I'm working in the field of machine learning.
For the stronger Network, I'm going to adopt the techniques concerning Conv1D.
The input data is an one-dimension list data so I just would've thought that Conv1D is the best choice.
What would happen if the input size is (1, 740)? Would it be okay the input channel is 1?
I mean,I have a feeling that the (1, 740) tensor's conv1D output should be the same with that of a simple Linear networks.
Of course I'll also include other conv1d layer, like below.
self.conv1 = torch.nn.Conv1d(in_channels=1, out_channels=64, kernel_size=5)
self.conv2 = torch.nn.Conv1d(in_channels=64,out_channels=64, kernel_size=5)
self.conv3 = torch.nn.Conv1d(in_channels=64, out_channels=64, kernel_size=5)
self.conv4 = torch.nn.Conv1d(in_channels=64, out_channels=64, kernel_size=5)
Would it make sense when an input channel is 1?
Thanks in advance. :)
I think it's fine.
Note that the input of Conv1D should be (B, N, M), where B is the batch size, N is the number of channels (e.g. for RGB is 3) and M is the number of features.
The out_channels refers to the number of 5x5 filters to use. look at the output shape of the following code:
k = nn.Conv1d(1,64,kernel_size=5)
input = torch.randn(1, 1, 740)
print(k(input).shape) # -> torch.Size([1, 64, 736])
The 736 is the result of not using padding the dimension isn't kept.
The nn.Conv1d layer takes an input of shape (b, c, w) (where b is the batch size, c the number of channels, and w the input width). Its kernel size is one-dimensional. It performs a convolution operation over the input dimension (batch and channel axes aside). This means the kernel will apply the same operation over the whole input (wether 1D, 2D, or 3D). Like a 'sliding window'. As such, it only has kernel_size parameters. This is the main characteristic of a convolution layer.
Conv1d allows to extract features on the input regardless of where it's located in the input data: at the beginning or at the end of your w-width input. This would make sense if your input is temporal (input sequence over time) or spatial data (an image).
On the other hand, a nn.Linear takes a 1D tensor as input and returns another 1D tensor. You could consider w to be the number of neurons. You would end up having w*output_dim parameters. If your input contains components which are independant from one another (like a One/Multi-Hot-Encoding) then a fully connected layer as nn.Linear implements would be prefered.
These two behave differently. When using a nn.Linear - in scenarios where you should use a nn.Conv1d - your training would ideally result in having neurons of equal weights, if that makes sense... but you probably won't. Fully-densely-connected layers were used in the past in deep learning for computer vision. Today convolutions are used because there are much more efficient and suitable for these types of tasks.
I'm trying to get my head around 1D convolution - specifically, how the padding comes into it.
Suppose I have an input sequence of shape (batch,128,1) and run it through the following Keras layer:
tf.keras.layers.Conv1D(32, 5, strides=2, padding="same")
I get an output of shape (batch,64,32), but I don't understand why the sequence length has reduced from 128 to 64... I thought the padding="same" parameter kept the output length the same as the input? I suppose that's only true if strides=1; so in this case I'm confused about what padding="same" actually means.
According to the TensorFlow documents in your case we have:
filters (Number of filters - output dimension) = 32
kernelSize (The filter size) = 5
strides (The unit to move in input data by the convolution layer in each dimensions after applying each convolution) = 2
So applying input in shape (batch, 128, 1) will be to apply 32 kernels (in shape 5) and jump two unit after each convolution - so we have 128 / 2 = 64 value corresponding to each filter and at the end output would be in shape (batch, 64, 32).
padding="same" is just determining the the convolution on borders. For more details you can check here.
So let's assume that I have RGB images of shape [128,128,3], I want to create a CNN with two Conv-ReLu-MaxPool layers as below.
def cnn(input_data):
conv1_weight = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([4,4,3,25], stddev=0.1,),tf.float32)
conv1_bias = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([25]), tf.float32)
conv1 = tf.nn.conv2d(input_data, conv1_weight, [1,1,1,1], 'SAME')
relu1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.add(conv1, conv1_bias))
max_pool1 = tf.nn.max_pool(relu1, [1,2,2,1], [1,1,1,1], 'SAME')
conv2_weight = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([4,4,25,50]),0.1,tf.float32)
conv2_bias = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([50]), tf.float32)
conv2 = tf.nn.conv2d(max_pool1, conv2_weight, [1,1,1,1], 'SAME')
relu2 = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.add(conv2, conv2_bias))
max_pool2 = tf.nn.max_pool(relu2, [1,2,2,1], [1,1,1,1], 'SAME')
After this step, I need to transform the output into 1xN layer for the next fully connected layer. However, I am not sure how I should determine what N is in 1xN. Is there a specific formula including the layer size, strides, max pool size, image size etc? I am pretty lost in this phase of the problem even though I think that I get the intuition behind a CNN.
I understand that you want to transform the multiple 2D feature maps that come out of the last convolutional/pooling layer to a vector that can be fed into a fully-connected layer. Or to be precise and include the batch dimension, go from shape [batch, width, height, feature_maps] to [batch, N].
The above already implies that N = batch * width * height since reshaping keeps the overall number of elements the same. width and height depend on the size of your inputs and the strides of your network layers (convolution and/or pooling).
A stride of x simply divides the size by x. You have inputs of size 128 in each dimension, and two pooling layers with stride 2. Thus after the first pooling layer your images are 64x64 and after the second they are 32x32, so width = height = 32. Normally we would have to account for padding as well but the point of SAME padding is precisely that we don't have to worry about that.
Finally, feature_maps is 50 since that is how many filters your last convolutional layer has (pooling doesn't modify this). So N = 32*32*50 = 51200.
Thus, you should be able to do tf.reshape(max_pool2, [-1, 51200]) (or tf.reshape(max_pool2, [-1, 32*32*50]) to keep it more interpretable) and feed the resulting 2D tensor through a fully-connected layer (i.e. tf.matmul).
The simplest way would be to just use tf.layers.flatten(max_pool2). This function does all the above for you and just gives you the [batch, N] result.
First of all since you are starting out, I would recommend Keras instead of pure tensorflow. And to answer your question regarding the shape refer this blog by Andrej karpathy
Quote from the blog:
We can compute the spatial size of the output volume as a function of the input volume size (W), the receptive field size of the Conv Layer neurons (F), the stride with which they are applied (S), and the amount of zero padding used (P) on the border. You can convince yourself that the correct formula for calculating how many neurons “fit” is given by (W−F+2P)/S+1. For example for a 7x7 input and a 3x3 filter with stride 1 and pad 0 we would get a 5x5 output. With stride 2 we would get a 3x3 output.
Now coming to your tensorflow's implementation:
For the conv1 stage you have given a 4*4 filter having a depth of 25. Since you have used padding="SAME" for conv1 and maxpooling1 your output 2D spatial dimensions will be same as input for both the cases. That is after conv1 your output size is: 128*128*25. For the same reason the output of your maxpool1 layer is also the same. Since you have given padding to be "SAME" for the second conv2 also your output shape is 128*128*50(you changed the output channels). Thus after maxpool2 your dimensions are: batch_size, 128*128*50. Thus before adding Dense layer you have 3 major options:
1) flatten the tensor results in a shape : batch_size, 128*128*50
2) global average pooling results in a shape : batch_size, 50
3) global max pooling also results in a shape : batch_size, 50.
global average pooling layer is similar to average pooling but, we average the entire feature map instead of a window. Hence the name global. For example: in your case you have batch_size, 128,128,50 as your dimensions. This means you have 50 feature maps with spatial dimensions 128*128. What global average pooling does is that, it
Averages the 128*128 feature map to give a single number. Thus you will have 50 values in total. This is very useful in designing fully convolutional architectures like inception, resnet etc. Because, this makes the network's input generic meaning you can send any image size as input to the network. Global max pooling is very similar to above but the slight difference is it finds the max value of the feature map instead of average.
Problems with this architecture:
Generally it is not recommended to use padding = "SAME" in maxpooling layers. If you see the source code of vgg16 you will see that after each block (conv relu and maxpooling) the input size is halved. Thus the general structure is you reduce the spatial dimension while increasing the depth/channels.
Flattening the layer:
var_name = tf.layers.flatten(max_pool2)
Should work, and it's what almost every example of a Tensorflow CNN uses.
Given 2 3D tensors t1 = [?, 1, 1, 1, 2048] and t2 = [?, 3, 1, 1, 256] seen in the image, how would these be concatenated? Currently, I am using:
tf.concat([t1, t2], 4)
However, given that my architecture has a large amount of layers with many concatenations, I eventually have a tensor that is too large (in terms of channels/features) to initialize. Is this the correct way to implement a concatenation layer?
First of all, the shapes of tensors in the inception layer are not like you define. 1x1, 1x3 and 3x1 are the shapes of the filters applied to the image. There are two more parameters in convolution: padding and striding, and depending on their exact values, the result shape can be very different.
In this particular case, the spatial shape doesn't change, only the channels dimension will be 2048 and 256, that's why they can be concatenated. The concatenation of your original t1 and t2 will result in error.
Is this the correct way to implement a concatenation layer?
Yes, feature map concatenation is one of key ideas of inception network and its implementation indeed uses tf.concat (e.g. see inception v1 source code).
Note that this tensor will grow in one direction (channels / features), but contract in spatial dimensions because of downsampling, so it won't get too large. Also note that this tensor is the transformed input data (image), hence unlike the weights, it's not initialized, but rather flows through the network. The weights will be the tensors 1x1x2048=2048, 1x3x224=672, 3x1x256=768, etc - as you can see they are not very big at all, and that's another idea of the inception network.
According to the keras documentation (https://keras.io/layers/convolutional/) the shape of a Conv1D output tensor is (batch_size, new_steps, filters) while the input tensor shape is (batch_size, steps, input_dim). I don't understand how this could be since that implies that if you pass a 1d input of length 8000 where batch_size = 1 and steps = 1 (I've heard steps means the # of channels in your input) then this layer would have an output of shape (1,1,X) where X is the number of filters in the Conv layer. But what happens to the input dimension? Since the X filters in the layer are applied to the entire input dimension shouldn't one of the output dimensions be 8000 (or less depending on padding), something like (1,1,8000,X)? I checked and Conv2D layers behave in a way that makes more sense their output_shape is (samples, filters, new_rows, new_cols) where new_rows and new_cols would be the dimensions of an input image again adjusted based on padding. If Conv2D layers preserve their input dimensions why don't Conv1D layers? Is there something I'm missing here?
Background Info:
I'm trying to visualize 1d convolutional layer activations of my CNN but most tools online I've found seem to just work for 2d convolutional layers so I've decided to write my own code for it. I've got a pretty good understanding of how it works here is the code I've got so far:
# all the model's activation layer output tensors
activation_output_tensors = [layer.output for layer in model.layers if type(layer) is keras.layers.Activation]
# make a function that computes activation layer outputs
activation_comp_function = K.function([model.input, K.learning_phase()], activation_output_tensors)
# 0 means learning phase = False (i.e. the model isn't learning right now)
activation_arrays = activation_comp_function([training_data[0,:-1], 0])
This code is based off of julienr's first comment in this thread, with some modifications for the current version of keras. Sure enough when I use it though all the activation arrays are of shape (1,1,X)... I spent all day yesterday trying to figure out why this is but no luck any help is greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: Turns out I mistook the meaning of the input_dimension with the steps dimension. This is mostly because the architecture I used came from another group that build their model in mathematica and in mathematica an input shape of (X,Y) to a Conv1D layer means X "channels" (or input_dimension of X) and Y steps. A thank you to gionni for helping me realize this and explaining so well how the "input_dimension" becomes the "filter" dimension.
I used to have the same problem with 2D convolutions. The thing is that when you apply a convolutional layer the kernel you are applying is not of size (kernel_size, 1) but actually (kernel_size, input_dim).
If you think of it if it wasn't this way a 1D convolutional layer with kernel_size = 1 would be doing nothing to the inputs it received.
Instead it is computing a weighted average of the input features at each time step, using the same weights for each time step (although every filter uses a different set of weights). I think it helps to visualize input_dim as the number of channels in a 2D convolution of an image, where the same reaoning applies (in that case is the channels that "get lost" and trasformed into the number of filters).
To convince yourself of this, you can reproduce the 1D convolution with a 2D convolution layer using kernel_size=(1D_kernel_size, input_dim) and the same number of filters. Here an example:
from keras.layers import Conv1D, Conv2D
import keras.backend as K
import numpy as np
# create an input with 4 steps and 5 channels/input_dim
channels = 5
steps = 4
filters = 3
val = np.array([list(range(i * channels, (i + 1) * channels)) for i in range(1, steps + 1)])
val = np.expand_dims(val, axis=0)
x = K.variable(value=val)
# 1D convolution. Initialize the kernels to ones so that it's easier to compute the result by hand
conv1d = Conv1D(filters=filters, kernel_size=1, kernel_initializer='ones')(x)
# 2D convolution that replicates the 1D one
# need to add a dimension to your input since conv2d expects 4D inputs. I add it at axis 4 since my keras is setup with `channel_last`
val1 = np.expand_dims(val, axis=3)
x1 = K.variable(value=val1)
conv2d = Conv2D(filters=filters, kernel_size=(1, 5), kernel_initializer='ones')(x1)
# evaluate and print the outputs
As I said, it took me a while too to understand this, I think mostly because no tutorial explains it clearly
Thanks, It's very useful.
here the same code adapted using recent version of tensorflow + keras
and stacking on axis 0 to build the 4D
# %%
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Conv1D, Conv2D
from tensorflow.keras.backend import eval
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
# %%
# create an 3D input with format BLC (Batch, Layer, Channel)
batch = 10
layers = 3
channels = 5
kernel = 2
val3D = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(batch, layers, channels))
x = tf.Variable(val3D.astype('float32'))
# %%
# 1D convolution. Initialize the kernels to ones so that it's easier to compute the result by hand / compare
conv1d = Conv1D(filters=layers, kernel_size=kernel, kernel_initializer='ones')(x)
# %%
# 2D convolution that replicates the 1D one
# need to add a dimension to your input since conv2d expects 4D inputs. I add it at axis 0 since my keras is setup with `channel_last`
# stack 3 time the same
val4D = np.stack([val3D,val3D,val3D], axis=0)
x1 = tf.Variable(val4D.astype('float32'))
# %%
# 2D convolution. Initialize the kernel_size to one for the 1st kernel size so that replicate the conv1D
conv2d = Conv2D(filters=layers, kernel_size=(1, kernel), kernel_initializer='ones')(x1)
# %%
# evaluate and print the outputs
# display only one of the stacked
My input shape is supposed to be 100x100. It represents a sentence. Each word is a vector of 100 dimensions and there are 100 words at maximum in a sentence.
I feed eight sentences to the CNN.I am not sure whether this means my input shape should be 100x100x8 instead.
Then the following lines
Convolution2D(10, 3, 3, border_mode='same',
input_shape=(100, 100))
Input 0 is incompatible with layer convolution2d_1: expected ndim=4, found ndim=3
This does not make sense to me as my input dimension is 2. I can get through it by changing input_shape to (100,100,8). But the "expected ndim=4" bit just does not make sense to me.
I also cannot see why a convolution layer of 3x3 with 10 filters do not accept input of 100x100.
Even I get thru the complains about the "expected ndim=4". I run into problem in my activation layer. There it complains:
Cannot apply softmax to a tensor that is not 2D or 3D. Here, ndim=4
Can anyone explain what is going on here and how to fix it? Many thanks.
I had the same problem and I solved it adding one dimension for channel to input_shape argument.
I suggest following solution:
Convolution2D(10, 3, 3, border_mode='same', input_shape=(100, 100, 1))
the missing dimension for 2D convolutional layers is the "channel" dimension.
For image data, the channel dimension is 1 for grayscale images and 3 for color images.
In your case, to make sure that Keras won't complain, you could use 2D convolution with 1 channel, or 1D convolution with 100 channels.
Ref: http://keras.io/layers/convolutional/#convolution2d
Keras's Convolutional layer takes in 4 dimensional arrays, so you need to structure your input to fit it that way. The dimensions are made up of (batch_size,x_dim,y_dim,channels). This makes a lot of sense in the case of images, which is where CNNs are mostly used, but for your case it gets a bit trickier.
However, batch_size is invariant to the dataset so you need to stack the 8 sentences in the first dimension to get (8,100,100). Channels can be kept to 1 and you need to write it in such a way that keras will accept the data, so expanding the data to (8,100,100,1) would be the input shape you need.