I have a huge data set which contains shipper/supplier names from different sources and are having near duplicate values in it.
I tried so many different techniques available on the internet but none of them were quit satisfying or was too slow for this huge data.
I found this openrefine GitHub repo for fingerprinting algorithms and I added some more code and it solved my purpose.
Have a look.
My dataset something looks like this...
import re, string
import pandas as pd
from unidecode import unidecode
from collections import defaultdict
# clean the text before processing
def cleansing_special_characters(txt):
seps = [' ',';',':','.','`','~',',','*','#','#','|','\\','-','_','?','%','!','^','(',')','[',']','{','}','$','=','+','"','<','>',"'",' AND ', ' and ']
default_sep = seps[0]
txt = str(txt)
for sep in seps[1:]:
if sep == " AND " or sep == " and ":
txt = txt.upper()
txt = txt.replace(sep, ' & ')
txt = txt.upper()
txt = txt.replace(sep, default_sep)
try :
txt = 'NUMBERS'
txt = re.sub(' +', ' ', txt)
temp_list = [i.strip() for i in txt.split(default_sep)]
temp_list = [i for i in temp_list if i]
return " ".join(temp_list)
punctuation = re.compile('[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation))
class fingerprinter(object):
# __init__function
def __init__(self, string):
self.string = self._preprocess(string)
# strip leading, trailing spaces and to lower case
def _preprocess(self, string):
return punctuation.sub('',string.strip().lower())
def _latinize(self, string):
return unidecode(string)
# return unidecode(string.decode('utf-8'))
def _unique_preserve_order(self,seq):
seen = set()
seen_add = seen.add
return [x for x in seq if not (x in seen or seen_add(x))]
def get_fingerprint(self):
return self._latinize(' '.join(self._unique_preserve_order(sorted(self.string.split()))))
def get_ngram_fingerprint(self, n=1):
return self._latinize(''.join(self._unique_preserve_order(sorted([self.string[i:i + n] for i in range(len(self.string) - n +1)]))))
# read excel file
df = pd.read_excel('Input_File.xlsx')
#preprocess the column
df['Clean'] = df['SUPPLIER_NAME'].apply(cleansing_special_characters)
# step 1 cleanining
# ##for n_gram fingerprint algorithm
df['n_gram_fingerprint_n2'] = df['Clean'].apply(lambda x : fingerprinter(x.replace(" ","")).get_ngram_fingerprint(n=2))
## generate tag_id for every unique generated n_gram_fingerprint
d = defaultdict(lambda: len(d))
df['tag_idn']=[d[x] for x in df['n_gram_fingerprint_n2']]
#drop n_gram column
df.drop(columns=['n_gram_fingerprint_n2'], inplace=True)
# make copy to create group of tag_id
df1 = df[['SUPPLIER_NAME','tag_idn']]
# drop SUPPLIER_NAME column , we have tag_id's now
df.drop(columns=['SUPPLIER_NAME'], inplace=True)
# group df with tag_id with selecting minimum
#group = df.groupby('tag_id').min().reset_index()
group = df.loc[df["Clean"].str.len().groupby(df["tag_idn"]).idxmax()]
# join both the data frames group(unique) and main data
df_merge = pd.merge(df1,group, on=['tag_idn'])
# # output excel file
df_merge.to_excel('Output_File.xlsx', index = False)
This is what the outpout data in an excel file looks like
from sepa import parser
import re
import csv
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Utility function to remove additional namespaces from the XML
def strip_namespace(xml):
return re.sub(' xmlns="[^"]+"', '', xml, count=1)
# Read file
with open('test.xml', 'r') as f:
input_data = f.read()
# Parse the bank statement XML to dictionary
camt_dict = parser.parse_string(parser.bank_to_customer_statement, bytes(strip_namespace(input_data), 'utf8'))
statements = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(camt_dict['statements'])
all_entries = []
for i, _ in statements.iterrows():
if 'entries' in camt_dict['statements'][i]:
df = pd.DataFrame()
dd = pd.DataFrame.from_records(camt_dict['statements'][i]['entries'])
dg = dd['entry_details']
df['Date'] = dd['value_date'].str['date']
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date']).dt.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')
iban = camt_dict['statements'][i]['account']['id']['iban']
df['IBAN'] = iban
df['Currency'] = dd['amount'].str['currency']
# Sort Credit/Debit in separate Columns
df['Credit'] = np.where(dd['credit_debit_indicator'] == 'CRDT', dd['amount'].str['_value'], '')
df['Debit'] = np.where(dd['credit_debit_indicator'] == 'DBIT', dd['amount'].str['_value'], '')
# Get destination IBAN
getlength = len(dg.index) #2
for i in range(0, getlength):
result = str(dd['entry_details'][i])
print(result + "Resultat " + str(i))
search_for_iban = re.search("CH\d{2}[ ]\d{4}[ ]\d{4}[ ]\d{4}[ ]\d{4}[ ]\d{1}|CH\d{19}", result)
if(search_for_iban is None):
print('the search is none')
df['Test'] = 'None'
print('the search is a match')
df['Test'] = 'Yes'
df_entries = pd.concat(all_entries)
**My problem here is just with this code block **
for i in range(0, getlength):
result = str(dd['entry_details'][i])
search_for_iban = re.search("CH\d{2}[ ]\d{4}[ ]\d{4}[ ]\d{4}[ ]\d{4}[ ]\d{1}|CH\d{19}", result)
if(search_for_iban is None):
df['Test'] = 'None'
df['Test'] = search_for_iban.group()
I have already tried to solve various things via the index, this also counts cleanly high in the variable i and the getlength is also correct for 2 entries
What im expecting
If there is an IBAN number in the 'search_for_iban' (which is using regex lookup (re.search)) which is matching in 2nd row i want that iban just in 2nd row (dataframe) "Test" as follows:
what i expect
What im getting
I got double the entry in row 1 and 2 although none was found in row 1. What am i overlooking, my head is hurting! :D
what i got
i think i am making a thinking error here between normal for loop and panda entries
You can try:
for i in range(0, getlength):
df.loc[i, 'Test'] = search_for_iban
I extracted some specific names of text. The text and function are described below :
import re
text = '''
def cal_revenue(revenues_store, profit_margin, average_profit):
average_profit = revenues_store * profit_margin
return average_profit
# Extract names
lines = text.split('\n')
for line in lines:
x = re.search(r"^def.*:$", line)
if x != None:
values = x[0].split('def ')[1].split('(')
function_name = values[0]
arguments = values[1][:-2].split(', ')
print(f"Function Name: {function_name}")
print(f"Arguments: {arguments}")
This function works well and gives the expected results. Now I want to store all of these results in separate dictionaries
# Create dictionaries
splited_table1= dict()
splited_table2= dict()
# Extract names
def extraction_variables(text):
lines = text.split('\n')
for line in lines:
x = re.search(r"^def.*:$", line)
if x != None:
values = x[0].split('def ')[1].split('(')
splited_table1 = values[0]
splited_table2 = values[1][:-2].split(', ')
return splited_table1, splited_table2
But after execution of this command dictionaries are empty. So can anybody help me how to store values in dictionaries from the function above?
Try this:
import re
text = '''
def cal_revenue(revenues_store, profit_margin, average_profit):
average_profit = revenues_store * profit_margin
return average_profit
splited_table1 = {}
splited_table2 = {}
# Extract names
def extraction_variables(text):
lines = text.split('\n')
for line in lines:
x = re.search(r"^def.*:$", line)
if x is not None:
values = x[0].split('def ')[1].split('(')
# function_name = values[0]
# arguments = values[1][:-2].split(', ')
splited_table1 = values[0]
splited_table2 = values[1][:-2].split(', ')
return splited_table1, splited_table2
e = extraction_variables(text)
Not much modified but working for me.
if not working, you need to show the output of your code
I need to parse the following text file into a dataframe, any suggestion about the methods?
('name: ', u'Jacky')
('male: ', True)
('hobby: ', u'play football and bascket')
('age: ', 24.0)
('name: ', u'Belly')
('male: ', True)
('hobby: ', u'dancer')
('age: ', 74.0)
('name: ', u'Chow')
('male: ', True)
('hobby: ', u'artist')
('age: ', 46.0)
name male hobby age
jacky True football 24
I used regex to parse your text file :
import re
import pandas as pd
text_path = 'text.txt'
my_dict = {}
pattern = r"\('(\w+):\s+',\s+u*'*([a-zA-Z0-9\s.]*)'*\)"
with open(text_path, 'r') as txt:
for block in re.split(r"-+\n", txt.read()):
for line in filter(None, block.split('\n')):
col_name, value = re.search(pattern, line).group(1,2)
value = int(float(value))
except ValueError:
value = True if value=='True' else False if value=='False' else value
if col_name in my_dict:
my_dict[col_name] = [value]
df = pd.DataFrame(my_dict)
Output :
name male hobby age
0 Jacky True play football and bascket 24
1 Belly True dancer 74
2 Chow True artist 46
Booleans values are not string but real bool True or False, numerical value (like age) are int (you could keep them as float) and not strings.
Ask me if you don't understand something.
I don't know any way to parse this data convention with usage of some existing parser so I suggest to build your own ones. Then I would use readlines() method on open file so it allows me to iterate over lines of data and apply correct parser to each row in iteration. Finally, I would combine data and create DataFrame. Example code is below:
import pandas as pd
import sys
def parse_from_weird_file_to_pandas_df(file):
with open(file, 'r') as f:
content = f.readlines()
name_vals = [_parse_text(content[line]) for line in range(0, len(content), 5)]
male_vals = [_parse_bool(content[line]) for line in range(1, len(content), 5)]
hobby_vals = [_parse_text(content[line]) for line in range(2, len(content), 5)]
age_vals = [_parse_int(content[line]) for line in range(3, len(content), 5)]
df_rows = zip(name_vals, male_vals, hobby_vals, age_vals)
df = pd.DataFrame(data=df_rows, columns=["name", "male", "hobby", "age"])
return df
def _parse_text(text_line):
text = text_line[text_line.find("u'") + 2: text_line.find("')")]
return text
def _parse_bool(bool_line):
val_bool = bool_line[bool_line.find("', ") + 3: bool_line.find(")")]
return True if val_bool == "True" else False
def _parse_int(int_line):
val_int = int_line[int_line.find("', ") + 3: int_line.find(")")]
return int(float(val_int))
If you wish to shorten 'play football and bascket' to just 'football' you can achieve this for example by creating list with all available hobbies, looping them through parsed hobby and returning the matching one.
Here is a quick code I made just before lunch, not optimised but seems to work (I did not remove the 'u'in the string and did not convert the int but you should be able to manage that ? If not let me kow and i will work on it after !
The .join remove unecessary char and I assume you only have 4 object every time...
file = open("yourfile.txt", 'r')
lines = file.readlines()
init = True
list_to_append = []
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['name', 'male', 'hobby','age'])
for line in lines:
if '---' not in line:
line = line.split(',')[1]
processed_line = ''.join(c for c in line if c not in " ()'\n")
if len(list_to_append) == 4:
df.loc[len(df)] = list_to_append
list_to_append = []
else :
I have a pandas dataframe consisting of headlines. I am doing a simple calculation of the sentiment, by tokenizing and comparing the headlines with a list of positive and negative words. I am appending the over all sentiment for the headline into a column and then appending this to the original dataframe and saving as an Excel file.
The resulting and original files are about 12 mb. While the code below works, it is slow; and is taking me a couple of hours to fully read the file and assign the score. Is this normal? Is there anything I can do to speed up the process? I understand that loops within a pandas dataframe column may be slow - what are the alternatives?
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
import pandas as pd
from violencevocabulary import new_words as extended_neg_list
import unicodedata
#function to calculate sentiment
def sentimentanalyzer (country_name,text_type):
data = []
xls_file = pd.ExcelFile('/UsersDesktop/MasterData.xlsx')
df = xls_file.parse(country_name)
text_body = df[text_type]
text_body = pd.Series(text_body)
headlines = text_body.tolist()
for i in headlines:
if type(i) == unicode:
i = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', i).encode('ascii','ignore')
# processing the sentiment comparispon files
pos_words = []
neg_words = []
f = open('/Users/positive-words.txt','r')
plines = f.readlines()
for line in plines:
line = line.rstrip('\n')
line = line.lower()
positive_words = pos_words[35:]
g = open('/Users/Desktop/negative-words.txt','r')
nlines = g.readlines()
neg_words = []
for nline in nlines:
nline = nline.strip('\n')
nline = nline.lower()
negative_words = neg_words[35:]
negative_words = negative_words + extended_neg_list
senti_list = []
for j in data:
tokens = word_tokenize(j)
for k in tokens:
negs = [k for k in tokens if k in negative_words]
negs = len(negs)
pos = [k for k in tokens if k in positive_words]
pos = len(pos)
calc = pos - negs
print calc
df2 = pd.Series(senti_list,name="Sentiment")
new_data = pd.concat([df,df2,],axis=1)
new_data_name = '/Users/Desktop/Results/' + country_name + " " + text_type + ".xls"
writer_new_data_name = pd.ExcelWriter(new_data_name, engine='xlsxwriter')
This is the which i am doing
import csv
output = open('output.txt' , 'wb')
# this functions return the min for num.txt
def get_min(num):
return int(open('%s.txt' % num, 'r+').readlines()[0])
# temporary variables
last_line = ''
input_list = []
#iterate over input.txt in sort the input in a list of tuples
for i, line in enumerate(open('input.txt', 'r+').readlines()):
if i%2 == 0:
last_line = line
input_list.append((last_line, line))
filtered = [(header, data[:get_min(header[-2])] + '\n' ) for (header, data) in input_list]
[output.write(''.join(data)) for data in filtered]
In this code input.txt is something like this
and num.txt is something like this
M 4
P 10
I want that in above input.txt check the amount of value from the num.txt by looking at its last column which is same like in num.txt and cut its character according to that values
I think the error in my code is that it only accept the integer text file , where it should also accept file which contain alphabets
The totally revised version, after a long chat with the OP;
import os
import re
# Fetch all hashes and counts
file_c = open('num.txt')
file_c = file_c.read()
lines = re.findall(r'\w+\.txt \d+', file_c)
numbers = {}
for line in lines:
line_split = line.split('.txt ')
hash_name = line_split[0]
count = line_split[1]
numbers[hash_name] = count
# The input file
file_i = open('input.txt')
file_i = file_i.read()
for hash_name, count in numbers.iteritems():
regex = '(' + hash_name.strip() + ')'
result = re.findall(r'>.*\|(' + regex + ')(.*?)>', file_i, re.S)
if len(result) > 0:
data_original = result[0][2]
stripped_data = result[0][2][int(count):]
file_i = file_i.replace(data_original, '\n' + stripped_data)
# Write the input file to new input_new.txt
f = open('input_new.txt', 'wt')
You can do it like so;
import re
min_count = 4 # this variable will contain that count integer from where to start removing
str_to_match = 'EOG6CC67M' # this variable will contain the filename you read
input = '' # The file input (input.txt) will go in here
counter = 0
def callback_f(e):
global min_count
global counter
counter += 1
# Check your input
print(str(counter) + ' >>> ' + e.group())
# Only replace the value with nothing (remove it) after a certain count
if counter > min_count:
return '' # replace with nothing
result = re.sub(r''+str_to_match, callback_f, input)
With this tactic you can keep count with a global counter and there's no need to do hard line-loops with complex structures.
More detailed version with file access;
import os
import re
def callback_f(e):
global counter
counter += 1
# Check your input
print(str(counter) + ' >>> ' + e.group())
# Fetch all hash-file names and their content (count)
num_files = os.listdir('./num_files')
numbers = {}
for file in num_files:
if file[0] != '.':
file_c = open('./num_files/' + file)
file_c = file_c.read()
numbers[file.split('.')[0]] = file_c
# Now the CSV files
csv_files = os.listdir('./csv_files')
for file in csv_files:
if file[0] != '.':
for hash_name, min_count in numbers.iteritems():
file_c = open('./csv_files/' + file)
file_c = file_c.read()
counter = 0
result = re.sub(r''+hash_name, callback_f, file_c)
# Write the replaced content back to the file here
Considered directory/file structure;
+ Projects
+ Project_folder
+ csv_files
- input1.csv
- input2.csv
~ etc.
+ num_files
- EOG6CC67M.txt
- EOG62JQZP.txt
~ etc.
- python_file.py
The CSV files contain the big chunks of text you state in your original question.
The Num files contain the hash-files with an Integer in them
What happens in this script;
Collect all Hash files (in a dictionary) and it's inner count number
Loop through all CSV files
Subloop through the collected numbers for each CSV file
Replace/remove (based on what you do in callback_f()) hashes after a certain count
Write the output back (it's the last comment in the script, would contain the file.write() functionality)