i'm pretty new to python, so my knowledge is quiet basic. (i'm a system engineer)
i have a raspberry pi, an led strip and a python script to simulate a fire on the led strip :D
now i want to start the script by pressing my flic button. i found the fliclib sdk on github and installed it. my problem is now, how to handle the event correctly. i successfully can start the script, but i'd like to stop it by doublepress the flic button. but it seems like i'm stuck in the fire.py script as soon as i press the button once. can anybody help me how to set this up correctly please? :-)
Edit after suggestion:
i just edited my scripts as the following. i can see when the button is pressed once or twice with this output:
Starting Fire
Stopping Fire
but the led wont turn on, seems like, fire.py isn't opened or something like that.. when i set button=1 in fire.py itself, the fire turns on.
#!/usr/bin/env /usr/bin/python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import flicbutton
import fire
button = 0
#!/usr/bin/env /usr/bin/python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import fliclib
client = fliclib.FlicClient("localhost")
MyButton1 = '80:e4:da:71:83:42' #turquoise flic button
def got_button(bd_addr):
cc = fliclib.ButtonConnectionChannel(bd_addr)
cc.on_button_single_or_double_click_or_hold = some_handler
cc.on_connection_status_changed = \
lambda channel, connection_status, disconnect_reason: \
print(channel.bd_addr + " " + str(connection_status) + (" " + str(disconnect_reason) if connection_status == fliclib.ConnectionStatus.Disconnected else ""))
def got_info(items):
for bd_addr in items["bd_addr_of_verified_buttons"]:
def some_handler(channel, click_type, was_queued, time_diff):
if channel.bd_addr == MyButton1:
if click_type == fliclib.ClickType.ButtonSingleClick:
print("Starting Fire")
if click_type == fliclib.ClickType.ButtonDoubleClick:
print("Stopping Fire")
if click_type == fliclib.ClickType.ButtonHold:
print("ButtonHold has not been assigned an action")
except Exception:
import datetime
print('An error occured: {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(datetime.datetime.now()))
client.on_new_verified_button = got_button
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import threading
import time
import random
import math
R = 17
G = 22
pwms = []
intensity = 1.0
def initialize_gpio():
GPIO.setup([17,22], GPIO.OUT)
def red_light():
p = GPIO.PWM(R, 300)
while True:
p.ChangeDutyCycle(min(random.randint(50, 100) * math.pow(intensity + 0.1, 0.75), 100) if intensity > 0 else 0)
def green_light():
global green_dc
p = GPIO.PWM(G, 300)
while True:
p.ChangeDutyCycle(random.randint(5, 10) * math.pow(intensity, 2) if intensity > 0 else 0)
def rand_flicker_sleep():
time.sleep(random.randint(3,10) / 100.0)
def fan_the_flame(_):
global intensity
intensity = min(intensity + 0.25, 1.0)
def light_candle():
threads = [
## threading.Thread(target=burning_down)
for t in threads:
t.daemon = True
for t in threads:
def startfire():
print("\nPress ^C (control-C) to exit the program.\n")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
for p in pwms:
def stopfire():
#if __name__ == '__main__':
# main()
if button == 1:
if button == 2:
Have a common (global variable) that both codes can read, you can put this in a standalone file that both codes can access. So script 1 updates this variable like
if(single press): variable=1
elif(double press): variable=2
then in fire.py you can poll the variable.
if(varaible==1): start/stop fire
elif(variable==2): stop/start fire
else: #throw error
I'm sure there are more efficient ways to do this, but this method should be the easiest to understand.
I want to make a task/time manager. I want the list of tasks to be at the top and a question to add a new task if the user wants, but the problem is that I can't keep my to-do list in the top and I can't make it updated. What should I do?
This is my code, this is the form I want and the code I've written:
TASKS:(I want this to be updated)
do you want to add a task(YES/NO):
when do you want to start the task (HOUR:MINUTE):
task_num = 0
k = False
print("YOUR TASKS")
if k == True:
print("\r", tasks)
print("tasks" + ":" + str(task_num), "\n\n")
active = True
while active:
add_task = input("do you want to add a task(YES/NO):",)
if add_task != 'YES':
active = False
k = True
start_time = input("when do you want to start the task (HOUR:MINUTE):")
end_time = input("when do you want to complete it:")
task_name = input("what do you want to call it:")
start_h, start_m = start_time.split(":")
end_h, end_m = end_time.split(":")
duration = str(abs(int(end_h) - int(start_h))) + ":" + str(abs(int(end_m) - int(start_m)))
task = {"task name": task_name, "start time": start_time, "end time": end_time, "duration": duration}
task_num += 1
tasks[task_num] = task
for key in tasks.keys():
task_key = tasks[key]
for key1 in task_key.keys():
print(key1, ":", task_key[key1], end='|',)
On POSIX systems clear -x command works like a charm. It preserves the current scroll buffer and produces almost zero flickering. Combine that with hiding the cursor, ah it is marvelous.
import sys
import subprocess
sys.stdout.write('\033[?25l') # hide cursor
subprocess.run(['clear', '-x'])
sys.stdout.write('\033[?25h') # show cursor
On Windows, on the other hand, you'll probably need colorama package installed and initialized.See https://github.com/tartley/colorama
On Windows cmd:
import sys
import shutil
height = shutil.get_terminal_size().lines
h = height * '\n'
# move cursor down and up.
On Windows Terminal and other modern terminal emulators:
import sys
import shutil
height = shutil.get_terminal_size().lines
# clear the screen with the ANSI sequence.
sys.stdout.write((height - 1) * '\n' + '\033[2J')
Play with them and see what works for you.
I would like to take input from pySimpleGUI, feed it into a normal Python var, then feed it into a music processor as I love music.
I had already tried to use wxPython for this but was unable to even get a simple fileDialog without crashing.
from pydub import AudioSegment
from os import listdir
import numpy as np
import math
import PySimpleGUI as sg
class Dankify():
song_dir = "songs"
attenuate_db = 0
accentuate_db = 2
yeet = sg.Window('Dankify ALL THE THINGS!'). Layout([[sg.Text('Filename')], [sg.Input(), sg.FileBrowse()], [sg.OK(), sg.Cancel()] ]).Read()
event, values = yeet.Read()
yeet1 = event, values
def bass_line_freq(track):
sample_track = list(track)
# c-value
est_mean = np.mean(sample_track)
# a-value
est_std = 3 * np.std(sample_track) / (math.sqrt(2))
bass_factor = int(round((est_std - est_mean) * 0.005))
return bass_factor
songfile = yeet1
for filename in listdir(songfile):
sample = AudioSegment.from_mp3(songfile)
filtered = sample.low_pass_filter(bass_line_freq(sample.get_array_of_samples()))
combined = (sample - attenuate_db).overlay(filtered + accentuate_db)
combined.export("exports/" + filename.replace(".mp3", "") + "-export.mp3", format="mp3")
However, it just does nothing, not even processing it. A reminder that I am using some open-source code and that I'm a beginner which knows nothing about how all this works and am trying to build real stuff to gain experience. Thanks!
I guess you are missing the "event loop".
Try something like this, hope it helps.
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import PySimpleGUI27 as sg
layout = [[sg.Text('Your typed chars appear here:'), sg.Text('', key='_OUTPUT_') ],
[sg.Input(do_not_clear=True, key='_IN_')],
[sg.Button('Show'), sg.Button('Exit')]]
window = sg.Window('Window Title').Layout(layout)
while True: # Event Loop
event, values = window.Read()
print(event, values)
if event is None or event == 'Exit':
if event == 'Show':
# change the "output" element to be the value of "input" element
You're doing 2 Read calls.
Try changing to this:
yeet = sg.Window('Dankify ALL THE THINGS!').Layout(
[[sg.Text('Filename')], [sg.Input(), sg.FileBrowse()], [sg.OK(), sg.Cancel()]])
event, values = yeet.Read()
Without the Read on the end of the first statement.
You are instantiating this class, right?
d = Dankify()
Good Day:
I am trying to write some python code to control a gnuradio block. To illustrate the issue I encountered, I have created a simple flowgraph consisting of an audio source connected to the sound card. There is a single gnuradio companion WX GUI element (a variable slider) to control the audio frequency. I tried to take the python code created by gnuradio companion and create an object within python, then create two threads. One thread starts the GNUradio object, the second thread queries the user to input a frequency, then queries the object's frequency and prints it to the terminal for confirmation.
When the code is run, the audio generator starts, the WX GUI slider is shown, and the terminal prompts the user to input a frequency. When the frequency is input via the terminal query, that number is echoed back as expected but the GNUradio block does not change its frequency. Changing the frequency via the WX GUI slider works as expected.
Obviously I'm not linking the variable to the GNUradio block correctly. The code is copied below, any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you.
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# GNU Radio Python Flow Graph
# Title: Top Block
# Generated: Wed Oct 4 06:04:54 2017
if __name__ == '__main__':
import ctypes
import sys
if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
x11 = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('libX11.so')
print "Warning: failed to XInitThreads()"
from gnuradio import analog
from gnuradio import audio
from gnuradio import eng_notation
from gnuradio import gr
from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option
from gnuradio.filter import firdes
from gnuradio.wxgui import forms
from grc_gnuradio import wxgui as grc_wxgui
from optparse import OptionParser
import wx
import threading
from threading import Thread
class top_block(grc_wxgui.top_block_gui):
def __init__(self):
grc_wxgui.top_block_gui.__init__(self, title="Top Block")
_icon_path = "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/gnuradio-grc.png"
self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(_icon_path, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY))
# Variables
self.samp_rate = samp_rate = 32000
self.freq = freq = 1000
# Blocks
_freq_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
self._freq_text_box = forms.text_box(
self._freq_slider = forms.slider(
self.audio_sink_0 = audio.sink(samp_rate, "", True)
self.analog_sig_source_x_0 = analog.sig_source_f(samp_rate, analog.GR_COS_WAVE, freq, .25, 0)
# Connections
self.connect((self.analog_sig_source_x_0, 0), (self.audio_sink_0, 0))
def get_samp_rate(self):
return self.samp_rate
def set_samp_rate(self, samp_rate):
self.samp_rate = samp_rate
def get_freq(self):
return self.freq
def set_freq(self, freq):
self.freq = freq
toneGen = top_block()
def runToneGen():
def userInput():
while True:
freq = raw_input("Enter frequency: ")
toneGen.freq = freq
print "tone generator freq set to: ",toneGen.freq," Hz"
#initiate thread to query user for freq
uiThread = Thread(target=userInput, args=())
#initiate thread to run gnuradio block
gnuThread = Thread(target=runToneGen, args=())
I believe I have found the answer to my own question. In the code sample above, in the 'userInput()' definition, I was trying to change the frequency of the tone generator block by directly setting the variable 'toneGen.freq'. This did not work. In order to correctly set the frequency the method 'set_freq' in the toneGen object must be used with this syntax:
this function call will correctly set the audio frequency of the generator and update the UI slider.
I am trying to detect two events in two different GPIOs in the Beaglebone Black, and then decide which one happened first. I am using Adafruit_BBIO.GPIO for the code which is written in Python. It is not working properly, and have no idea why. Here is the code:
import sys
import thread
import time
from datetime import datetime
import bitarray
import Adafruit_BBIO.GPIO as GPIO
gpio_state = [0, 0]
gpio_time = [0, 0]
ir_recv = ['GPIO0_26', 'GPIO1_12']
def checkEvent(index):
while True:
if GPIO.event_detected(ir_recv[index]):
if (gpio_state[index] == 0):
gpio_state[index] = 1
gpio_time[index] = datetime.now()
print ir_recv[index]
time.sleep(5) # time to avoid rebounces
for gpio in ir_recv:
GPIO.setup(gpio, GPIO.IN)
GPIO.add_event_detect(gpio, GPIO.RISING)
thread.start_new_thread(checkEvent, (0, ) )
thread.start_new_thread(checkEvent, (1, ) )
print "Error: unable to start thread"
while True:
if (gpio_state[0] == 1) and (gpio_state[1] == 1):
if gpio_time[0] > gpio_time[1]:
print "1"
if gpio_time[0] < gpio_time[1]:
print "2"
if gpio_time[0] == gpio_time[1]:
print "???"
gpio_state[0] = 0
gpio_state[1] = 0
gpio_time[0] = 0
gpio_time[1] = 0
I don't get any error. The main problem is that the events are not compared correctly, e.g. although event in GPIO0_26 happens first than the one in GPIO1_12 (i.e. gpio_time[0] is smaller than gpio_time[1]), the output in the last While loop does not print out "2". Also sometimes the code prints out twice the GPIO pin from the threads.
Thanks in advance for any suggestion to find a solution.
I'd recommend using PyBBIO for this (granted, I am the author). It has an interrupt API which is based on epoll (for kernel level interrupt signalling), and would greatly simplify this. Something like this should do the trick (I haven't tested it):
from datetime import datetime
from bbio import *
gpio_state = [0, 0]
gpio_time = [0, 0]
ir_recv = ['GPIO0_26', 'GPIO1_12']
def getInterrupt(index):
gpio_time[index] = datetime.now()
gpio_state[index] = 1
print "received interrupt from {} at {}".fomrat(ir_recv[index],
def setup():
for i in range(len(ir_recv)):
pinMode(ir_recv[i], INPUT, pull=-1)
# The optional pull=-1 enables the internal pull-down resistor
attachInterrupt(ir_recv[0], lambda: getInterrupt(0), RISING)
attachInterrupt(ir_recv[1], lambda: getInterrupt(1), RISING)
def loop():
# You can do other stuff here while you're waiting...
run(setup, loop)
And you should make sure your PyBBIO is up to date with:
# pip install -U PyBBIO
I've got a program that will eventually receive data from an external source over serial, but I'm trying to develop the display-side first.
I've got this "main" module that has the simulated data send and receive. It updates a global that is used by a Matplotlib stripchart. All of this works.
# Name: BBQData
# Purpose: Gets the data from the Arduino, and runs the threads.
import time
import math
import random
from threading import Thread
import my_globals as bbq
import sys
import BBQStripChart as sc
import serial
import BBQControl as control
ser = serial.serial_for_url('loop://', timeout=10)
def simData():
newTime = time.time()
if not hasattr(simData, "lastUpdate"):
simData.lastUpdate = newTime # it doesn't exist yet, so initialize it
simData.firstTime = newTime # it doesn't exist yet, so initialize it
if newTime > simData.lastUpdate:
simData.lastUpdate = newTime
return (140 + 0.05*(simData.lastUpdate - simData.firstTime), \
145 + 0.022*(simData.lastUpdate - simData.firstTime), \
210 + random.randrange(-10, 10))
return None
def serialDataPump():
testCtr = 0;
while not bbq.closing and testCtr<100:
newData = simData()
if newData != None:
reportStr = "D " + "".join(['{:3.0f} ' for x in newData]) + '\n'
reportStr = reportStr.format(*newData)
ser.write(bytes(reportStr, 'ascii'))
bbq.closing = True
def serialDataRcv():
while not bbq.closing:
line = ser.readline()
rcvdTime = time.time()
temps = str(line, 'ascii').split(" ")
temps = temps[1:-1]
for j, x in enumerate(temps):
def main():
sendThread = Thread(target = serialDataPump)
receiveThread = Thread(target = serialDataRcv)
# sc.runUI()
control.runControl() #blocks until user closes window
bbq.closing = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
## testSerMain()
However, I'd like to add a SEPARATE tkinter window that just has the most recent data on it, a close button, etc. I can get that window to come up, and show data initially, but none of the other threads run. (and nothing works when I try to run the window and the plot at the same time.)
# Name: BBQ Display/Control
# Purpose: displays current temp data, and control options
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.font
import my_globals as bbq
import threading
fontSize = 78
class BBQControl(tk.Tk):
def __init__(self,parent):
self.parent = parent
self.labelFont = tkinter.font.Font(family='Helvetica', size=int(fontSize*0.8))
self.dataFont = tkinter.font.Font(family='Helvetica', size=fontSize, weight = 'bold')
def makeWindow(self):
btnClose = tk.Button(self,text=u"Close")
lblFood = tk.Label(self,anchor=tk.CENTER, text="Food Temps", \
font = self.labelFont)
lblPit = tk.Label(self,anchor=tk.CENTER, text="Pit Temps", \
font = self.labelFont)
self.food1Temp = tk.StringVar()
lblFoodTemp1 = tk.Label(self,anchor=tk.E, \
textvariable=self.food1Temp, font = self.dataFont)
#spawn thread to update temps
updateThread = threading.Thread(target = self.updateLoop)
def updateLoop(self):
def runControl():
app = BBQControl(None)
app.title('BBQ Display')
app.after(0, app.updateLoop)
bbq.closing = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
Your title sums up the problem nicely: Tkinter doesn't play well with threads. That's not a question, that's the answer.
You can only access tkinter widgets from the same thread that created the widgets. If you want to use threads, you'll need your non-gui threads to put data on a queue and have the gui thread poll the queue periodically.
One way of getting tkinter to play well with threads is to modify the library so all method calls run on a single thread. Two other questions deal with this same problem: Updating a TKinter GUI from a multiprocessing calculation and Python GUI is not responding while thread is executing. In turn, the given answers point to several modules that help to solve the problem you are facing. Whenever I work with tkinter, I always use the safetkinter module in case threads appear to be helpful in the program.