Making Automatic Annotiation tool - python

i ma trying to make an automatic annotiation tool for yolo object detection which useses previosly trained model to find the detections , and i managed to put together some code but i am stuck a little, as far as i know this needs to be the annotation format for YOLO:
18 0.154167 0.431250 0.091667 0.612500
And with my code i get
0.5576068858305613, 0.5410404056310654, -0.7516528169314066, 0.33822181820869446
I am not sure why i get the - at the third number and if i need to shorten my float number,
I will post the code below if someone could help me , after completing this project i will post the whole code if someone wants to use it
def convert(size, box):
dw = 1./size[0]
dh = 1./size[1]
x = (box[0] + box[1])/2.0
y = (box[2] + box[3])/2.0
w = box[1] - box[0]
h = box[3] - box[2]
x = x*dw
w = w*dw
y = y*dh
h = h*dh
return (x,y,w,h)
The above code is the function that converts the coordinates for YOLO format , For the size you need to pass the (w,h) and the for the box you need to pass (x,x+w, y, y+h)
net = cv2.dnn.readNetFromDarknet(config_path, weights_path)
# path_name = "images/city_scene.jpg"
path_name = image
image = cv2.imread(path_name)
file_name = os.path.basename(path_name)
filename, ext = file_name.split(".")
h, w = image.shape[:2]
# create 4D blob
blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(image, 1 / 255.0, (416, 416), swapRB=True, crop=False)
# sets the blob as the input of the network
# get all the layer names
ln = net.getLayerNames()
ln = [ln[i[0] - 1] for i in net.getUnconnectedOutLayers()]
# feed forward (inference) and get the network output
# measure how much it took in seconds
start = time.perf_counter()
layer_outputs = net.forward(ln)
time_took = time.perf_counter() - start
print(f"Time took: {time_took:.2f}s")
boxes, confidences, class_ids = [], [], []
# loop over each of the layer outputs
for output in layer_outputs:
# loop over each of the object detections
for detection in output:
# extract the class id (label) and confidence (as a probability) of
# the current object detection
scores = detection[5:]
class_id = np.argmax(scores)
confidence = scores[class_id]
# discard weak predictions by ensuring the detected
# probability is greater than the minimum probability
if confidence > CONFIDENCE:
# scale the bounding box coordinates back relative to the
# size of the image, keeping in mind that YOLO actually
# returns the center (x, y)-coordinates of the bounding
# box followed by the boxes' width and height
box = detection[0:4] * np.array([w, h, w, h])
(centerX, centerY, width, height) = box.astype("float")
# use the center (x, y)-coordinates to derive the top and
# and left corner of the bounding box
x = int(centerX - (width / 2))
y = int(centerY - (height / 2))
a = w, h
convert(a, box)
boxes.append([x, y, int(width), int(height)])
idxs = cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes(boxes, confidences, SCORE_THRESHOLD,
font_scale = 1
thickness = 1
# ensure at least one detection exists
if len(idxs) > 0:
# loop over the indexes we are keeping
for i in idxs.flatten():
# extract the bounding box coordinates
x, y = boxes[i][0], boxes[i][1]
w, h = boxes[i][2], boxes[i][3]
# draw a bounding box rectangle and label on the image
color = [int(c) for c in colors[class_ids[i]]]
cv2.rectangle(image, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), color=color, thickness=thickness)
text = "{}".format(labels[class_ids[i]])
conf = "{:.3f}".format(confidences[i], x, y)
int1, int2 = (x, y)
#print(convert(ba, box))
#print(convert(b, boxes))
#print(convert(a, box)) #coordinates
ivan = str(int1)
b.append([text, ivan])
# calculate text width & height to draw the transparent boxes as background of the text
(text_width, text_height) = \
cv2.getTextSize(text, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=font_scale, thickness=thickness)[0]
text_offset_x = x
text_offset_y = y - 5
box_coords = ((text_offset_x, text_offset_y), (text_offset_x + text_width + 2, text_offset_y - text_height))
overlay = image.copy()
cv2.rectangle(overlay, box_coords[0], box_coords[1], color=color, thickness=cv2.FILLED)
# add opacity (transparency to the box)
image = cv2.addWeighted(overlay, 0.6, image, 0.4, 0)
# now put the text (label: confidence %)
cv2.putText(image, text, (x, y - 5), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,
fontScale=font_scale, color=(0, 0, 0), thickness=thickness)
text = "{}".format(labels[class_ids[i]],x,y)
conf = "{:.3f}".format(confidences[i])

the problem is the indexes in your function.
box[0]=>center x
box[1]=>center y
box[2]=>width of your bbox
box[3]=>height of your bbox
and according to the document, yolo labels are like this :
<object-class> <x> <y> <width> <height>
which x and y are the center of the bounding your code should be like this :
def convert(size, box):
dw = 1./size[0]
dh = 1./size[1]
x = box[0]*dw
y = box[1]*dh
w = box[2]*dw
h = box[3]*dh
return (x,y,w,h)

Maybe this can help you
def bounding_box_2_yolo(obj_detections, frame, index):
yolo_info = []
for object_det in obj_detections:
left_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y = object_det.boxes
xmin = left_x
xmax = right_x
ymin = top_y
ymax = bottom_y
xcen = float((xmin + xmax)) / 2 / frame.shape[1]
ycen = float((ymin + ymax)) / 2 / frame.shape[0]
w = float((xmax - xmin)) / frame.shape[1]
h = float((ymax - ymin)) / frame.shape[0]
yolo_info.append((index, xcen, ycen, w, h))
return yolo_info
The labelimg has a lot of things that you can use too


Why does my bounding boxes show for some images and not for others?

I am trying to plot my bounding boxes through my pretrained model with the help of this keras tutorial (for the evaluation of the model section): The issue I am facing is with the same code as per the tutorial, some of my images show the bounding boxes while some others do not.
My code:
model_load = load_model('stenosis_model_transfer.h5')
# To calculate IoU (intersection over union, given two bounding boxes)
# To calculate IoU (intersection over union, given two bounding boxes)
def bounding_box_intersection_over_union(box_predicted, box_truth):
# get (x, y) coordinates of intersection of bounding boxes
top_x_intersect = max(box_predicted[0], box_truth[0])
top_y_intersect = max(box_predicted[1], box_truth[1])
bottom_x_intersect = min(box_predicted[2], box_truth[2])
bottom_y_intersect = min(box_predicted[3], box_truth[3])
# calculate area of the intersection bb (bounding box)
intersection_area = max(0, bottom_x_intersect - top_x_intersect + 1) * max(
0, bottom_y_intersect - top_y_intersect + 1
# calculate area of the prediction bb and ground-truth bb
box_predicted_area = (box_predicted[2] - box_predicted[0] + 1) * (
box_predicted[3] - box_predicted[1] + 1
box_truth_area = (box_truth[2] - box_truth[0] + 1) * (
box_truth[3] - box_truth[1] + 1
# calculate intersection over union by taking intersection
# area and dividing it by the sum of predicted bb and ground truth
# bb areas subtracted by the interesection area
# return ioU
return intersection_area / float(
box_predicted_area + box_truth_area - intersection_area
i, mean_iou = 0, 0
# Compare results for 10 images in the test set
for input_image in test_images[:5]:
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 15))
im = input_image
# Display the image
input_image = cv2.resize(
input_image, (224, 224), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA
input_image = np.expand_dims(input_image, axis=0)
preds = model_load.predict(input_image)[0]
(h, w) = (im).shape[0:2]
top_left_x, top_left_y = int(preds[0] * w), int(preds[1] * h)
bottom_right_x, bottom_right_y = int(preds[2] * w), int(preds[3] * h)
box_predicted = [top_left_x, top_left_y, bottom_right_x, bottom_right_y]
# Create the bounding box
rect = patches.Rectangle(
(top_left_x, top_left_y),
bottom_right_x - top_left_x,
bottom_right_y - top_left_y,
# Add the bounding box to the image
"Predicted: "
+ str(top_left_x)
+ ", "
+ str(top_left_y)
+ ", "
+ str(bottom_right_x)
+ ", "
+ str(bottom_right_y)
top_left_x, top_left_y = int(test_targets[i][0] * w), int(test_targets[i][1] * h)
bottom_right_x, bottom_right_y = int(test_targets[i][2] * w), int(test_targets[i][3] * h)
box_truth = top_left_x, top_left_y, bottom_right_x, bottom_right_y
mean_iou += bounding_box_intersection_over_union(box_predicted, box_truth)
# Create the bounding box
rect = patches.Rectangle(
(top_left_x, top_left_y),
bottom_right_x - top_left_x,
bottom_right_y - top_left_y,
# Add the bounding box to the image
"Target: "
+ str(top_left_x)
+ ", "
+ str(top_left_y)
+ ", "
+ str(bottom_right_x)
+ ", "
+ str(bottom_right_y)
+ "\n"
+ "IoU"
+ str(bounding_box_intersection_over_union(box_predicted, box_truth))
i = i + 1
# print("mean_iou: " + str(mean_iou / len(test_images[:10])))
As mentioned earlier, the code is the same from the keras tutorial.
I am well aware that the images are shown as black, just did not want to show the image. Just need to change the datatype.
The predicted labels are shown as well but no bounding boxes on either side of the image for comparison while another image shows the bounding boxes clearly.
The results:
Hope my issue is clear. Would appreciate any help for this code snippet.
Looks like your plot range is limited to include up to 224 pixels, while your bbox coordination points are way over 224 (323 precisely, refer to the bottom Predicted: values). Increasing plot range (x axis) could be a solution.
The image you are testing with (which is not showing bbox) is larger than the one you tested earlier.

converting dataset yolo v3 pytorch format to required format

I am trying to implement the conversion discussed in the blogspot
In my dataset I need 4 keypoints and 1 box. I want the edited code for it.
My code and error are shown below.
keypoint_names = ['Head', 'Tail']
rectangles2keypoints = {1:0, 2:1}
def converter(file_labels, file_image, keypoint_names):
img = cv2.imread(file_image)
img_w, img_h = img.shape[1], img.shape[0]
with open(file_labels) as f:
lines_txt = f.readlines()
lines = []
for line in lines_txt:
lines.append([int(line.split()[0])] + [round(float(el), 5) for el in line.split()[1:]])
bboxes = []
keypoints = []
# In this loop we convert normalized coordinates to absolute coordinates
for line in lines:
# Number 0 is a class of rectangles related to bounding boxes.
if line[0] == 0:
x_c, y_c, w, h = round(line[1] * img_w), round(line[2] * img_h), round(line[3] * img_w), round(line[4] * img_h)
bboxes.append([round(x_c - w/2), round(y_c - h/2), round(x_c + w/2), round(y_c + h/2)])
# Other numbers are the classes of rectangles related to keypoints.
# After convertion, numbers of keypoint classes should start with 0, so we apply rectangles2keypoints dictionary to achieve that.
# In our case:
# 1 is rectangle for head keypoint, which is 0, so we convert 1 to 0;
# 2 is rectangle for tail keypoint, which is 1, so we convert 2 to 1.
if line[0] != 0:
kp_id, x_c, y_c = rectangles2keypoints[line[0]], round(line[1] * img_w), round(line[2] * img_h)
keypoints.append([kp_id, x_c, y_c])
# In this loop we are iterating over each keypoint and looking to which bounding box it matches.
# Thus, we are matching keypoints and corresponding bounding boxes.
keypoints_sorted = [[[] for _ in keypoint_names] for _ in bboxes]
for kp in keypoints:
kp_id, kp_x, kp_y = kp[0], kp[1], kp[2]
for bbox_idx, bbox in enumerate(bboxes):
x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]
if x1 < kp_x < x2 and y1 < kp_y < y2:
keypoints_sorted[bbox_idx][kp_id] = [kp_x, kp_y, 1] # All keypoints are visible
return bboxes, keypoints_sorted
enter image description here

how to crop image using yolo format image coordinate

Greeting stackoverflow community,
I have 200 images with labelled txt file for yolo custom model.
Now I want to crop all the heads present in those images using txt coordinate.
I have tried with opencv.
But I am getting error.
Could you please help me to crop all the heads of those images automatically?
Please see the update code :
import cv2
img = cv2.imread(<image path>)
dh, dw, _ = img.shape
x,y,w,h = 0.360667, 0.089000, 0.113333, 0.130000
x,y,w,h = int(x*dw), int(y*dh), int(w*dw), int(h*dh)
print(x, y, w, h)
imgCrop = img[y:y+h,x:x+w]
cv2.imshow("Crop Image",imgCrop)
For better understanding the problem, please see these images :
# Resource:
# <x_center> <y_center> <width> <height> - float values relative to width and height of image,
# it can be equal from (0.0 to 1.0]
# <x> = <absolute_x> / <image_width>
# <height> = <absolute_height> / <image_height>
# attention: <x_center> <y_center> - are center of rectangle (are not top-left corner)
box = "1 0.615234 0.254688 0.148438 0.178125"
class_id, x_center, y_center, w, h = box.strip().split()
x_center, y_center, w, h = float(x_center), float(y_center), float(w), float(h)
x_center = round(x_center * dw)
y_center = round(y_center * dh)
w = round(w * dw)
h = round(h * dh)
x = round(x_center - w / 2)
y = round(y_center - h / 2)
imgCrop = img[y:y + h, x:x + w]
You need to convert those float values to integers. You would do this by multiplying them by the width and height of the image then casting them to ints.
x,y,h,w = int(x*img_width), int(y*img_height), int(h*img_higth), int(w*img_width)
Then index the image:
imgCrop = img[x:x+w, y:y+h]

Createing Borders on a table in image in python

I have an image which have a table and some other data. I need to draw borders for table to separate out each cell.
My image looks like this
What i am trying:
1) dilating the image to create continuous spots, which looks like
2) finding contours and drawing
Issue: I am not able to draw correctly because it looks like my table cells are too close and while dilating they are becoming a continuous spot
**I took this code from Internet and was trying to modify But it did not work out well for this image
code :
import os
import cv2
import imutils
# This only works if there's only one table on a page
# Important parameters:
# - morph_size
# - min_text_height_limit
# - max_text_height_limit
# - cell_threshold
# - min_columns
def pre_process_image(img, save_in_file, morph_size=(7, 7)):
# get rid of the color
pre = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# Otsu threshold
pre = cv2.threshold(pre,250, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1]
# dilate the text to make it solid spot
cpy = pre.copy()
struct = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, morph_size)
cpy = cv2.dilate(~cpy, struct, anchor=(-1, -1), iterations=1)
# cpy = cv2.dilate(img,kernel,iterations = 1)
pre = ~cpy
# pre=cpy
if save_in_file is not None:
cv2.imwrite(save_in_file, pre)
return pre
def find_text_boxes(pre, min_text_height_limit=3, max_text_height_limit=30):
# Looking for the text spots contours
contours = cv2.findContours(pre, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
# contours = contours[0] if imutils.is_cv2() else contours[1]
contours = contours[0]
# Getting the texts bounding boxes based on the text size assumptions
boxes = []
for contour in contours:
box = cv2.boundingRect(contour)
h = box[3]
if min_text_height_limit < h < max_text_height_limit:
return boxes
def find_table_in_boxes(boxes, cell_threshold=10, min_columns=2):
rows = {}
cols = {}
# Clustering the bounding boxes by their positions
for box in boxes:
(x, y, w, h) = box
col_key = x // cell_threshold
row_key = y // cell_threshold
cols[row_key] = [box] if col_key not in cols else cols[col_key] + [box]
rows[row_key] = [box] if row_key not in rows else rows[row_key] + [box]
# Filtering out the clusters having less than 2 cols
table_cells = list(filter(lambda r: len(r) >= min_columns, rows.values()))
# Sorting the row cells by x coord
table_cells = [list(sorted(tb)) for tb in table_cells]
# Sorting rows by the y coord
table_cells = list(sorted(table_cells, key=lambda r: r[0][1]))
return table_cells
def build_lines(table_cells):
if table_cells is None or len(table_cells) <= 0:
return [], []
max_last_col_width_row = max(table_cells, key=lambda b: b[-1][2])
max_x = max_last_col_width_row[-1][0] + max_last_col_width_row[-1][2]
max_last_row_height_box = max(table_cells[-1], key=lambda b: b[3])
max_y = max_last_row_height_box[1] + max_last_row_height_box[3]
hor_lines = []
ver_lines = []
for box in table_cells:
x = box[0][0]
y = box[0][1]
hor_lines.append((x, y, max_x, y))
for box in table_cells[0]:
x = box[0]
y = box[1]
ver_lines.append((x, y, x, max_y))
(x, y, w, h) = table_cells[0][-1]
ver_lines.append((max_x, y, max_x, max_y))
(x, y, w, h) = table_cells[0][0]
hor_lines.append((x, max_y, max_x, max_y))
return hor_lines, ver_lines
if __name__ == "__main__":
in_file = os.path.join("data", "page1.jpg")
pre_file = os.path.join("data", "pre.png")
out_file = os.path.join("data", "out.png")
img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(in_file))
pre_processed = pre_process_image(img, pre_file)
text_boxes = find_text_boxes(pre_processed)
cells = find_table_in_boxes(text_boxes)
hor_lines, ver_lines = build_lines(cells)
# Visualize the result
vis = img.copy()
# for box in text_boxes:
# (x, y, w, h) = box
# cv2.rectangle(vis, (x, y), (x + w - 2, y + h - 2), (0, 255, 0), 1)
for line in hor_lines:
[x1, y1, x2, y2] = line
cv2.line(vis, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 0, 255), 1)
for line in ver_lines:
[x1, y1, x2, y2] = line
cv2.line(vis, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 0, 255), 1)
cv2.imwrite(out_file, vis)
Very interesting application.
Raw dialating may not be the best way to do it.
I do recommend using OCR routing. Like below
The output is sthing like this
So as long as there is two row which are closer to each other. eg, row1-row2< npixel. then it is close line. the find the center position between (row1+height1) and row2. The line should be pretty accurate.
in my sample if |292-335| < 50. then draw a line between (292+27 + 335) /2
means it's between asset line and the property line.
For the OCR package, you can try with tesseract if you insist with python.
See here for python text coordinate Tesseract OCR Text Position
Tesseract.PageIteratorLevel myLevel = /*TODO*/;
using (var page = Engine.Process(img))
using (var iter = page.GetIterator())
if (iter.TryGetBoundingBox(myLevel, out var rect))
var curText = iter.GetText(myLevel);
// Your code here, 'rect' should containt the location of the text, 'curText' contains the actual text itself
} while (iter.Next(myLevel));
rect contains the part you wanted x y height width
The demo I show it here is actually using sth similar to windows OCR sample
Feel free to try any of the methods to get the table line you wanted.

overlay a smaller image on a larger image python OpenCv

Hi I am creating a program that replaces a face in a image with someone else's face. However, I am stuck on trying to insert the new face into the original, larger image. I have researched ROI and addWeight(needs the images to be the same size) but I haven't found a way to do this in python. Any advise is great. I am new to opencv.
I am using the following test images:
Here is my Code so far... a mixer of other samples:
import cv2
import as cv
import sys
import numpy
def detect(img, cascade):
rects = cascade.detectMultiScale(img, scaleFactor=1.1, minNeighbors=3, minSize=(10, 10), flags = cv.CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE)
if len(rects) == 0:
return []
rects[:,2:] += rects[:,:2]
return rects
def draw_rects(img, rects, color):
for x1, y1, x2, y2 in rects:
cv2.rectangle(img, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), color, 2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 2: ## Check for error in usage syntax
print "Usage : python <image_file>"
img = cv2.imread(sys.argv[1],cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) ## Read image file
if (img == None):
print "Could not open or find the image"
cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier("haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml")
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY)
gray = cv2.equalizeHist(gray)
rects = detect(gray, cascade)
## Extract face coordinates
x1 = rects[0][3]
y1 = rects[0][0]
x2 = rects[0][4]
y2 = rects[0][5]
## Extract face ROI
faceROI = gray[x1:x2, y1:y2]
## Show face ROI
cv2.imshow('Display face ROI', faceROI)
small = cv2.imread("average_face.png",cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)
print "here"
small=cv2.resize(small, (x, y))
cv2.namedWindow('Display image') ## create window for display
cv2.imshow('Display image', small) ## Show image in the window
print "size of image: ", img.shape ## print size of image
A simple way to achieve what you want:
import cv2
s_img = cv2.imread("smaller_image.png")
l_img = cv2.imread("larger_image.jpg")
l_img[y_offset:y_offset+s_img.shape[0], x_offset:x_offset+s_img.shape[1]] = s_img
I suppose you want to take care of the alpha channel too. Here is a quick and dirty way of doing so:
s_img = cv2.imread("smaller_image.png", -1)
y1, y2 = y_offset, y_offset + s_img.shape[0]
x1, x2 = x_offset, x_offset + s_img.shape[1]
alpha_s = s_img[:, :, 3] / 255.0
alpha_l = 1.0 - alpha_s
for c in range(0, 3):
l_img[y1:y2, x1:x2, c] = (alpha_s * s_img[:, :, c] +
alpha_l * l_img[y1:y2, x1:x2, c])
Using #fireant's idea, I wrote up a function to handle overlays. This works well for any position argument (including negative positions).
def overlay_image_alpha(img, img_overlay, x, y, alpha_mask):
"""Overlay `img_overlay` onto `img` at (x, y) and blend using `alpha_mask`.
`alpha_mask` must have same HxW as `img_overlay` and values in range [0, 1].
# Image ranges
y1, y2 = max(0, y), min(img.shape[0], y + img_overlay.shape[0])
x1, x2 = max(0, x), min(img.shape[1], x + img_overlay.shape[1])
# Overlay ranges
y1o, y2o = max(0, -y), min(img_overlay.shape[0], img.shape[0] - y)
x1o, x2o = max(0, -x), min(img_overlay.shape[1], img.shape[1] - x)
# Exit if nothing to do
if y1 >= y2 or x1 >= x2 or y1o >= y2o or x1o >= x2o:
# Blend overlay within the determined ranges
img_crop = img[y1:y2, x1:x2]
img_overlay_crop = img_overlay[y1o:y2o, x1o:x2o]
alpha = alpha_mask[y1o:y2o, x1o:x2o, np.newaxis]
alpha_inv = 1.0 - alpha
img_crop[:] = alpha * img_overlay_crop + alpha_inv * img_crop
Example usage:
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
# Prepare inputs
x, y = 50, 0
img = np.array("img_large.jpg"))
img_overlay_rgba = np.array("img_small.png"))
# Perform blending
alpha_mask = img_overlay_rgba[:, :, 3] / 255.0
img_result = img[:, :, :3].copy()
img_overlay = img_overlay_rgba[:, :, :3]
overlay_image_alpha(img_result, img_overlay, x, y, alpha_mask)
# Save result
If you encounter errors or unusual outputs, please ensure:
img should not contain an alpha channel. (e.g. If it is RGBA, convert to RGB first.)
img_overlay has the same number of channels as img.
Based on fireant's excellent answer above, here is the alpha blending but a bit more human legible. You may need to swap 1.0-alpha and alpha depending on which direction you're merging (mine is swapped from fireant's answer).
o* == s_img.*
b* == b_img.*
for c in range(0,3):
alpha = s_img[oy:oy+height, ox:ox+width, 3] / 255.0
color = s_img[oy:oy+height, ox:ox+width, c] * (1.0-alpha)
beta = l_img[by:by+height, bx:bx+width, c] * (alpha)
l_img[by:by+height, bx:bx+width, c] = color + beta
Here it is:
def put4ChannelImageOn4ChannelImage(back, fore, x, y):
rows, cols, channels = fore.shape
trans_indices = fore[...,3] != 0 # Where not transparent
overlay_copy = back[y:y+rows, x:x+cols]
overlay_copy[trans_indices] = fore[trans_indices]
back[y:y+rows, x:x+cols] = overlay_copy
background = np.zeros((1000, 1000, 4), np.uint8)
background[:] = (127, 127, 127, 1)
overlay = cv2.imread('imagee.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
put4ChannelImageOn4ChannelImage(background, overlay, 5, 5)
A simple function that blits an image front onto an image back and returns the result. It works with both 3 and 4-channel images and deals with the alpha channel. Overlaps are handled as well.
The output image has the same size as back, but always 4 channels.
The output alpha channel is given by (u+v)/(1+uv) where u,v are the alpha channels of the front and back image and -1 <= u,v <= 1. Where there is no overlap with front, the alpha value from back is taken.
import cv2
def merge_image(back, front, x,y):
# convert to rgba
if back.shape[2] == 3:
back = cv2.cvtColor(back, cv2.COLOR_BGR2BGRA)
if front.shape[2] == 3:
front = cv2.cvtColor(front, cv2.COLOR_BGR2BGRA)
# crop the overlay from both images
bh,bw = back.shape[:2]
fh,fw = front.shape[:2]
x1, x2 = max(x, 0), min(x+fw, bw)
y1, y2 = max(y, 0), min(y+fh, bh)
front_cropped = front[y1-y:y2-y, x1-x:x2-x]
back_cropped = back[y1:y2, x1:x2]
alpha_front = front_cropped[:,:,3:4] / 255
alpha_back = back_cropped[:,:,3:4] / 255
# replace an area in result with overlay
result = back.copy()
print(f'af: {alpha_front.shape}\nab: {alpha_back.shape}\nfront_cropped: {front_cropped.shape}\nback_cropped: {back_cropped.shape}')
result[y1:y2, x1:x2, :3] = alpha_front * front_cropped[:,:,:3] + (1-alpha_front) * back_cropped[:,:,:3]
result[y1:y2, x1:x2, 3:4] = (alpha_front + alpha_back) / (1 + alpha_front*alpha_back) * 255
return result
For just add an alpha channel to s_img I just use cv2.addWeighted before the line
l_img[y_offset:y_offset+s_img.shape[0], x_offset:x_offset+s_img.shape[1]] = s_img
as following:
s_img=cv2.addWeighted(l_img[y_offset:y_offset+s_img.shape[0], x_offset:x_offset+s_img.shape[1]],0.5,s_img,0.5,0)
When attempting to write to the destination image using any of these answers above and you get the following error:
ValueError: assignment destination is read-only
A quick potential fix is to set the WRITEABLE flag to true.
A simple 4on4 pasting function that works-
def paste(background,foreground,pos=(0,0)):
#get position and crop pasting area if needed
x = pos[0]
y = pos[1]
bgWidth = background.shape[0]
bgHeight = background.shape[1]
frWidth = foreground.shape[0]
frHeight = foreground.shape[1]
width = bgWidth-x
height = bgHeight-y
if frWidth<width:
width = frWidth
if frHeight<height:
height = frHeight
# normalize alpha channels from 0-255 to 0-1
alpha_background = background[x:x+width,y:y+height,3] / 255.0
alpha_foreground = foreground[:width,:height,3] / 255.0
# set adjusted colors
for color in range(0, 3):
fr = alpha_foreground * foreground[:width,:height,color]
bg = alpha_background * background[x:x+width,y:y+height,color] * (1 - alpha_foreground)
background[x:x+width,y:y+height,color] = fr+bg
# set adjusted alpha and denormalize back to 0-255
background[x:x+width,y:y+height,3] = (1 - (1 - alpha_foreground) * (1 - alpha_background)) * 255
return background
I reworked #fireant's concept to allow for optional alpha masks and allow any x or y, including values outside of the bounds of the image. It will crop to the bounds.
def overlay_image_alpha(img, img_overlay, x, y, alpha_mask=None):
"""Overlay `img_overlay` onto `img` at (x, y) and blend using optional `alpha_mask`.
`alpha_mask` must have same HxW as `img_overlay` and values in range [0, 1].
if y < 0 or y + img_overlay.shape[0] > img.shape[0] or x < 0 or x + img_overlay.shape[1] > img.shape[1]:
y_origin = 0 if y > 0 else -y
y_end = img_overlay.shape[0] if y < 0 else min(img.shape[0] - y, img_overlay.shape[0])
x_origin = 0 if x > 0 else -x
x_end = img_overlay.shape[1] if x < 0 else min(img.shape[1] - x, img_overlay.shape[1])
img_overlay_crop = img_overlay[y_origin:y_end, x_origin:x_end]
alpha = alpha_mask[y_origin:y_end, x_origin:x_end] if alpha_mask is not None else None
img_overlay_crop = img_overlay
alpha = alpha_mask
y1 = max(y, 0)
y2 = min(img.shape[0], y1 + img_overlay_crop.shape[0])
x1 = max(x, 0)
x2 = min(img.shape[1], x1 + img_overlay_crop.shape[1])
img_crop = img[y1:y2, x1:x2]
img_crop[:] = alpha * img_overlay_crop + (1.0 - alpha) * img_crop if alpha is not None else img_overlay_crop
