I want to compute auc_score with out using sklearn.
I have a csv file with 2 columns (actual,predicted(probability)). And I want to compute auc score using numpy.trapz() function .
And here is my code
from tqdm import tqdm
def AUC_SCORE(x):
for t in tqdm(x["proba"].unique()):
x['y_pred'] =np.where( x['proba']>=t,1,0)
tpr= tp/(fp+fn)
fpr= fp/(tn+fp)
return np.trapz(t,f)
and i have around 10100 points and it almost takes above 1 hr using google colab.
and i din't get my result and i am getting errors while modifying my code.
is there there any better/any way to compute auc score with out using sklearn.
The problem with your implementation seems to be here:
for t in tqdm(x["proba"].unique()):
You seem to get through each unique values of probabilities, but these are in range 0-1 (probably) and are most likely barely unique, which leads to very long run. You need to translate probability into the label. If you are using binary labels (which from your attempt seems so), you can do following list comprehension:
df["prediction"] = [0 if x<0.5 else 1 for x in df["proba"]]
This way you translate the probability to label and then can sort according to prediction and use unique values in predictions. If you use multilabel predictions, you can extend the above condition according to your needs.
For the performance matter of 1 hr,try to emove tqdm in the loop
for t in tqdm(x["proba"].unique()):
so modify it to:
for t in (x["proba"].unique()):
tqdm is used to show a progess line in loop with ranges, and does not have any effect in the caluculated results.
But I do not know its effects in performance with x["proba"].unique(), it was tested against direct sequences like ranges.
I am anxious to know the result of your try
waiting for your test results in comments.
I am given a test set without the response variable. I have already built the model and need to predict the response variable in the testing set.
I am having trouble formatting the test design matrix so that it would be compatible.
I am using patsy library to construct the matrix.
I want to do something like this, except the code below does not work:
X = dmatrices('Response ~ var1 + var2', test, return_type = 'dataframe')
What is the right approach? thanks
If you used patsy to fit the model in the first place, then you should tell it "hey, you know how you built my first design matrix? build me another the same way":
# Set up training data
train_Y, train_X = dmatrices("Response ~ ...", train, return_type="dataframe")
# Save patsy's record of how it built this matrix:
design_info = train_X.design_info
# Re-use it to build the test matrix
test_X = dmatrix(design_info, test, return_type="dataframe")
Alternatively, you could build a new matrix from scratch:
# Use 'dmatrix' and leave out the left-hand-side of the formula
test_X = dmatrix("~ ...", test, return_type="dataframe")
The first approach is better if you can do it. For example, suppose you have a categorical variable that you're letting patsy encode for you. And suppose that there are 10 categories that show up in your training set, but only 5 of them occur in your test set. If you use the first approach, then patsy will remember what the 10 categories where, and generate a test matrix with 10 columns (some of them all-zeros). If you use the second approach, then patsy will generate a training matrix with 10 columns and a test matrix with 5 columns, and then your model code is probably going to crash because the matrix isn't the shape it expects.
Another case where this matters is if you use patsy's center function to center a variable: with the first approach it will automatically remember what value it subtracted off from the training data and re-use it for the test data, which is what you want. With the second approach it will recompute the center using the test data, which can lead to you silently getting really really wrong results.
I have built a classifier, trained and tested on labeled data. Now I want to test it further by making predictions on a dataset without the labels. I already know the labels myself, but I want to remove them for the purpose of testing, and have it print out the values with a 0 prediction so I can compare the accuracy myself. I'm using the following code to iterate through my dataset and make a prediction for each row in the DataFrame;
malware = set()
for index, row in dataset.iterrows():
res = clf.predict([row])
if res == 0:
f.write(str(malware) + "\n")
It seems to be working, however it's not a quick process, is there a better way or anything I can do to speed it up?
Using a for loop to iterate through elements in a dataset is slow in general. What you want to do is apply your function to every element in the column(s), and generate a series of labels according to the result. (Assuming you're using Pandas for the dataframe, by the way)
You can then just scan through this series with a for loop. That should be relatively instant.
After a bit of work I have turned the comment from Ding into a workable answer that is much quicker. My new code is;
from collections import OrderedDict
malware = []
malware.append(OrderedDict.fromkeys(dataset.index[clf.predict(dataset) == 0]))
print (malware)
Thanks very much Ding!
I wrote a code which is working perfectly with the small size data, but when I run it over a dataset with 52000 features, it seems to be stuck in the below function:
def extract_neighboring_OSM_nodes(ref_nodes,cor_nodes):
print "here we start finding neighbors at ", time_start
for ref_node in ref_nodes:
buffered_node = ref_node[2].buffer(10)
for cor_node in cor_nodes:
if cor_node[2].within(buffered_node):
# node[4][:] = [cor_nodes.index(x) for x in cor_nodes if x[2].within(buffered_node)]
print "neighbor extraction took ", time_end
return ref_nodes
the ref_node and cor_node are a list of tuples as follows:
[(FID, point, geometry, links, neighbors)]
neighbors is an empty list which is going to be populated in the above function.
As I said the last message printed out is the first print command in this function. it seems that this function is so slow but for 52000 thousand features it should not take 24 hours, should it?
Any Idea where the problem would be or how to make the function faster?
You can try multiprocessing, here is an example - http://pythongisandstuff.wordpress.com/2013/07/31/using-arcpy-with-multiprocessing-%E2%80%93-part-3/.
If you want to get K Nearest Neighbors of every (or some, it doesn't matter) sample of a dataset or eps neighborhood of samples, there is no need to implement it yourself. There is libraries out there specially for this purpose.
Once they built the data structure (usually some kind of tree) you can query the data for neighborhood of a certain sample. Usually for high dimensional data these data structure are not as good as they are for low dimensions but there is solutions for high dimensional data as well.
One I can recommend here is KDTree which has a Scipy implementation.
I hope you find it useful as I did.
beside the correct language ID langid.py returns a certain value - "The value returned is a score for the language. It is not a probability esimate, as it is not normalized by the document probability since this is unnecessary for classification."
But what does the value mean??
I'm actually the author of langid.py. Unfortunately, I've only just spotted this question now, almost a year after it was asked. I've tidied up the handling of the normalization since this question was asked, so all the README examples have been updated to show actual probabilities.
The value that you see there (and that you can still get by turning normalization off) is the un-normalized log-probability of the document. Because log/exp are monotonic, we don't actually need to compute the probability to decide the most likely class. The actual value of this log-prob is not actually of any use to the user. I should probably have never included it, and I may remove its output in the future.
I think this is the important chunk of langid.py code:
def nb_classify(fv):
# compute the log-factorial of each element of the vector
logfv = logfac(fv).astype(float)
# compute the probability of the document given each class
pdc = np.dot(fv,nb_ptc) - logfv.sum()
# compute the probability of the document in each class
pd = pdc + nb_pc
# select the most likely class
cl = np.argmax(pd)
# turn the pd into a probability distribution
pd /= pd.sum()
return cl, pd[cl]
It looks to me that the author is calculating something like the multinomial log-posterior of the data for each of the possible languages. logfv calculates the logarithm of the denominator of the PMF (x_1!...x_k!). np.dot(fv,nb_ptc) calculates the
logarithm of the p_1^x_1...p_k^x_k term. So, pdc looks like the list of language conditional log-likelihoods (except that it's missing the n! term). nb_pc looks like the prior probabilities, so pd would be the log-posteriors. The normalization line, pd /= pd.sum() confuses me, since one usually normalizes probability-like values (not log-probability values); also, the examples in the documentation (('en', -55.106250761034801)) don't look like they've been normalized---maybe they were generated before the normalization line was added?
Anyway, the short answer is that this value, pd[cl] is a confidence score. My understanding based on the current code is that they should be values between 0 and 1/97 (since there are 97 languages), with a smaller value indicating higher confidence.
Looks like a value that tells you how certain the engine is that it guessed the correct language for the document. I think generally the closer to 0 the number, the more sure it is, but you should be able to test that by mixing languages together and passing them in to see what values you get out. It allows you to fine tune your program when using langid depending upon what you consider 'close enough' to count as a match.
I am trying to do some classification task with python and SVM.
From collected data I extracted the feature vectors for each class and created a training set. The feature vectors have n-dimensions(39 or more). So, say for 2 classes I have a set of 39-d feature vectors and a single array of class labels corresponding to each entry in the feature vector.Currently, I am using mlpy and doing something like this:
import numpy as np
import mlpy
svm=mlpy.Svm('gaussian') #tried a linear kernel too but not having the convergence
instance= np.vstack((featurevector1,featurevector1))
#Assigning a label(+1/-1) for each entry in instance, (+1 for entries coming from
#featurevector 1 and -1 for featurevector2
svm.compute(instance,label) #it converges and outputs 1
svm.predict(testdata) #This one says all class label are 1 only whereas I ve testing data from both classes
Am I doing some mistake here? Or should I use some other library? Please help.
I don't use mlpy, but np.ones((1,len(featurevector1)) should perhaps be just np.ones(len(featurevector1)) --
print .shape of each to see the difference.
(If you have a link to public data anything like yours, could you post it please ?)