I have data, which is in a text file. Each line is a computation to do. This file has around 100 000 000 lines.
First I load everything into the ram, then I have a a method that performs the computation and gives the following results:
def process(data_line):
#do computation
return result
Then I call it like this with packets of 2000 lines and then save the result to disk :
POOL_SIZE = 15 #nbcore - 1
pool = Pool(processes=POOL_SIZE)
data_lines = util.load_data_lines(to_be_computed_filename)
number_of_packets = int(number_of_lines/ PACKET_SIZE)
for i in range(number_of_packets):
lines_packet = data_lines[:PACKET_SIZE]
data_lines = data_lines[PACKET_SIZE:]
results = pool.map(process, lines_packet)
save_computed_data_to_disk(to_be_computed_filename, results)
# process the last packet, which is smaller
results.extend(pool.map(process, data_lines))
save_computed_data_to_disk(to_be_computed_filename, results)
The problem is, while I was writing to disk, my CPU is computing nothing and has 8 cores. It is looking at the task manager and it seems that quite a lot of CPU time is lost.
I have to write to disk after having completed my computation because the results are 1000 times larger than the input.
Anyways, I would have to write to the disk at some point. If time is not lost here, it will be lost later.
What could I do to allow one core to write to disk, while still computing with the others? Switch to C?
At this rate I can process 100 millions lines in 75h, but I have 12 billions lines to process, so any improvement is welcome.
example of timings:
Processing packet 2/15 953 of C:/processing/drop_zone\to_be_processed_txt_files\t_to_compute_303620.txt
Launching task and waiting for it to finish...
Task completed, Continuing
Packet was processed in 11.534576654434204 seconds
We are currently going at a rate of 0.002306915330886841 sec/words
Which is 433.47928145051293 words per seconds
Saving in temporary file
Printing writing 5000 computed line to disk took 0.04400920867919922 seconds
saving word to resume from : 06 20 25 00 00
Estimated time for processing the remaining packets is : 51:19:25
Note: This SharedMemory works only for Python >= 3.8 since it first appeared there
Start 3 kinds of processes: Reader, Processor(s), Writer.
Have Reader process read the file incrementally, sharing the result via shared_memory and Queue.
Have the Processor(s) consume the Queue, consume the shared_memory, and return the result(s) via another Queue. Again, as shared_memory.
Have the Writer process consume the second Queue, writing to the destination file.
Have them all communicate through, say, some Events or DictProxy, with the MainProcess who will act as the orchestrator.
import time
import random
import hashlib
import multiprocessing as MP
from queue import Queue, Empty
# noinspection PyCompatibility
from multiprocessing.shared_memory import SharedMemory
from typing import Dict, List
def readerfunc(
shm_arr: List[SharedMemory], q_out: Queue, procr_ready: Dict[str, bool]
numshm = len(shm_arr)
for batch in range(1, 6):
print(f"Reading batch #{batch}")
for shm in shm_arr:
#### Simulated Reading ####
for j in range(0, shm.size):
shm.buf[j] = random.randint(0, 255)
#### ####
q_out.put((batch, shm))
# Need to sync here because we're reusing the same SharedMemory,
# so gotta wait until all processors are done before sending the
# next batch
while not q_out.empty() or not all(procr_ready.values()):
def processorfunc(
q_in: Queue, q_out: Queue, suicide: type(MP.Event()), procr_ready: Dict[str, bool]
pname = MP.current_process().name
procr_ready[pname] = False
while True:
procr_ready[pname] = True
if q_in.empty() and suicide.is_set():
batch, shm = q_in.get_nowait()
except Empty:
print(pname, "got batch", batch)
procr_ready[pname] = False
#### Simulated Processing ####
h = hashlib.blake2b(shm.buf, digest_size=4, person=b"processor")
time.sleep(random.uniform(5.0, 7.0))
#### ####
q_out.put((pname, h.hexdigest()))
def writerfunc(q_in: Queue, suicide: type(MP.Event())):
while True:
if q_in.empty() and suicide.is_set():
pname, digest = q_in.get_nowait()
except Empty:
print("Writing", pname, digest)
#### Simulated Writing ####
time.sleep(random.uniform(3.0, 6.0))
#### ####
print("Writing", pname, digest, "done")
def main():
shm_arr = [
SharedMemory(create=True, size=1024)
for _ in range(0, 5)
q_read = MP.Queue()
q_write = MP.Queue()
procr_ready = MP.Manager().dict()
poison = MP.Event()
reader = MP.Process(target=readerfunc, args=(shm_arr, q_read, procr_ready))
procrs = []
for n in range(0, 3):
p = MP.Process(
target=processorfunc, name=f"Proc{n}", args=(q_read, q_write, poison, procr_ready)
writer = MP.Process(target=writerfunc, args=(q_write, poison))
[p.start() for p in procrs]
print("Reader has ended")
while not all(procr_ready.values()):
[p.join() for p in procrs]
print("Processors have ended")
print("Writer has ended")
[shm.close() for shm in shm_arr]
[shm.unlink() for shm in shm_arr]
if __name__ == '__main__':
You say you have 8 cores, yet you have:
POOL_SIZE = 15 #nbcore - 1
Assuming you want to leave one processor free (presumably for the main process?) why wouldn't this number be 7? But why do you even want to read a processor free? You are making successive calls to map. While the main process is waiting for these calls to return, it requires know CPU. This is why if you do not specify a pool size when you instantiate your pool it defaults to the number of CPUs you have and not that number minus one. I will have more to say about this below.
Since you have a very large, in-memory list, is it possible that you are expending waisted cycles in your loop rewriting this list on each iteration of the loop. Instead, you can just take a slice of the list and pass that as the iterable argument to map:
POOL_SIZE = 15 # ????
data_lines = util.load_data_lines(to_be_computed_filename)
number_of_packets, remainder = divmod(number_of_lines, PACKET_SIZE)
with Pool(processes=POOL_SIZE) as pool:
offset = 0
for i in range(number_of_packets):
results = pool.map(process, data_lines[offset:offset+PACKET_SIZE])
offset += PACKET_SIZE
save_computed_data_to_disk(to_be_computed_filename, results)
if remainder:
results = pool.map(process, data_lines[offset:offset+remainder])
save_computed_data_to_disk(to_be_computed_filename, results)
Between each call to map the main process is writing out the results to to_be_computed_filename. In the meanwhile, every process in your pool is sitting idle. This should be given to another process (actually a thread running under the main process):
import multiprocessing
import queue
import threading
POOL_SIZE = 15 # ????
data_lines = util.load_data_lines(to_be_computed_filename)
number_of_packets, remainder = divmod(number_of_lines, PACKET_SIZE)
def save_data(q):
while True:
results = q.get()
if results is None:
return # signal to terminate
save_computed_data_to_disk(to_be_computed_filename, results)
q = queue.Queue()
t = threading.Thread(target=save_data, args=(q,))
with Pool(processes=POOL_SIZE) as pool:
offset = 0
for i in range(number_of_packets):
results = pool.map(process, data_lines[offset:offset+PACKET_SIZE])
offset += PACKET_SIZE
if remainder:
results = pool.map(process, data_lines[offset:offset+remainder])
t.join() # wait for thread to terminate
I've chosen to run save_data in a thread of the main process. This could also be another process in which case you would need to use a multiprocessing.Queue instance. But I figured the main process thread is mostly waiting for the map to complete and there would not be competition for the GIL. Now if you do not leave a processor free for the threading job, save_data, it may end up doing most of the saving only after all of the results have been created. You would need to experiment a bit with this.
Ideally, I would also modify the reading of the input file so as to not have to first read it all into memory but rather read it line by line yielding 2000 line chunks and submitting those as jobs for map to process:
import multiprocessing
import queue
import threading
POOL_SIZE = 15 # ????
def save_data(q):
while True:
results = q.get()
if results is None:
return # signal to terminate
save_computed_data_to_disk(to_be_computed_filename, results)
def read_data():
yield lists of PACKET_SIZE
lines = []
with open(some_file, 'r') as f:
for line in iter(f.readline(), ''):
if len(lines) == PACKET_SIZE:
yield lines
lines = []
if lines:
yield lines
q = queue.Queue()
t = threading.Thread(target=save_data, args=(q,))
with Pool(processes=POOL_SIZE) as pool:
for l in read_data():
results = pool.map(process, l)
t.join() # wait for thread to terminate
I made two assumptions: The writing is hitting the I/O bound, not the CPU bound - meaning that throwing more cores onto writing would not improve the performance. And the process function contains some heavy computations.
I would approach it differently:
Split up the large list into a list of list
Feed it than into the processes
Store the total result
Here is the example code:
import multiprocessing as mp
data_lines = [0]*10000 # read it from file
size = 2000
# Split the list into a list of list (with chunksize `size`)
work = [data_lines[i:i + size] for i in range(0, len(data_lines), size)]
def process(data):
result = len(data) # some something fancy
return result
with mp.Pool() as p:
result = p.map(process, work)
save_computed_data_to_disk(file_name, result)
On meta: You may also have a look into numpy or pandas (depending on the data) because it sounds that you would like to do something into that direction.
The first thing that comes to mind for the code is to run the saving function in the thread. By this we exclude the bottelneck of waiting disk writing. Like so:
executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2)
future = executor.submit(save_computed_data_to_disk, to_be_computed_filename, results)
concurrent.futures.wait(saving_futures, return_when=ALL_COMPLETED) # wait all saved to disk after processing
The following code is intended to create a process having images data til the process finish. Also these processes are intended to be terminated after the input queue q becomes empty.
import multiprocessing
import numpy as np
def run_mp(images, f_work, n_worker):
q = multiprocessing.Queue()
for img_idx in range(len(images)):
result_q = multiprocessing.Queue()
def f_worker(worker_index, data, q, result_q):
print("worker {} started".format(worker_index))
while not q.empty():
image_idx = q.get(timeout=1)
print('processing image idx {}'.format(image_idx))
image_out = f_work(data, image_idx)
result_q.put((image_out, image_idx))
print("worker {} finished".format(worker_index))
processes = list()
for i in range(n_worker):
process = multiprocessing.Process(target=f_worker, args=(i, images, q, result_q))
process.daemon = True
for process in processes:
images = [np.random.randn(100, 100) for _ in range(20)]
f = lambda image_list, idx: image_list[idx] + np.random.randn()
run_mp(images, f, 2)
After running code, from the embedded print functions, I confirmed that all 20 images are processed and two process were terminated. However, the programs hangs. When I hit ctrl-c I got the following message, from which hang occurs at os.waitpid.
How can I fix this problem?
worker 0 started
processing image idx 0
processing image idx 1
worker 1 started
processing image idx 2
processing image idx 3
processing image idx 4
processing image idx 5
processing image idx 6
processing image idx 7
processing image idx 8
processing image idx 9
processing image idx 10
processing image idx 11
processing image idx 12
processing image idx 13
processing image idx 14
processing image idx 15
processing image idx 16
processing image idx 17
processing image idx 18
processing image idx 19
worker 1 finished
^CTraceback (most recent call last):
File "example_queue.py", line 35, in <module>
run_mp(images, f, 2)
File "example_queue.py", line 29, in run_mp
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/process.py", line 149, in join
res = self._popen.wait(timeout)
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/popen_fork.py", line 47, in wait
return self.poll(os.WNOHANG if timeout == 0.0 else 0)
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/popen_fork.py", line 27, in poll
pid, sts = os.waitpid(self.pid, flag)
First, be aware that your code will only work on platforms that use OS fork to create new processes because:
The code that creates new processes is not contained within a if __name__ == '__main__': block.
Your worker function, f_worker, is not at global scope.
If you read the documentation on multiprocessing.Queue, you will find that the call to q.empty() is totally unreliable and, fortunately, unnecessary because there is a solution that makes this call unnecessary. Also, if you are interested in the actual results that are being put to the result_q, be aware that you must get those results in the main process before the main process attempts to join the subprocesses that have done the putting to the queue. The documentation explains that, too.
The solution that avoids having to use the undependable call to q.empty() is to write to the "task queue", q in this case, following the actually items that need to be processed by your subprocesses, N sentinel items that cannot be mistaken for actual items to be processed but are instead special signals to the subprocesses that there are no more items to be processed. N is, of course, just the number of subprocesses that are reading from the task queue so as each subprocess reads a sentinel item it terminates and there are enough sentinel items to signal each subprocess. In this case None serves perfectly as a suitable sentinel item:
import multiprocessing
import numpy as np
def run_mp(images, f_work, n_worker):
def f_worker(worker_index, data, q, result_q):
print("worker {} started".format(worker_index))
while True:
image_idx = q.get() # Blocking get
if image_idx is None: # Sentinel?
break # We are done!
print('processing image idx {}'.format(image_idx))
image_out = f_work(data, image_idx)
result_q.put((image_out, image_idx))
print("worker {} finished".format(worker_index))
q = multiprocessing.Queue()
for img_idx in range(len(images)):
# Add sentinels:
for _ in range(n_worker):
result_q = multiprocessing.Queue()
processes = list()
for i in range(n_worker):
process = multiprocessing.Process(target=f_worker, args=(i, images, q, result_q))
# We do not need daemon processes now:
#process.daemon = True
# If we are interested in the results, we must process the result queue
# before joining the processes. We are expecting 20 results, so:
results = [result_q.get() for _ in range(20)]
for process in processes:
images = [np.random.randn(100, 100) for _ in range(20)]
f = lambda image_list, idx: image_list[idx] + np.random.randn()
run_mp(images, f, 2)
from multiprocessing import Pool
from functools import partial
from time import sleep
import random
import string
import uuid
import os
import glob
def task_a(param1, param2, mydata):
thread_id = str(uuid.uuid4().hex) # this may not be robust enough to guarantee no collisions, address
output_filename = ''.join([str(thread_id),'.txt'])
# part 1 - create output file for task_b to use
with open(output_filename, 'w') as outfile:
for line in mydata:
# part 2 - do some extra stuff (whilst task_b is running)
print('Task A finished')
return output_filename # not interested in return val
def task_b(expected_num_files):
processed_files = 0
while processed_files<expected_num_files:
print('I am task_b, waiting for {} files ({} so far)'.format(expected_num_files, processed_files))
path_to_search = ''
for filename in glob.iglob(path_to_search + '*.txt', recursive=True):
print('Got file : {}'.format(filename))
# would do something complicated here
os.rename(filename, filename+'.done')
if __name__ == '__main__':
param1 = '' # dummy variable, need to support in solution
param2 = '' # dummy variable, need to support in solution
num_workers = 2
full_data = [[random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(5)] for _ in range(100)]
for i in range(0, len(full_data), num_workers):
print('Going to process {}'.format(full_data[i:i+num_workers]))
p = Pool(num_workers)
task_a_func = partial(task_a, param1, param2)
results = p.map(task_a_func, full_data[i:i+num_workers])
task_b(expected_num_files=num_workers) # want this running sooner
print('Iteration {} complete'.format(i))
#want to wait for task_a's and task_b to finish
I'm having trouble scheduling these tasks to run concurrently.
task_a is a multiprocessing pool that produces an output file part way through it execution.
task_b MUST process the output files sequentially can be in any order (can be as soon as they are available), WHILST task_a continues to run (it will no longer change the output file)
The next iteration must only start when both all task_a's have completed AND task_b has completed.
The toy code I have posted obviously waits for task_a's to fully complete before task_b is started (which is not what I want)
I have looked at multiprocessing / subprocess etc. but cannot find a way to launch both the pool and the single task_b process concurrently AND wait for BOTH to finish.
task_b is written as if it could be changed to an external script, but I am still stuck on how manage the execution.
Should I effectively merge code from task_b into task_a and somehow pass a flag to ensure one worker per pool 'runs the task_b code' via a if/else - at least then I would just be waiting on the pool to complete?
You can use an interprocess queue to communicate the filenames between task a and task b.
Also, initializing pool repeatedly inside the loop is harmful and unnecessarily slow.
Its better to initialize the pool once in the beginning.
from multiprocessing import Pool, Manager, Event
from functools import partial
from time import sleep
import random
import string
import uuid
import os
import glob
def task_a(param1, param2, queue, mydata):
thread_id = str(uuid.uuid4().hex)
output_filename = ''.join([str(thread_id),'.txt'])
output_filename = 'data/' + output_filename
with open(output_filename, 'w') as outfile:
for line in mydata:
print(f'{thread_id}: Task A file write complete for data {mydata}')
print('Task A finished')
def task_b(queue, num_workers, data_size, event_task_b_done):
print('Task b started!')
processed_files = 0
while True:
filename = queue.get()
if filename == 'QUIT':
# Whenever you want task_b to quit, just push 'quit' to the queue
print('Task b quitting')
print('Got file : {}'.format(filename))
os.rename(filename, filename+'.done')
print(f'Have processed {processed_files} so far!')
if (processed_files % num_workers == 0) or (processed_files == data_size):
if __name__ == '__main__':
param1 = '' # dummy variable, need to support in solution
param2 = '' # dummy variable, need to support in solution
num_workers = 2
data_size = 100
full_data = [[random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(5)] for _ in range(data_size)]
mgr = Manager()
queue = mgr.Queue()
event_task_b_done = mgr.Event()
# One extra worker for task b
p = Pool(num_workers + 1)
p.apply_async(task_b, args=(queue, num_workers, data_size, event_task_b_done))
task_a_func = partial(task_a, param1, param2, queue)
for i in range(0, len(full_data), num_workers):
data = full_data[i:i+num_workers]
print('Going to process {}'.format(data))
p.map_async(task_a_func, full_data[i:i+num_workers])
print(f'Waiting for task b to process all {num_workers} files...')
print('Iteration {} complete'.format(i))
so this seemingly simple problem is doing my head in.
I have a dataset (datas) and I do some processing on it (this isn't the issue, though this takes time owing to the size of the dataset) to produce multiple rows to be stored into a CSV file. However, it is very taxing to produce a row, then save it to csv, then produce a row and then save it etc.
So I'm trying to implement producer and consumer threads - producers will produce each row of data (to speed up the process), store in a queue and a single consumer will then append to my csv file.
My attempts below result in success sometimes (the data is correctly saved) or other times the data is "cut off" (either an entire row or part of it).
What am I doing wrong?
from threading import Thread
from queue import Queue
import csv
q = Queue()
def producer():
datas = [["hello","world"],["test","hey"],["my","away"],["your","gone"],["bye","hat"]]
for data in datas:
def consumer():
while True:
local = q.get()
file = open('dataset.csv','a')
with file as fd:
writer = csv.writer(fd)
for i in range(10):
t = Thread(target=consumer)
t.daemon = True
I think this does something similar to what you're trying to do. For testing purposes, it prefixes each row of data in the CSV file produced with a "producer id" so the source of the data can be seen in the results.
As you will be able to see from the csv file produced, all the data produced gets put into it.
import csv
import random
from queue import Queue
from threading import Thread
import time
SENTINEL = object()
def producer(q, id):
data = (("hello", "world"), ("test", "hey"), ("my", "away"), ("your", "gone"),
("bye", "hat"))
for datum in data:
q.put((id,) + datum) # Prefix producer ID to datum for testing.
time.sleep(random.random()) # Vary thread speed for testing.
class Consumer(Thread):
def __init__(self, q):
self.q = q
def run(self):
with open('dataset.csv', 'w', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter=',')
while True:
datum = self.q.get()
if datum is SENTINEL:
def main():
queue = Queue()
# Create producer threads.
threads = []
for id in range(NUM_PRODUCERS):
t = Thread(target=producer, args=(queue, id+1,))
# Create Consumer thread.
consumer = Consumer(queue)
# Wait for all producer threads to finish.
while threads:
threads = [thread for thread in threads if thread.is_alive()]
queue.put(SENTINEL) # Indicate to consumer thread no more data.
if __name__ == '__main__':
I'm trying to speed up some data processing using the multiprocessing module, the idea being I can send a chunk of data to each process I start up to utilize all the cores on my machine instead of just one at a time.
So I built an iterator for the data using the pandas read_fwf() function, with chunksize=50000 lines at a time. My problem is that eventually the iterator should raise StopIteration, and I'm trying to catch this in an except block in the child process and pass it along to the parent thread using a Queue to let the parent know it can stop spawning child processes. I have no idea what's wrong though, but what's happening is it gets to the end of the data and then keeps spawning processes which essentially do nothing.
def MyFunction(data_iterator, results_queue, Placeholder, message_queue):
current_data = data_iterator.next()
#does other stuff here
#that isn't important
placeholder_result = "Eggs and Spam"
return None
except StopIteration:
message_queue.put("Out Of Data")
return None
results_queue = Queue() #for passing results from each child process
message_queue = Queue() #for passing the stop iteration message
cpu_count = cpu_count() #num of cores on the machine
Data_Remaining = True #loop control
output_values = [] #list to put results in
print_num_records = 0 #used to print how many lines have been processed
my_data_file = "some_data.dat"
data_iterator = BuildDataIterator(my_data_file)
while Data_Remaining:
processes = []
for process_num in range(cpu_count):
if __name__ == "__main__":
p = Process(target=MyFunction, args=(data_iterator,results_queue,Placeholder, message_queue))
print "Process " + str(process_num) + " Started" #print some stuff to
print_num_records = print_num_records + 50000 #show how far along
print "Processing records through: ", print_num_records #my data file I am
for i,p in enumerate(processes):
print "Joining Process " + str(i)
if not message_queue.empty():
message = message_queue.get()
message = ""
if message == "Out Of Data":
Data_Remaining = False
I discovered a problem with the data iterator. There are approximately 8 million rows in my data set, and after it processes the 8 million it never actually returns a StopIteration, it keeps returning the same 14 rows of data over and over. Here is the code that builds my data iterator:
def BuildDataIterator(my_data_file):
#data_columns is a list of 2-tuples
#headers is a list of strings
#num_lines is 50000
data_reader = read_fwf(my_data_file, colspecs=data_columns, header=None, names=headers, chunksize=num_lines)
data_iterator = data_reader.__iter__()
return data_iterator
I have a very weird problem with the code below. when numrows = 10 the Process loops completes itself and proceeds to finish. If the growing list becomes larger it goes into a deadlock. Why is this and how can I solve this?
import multiprocessing, time, sys
# ----------------- Calculation Engine -------------------
def feed(queue, parlist):
for par in parlist:
def calc(queueIn, queueOut):
while True:
par = queueIn.get(block = False)
print "Project ID: %s started. " % par
res = doCalculation(par)
def write(queue, fname):
print 'Started to write to file'
fhandle = open(fname, "w")
while True:
res = queue.get(block = False)
for m in res:
print >>fhandle, m
print 'Complete writing to the file'
def doCalculation(project_ID):
numrows = 100
toFileRowList = []
for i in range(numrows):
print "%s %s" % (multiprocessing.current_process().name, i)
return toFileRowList
def main():
parlist = [276, 266]
nthreads = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
workerQueue = multiprocessing.Queue()
writerQueue = multiprocessing.Queue()
feedProc = multiprocessing.Process(target = feed , args = (workerQueue, parlist))
calcProc = [multiprocessing.Process(target = calc , args = (workerQueue, writerQueue)) for i in range(nthreads)]
writProc = multiprocessing.Process(target = write, args = (writerQueue, 'somefile.csv'))
feedProc.join ()
for p in calcProc:
for p in calcProc:
if __name__=='__main__':
I think the problem is the Queue buffer getting filled, so you need to read from the queue before you can put additional stuff in it.
For example, in your feed thread you have:
If you keep putting much stuff without reading this will cause it to block untill the buffer is freed, but the problem is that you only free the buffer in your calc thread, which in turn doesn't get started before you join your blocking feed thread.
So, in order for your feed thread to finish, the buffer should be freed, but the buffer won't be freed before the thread finishes :)
Try organizing your queues access more.
The feedProc and the writeProc are not actually running in parallel with the rest of your program. When you have
proc.join ()
you start the process and then, on the join() you immediatly wait for it to finish. In this case there's no gain in multiprocessing, only overhead. Try to start ALL processes at once before you join them. This will also have the effect that your queues get emptied regularyl and you won't deadlock.