigit())]
0 0
1 1
4 2
str("-1").isdigit() is False
str("-1").lstrip("-").isdigit() works but is not nice.
for your question the reverse set
df.loc[ ~(df['Feature'].str.match('^[+-]?\d+$')) ]
We have multiple ways to do the same, but I found this method easy and efficient.
Quick Examples
#Using drop() to delete rows based on column value
df.drop(df[df['Fee'] >= 24000].index, inplace = True)
# Remove rows
df2 = df[df.Fee >= 24000]
# If you have space in column name
# Specify column name with in single quotes
df2 = df[df['column name']]
# Using loc
df2 = df.loc[df["Fee"] >= 24000 ]
# Delect rows based on multiple column value
df2 = df[ (df['Fee'] >= 22000) & (df['Discount'] == 2300)]
# Drop rows with None/NaN
df2 = df[df.Discount.notnull()]