I have been working on an educational project a small part of it requires me to convert a single line of json data into an variable in python 3 which I recieve from domoticz (an external open source software) however due to my skill level with json I have expierenced some issues and I am not exactly sure what im doing wrong. I did get the 200 response everytime so I assume from what I understood that means the connection isnt the issue but rather the python code. (I censored the addressed but they are correct.)
The code im using:
import time
import re
import requests
from ctypes import c_int, c_char_p, byref, sizeof, c_uint16, c_int32, c_byte
from ctypes import c_void_p
from datetime import datetime
import os
import urllib.request
import json
import logging
import sys
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def domoticzrequest (url):
request = urllib.request.Request(url)
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
return response.read()
import urllib.request, json
with urllib.request.urlopen("http://domoticzip/json.htm?type=devices&rid=4") as url:
data = json.loads(url.read().decode())
The json I get back which i can see by typing clicking the url in python:
"ActTime" : 1606722346,
"AstrTwilightEnd" : "18:37",
"AstrTwilightStart" : "06:23",
"CivTwilightEnd" : "17:14",
"CivTwilightStart" : "07:47",
"DayLength" : "08:08",
"NautTwilightEnd" : "17:56",
"NautTwilightStart" : "07:04",
"ServerTime" : "2020-11-30 08:45:46",
"SunAtSouth" : "12:30",
"Sunrise" : "08:26",
"Sunset" : "16:34",
"app_version" : "2020.2",
"result" :
"AddjMulti" : 1.0,
"AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
"AddjValue" : 0.0,
"AddjValue2" : 0.0,
"BatteryLevel" : 255,
"CustomImage" : 0,
"Data" : "Normal",
"Description" : "",
"Favorite" : 0,
"HardwareID" : 1,
"HardwareName" : "Domoticz Internal",
"HardwareType" : "Domoticz Internal interface",
"HardwareTypeVal" : 67,
"HaveDimmer" : false,
"HaveGroupCmd" : false,
"HaveTimeout" : false,
"ID" : "148702",
"LastUpdate" : "2020-10-19 15:10:02",
"MaxDimLevel" : 0,
"Name" : "Domoticz Security Panel",
"Notifications" : "false",
"PlanID" : "0",
"PlanIDs" :
"Protected" : false,
"ShowNotifications" : true,
"SignalLevel" : "-",
"Status" : "Normal",
"StrParam1" : "",
"StrParam2" : "",
"SubType" : "Security Panel",
"SwitchType" : "Security",
"SwitchTypeVal" : 0,
"Timers" : "false",
"Type" : "Security",
"TypeImg" : "security",
"Unit" : 0,
"Used" : 0,
"XOffset" : "0",
"YOffset" : "0",
"idx" : "2"
"AddjMulti" : 1.0,
"AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
"AddjValue" : 0.0,
"AddjValue2" : 0.0,
"BatteryLevel" : 255,
"CustomImage" : 0,
"Data" : "-5.0 C",
"Description" : "",
"Favorite" : 1,
"HardwareID" : 2,
"HardwareName" : "Test sensor",
"HardwareType" : "Dummy (Does nothing, use for virtual switches only)",
"HardwareTypeVal" : 15,
"HaveTimeout" : true,
"ID" : "14053",
"LastUpdate" : "2020-11-09 09:03:34",
"Name" : "Temperatuur Kachel",
"Notifications" : "false",
"PlanID" : "0",
"PlanIDs" :
"Protected" : false,
"ShowNotifications" : true,
"SignalLevel" : "-",
"SubType" : "LaCrosse TX3",
"Temp" : -5.0,
"Timers" : "false",
"Type" : "Temp",
"TypeImg" : "temperature",
"Unit" : 1,
"Used" : 1,
"XOffset" : "0",
"YOffset" : "0",
"idx" : "3",
"trend" : 0
"AddjMulti" : 1.0,
"AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
"AddjValue" : 0.0,
"AddjValue2" : 0.0,
"BatteryLevel" : 255,
"CustomImage" : 0,
"Data" : "17.5",
"Description" : "",
"Favorite" : 1,
"HardwareID" : 3,
"HardwareName" : "Test switch",
"HardwareType" : "Dummy (Does nothing, use for virtual switches only)",
"HardwareTypeVal" : 15,
"HaveTimeout" : true,
"ID" : "0014054",
"LastUpdate" : "2020-11-06 11:51:09",
"Name" : "Temperatuur gewenst",
"Notifications" : "false",
"PlanID" : "0",
"PlanIDs" :
"Protected" : false,
"SetPoint" : "17.5",
"ShowNotifications" : true,
"SignalLevel" : "-",
"SubType" : "SetPoint",
"Timers" : "false",
"Type" : "Thermostat",
"TypeImg" : "override_mini",
"Unit" : 1,
"Used" : 1,
"XOffset" : "0",
"YOffset" : "0",
"idx" : "4"
"status" : "OK",
"title" : "Devices"
Basicly I want SetPoint(in the last tab of text also right above this) which is in this instance 17.5 as a variable in python and I will make the python code loop so it will grab that json url everytime to update the status of setpoint. But im having issues only grabbing the 17.5 to make it into a variable. I end up getting the entire json like this code is doing. or I will end up getting everything past and including the setpoint if I change some stuff. Does anyone know what im doing wrong and possibly where I should be looking for an solution? I am a bit unexpierenced with the json part of python and I have no clue where to get started as the code's I found and have tried seem to not work or give me errors.
Thank you very much for your time!
json.loads returns a python dictionary so maybe sth like this would do:
result = json['result']
set_point = 0.0
for res in result:
if 'SetPoint' in res:
set_point = res['SetPoint']
You are getting your data stored in data ={"key": argument} as a dictionary.
If you want to access a certain value you have to call for it. in Your case:
SetPoint = float(data["result"][-1]["SetPoint"])
To break it down:
data["result"] # gives you a list which elements are dictionaries.
the [-1] # calls for the last element in you list which contains the SetPoint
["SetPoint"] # then calls for the SetPoint Value which is a String "17.5"
float(...) converts the string to a float value
I have a some unit tests which submit some info to a server which saves the info into a document in a mongo engine. At the end of the test, I want to delete all of the documents made by the test:
#router.delete("/all", summary="Delete all jobs in an organization")
async def delete_all_jobs(job_data: AuthorizedResource = Depends(CanActOnResource("delete", "jobs"))):
However when I run this endpoint, some of the documents are only partially deleted:
This is what the JSON looks like before being deleted:
"_id" : "242d07ac-eafb-4875-a8f4-8ec89c7bc21f",
"_cls" : "MongoJob",
"_created_by" : "tom.mclean",
"_date_created" : ISODate("2022-02-24T08:23:50.943Z"),
"_date_modified" : ISODate("2022-02-24T08:25:02.062Z"),
"_modified_by" : "tom.mclean",
"client_info" : {
"protocol" : "tcp",
"interface" : "",
"port" : 0
"grib_data" : {
"grib_dir_clim" : "X:\\Weather_Files\\Climatology",
"grib_dir_wind" : "X:\\Weather_Files\\NOAA_Forcasts",
"grib_dir_wave" : "X:\\Weather_Files\\NOAA_Forcasts"
"organization" : "8b50d3f2-03fe-4aca-9cf6-9922854f2989",
"output_dir" : "C:\\Users\\Tom.Mclean\\src\\routingserver\\WeatherRouting\\WeatherRouting\\..\\output",
"polars" : [
"result" : {
"costs" : {
"total_cost" : null,
"fuel_cost" : null,
"hire_cost" : null
"route_form" : {
"waypoints" : [
"type" : "Waypoint",
"lon" : -7.25,
"lat" : 49.42,
"normal_deviation" : 0.2
"type" : "Waypoint",
"lon" : -50.0,
"lat" : 40.0,
"normal_deviation" : 0.0
"start_time" : ISODate("2022-02-24T08:23:50.842Z"),
"arrival_window" : {
"early" : null,
"late" : null
"max_tws" : 40.0,
"max_lat" : 65.0,
"min_lat" : -40.0,
"max_speed" : 16.0,
"min_speed" : 8.0,
"great_circle" : false,
"objective_funcs" : [
"hire_cost" : 16000.0,
"fuel_cost" : 550.0
"decision_time" : 24.0,
"course_change_angle" : 15.0,
"speed_step" : 0.5
"ship" : "f2775ef8-c58d-4aa3-a6a0-b82539535e88",
"status" : "FAILED",
"wave_data" : false
And then after running that end point of the API, some of the documents are deleted however some are left with just three fields:
"_id" : "5f04ffc3-45a3-4652-a79d-68b37e737268",
"_date_modified" : ISODate("2022-02-24T15:13:28.013Z"),
"status" : "FAILED"
If I run the unit tests in debug mode and pause on the line which calls the delete endpoint and then run it later on, it safely deletes all the documents:
def tearDownClass(cls) -> None:
# TODO Once jobs can be deleted, clear test jobs from the routing server
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
organization_path = cls.api._organization_path
pathname = f"{organization_path}/jobs/all"
loop.run_until_complete(cls.api.delete(pathname, token=cls.oauth.access_token)) <- PAUSE HERE
How can I safely ensure that all of the documents are deleted? I could add a pause to the unit test before calling the delete endpoint, but this does not feel right and I should just try and fix the issue first.
I have a Json Structure as Follows:
"_id" : ObjectId("asdasda156121s"),
"Hp" : {
"bermud" : [
"abc" : {
"gfh" : 1,
"fgh" : 0.0,
"xyz" : [
"kjl" : "0",
"bnv" : 0,
"xvc" : "bv",
"hgth" : "INnn",
"sdf" : 0,
"abc" : {
"gfh" : 1,
"fgh" : 0.0,
"xyz" : [
"kjl" : "0",
"bnv" : 0,
"xvc" : "bv",
"hgth" : "INnn",
"sdf" : 0,
I am trying to parse this json and add a new value with key ['cat'] inside the object 'xyz',below is my py code.
data = []
for x in a:
for y in x['Hp'].values():
for z in y:
for k in z['abc']['xyz']:
for m in data:
det = m['response']
// Some processing with det whose output is stored in s
k['cat'] = s
print x
However when x is printed only the last value is being appended onto the whole dictionary, wheras there are different values for s. Its obvious that the 'cat' key is being overwritten everytime the loop rounds,but can't find a way to make it right.What mistake am I making?
When I am trying om = OttMessage.objects.filter() its returning all the documents in the ott_message collections.
But when I am trying om = OttMessage.objects.filter(prediction_status = -1) its not returning any data.
OttMessage model.py relevant line
prediction_status = IntField(default=-1, db_field='ps')
For example
There are many documents in the ott_message collection having prediction_status field -1
"classification" : null,
"message_from" : "XXXXXXXX",
"id" : "5b61d4649cdae332bf9151f9",
"is_classified" : false,
"prediction_status" : -1,
"post_disposition" : null,
"channel" : 1,
"message_date" : "2018-08-01T15:42:30",
"group_name" : "Resale Gurgaon req IC",
"req_disposition" : null,
"manual_tagged_status" : -1
"prediction_status" : -1,
"is_classified" : false,
"classification" : null,
"message_from" : "XXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"id" : "5b61da629cdae343169150cf",
"manual_tagged_status" : -1,
"req_disposition" : null,
"post_disposition" : null,
"message_date" : "2018-08-01T15:50:19",
"group_name" : "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"channel" : 1
Can anybody tell me where its going wrong ? Thanks
I must be really slow because I spent a whole day googling and trying to write Python code to simply list the "code" values only so my output will be Service1, Service2, Service2. I have extracted json values before from complex json or dict structure. But now I must have hit a mental block.
This is my json structure.
"formatVersion" : "ABC",
"publicationDate" : "2017-10-06",
"offers" : {
"Service1" : {
"code" : "Service1",
"version" : "1a1a1a1a",
"index" : "1c1c1c1c1c1c1"
"Service2" : {
"code" : "Service2",
"version" : "2a2a2a2a2",
"index" : "2c2c2c2c2c2"
"Service3" : {
"code" : "Service4",
"version" : "3a3a3a3a3a",
"index" : "3c3c3c3c3c3"
#convert above string to json
somejson = json.loads(myjson)
print(somejson["offers"]) # I tried so many variations to no avail.
Or, if you want the "code" stuffs :
>>> [s['code'] for s in somejson['offers'].values()]
['Service1', 'Service2', 'Service4']
somejson["offers"] is a dictionary. It seems you want to print its keys.
In Python 2:
In Python 3:
print([x for x in somejson["offers"].keys()])
In Python 3 you must use the list comprehension because in Python 3 keys() is a 'view', not a list.
This should probably do the trick , if you are not certain about the number of Services in the json.
import json
"formatVersion" : "ABC",
"publicationDate" : "2017-10-06",
"offers" : {
"Service1" : {
"code" : "Service1",
"version" : "1a1a1a1a",
"index" : "1c1c1c1c1c1c1"
"Service2" : {
"code" : "Service2",
"version" : "2a2a2a2a2",
"index" : "2c2c2c2c2c2"
"Service3" : {
"code" : "Service4",
"version" : "3a3a3a3a3a",
"index" : "3c3c3c3c3c3"
#convert above string to json
somejson = json.loads(myjson)
#Without knowing the Services:
offers = somejson["offers"]
keys = offers.keys()
for service in keys:
I am having trouble parsing the following json file. I am trying to parse this using logstash/python.
"took" : 153,
"timed_out" : false,
"_shards" : {
"total" : 5,
"successful" : 5,
"failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : 946,
"max_score" : 1.0,
"hits" : [ {
"_index" : "incoming_bytes",
"_type" : "logs",
"_id" : "lZSq4mBRSVSxO0kyTwh3fQ",
"_score" : 1.0, "_source" : {"user_id":"86c8c25d81a448c49e3d3924ea5ceddf","name":"network.incoming.bytes","resource_id":"instance-00000001-c8be5ca1-116b-45b3-accb-1b40050abc90-tapaf1e421f-c8","timestamp":"2013-11-02T07:32:36Z","resource_metadata":{"name":"tapaf1e421f-c8","parameters":{},"fref":null,"instance_id":"c8be5ca1-116b-45b3-accb-1b40050abc90","instance_type":"5c014e54-ee16-43a8-a763-54e243bd8969","mac":"fa:16:3e:67:39:29"},"volume":557462,"source":"openstack","project_id":"9ac587404bdd4fcdafe41c0b10f9f8ae","type":"cumulative","id":"f1eb19aa-4390-11e3-8bac-000c2973cfb1","unit":"B","#timestamp":"2013-11-02T07:32:38.276Z","#version":"1","host":"","tags":["_grokparsefailure"],"priority":13,"severity":5,"facility":1,"facility_label":"user-level","severity_label":"Notice","#type":"%{appdeliveryserver}"}
}, {
"_index" : "incoming_bytes",
"_type" : "logs",
"_id" : "073URWt5Sc-krLACxQnI3g",
"_score" : 1.0, "_source" : {"user_id":"86c8c25d81a448c49e3d3924ea5ceddf","name":"network.incoming.bytes","resource_id":"instance-00000001-c8be5ca1-116b-45b3-accb-1b40050abc90-tapaf1e421f-c8","timestamp":"2013-11-02T07:32:38Z","resource_metadata":{"name":"tapaf1e421f-c8","parameters":{},"fref":null,"instance_id":"c8be5ca1-116b-45b3-accb-1b40050abc90","instance_type":"5c014e54-ee16-43a8-a763-54e243bd8969","mac":"fa:16:3e:67:39:29"},"volume":562559,"source":"openstack","project_id":"9ac587404bdd4fcdafe41c0b10f9f8ae","type":"cumulative","id":"f31e38d4-4390-11e3-8bac-000c2973cfb1","unit":"B","#timestamp":"2013-11-02T07:32:39.001Z","#version":"1","host":"","tags":["_grokparsefailure"],"priority":13,"severity":5,"facility":1,"facility_label":"user-level","severity_label":"Notice","#type":"%{appdeliveryserver}"}
I have used the following configuration for logstash, however the configuration does not work as expected which is: to parse individual fields in the JSON document and output to STDOUT.
input {
file {
path => ["/home/****/Downloads/throughput"]
codec => "json"
source => "message"
target => "throughput"
output {
stdout {codec => rubydebug }
For python I am trying to access the Individual Volume and source (IP address) fields.
I tried the following code, with goal to map individual fields for each record, and I would like to know how to proceed in order to traverse and extract individual elements in the list.
import json
from pprint import pprint
data = json.load(json_data)
Parsed json is a dictionary, you can use itemgetter to drill down.
For example for volume
>>> for hits in data['hits']['hits']:
... print hits['_source']['volume']
or can use map to get a list:
>>> from operator import itemgetter
>>> map(itemgetter('volume'), map(itemgetter('_source'), data['hits']['hits']))
[557462, 562559]