Change the font on odfpy? - python

How can I change the font on odfpy for example, using Arial or comic sans. I've seen some examples but they only use the params "fontsize" and "fontweight". I can't find any example changing the font and the param "font" doesn't seem to work.

Section 5.15.39 in api-for-odfpy.odt lists the style.TextProperties as:
5.15.39 style.TextProperties
Requires the following attributes: No attribute is required.
Allows the following attributes: backgroundcolor, color, condition, country,
countryasian, countrycomplex, display, fontcharset, fontcharsetasian,
fontcharsetcomplex, fontfamily, fontfamilyasian, fontfamilycomplex,
fontfamilygeneric, fontfamilygenericasian, fontfamilygenericcomplex, fontname,
fontnameasian, fontnamecomplex, fontpitch, fontpitchasian, fontpitchcomplex,
fontrelief, fontsize, fontsizeasian, fontsizecomplex, fontsizerel, fontsizerelasian,
fontsizerelcomplex, fontstyle, fontstyleasian, fontstylecomplex, fontstylename,
fontstylenameasian, fontstylenamecomplex, fontvariant, fontweight, fontweightasian,
fontweightcomplex, hyphenate, hyphenationpushcharcount, hyphenationremaincharcount, language, languageasian, languagecomplex, letterkerning, letterspacing, scripttype,
textblinking, textcombine, textcombineendchar, textcombinestartchar, textemphasize,
textlinethroughcolor, textlinethroughmode, textlinethroughstyle, textlinethroughtext,
textlinethroughtextstyle, textlinethroughtype, textlinethroughwidth, textoutline,
textposition, textrotationangle, textrotationscale, textscale, textshadow,
texttransform, textunderlinecolor, textunderlinemode, textunderlinestyle,
textunderlinetype, textunderlinewidth, usewindowfontcolor.
I assume they are accessible in the same way as fontsize and fontweight, as in:
h1style.addElement(TextProperties(attributes={'fontsize':"24pt",'fontweight':"bold" }))
Although, I personally have no intention of loading software this old to test it.


How to remove space between radiobuttons in pyqt5

How To Remove Padding Between Male And Female RadioButtons?
Here's My Code :
def UiComponents(self):
self.label=QLabel("What's Your Gender?")
self.r3=QRadioButton("Rather Not To Say")
Try changing spacing attribute at setStyleSheet() method like so
QRadioButton {
spacing : 20px; #(<- example value)
QGridLayout works like html table - you got columns and rows, column width is equal to wider widget in column, in your case it's label. To avoid stretching first column, span label across all columns using columnSpan argument of addWidget (and button too).
I would recomend using QtDesigner to create ui, it saves a lot of time and effort and also wysiwyg.

Simultaneous bold and italic text in bokeh

How can I specify that I want text (say an axis title) to be both bold and italic in bokeh?
This is bold: text_font_style = 'bold'
This is italic: text_font_style = 'italic'
How do I do both simultaneously? I assume this is possible because of this response on the issue tracker
Some things I have tried without success include:
text_font_style = 'bolditalic'
text_font_style = 'bold+italic'
text_font_style = ('bold', 'italic')
text_font_style = set('bold', 'italic')
# together (in a last ditch effort):
text_font_style = 'bold'
text_font_style = 'italic'
As of Bokeh 0.13 this does not appear to be possible. The FontStyle enum is currently defined as:
FontStyle = enumeration("normal", "italic", "bold")
Which means that a Bokeh text_font_style property will only accept any one on those, i.e. you can only have bold or italic, but not both. I would describe this as a simple oversight that no one has noticed until now. I think fixing this would be as simple as adding new values for the combinations, e.g. "italic bold", to the enum value (and fixing up some some related tests), so I would encourage you to submit a new feature request issue on GitHub.

matplotlib.widgets.TextBox: change color

Is there a way to change TextBox text color at any moment? I tried Google already; my question looks too trivial, but I am still at a loss.
TextBox methods:
: dir(matplotlib.widgets.TextBox)
AxesWidget superclass methods:
: dir(matplotlib.widgets.AxesWidget)
Nothing suggestive. At least, to my eye.
A partial answer only - without knowing the fuller application it isn't obvious whether this helps you. There are 2 pieces of text that you can change the color of: the label and the edit box. Below shows how to change each, once.
import matplotlib.widgets
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = plt.subplot(111)
tb = matplotlib.widgets.TextBox(ax, "Name:", initial="Jane Doe")
tb.label.set_color('red') # label color
tb.text_disp.set_color('blue') # text inside the edit box
If you just want the label text to be different, that persists. But whenever the text inside the edit box (text_disp) is changed, it will be in black again.
This is because widget recreates the text
(by removing and then re-generating and it will be in black again.
The source for the text create method does not have any arguments that the user could modify (color, font size/weight etc) or include as a TextBox instance attribute.
You could write your own subclass that overrides this method. Or perhaps simply setting it after text has been entered is enough for you?

reportlab borderRadius is not working

I'm using reportlab 3.2 with python 2.7.
I'm trying to make put some text in a rounded panel like so:
but I'm getting:
I've tried using borderRadius but it is not making the corners round:
ps_title2 = ParagraphStyle(styles['Normal'],\
fontName=helper.REG_FONT, fontSize=18, textColor=DARK_BLUE,\
leading=22, backColor=LIGHT_BLUE, borderRadius=15)
pr2 = Paragraph('Interpretation summary<br/>something<br/>another thing', ps_title2)
pr2 = Paragraph('my paragraph<br/>something<br/>another thing', ps_title2)
I know another approach is using a table and know how to make a table an put the info in a table but do not know how to make the table corners round.
Drawing canvas is not a good idea because I don't know the coordinates of the section because depending on the content length it would change.
Any ideas how to make the corners round?
For borderRadius to work, you need to set the following values as well:
I looked through the code and figured out that when border color is not set, border radius will not work; also you need to set borderWidth and borderPadding.
Here is what works:
ps_title2 = ParagraphStyle(styles['Normal'],\
fontName=helper.REG_FONT, fontSize=18, textColor=DARK_BLUE,\
leading=22, backColor=LIGHT_BLUE, borderRadius=15, borderColor=LIGHT_BLUE, borderWidth=1, borderPadding=5)

Testing in Python whether one glyph is a reflection of another in the same font

Inspired by List of all unicode's open/close brackets? I'm trying to find a list of all unicode glyphs in a given font that are reflections of each other. First I just need to be able to test whether one glyph is a reflection of another. Below I have two different attempts (two different implementations of my render_char function) but I'm not able to identify '(' and ')' as mirror images using either one. How can I do this?
from PIL import Image,ImageDraw,ImageFont
import freetype
import numpy as np
def render_char0(c):
# Based on
# Needs numpy (blech) and the image comes out the inverse of the way I expect
face = freetype.Face("/Library/Fonts/Verdana.ttf")
face.set_char_size( 48*64 )
bitmap = face.glyph.bitmap
w,h = bitmap.width, bitmap.rows
Z = np.array(bitmap.buffer, dtype=np.ubyte).reshape(h,w)
return Image.fromarray(Z, mode='L').convert('1')
def render_char1(c):
# Based on
verdana_font = ImageFont.truetype("/Library/Fonts/Verdana.ttf", 20, encoding="unic")
text_width, text_height = verdana_font.getsize(c)
canvas ='RGB', (text_width+10, text_height+10), (255, 255, 255))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(canvas)
draw.text((5,5), c, font = verdana_font, fill = "#000000")
return canvas
for render_char in [render_char0, render_char1]:
lparen = render_char('(')
rparen = render_char(')')
mirror = lparen.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
print mirror.tobytes() == rparen.tobytes() # False
There is a text file called BidiMirroring.txt in the Unicode plain-text database with a list of all mirrored characters. That file is easy to parse by programs.
Current url is
I don't think using the rendered glyphs can work reliably. There's a lot of reasons why eg. ( and ) are no exact mirror images, like spacing around the character, hinting and anti-aliasing, maybe the font is slightly slanted, or maybe the font designer has just make the two brackets a bit different etc. Other characters are rotated, rather than mirrored, like “ and ” in some fonts, and the Chinese quotation marks 「 and 」.
I think rendering is the wrong aproach. It depends on the font and wether the font knows how to render this. I heard that unicode characters have a specification for this symmetry. Maybe it is encoded in their name. "LEFT" and "RIGHT" "SUBSCRIPT". Have a look at
