Python multi-threading method - python

I've heard that Python multi-threading is a bit tricky, and I am not sure what is the best way to go about implementing what I need. Let's say I have a function called IO_intensive_function that does some API call which may take a while to get a response.
Say the process of queuing jobs can look something like this:
import thread
for job_args in jobs:
thread.start_new_thread(IO_intense_function, (job_args))
Would the IO_intense_function now just execute its task in the background and allow me to queue in more jobs?
I also looked at this question, which seems like the approach is to just do the following:
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
pool = ThreadPool(2)
results =, jobs)
As I don't need those tasks to communicate with each other, the only goal is to send my API requests as fast as possible. Is this the most efficient way? Thanks.
The way I am making the API request is through a Thrift service.

I had to create code to do something similar recently. I've tried to make it generic below. Note I'm a novice coder, so please forgive the inelegance. What you may find valuable, however, is some of the error processing I found it necessary to embed to capture disconnects, etc.
I also found it valuable to perform the json processing in a threaded manner. You have the threads working for you, so why go "serial" again for a processing step when you can extract the info in parallel.
It is possible I will have mis-coded in making it generic. Please don't hesitate to ask follow-ups and I will clarify.
import requests
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
from src_code.config import Config
with open(Config.API_PATH + '/api_security_key.pem') as f:
my_key ="\n")
base_url = ""
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer %s" % my_key}
itm = list()
def call_API(call_var):
base_url = call_var[0]
headers = call_var[1]
call_specific_tag = call_var[2]
endpoint = f'/api_path/{call_specific_tag}'
connection_tries = 0
for i in range(3):
dat = requests.get((base_url + endpoint), headers=headers).json()
connection_tries += 1
print(f'Call for {api_specific_tag} failed after {i} attempt(s). Pausing for 240 seconds.')
tag = list()
vars_to_capture_01 = list()
vars_to_capture_02 = list()
connection_tries = 0
if 'record_id' in dat:
print(f'Call specific tag {call_specific_tag} is unavailable. Successful pull.')
print(f'{call_specific_tag} is unavailable. Unsuccessful pull.')
pack = list()
return pack
vars_to_capture_01 = list()
vars_to_capture_02 = list()
i = 0
max_i = len(all_tags)
while i < max_i:
ind_rng = range(i, min((i + 10), (max_i)), 1)
itm_lst = (itm.copy())
call_var = [itm_lst + [all_tags[q]] for q in ind_rng]
#packed = call_API(call_var[0]) # for testing of function without pooling
pool = ThreadPool(len(call_var))
packed =, call_var)
for pack in packed:
print(f'Unpacking error for {all_tags[i]}.')

For network API request you can use asyncio. Have a look at this article for an example how to implement it.


How to Write Unit Test for Racing Condition for Django Using Python?

I've implemented an API based on Django and Django REST framework and found it had some problems when it's work under great concurrency.
So I was interested in write some Testing code to reproducing the problem, and improve the code to get it to thread safe later.
I've tried the library before_after, and it's quite hard to use if the busy part of the code is not a function or is a function but contains arguments.
I've also tried using ThreadPoolExecutor to generate a racing condition, but it raises django.db.utils.DatabaseError: DatabaseWrapper objects created in a thread can only be used in that same thread. The object with alias 'default' was created in thread id 4328317000 and this is thread id 4690485864.
My implementation is like this:
class TestOrderViewSet(APILiveServerTestCase, AuthRequestMixin):
def test_replace_order_thread_safety(self):
john_balance = self.john.wallet.balance
jane_balance = self.jane.wallet.balance
order_user_pairs = [(mommy.make_recipe('payments.tests.jane_order'), self.jane)]
for i in range(10):
order_user_pairs.append((mommy.make_recipe('payments.tests.jane_order'), self.jane))
order_user_pairs.append((mommy.make_recipe('payments.tests.john_order'), self.john))
self.assertGreaterEqual(Order.objects.count(), 20)
def replace_order(order, user, i):
response = self.auth_post('order', {'pk':}, user)
print(i, user.wallet.balance)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
print(i, user.wallet.balance)
def count_done():
return sum(int(r.done()) for r in results)
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as e:
results = []
for i in range(10):
r = e.submit(replace_order, *order_user_pairs[i], i)
r = e.submit(replace_order, *order_user_pairs[i], i)
print('done', count_done())
# e.shutdown(wait=True)
print('done', count_done())
self.assertEqual(self.john.wallet.balance, john_balance + 1)
self.assertEqual(self.jane.wallet.balance, jane_balance - 1)
Any kind of suggestions is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

What's the fastest way to expand url in python

I have a checkin list which contains about 600000 checkins, and there is a url in each checkin, I need to expand them back to original long ones. I do so by
now = time.time()
files_without_url = 0
for i, checkin in enumerate(NYC_checkins):
foursquare_url = urllib2.urlopen("(?P<url>https?://[^\s]+)", checkin[5]).group("url")).url
files_without_url += 1
if i%1000 == 0:
print("from %d to %d: %2.5f seconds" %(i-1000, i, time.time()-now))
now = time.time()
But this takes too long time: from 0 to 1000 checkins, it takes 3241 seconds! Is this normal? What's the most efficient way to expand url by Python?
MODIFIED: Some Urls are from Bitly while some others are not, and I am not sure where they come from. In this case, I wanna simply use urllib2 module.
for your information, here is an example of checkin[5]:
I'm at The Diner (2453 18th Street NW, Columbia Rd., Washington) w/ 4 others. http...... (this is the short url)
I thought I would expand on my comment regarding the use of multiprocessing to speed up this task.
Let's start with a simple function that will take a url and resolve it as far as possible (following redirects until it gets a 200 response code):
import requests
def resolve_url(url):
r = requests.get(url)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
return (url, None)
if r.status_code != 200:
longurl = None
longurl = r.url
return (url, longurl)
This will either return a (shorturl, longurl) tuple, or it will
return (shorturl, None) in the event of a failure.
Now, we create a pool of workers:
import multiprocessing
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(10)
And then ask our pool to resolve a list of urls:
resolved_urls = []
for shorturl, longurl in, urls):
resolved_urls.append((shorturl, longurl))
Using the above code...
With a pool of 10 workers, I can resolve 500 URLs in 900 seconds.
If I increase the number of workers to 100, I can resolve 500 URLs in 30 seconds.
If I increase the number of workers to 200, I can resolve 500 URLs in 25 seconds.
This is hopefully enough to get you started.
(NB: you could write a similar solution using the threading module rather than multiprocessing. I usually just grab for multiprocessing first, but in this case either would work, and threading might even be slightly more efficient.)
Thread are most appropriate in case of network I/O. But you could try the following first.
pat = re.compile("(?P<url>https?://[^\s]+)") # always compile it
missing_urls = 0
bad_urls = 0
def check(checkin):
match =[5])
if not match:
global missing_urls
missing_urls += 1
url ="url")
urllib2.urlopen(url) # don't lookup .url if you don't need it later
except URLError: # or just Exception
global bad_urls
bad_urls += 1
for i, checkin in enumerate(NYC_checkins):
print(bad_urls, missing_urls)
If you get no improvement, now that we have a nice check function, create a threadpool and feed it. Speedup is guaranteed. Using processes for network I/O is pointless

Python Multiple requests

I have a situation to call multiple requests in a scheduler job to check live user status for 1000 users at a time. But server limits maximum up to 50 users in each hit of an API request. So using following approach with for loop its taking around 66 seconds for 1000 users (i.e for 20 API calls).
from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler
sched = BlockingScheduler()
def shcdulerjob():
uidlist = todays_userslist() #Get around 1000 users from table
split_list = lambda lst, sz: [lst[i:i+sz] for i in range(0, len(lst), sz)]
idlists = split_list(uidlist, 50) # SERVER MAX LIMIT - 50 ids/request
for idlist in idlists:
apiurl = some_server_url + "&ids="+str(idlist)
resp = requests.get(apiurl)
save_status(resp.json()) #-- Save status to db
if __name__ == "__main__":
sched.add_job(shcdulerjob, 'interval', minutes=10)
Is there any workaround so that it should optimize the time required to fetch API?
Does Python- APScheduler provide any multiprocessing option to process such api requests in a single job?
You could try to apply python's Thread pool from the concurrent.futures module, if the server allows concurrent requests. That way you would parallelise the processing, instead of the scheduling itself
There are some good examples provided in the documentation here (If you're using python 2, there is a sort of an equivalent module
import concurrent.futures
import multiprocessing
import requests
import time
import json
cpu_start_time = time.process_time()
clock_start_time = time.time()
queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
uri = "http://localhost:5000/data.json"
users = [str(user) for user in range(1, 50)]
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) as executor:
for user_id, result in zip(
[str(user) for user in range(1, 50)]
, x: requests.get(uri, params={id: x}).content, users)
queue.put((user_id, result))
while not queue.empty():
user_id, rs = queue.get()
print("User ", user_id, json.loads(rs.decode()))
cpu_end_time = time.process_time()
clock_end_time = time.time()
print("Took {0:.03}s [{1:.03}s]".format(cpu_end_time-cpu_start_time, clock_end_time-clock_start_time))
If you want to use a Process pool, just make sure you don't use shared resources, e.g. queue, and write your data our independently

Python multiprocessing Pool get/join methods stopping execution

I am trying to execute different methods in a pool object from the python multiprocessing library. I've tried too many ways but all of them get stuck when I call any of the methods .get() or .join(). I've googled a lot and none of the topics nor tutorials worked for me. My code is next:
def get_profile(artist_id):
buckets = ['years_active', 'genre', 'images']
artist = Artist(artist_id)
return artist.get_profile(buckets=buckets)
def get_songs(artist_id):
from echonest.playlist import Playlist
return Playlist().static(artist_ids=[artist_id])
def get_similar(artist_id):
artist = Artist(artist_id)
return artist.get_similar(min_familiarity=0.5, buckets=['images'])
def get_news(artist_id):
artist = Artist(artist_id)
print "Executing get_news"
return artist.get_news(high_relevance='true')
def search_artist(request, artist_name, artist_id):
from multiprocessing import Pool, Process
requests = [
dict(func=get_profile, args=(artist_id,)),
dict(func=get_songs, args=(artist_id,)),
dict(func=get_similar, args=(artist_id,)),
dict(func=get_news, args=(artist_id,))
pool = Pool(processes=2)
for req in requests:
result = pool.apply_async(req['func'], req['args'])
output = [p.get() for p in results]
Hope someone could help because I've been stuck with this for too long. Thank you in advance.

Converting graph traversal to multiprocessing in Python

I've been working on a graph traversal algorithm over a simple network and I'd like to run it using multiprocessing since it it going to require a lot of I/O bounded calls when I scale it over the full network. The simple version runs pretty fast:
already_seen = {}
already_seen_get = already_seen.get
GH_add_node = GH.add_node
GH_add_edge = GH.add_edge
GH_has_node = GH.has_node
GH_has_edge = GH.has_edge
def graph_user(user, depth=0):
logger.debug("Searching for %s", user)
logger.debug("At depth %d", depth)
users_to_read = followers = following = []
if already_seen_get(user):
logging.debug("Already seen %s", user)
return None
result = [x.value for x in list(view[user])]
if result:
result = result[0]
following = result['following']
followers = result['followers']
users_to_read = set().union(following, followers)
if not GH_has_node(user):
logger.debug("Adding %s to graph", user)
for follower in users_to_read:
if not GH_has_node(follower):
logger.debug("Adding %s to graph", follower)
if depth < max_depth:
graph_user(follower, depth + 1)
if GH_has_edge(follower, user):
GH[follower][user]['weight'] += 1
GH_add_edge(user, follower, {'weight': 1})
Its actually significantly faster than my multiprocessing version:
to_write = Queue()
to_read = Queue()
to_edge = Queue()
already_seen = Queue()
def fetch_user():
seen = {}
read_get = to_read.get
read_put = to_read.put
write_put = to_write.put
edge_put = to_edge.put
seen_get = seen.get
while True:
logging.debug("Begging for a user")
user = read_get(timeout=1)
if seen_get(user):
logging.debug("Adding %s", user)
seen[user] = True
result = [x.value for x in list(view[user])]
write_put(user, timeout=1)
if result:
result = result.pop()
logging.debug("Got user %s and result %s", user, result)
following = result['following']
followers = result['followers']
users_to_read = list(set().union(following, followers))
[edge_put((user, x, {'weight': 1})) for x in users_to_read]
[read_put(y, timeout=1) for y in users_to_read if not seen_get(y)]
except Empty:
logging.debug("Fetches complete")
def write_node():
users = []
users_app = users.append
write_get = to_write.get
while True:
user = write_get(timeout=1)
logging.debug("Writing user %s", user)
except Empty:
logging.debug("Users complete")
return users
def write_edge():
edges = []
edges_app = edges.append
edge_get = to_edge.get
while True:
edge = edge_get(timeout=1)
logging.debug("Writing edge %s", edge)
except Empty:
logging.debug("Edges Complete")
return edges
if __name__ == '__main__':
pool = Pool(processes=1)
users = pool.apply_async(write_node)
edges = pool.apply_async(write_edge)
What I can't figure out is why the single process version is so much faster. In theory, the multiprocessing version should be writing and reading simultaneously. I suspect there is lock contention on the queues and that is the cause of the slow down but I don't really have any evidence of that. When I scale the number of fetch_user processes it seems to run faster, but then I have issues with synchronizing the data seen across them. So some thoughts I've had are
Is this even a good application for
multiprocessing? I was originally
using it because I wanted to be able
to fetch from the db in parallell.
How can I avoid resource contention when reading and writing from the same queue?
Did I miss some obvious caveat for the design?
What can I do to share a lookup table between the readers so I don't keep fetching the same user twice?
When increasing the number of fetching processes they writers eventually lock. It looks like the write queue is not being written to, but the read queue is full. Is there a better way to handle this situation than with timeouts and exception handling?
Queues in Python are synchronized. This means that only one thread at a time can read/write, this will definitely provoke a bottleneck in your app.
One better solution is to distribute the processing based on a hash function and assign the processing to the threads with a simple module operation. So for instance if you have 4 threads you could have 4 queues:
thread_queues = []
for i in range(4):
thread_queues = Queue()
for user in user_list:
user_hash=hash(user.user_id) #hash in here is just shortcut to some standard hash utility
thread_id = user_hash % 4
# From here ... your pool of threads access thread_queues but each thread ONLY accesses
# one queue based on a numeric id given to each of them.
Most of hash functions will distribute evenly your data. I normally use UMAC. But maybe you can just try with the hash function from the Python String implementation.
Another improvement would be to avoid the use of Queues and use a non-sync object, such a list.
