I am working on a school project and I am trying to simulate a library's catalogue system. I have .csv files that hold all the data I need but I am having a problem with checking if an inputted title, author, bar code, etc. is in the data set. I have searched around for quite a while trying different solutions but nothing is working.
The idea that I have right now is that if I can find at what line the inputted data, then I can use .loc[] to get the needed info.
Is this the right track? is there another, more efficient way to do this?
import pandas
mainData = pandas.read_csv("mainData.csv")
barcodes = mainData["Barcode"]
authors = mainData["Author"]
titles = mainData["Title/Subtitle"]
callNumbers = mainData["Call Number"]
k = "Han, Jenny,"
for i in authors:
if k == i:
k = authors.index[k]
print("Fail" + k)
# Please Note: This code only checks for an author match and has all other fields left out as I thought this code was too inefficient to add the rest of the fields. The code also does not find the line on witch the matched are located, therefore .loc[] can not be used to print out all the data found.
This is the code I am using right now, It outputs the result along with an error Python IndexError: only integers, slices (\`:\`), ellipsis (\`\...\`), numpy.newaxis (\`None\`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices and is very slow. I would like the code to be able to output the books and their respective info. I have found the the .loc[] feature (mentioned above) outputs the info quite nicely. Here is the data I am using .
Edit: I have been able to reduce the time it takes for the program to run and made a functional "prototype"
authorFirst = authorFirst.lower()
authorFirst = authorFirst.title()
authorFirst += ","
authorSecond = input("Enter author's last name: ")
authorSecond = authorSecond.lower()
authorSecond = authorSecond.title()
authorSecond += ", "
authorInput = authorSecond + authorFirst
bookChoice = input("Please Enter the number to the left of the barcode to select a book: ")
id provides the functionality that I am looking for but I feel that there has to be a better way of doing it. (Not asking the user to input the row number). Idk if this is possible tho.
I am new to python and this is my first time using pandas so i'm sorry if this is really shitty and hurts your brain.
Thank-you so much for your time!
Pandas does not really need to find the numeric index of something, to do indexing.
Since you have not provided any starting point or data, I'll just provide a few pointers here as there are mans ways to match and index things in pandas.
import pandas as pd
# build a library
library = pd.DataFrame({
"Author": ["H.G. Wells", "Hubert Selby Jr.", "Ken Kesey"],
"Title": [
"The War of the Worlds",
"Requiem for a Dream",
"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest",
"Published": [1898, 1979, 1962],
# find on some characteristics
mask_wells = library.Author.str.contains("Wells")
mask_rfad = library["Title"] == "Requiem for a Dream"
mask_xixth = library["Published"] < 1900
in this problem, i have file.txt that looks like
Solomon Islands:2427
Burkina Faso:1866
my current code looks like
def makeDicts():
incomeDict = dict()
countryDict = dict()
countryList =[]
gdpList = []
initialList = []
with open('lab8.txt','r') as f:
for line in f:
line= line.upper().strip().split(':')
initial =line[0][0]
for i in range(len(countryList)):
incomeDict[countryList[i]] = gdpList[i]
if initialList[i] not in countryDict:
countryDict[initialList[i]] = set()
countryDict[initialList[i]].add( countryList[i])
return (incomeDict,countryDict)
userinp = input('Enter File Name: ')
incomeDict , countryDict = makeDicts()
while True:
x = input("Enter a Coutry name or letter or DONE to quit: ")
x = x.upper()
if x=='DONE':
I know the function is made correctly as it was made based on exact instructions but I need to make the lower program which I am having trouble with these are the tasks.
For this exercise, we will write a program that makes use of two dictionaries. The program
will be able to do two different functions:
If a country name is entered, the program should report the per capita gross domestic
product (GDP) of that country.
If a letter is entered, the program should report all the countries that it has in the
system that start with that letter.
Finally, the specifications ask us to prompt the user for either an initial which returns the set of countries that start with that initial, or a country name that returns the corresponding income, or the word “DONE” which exits the program. We can accomplish this using a while loop that will run until the user enters “DONE”. It will check if the user entered text is in any of the dictionaries and return the appropriate value at that key. Write this into a main() function, with the following suggestions:
First, to construct the dictionaries, write a line of code like incomeDict , countryDict = makeDicts()
Write a while loop and repeated prompt the user for input.
After converting the input to upper-case, you should test whether the user typed in a country name or an initial. These can both be accomplished by testing whether the user input is a key in one of the dictionaries. For instance, if the user input is in a variable called x, then ‘x in countryDict’ will test if the user typed in a letter that is the start of one or more country names.
If the user types in a letter, report all of the countries that start with that letter: These countries start with F: {'FINLAND', 'FIJI', 'FRANCE'}
If the user types in a country name, report the per capita GDP of that country: FINLAND has per capita GDP of 46344
If the user types in DONE, then quit the program.
For all other inputs, report an error and prompt again.
can you please help me finish this
I have tried the code that I wrote above but I do not know how to scan the dictionarys and produce the output based on the instructions.
I do not know what type of functions or opperators I can use?
After the if x=='DONE': line, you will want to say as:
if x == 'DONE':
elif len(x) == 1:
if x in countryDict:
print(f"These countries start with {x}: {countryDict[x]}")
print(f"No contries start with {x}")
if x in incomeDict:
print(f"{x} has per capita GDP of {incomeDict[x]}")
print(f"Country {x} not registered")
As a side note, the too small indentation may make the code less readable (IMHO).
I'm a beginner in Python and I'm trying to solve this problem.
I'm trying to write a code where you can put your name and the amount that you want to donate.
The thing is, deppending on the amount of the donation you can have more chances to be the winner.
Eg. If you donate $10 (1 chance), $20(2 chances), $30(3 chances).
My biggest problem is because I can't figure out how to solve this problem when the person insert $30 its name goes to the list 3 times and so on. I tried to use "for..inrange():" but without any sucess. Can someone explain me how to do this?
from random import shuffle
from random import choice
list = []
while True:
name = str(input('Write your name: '))
donation = float(input('Enter the amount you want to donate.: $ '))
print('You donated $ {}. Thank you {} for you donation!'.format(donation, name))
print('[1] YES')
print('[2] NO')
answer = int(input('Would you like to make another donation? '))
if answer == 1:
winner = choice(list)
print('The winner was: {}' .format(winner))
First do not use the name of a built-in type as a (meaningless) variable name. Change list to entry_list.
For the particular problem
compute the quantity of chances;
make a list of the person's name that many times;
extend the entry list with that list of repeated name.
entry_list = []
while ...
chances = int(donation) // 10
entry_list.extend( [name] * chances )
An alternative to adding another loop with additional control flow, you can use list.extend() with a list expression:
num_chances = donation // 10
chances = [name] * num_chances
Note that list is a built-in python identifier, and it's not a good idea to overwrite it. I've used all_chances instead.
Rather than adding extra names to the list to represent the higher chance, you could use the donations as weights in the random.choices function:
from random import choices
names, donations = [], []
while True:
names.append(input('Write your name: '))
donations.append(float(input('Enter the amount you want to donate.: $')))
print(f'You donated ${donations[-1]}. Thank you {names[-1]} for your donation!')
print('[1] YES')
print('[2] NO')
if input('Would you like to make another donation? ') != '1':
winner = choices(names, donations)[0]
print(f'The winner was: {winner}')
This allows for non-integer donations to be counted fairly -- e.g. if Bob donates $0.25 and Fred donates $0.50, the drawing will still work in a reasonable way. It also allows very large donations to be handled without tanking the performance of the program -- if you have one list entry per dollar donated, what happens if Elon donates $20B and Jeff donates $30B? (The answer is that your fan spins really fast for a while and then the program crashes because you can't create a list with 50 billion elements -- but this is not a problem if you simply have a list of two elements with large int values.)
Note that shuffle is not necessary if you're using random.choices (or random.choice for that matter) because those functions will already make a random selection from the list.
You can use a for loop to append the name to the list more than one time :
for i in range(donation//10):
This code should do the job. Please follow good naming conventions as pointed out by others. I have changed the list variable to donations as it is forbidden to use keywords as variables.
I have included the name in donations int(name) // 10 times using the extend function as pointed out by others. You may change the number of times as you wish.
from random import shuffle
from random import choice
donations = []
makeDonation = True
winner = "Unknown"
while makeDonation:
name = str(input('Write your name: '))
donation = float(input('Enter the amount you want to donate.: $ '))
donations.extend([name for i in range ( int(donation) // 10)])
print('You donated $ {}. Thank you {} for you donation!'.format(donation, name))
print('[1] YES')
print('[2] NO')
answer = int(input('Would you like to make another donation? '))
if answer == 2:
makeDonation = False
winner = choice(donations)
print('The winner was: {}' .format(winner))
I'm currently studying Computer Science at GCSE level, and am nearing my first controlled assessment. Last week we moved onto learning about lists, but for the purpose of this weeks assignment, we need to create an improved version of our address book task using a 2D array. The purpose of the task is to allow the user to enter as many people as they require into an address book, and ask them for four pieces of information. This information is to be then printed onto the screen underneath.
Be that as it may, I'm encountering an error when entering more than one person into the address book, with the error list index out of range. I've read some posts on here already about the aforementioned error, but still don't seem to quite understand it fully. Any aid would be highly appreciated.
Here is my code thus far:
addressbook = ([])
number = int(input("How many people would you like in your address book:"))
for loop in range (0,number,1):
addressbook.append([(str(input("\nPlease enter your full name:")))])
addressbook.append([(str(input("Please enter your home address:")))])
addressbook.append([(str(input("Please enter your hometown:")))])
addressbook.append([(str(input("Please enter your mobile number:")))])
print("\nName:",addressbook[0][loop],"\nHomeaddress:",addressbook[1][loop],"\nHometown:",addressbook[2][loop],"\nMobile number:",addressbook[3][loop])
With the following error appearing:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Computer Science\Python\Address%20book.py", line 23, in <module>
print("\nName:",addressbook[0][loop],"\nHomeaddress:",addressbook[1][loop],"\nHometown:",addressbook[2][loop],"\nMobile number:",addressbook[3][loop])
IndexError: list index out of range
Rather than think of addressbook as a two-dimensional array of information about people, think of each dimension separately. An addressbook is a one-dimensional array of persons. Each person is, in turn, a one-dimensional array of information.
Bringing that thinking to our code can make the purpose much clearer:
# An address boook is an arary of persons
addressbook = []
number = int(input("How many people would you like in your address book:"))
# Create several persons, adding each to addressbook as we go:
for _ in range(number):
# Create one person:
person = []
person.append(str(input("\nPlease enter your full name:")))
person.append(str(input("Please enter your home address:")))
person.append(str(input("Please enter your hometown:")))
person.append(str(input("Please enter your mobile number:")))
# Add one person to addressbook
# Now addressbook has several persons
# Display addressbook, thinking of it as two-dim array
for loop in range(number):
print("\nName:",addressbook[loop][0],"\nHomeaddress:",addressbook[loop][1],"\nHometown:",addressbook[loop][2],"\nMobile number:",addressbook[loop][3])
# Display addressbook, thinking of it as array of persons:
for person in addressbook:
print("\nName:",person[0],"\nHomeaddress:",person[1],"\nHometown:",person[2],"\nMobile number:",person[3])
Other notes:
The statement addressbook = ([]) is identical to addressbook = []. Parentheses in that context do absolutely nothing.
Multi-dimensional arrays list the row number first, the column second. That is to say, the first number gets you to a row, and the 2nd number gets you to an element of that row. More simply, say addressbook[loop][0], not addressbook[0][loop].
The expression range(0, number,1) is identical to range(number), and the latter is easier to read.
In Python, if you need to assign a value but don't care about it further, use _, like so: for _ in range(number):.
The expression str(input(...)) is identical to the expression input(...), since input returns an object of type str. I left those alone because I suppose that verbose style is required by your instructor.
When the time comes, learn about breaking long expressions into multiple lines. Many people find that a line longer than about 80 characters is difficult to read.
You prompt the user "Please enter your full name" (emphasis added) each time. Presumably their name hasn't changed since the previous iteration of the loop. You are actually asking for some third party's full name. Try "Please enter their full name" or "Please enter this person's full name" or some such.
Finally, realize that computer programs will be read more often than they are written. This is true for professionally-maintained programs with hundreds of contributing programmers and also of one-off programs written by you for your own benefit. Use any means necessary to communicate effectively with the reader(s) of your program--comments, clear variable names, whitespace, whatever it takes.
First, Rob's explanation above is perfect for your assignment.
Now, I wanted to show you a few techniques, you can use, to make your life easier, without entering in OOP concepts and keeping the code as simple as possible, without error catching or whatsoever.
from collections import namedtuple
Person = namedtuple(
('full_name', 'home_address', 'home_town', 'mobile_number')
person_print_template = '''
Full Name: {full_name}
Home Address: {home_address}
Home Town: {home_town}
Mobile Number: {mobile_number}'''
persons = []
number = int(input('How many people would you like in your address book: '))
for iteration in range(number):
full_name = input('\nFull name: ')
home_address = input('Home address: ')
home_town = input('Home town: ')
mobile_number = input('Mobile number: ')
person = Person(full_name, home_address, home_town, mobile_number)
for person in persons:
collections.namedtuple is a way of defining really simple reusable objects and offers an _asdict() method which return a dictionary.
In python, putting ** in front of a dictionary allows you to unpack each of its dictionary keys and values which can be then passed, for example here, to a template, and str.format() will replace the "{key_name}" by its value.
Again this is a powerful way of formatting string output, especially when multi-line.=, either for the web or for command line output, like here.
Rob's answer, as Apero stated, is perfect. However as Apero addressed your format with functional programming, I'll address it in OOP (mostly because I love abstracting functional code! :D)
from collections import OrderedDict
# this is only necessary if you need your fields to always be in the
# same order when they're printed. Otherwise ignore and have Person
# inherit from dict
FIELDS = ["full name", "address", "hometown", "mobile number"]
class Person(OrderedDict): # see note above
def __init__(self, keys=None):
super().__init__() # this is magic that makes the OrderedDict work
if isinstance(keys, dict):
# this allows you to pass in a normal dict like you can for any
# other dict or ordered dict, and only prompt otherwise
for key in keys:
self[key] = input("Please enter your %s: " % key)
def __str__(self):
"""The __str__ function describes how str(self) looks. I'm defining
it here to mimic the way Apero used his person_print_template string"""
output_strings = []
for key,value in self.items():
output_strings.append("{}: {}".format(key, value))
return "\n".join(output_strings)
# this is equivalently:
## return "\n".join(["{}: {}".format(key,value) for key,value in self.items()])
class AddressBook(list):
def __init__(self, size=None):
if size is None:
size = int(input("How many entries are in this address book? "))
for entry in range(size):
global FIELDS
def __str__(self):
return "\n\n".join([entry for entry in self])
# double spaced for readability
if __name__ == "__main__":
book = AddressBook()
How many entries are in this address book? 2
Please enter your full name: Adam Smith
Please enter your address: 123 Some St.
Please enter your hometown: Eugene, OR
Please enter your mobile number: 555-867-5309
Please enter your full name: John Smith
Please enter your address: 987 Hello World, Ave.
Please enter your hometown: Camelot (tis a silly place)
Please enter your mobile number: 555-789-1234
full name: Adam Smith
address: 123 Some St.
hometown: Eugene, OR
mobile number: 555-867-5309
full name: John Smith
address: 987 Hello World, Ave.
hometown: Camelot (tis a silly place)
mobile number: 555-789-1234
You can certainly make changes in format to suit. I'd point you at the str.format method so you can do things like justify your strings beautifully
# # inside Person.__str__
for key,value in self.items():
global SCREENWIDTH # perhaps 50?
output_strings.append("{0}: {1:>{2}}".format(key,value, SCREENWIDTH - len(str(key)) - 1))
full name: Adam
address: blah
hometown: doohickey
mobile number: 1234
Possibly a flag on AddressBook.init that works as an alternate constructor given an existing list of Person objects.
class AddressBook(list):
def __init__(self, argument=None, _prompted=True):
if _prompted:
size = argument # just for clarity
lst = argument # just for clarity
def from_prompt(self, size):
# exactly as __init__ is above
def from_list(self, lst):
Lots of fun stuff to be done with OOP. Personally I like them just because of Python's duck typing only becomes stronger when I can control both what kind of quack to listen to and what kind of quack to MAKE! :)
Use this instead
for loop in range (0,number,1):
addressbook[-1].append([(str(input("\nPlease enter your full name:")))])
addressbook[-1].append([(str(input("Please enter your home address:")))])
addressbook[-1].append([(str(input("Please enter your hometown:")))])
addressbook[-1].append([(str(input("Please enter your mobile number:")))])
print("\nName:",addressbook[-1][0],"\nHomeaddress:",addressbook[-1][1],"\nHometown:",addressbook[-1][2],"\nMobile number:",addressbook[-1][3])
The problem with your code was you were using single dimension list. For every loop you are adding the items into addressbook so after 2 iterations of the loop it will look smthing like this
So instead solution would be add an empty list for every iteration in loop and to that empty list we add the details so the structure would look like this
In every iteration we access the last list by addressbook[-1] and then append the items to that last list, similarly accessing the items by using addressbook[-1][0].
Hope this helped you understand the problem.
I feel like I'm so close to the answer but after trying various methods suggested on similar problem on this site, I'm not closer to the answer.
I've tagged in the actual assignment what I borrowed from here (so I'm not accidentally stealing code) but removed it here to make it easier to read. What I'm looking to do is keep my three functions (that is taking the input, removing the colon, and then printing a sorted table from the list i.e.:
"Enter time for your next appointment (as hh:mm): 17:30
Enter a short description: COSC1306
Appointment at 17:30 COSC 1306"
This is what I have:
alpha = []
while len(alpha) >= 0:
gamma = input("Enter time for your next appointment (as hh:mm): ")
(h, m) = gamma.split(':')
result = str(h) + str(m)
delta = input("Enter a short description: ")
alpha.append([result, delta])
for table in alpha:
print("Appointment at %s %s" %(table[0],", ".join(map(str,table[1:]))))
I want the table to be sorted by what "time" the appointment is and not just in the order I typed it. Is there anyone who might be able to help me with that?
I think replacing sorted(alpha) with the following should work:
alpha = sorted(alpha, key=lambda x: (x[0]))
Try this:
Notice that alpha is unchanged. sorted returns a NEW list, which is immediately discarded. If you want to sort in-place, do