I have created a piece of code in python which makes use of the getitem subroutine, which I am not too familiar with.
Inside the getitem subroutine, there are multiple subroutines, one of which is:
def load(self,i):
return str(i)
However when I try to call it elsewhere in the project...
... it says that it cannot find the subroutine:
AttributeError: 'Calc' object has no attribute 'load'
I have tried using
but that doesn't work either.
Can someone help me?
I start with the assumption that I have already looked at many other posts related to the "builtin_function_or_method" error, but I have not found a solution to my problem. I really hope that someone has a moment to read because I write this post out of exhaustion.
To summarize: the following piece of code invokes the "get_valid_locations_" function
valid_locations = eval.get_valid_locations_(board)
The method I call is a function of the Evaluate class that I have previously imported in this way (I attach both how I imported the file and how I instantiated the object)
from Utilities import evaluate
eval = evaluate.Evaluate()
While the function is as follows
def get_valid_locations_(self, board):
valid_locations = []
for col in range(NUMS_COL):
if eval.is_valid_location(board, col):
return valid_locations
I cannot understand what generates the error. It seems to me that the assignment and the way in which I import the class is correct, also because in the Evaluate class there are other functions that do not generate errors. So the problem I think is restricted to either the function or how it is invoked. Unless the Python compiler sees the method. I also tried to add the _ to the end of the function name but nothing.
I hope someone can help me or have some advice on how to better structure the files for projects. Thanks a lot in advance and have a nice day.
In this line that's failing:
valid_locations = eval.get_valid_locations_(board)
It sees eval as the standard Python builtin function eval. Wherever you defined it like this:
eval = evaluate.Evaluate()
The first line is not seeing that definition.
First of all, choose a different name that isn't a Python builtin to reduce confusion.
Then make sure that your use of the object eval has the correct value. If you defined it globally in a module, then from some_module import eval. Or you could pass it as an argument to a function where eval.get_valid_locations_(board) is called.
Your definition of get_valid_locations_ has a similar problem where it calls eval.is_valid_location(board, col). If get_valid_locations_ and is_valid_location are both methods of the class Evaluate, then you should call self.is_valid_location instead. Not all instances of Evaluate should necessarily be called eval, nor should they have to be defined in the same file as the class.
you created an eval object, and then trying to call get_valid_locations_ function on it.
valid_locations = eval.get_valid_locations_(board)
this is what generates the error. eval object has no get_valid_locations_ function.
I created a class and specified the attributes of the member with the following code:
Mexico_66 = Product('Mexico 66 VIN', 99.90, 4)
In the class, I have defined the following magic method:
def __len__(self):
When I try to use this magic method with the following syntax: len(Mexico_66), the code executes but gives off an error at the very end: TypeError: 'NoneType' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
However, when executing the code with the following syntax: Mexico_66.len(), no error appears.
I don't quite understand why the error is caused in the first case and what is the difference between the 1st and 2nd options of executing magic method. I would be grateful if someone could explain it.
The __len__ magic method is supposed to return something, in this case, probably return self.quantity. You are getting the type error because your method implicitly returns None.
The idea of using these magic methods is to define behavior for commonly used functions like len(). If you call it using instance.__len__(), you are not utilizing the magic method, you are simply calling it like a regular instance method, which is why you don't see any error in that use case
I am trying to work with the code below. However it is a written code by my professor and also in python2 (I already made quite some changes). I use python 3.8.5.
When I try to run the code it yield me the Attribute Error below. Trying to adapt it by changing it the syntax or shorten up to save did not work and I also do not came across any reference of save in the web.
def __init__(self, options):
self.save_each = options.save_each
self.origin_dir = "NET-%s-%s-%s"%(options.currency, options.heuristic, options.epoch)
if options.save_each is not None:
self.origin_dir += "_%s"%options.save_each
File "comp-1-network_centrality.py", line 31, in __init__
self.save_each = options.save_each
AttributeError: 'Values' object has no attribute 'save_each'
Looking forward to help.
I'm currently looking into myHdl to see if it's worth using or not. However, I've come across a hiccup regarding the instantiation of modules. I've got two files, one that's a module and one that's the testbench. Inside the testbench, I've instantiated the module following the example they have on the website:
The instantiation specifically is this line: dff_inst = dff(q, d, clk)
However, I get an error when I try to run the testbench:
Exception TypeError: 'isinstance() arg 2 must be a class, type, or tuple of classes and types' in <generator object _LabelGenerator at 0x7f6070b2ea50> ignored
I assume this has something to do with the fact that I have two separate files, so my guess is that python isn't finding the dff module(since it's in a separate file). I tried adding in an import dff line, but that simply gave me a 'module' object is not callable type error, which makes sense.
Looking in the documentation, they don't have a full .py file, so I'm not sure how they're linking these testbenches with the module. They specifically mention a hierarchy system and being able to instantiate other modules, but I can't seem to get it to work.
From what I understand from documentation, it looks like they're just writing the testbench and the module in the same file. However, to my understanding, it looks like they imply you can import modules, but I can't figure out how that's done. Is there just some simple thing I'm overlooking?
After experimenting a bit, it seems like I just need to use the following command: from dff import dff,
which makes a lot of sense.
I've started to learn python in the past few days, and while exploring object-oriented programming I'm running into problems.
I'm using Eclipse while running the pydev plugin, am running on the python 3.3 beta, and am using a windows 64 bit system.
I can initialize a class fine and use any methods within it, as long as I'm not trying to extend the superclass (each class I've coded in a different source file)
For example, the following code compiles and runs fine.
class pythonSuper:
string1 = "hello"
def printS():
print pythonSuper.string1
and the code to access and run it...
from stackoverflow.questions import pythonSuper
class pythonSub:
pysuper = pythonSuper.pythonSuper()
Like I said, that works. The following code doesn't
class pythonSuper: """Same superclass as above. unmodified, except for the spacing"""
string1 = "hello"
def printS(self):
Well, that's not quite true. The superclass is absolutely fine, at least to my knowledge. It's the subclass that weirds out
from stackoverflow.questions import pythonSuper
class pythonSub(pythonSuper):
pythonObject = pythonSub()
when the subclass is run Eclipse prints out this error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Anish\workspace\Python 3.3\stackoverflow\questions\pythonSub.py",
line 7, in <module>
class pythonSub(pythonSuper):
TypeError: module.__init__() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)
I have no idea what's going on. I've been learning python from thenewboston's tutorials, but those are outdated (I think his tutorial code uses python version 2.7). He also codes in IDLE, which means that his classes are all contained in one file. Mine, however, are all coded in files of their own. That means I have no idea whether the code errors I'm getting are the result of outdated syntax or my lack of knowledge on this language. But I digress. If anyone could post back with a solution and/or explanation of why the code is going wrong and what I could do to fix it. An explanation would be preferred. I'd rather know what I'm doing wrong so I can avoid and fix the problem in similar situations than just copy and paste some code and see that it works.
Thanks, and I look forward to your answers
I ran your code, albeit with a few modifications and it runs perfectly. Here is my code:
class pythonSuper:
string1 = 'hello'
def printS(self):
from pythonSuper import pythonSuper as pySuper
class pythonSub(pySuper):
pythonObject = pythonSub()
NOTE: The change I have made to your code is the following:
In your code, you have written pythonSub.pythonSuper.printS() which is not correct, because via pythonSub you already support a printS() method, directly inherited from the superclass. So there is no need to refer to the superclass explicitly in that statement. The statement that I used to substitute the aforementioned one, pythonObject.printS(), seems to have addressed this issue.
pythonSuper refers to the module, not the class.
class pythonSub(pythonSuper.pythonSuper):