I am extracting MFCCs from an audio file using Librosa's function (librosa.feature.mfcc) and I correctly get back a numpy array with the shape I was expecting: 13 MFCCs values for the entire length of the audio file which is 1292 windows (in 30 seconds).
What is missing is timing information for each window: for example I want to know what the MFCC looks like at time 5000ms, then at 5200ms etc.
Do I have to manually calculate the time? Is there a way to automatically get the exact time for each window?
The "timing information" is not directly available, as it depends on sampling rate. In order to provide such information, librosa would have create its own classes. This would rather pollute the interface and make it much less interoperable. In the current implementation, feature.mfcc returns you numpy.ndarray, meaning you can easily integrate this code anywhere in Python.
To relate MFCC to timing:
import librosa
import numpy as np
filename = librosa.util.example_audio_file()
y, sr = librosa.load(filename)
hop_length = 512 # number of samples between successive frames
mfcc = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=y, n_mfcc=13, sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length)
audio_length = len(y) / sr # in seconds
step = hop_length / sr # in seconds
intervals_s = np.arange(start=0, stop=audio_length, step=step)
print(f'MFCC shape: {mfcc.shape}')
print(f'intervals_s shape: {intervals_s.shape}')
print(f'First 5 intervals: {intervals_s[:5]} second')
Note that array length of mfcc and intervals_s is the same - a sanity check that we did not make a mistake in our calculation.
MFCC shape: (13, 2647)
intervals_s shape: (2647,)
First 5 intervals: [0. 0.02321995 0.04643991 0.06965986 0.09287982] second
I am trying to plot an audio sample's amplitude across the time domain. I've used scipy.io.wavfile to read the audio sample and determine sampling rate:
# read .wav file
data = read("/Users/user/Desktop/voice.wav")
# determine sample rate of .wav file
# print(data[0]) # 48000 samples per second
# 48000 (samples per second) * 4 (4 second sample) = 192000 samples overall
# store the data read from .wav file
audio = data[1]
# plot the data
plt.plot(audio[0 : 192000]) # see code above for how this value was determined
This creates a plot displaying amplitude on y axis and sample number on the x axis. How can I transform the x axis to instead show seconds?
I tried using plt.xticks but I don't think this is the correct use case based upon the error I received:
# label title, axis, show the plot
seconds = range(0,4)
plt.xticks(range(0,192000), seconds)
ValueError: The number of FixedLocator locations (192000), usually from a call to set_ticks, does not match the number of ticklabels (4).
You need to pass a t vector to the plotting command, a vector that you can generate on the fly using Numpy, so that after the command execution it is garbage collected (sooner or later, that is)
from numpy import linspace
plt.plot(linspace(0, 4, 192000, endpoint=False), audio[0 : 192000])
I'm trying to make a wavetable synthesizer in Python for the first time (based off an example I found here https://blamsoft.com/tutorials/expanse-creating-wavetables/) but the resultant sound I'm getting doesn't sound tonal at all. My output is just a low grainy buzz. I'm pretty new to making wavetables in Python and I was wondering if anybody might be able to tell me what I'm missing in order to write an A440 sine wavetable to the file "wavetable.wav" and have it actually produce a pure sine tone? Here's what I have at the moment:
import wave
import struct
import numpy as np
frame_count = 256
frame_size = 2048
sps = 44100
freq_hz = 440
file = "wavetable.wav" #write waveform to file
wav_file = wave.open(file, 'w')
wav_file.setparams((1, 2, sps, frame_count, 'NONE', 'not compressed'))
values = bytes(0)
for i in range(frame_count):
for ii in range(frame_size):
sample = np.sin((float(ii)/frame_size) * (i+128)/256 * 2 * np.pi * freq_hz/sps) * 65535
if sample < 0:
sample = 0
sample -= 32768
sample = int(sample)
values += struct.pack('h', sample)
print("Generated " + file)
The sine function I have inside the for loop is probably the part I understand the least because I just went by the example verbatim. I'm used to making sine functions like (y = Asin(2πfx)) but I'm not sure what the purpose is of multiplying by ((i+128)/256) and 65535 (16-bit amplitude resolution?). I'm also not sure what the purpose is of subtracting 32768 from each sample. Is anyone able to clarify what I'm missing and maybe point me in the right direction? Am I going about this the wrong way? Any help is appreciated!
If you just wanted to generate sound data ahead of time and then dump it all into a file, and you’re also comfortable using NumPy, I’d suggest using it with a library like SoundFile. Then there’s no need to delimit the data into frames.
Starting with a naïve approach (using numpy.sin, not trying to optimize things yet), one ends with something like this:
from math import tau
import numpy as np
import soundfile as sf
file_path = 'sine.flac'
sample_rate = 48_000 # hertz
duration = 1.0 # seconds
frequency = 432.0 # hertz
amplitude = 0.8 # (not in decibels!)
start_phase = 0.0 # at what phase to start
sample_count = floor(sample_rate * duration)
# cyclical frequency in sample^-1
omega = frequency * tau / sample_rate
# all phases for which we want to sample our sine
phases = np.linspace(start_phase, start_phase + omega * sample_count,
sample_count, endpoint=False)
# our sine wave samples, generated all at once
audio = amplitude * np.sin(phases)
# now write to file
fmt, sub = 'FLAC', 'PCM_24'
assert sf.check_format(fmt, sub) # to make sure we ask the correct thing beforehand
sf.write(file_path, audio, sample_rate, format=fmt, subtype=sub)
This will be a mono sound, you can write stereo using 2d arrays (see NumPy and SoundFile’s docs).
But note that to make a wavetable specifically, you need to be sure it contains just a single period (or an integer number of periods) of the wave exactly, so the playback of the wavetable will be without clicks and have a correct frequency.
You can play chunked sound in real time in Python too, using something like PyAudio. (I’ve not yet used that, so at least for a time this answer would lack code related to that.)
Finally, frankly, all above is unrelated to the generation of sound data from a wavetable: you just pick a wavetable from somewhere, that doesn’t do much for actual synthesis. Here is a simple starting algorithm for that. Assume you want to play back a chunk of sample_count samples and have a wavetable stored in wavetable, a single period which loops perfectly and is normalized. And assume your current wave phase is start_phase, frequency is frequency, sample rate is sample_rate, amplitude is amplitude. Then:
# indices for the wavetable values; this is just for `np.interp` to work
wavetable_period = float(len(wavetable))
wavetable_indices = np.linspace(0, wavetable_period,
len(wavetable), endpoint=False)
# frequency of the wavetable played at native resolution
wavetable_freq = sample_rate / wavetable_period
# start index into the wavetable
start_index = start_phase * wavetable_period / tau
# code above you run just once at initialization of this wavetable ↑
# code below is run for each audio chunk ↓
# samples of wavetable per output sample
shift = frequency / wavetable_freq
# fractional indices into the wavetable
indices = np.linspace(start_index, start_index + shift * sample_count,
sample_count, endpoint=False)
# linearly interpolated wavetavle sampled at our frequency
audio = np.interp(indices, wavetable_indices, wavetable,
audio *= amplitude
# at last, update `start_index` for the next chunk
start_index += shift * sample_count
Then you output the audio. Though there are better ways to play back a wavetable, linear interpolation is at least a fine start. Frequency slides are also possible with this approach: just compute indices in another way, no longer spaced uniformly.
I am trying to reproduce a preprocessing seen in a youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-sndkf7mCs where they create a spectrogram taking a windows of 20 ms and then apply an FFT on it. Finally they feed a neural network with the spectrogram obtained. I am using the scipy package but I am a little confused about the parameters to use. Here is the code :
def get_spectrogram(path, nsamples=16000):
Given path, return specgram.
# read the wav files
wav = wavfile.read(path)[1] # 16000 samples per second
# zero pad the shorter samples and cut off the long ones to have a signal of 1 sec.
if wav.size < nsamples:
d = np.pad(wav, (nsamples - wav.size, 0), mode='constant')
d = wav[0:nsamples]
# get the specgram
specgram = signal.spectrogram(d, fs= ? , nperseg=None, noverlap=None, nfft=None)[2]
return specgram
Moreover, I am also wondering what have to be the shape of the output ? Is it (X, 1) ?
I have a database which contains a videos streaming. I want to calculate the LBP features from images and MFCC audio and for every frame in the video I have some annotation. The annotation is inlined with the video frames and the time of the video. Thus, I want to map the time that i have from the annotation to the result of the mfcc. I know that the sample_rate = 44100
from python_speech_features import mfcc
from python_speech_features import logfbank
import scipy.io.wavfile as wav
audio_file = "sample.wav"
(rate,sig) = wav.read(audio_file)
mfcc_feat = mfcc(sig,rate)
print len(sig) # 2130912
print len(mfcc_feat) # 4831
Firstly, why the result of the length of the mfcc is 4831 and how to map that in the annotation that i have in seconds? The total duration of the video is 48second. And the annotation of the video is 0 everywhere except the 19-29sec windows where is is 1. How can i locate the samples within the window (19-29) from the results of the mfcc?
You should get (4831,13) . 13 is your MFCC length (default numcep is 13). 4831 is the windows. Default winstep is 10 msec, and this matches your sound file duration. To get to the windows corresponding to 19-29 sec, just slice
Remember, that you can not listen to the MFCC. It just represents the slice of audio of 0.025 sec (default value of winlen parameter).
If you want to get to the audio itself, it is
Given a audio file of 22 mins (1320 secs), Librosa extracts a MFCC features by
data = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=None, sr=22050, S=None, n_mfcc=20, **kwargs)
It returns numpy array of 20 MFCC features of 56829 frames .
My question is how it calculated 56829. Is there any calculation to achieve this frame ? and What is the window size for each frame ?
you can specify the hop length
mfcc = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=y, sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length, n_mfcc=13)
librosa uses centered frames, so that the kth frame is centered around sample k * hop_length
I think that default hop value is 512, with your data (1320*22050)/56829 = 512,16