Problems with text data-cleaning in python - python

I am working on a program that crawls Internet articles using the web crawling method.The program is started by entering the start and end pages of the website.
This program works in the following order.
web-crawling of articles information(title, sort, time, contents)
Remove special characters
Only nouns are extracted.
The problem maybe occurs lies in extracting nouns in the process of cleaning the content of the article. It works until the stage before noun extraction.
The error message is as follows
ValueError: Length of passed values is 4, index implies 5
To solve this problem, I coded using a method of adding DataFrame append.
But it doesn't solve the problem.
Use konlypy method(Korean morpheme analyzer)
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
import requests
import re
from konlpy.tag import Okt
from pandas import Series
i = input('Start page? : ')
k = input('End page? : ')
startpage = int(i)
lastpage = int(k)
count = int(i)
# Definition of text cleaning function
def text_cleaning(text):
hangul = re.compile('[^ㄱ-ㅣ가-힣]+')
result = hangul.sub(' ', text)
return result
# Definition of nouns extraction function
def get_nouns(x):
nouns_tagger = Okt()
nouns = nouns_tagger.nouns(x)
nouns = [noun for noun in nouns if len(noun)>1]
nouns = [noun for noun in nouns if noun not in stopwords]
return nouns
# dataframe formation
columns = ['Title', 'Sort', 'Datetime', 'Article']
news_info = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
idx = 0
Web-site page loop
while startpage<lastpage + 1:
url = f'{startpage}&total=72698&box_idxno=&sc_section_code=S1N2&view_type=sm'
html = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
links = soup.find_all(class_='list-titles')
print(f'-----{count}page result-----')
# Articles loop in the web-site page
for link in links:
news_url = ""+link.find('a')['href']
news_link = urllib.request.urlopen(news_url).read()
soup2 = BeautifulSoup(news_link, 'html.parser')
# an article's title
title = soup2.find('div', {'class':'article-head-title'})
if title:
title = soup2.find('div', {'class':'article-head-title'}).text
title = ''
# an article's sort
sorts = soup2.find('nav', {'class':'article-head-nav auto-marbtm-10'})
sorts2 = sorts.find_all('a')
sort = sorts2[2].text
sort =''
# an article's time
date = soup2.find('div',{'class':'info-text'})
datetime = date.find('i', {'class':'fa fa-clock-o fa-fw'}).parent.text.strip()
datetime = datetime.replace("승인", "")
datetime = ''
# an article's content
article = soup2.find('div', {'id':'article-view-content-div'})
if article:
article = soup2.find('div', {'id':'article-view-content-div'}).text
article = article.replace("\n", "")
article = article.replace("\r", "")
article = article.replace("\t", "")
article = article.replace("[전문건설신문]", "")
article = article.replace("저작권자 © 대한전문건설신문 무단전재 및 재배포 금지", "")
article = article.replace("전문건설신문", "")
article = article.replace("다른기사 보기", "")
article = ''
# Remove special characters
news_info['Title'] = news_info['Title'].apply(lambda x: text_cleaning(x))
news_info['Sort'] = news_info['Sort'].apply(lambda x: text_cleaning(x))
news_info['Article'] = news_info['Article'].apply(lambda x: text_cleaning(x))
So far, the program works without any problems. But if you see the program error message, it is indicated that the operation is not working because the input value and index are different.
Text data cleaning for extraction nouns
# Dataframe for storing after crawling individual articles
row = [title, sort, datetime, article]
series = pd.Series(row, index=news_info.columns)
news_info = news_info.append(series, ignore_index=True)
# Load Korean stopword dictionary file
path = "C:/Users/이바울/Desktop/이바울/코딩파일/stopwords-ko.txt"
with open(path, encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
stopwords = f.readlines()
stopwords = [x.strip() for x in stopwords]
news_info['Nouns'] = news_info['Article'].apply(lambda x: get_nouns(x))
startpage += 1
count += 1
After setting the existing 4 columns in the Pandas DataFrame, the append was used to add the column extracted as a noun as the 5th column. I know this method adds a column regardless of the index name. And if you look at the image link at the bottom, as a result, the first article is crawled and shows the results. From the next article, it does not work and an error occurs.
enter image description here(Program error result)
enter link description here(Korean stopwords dictionary)

I solves the problem.
It depends on the location of the code in the for loop statement.
I've been able to fix the problem as a result of continuing to reposition the problematic areas except for the code that worked before.
I solved the problem by applying backspace only twice in the code below.
news_info['Nouns'] = news_info['Article'].apply(lambda x: get_nouns(x))


How to make pandas loop faster: scraping the text from url

I'm trying to scrape the text from articles in my website. I have a 'for' loop, but it works very slow. Are there any faster ways to do that? I've read about Pandas Built-In-Loop, vectorization and and numpy vectorization, but failed to apply it to my code.
def scarp_text(df):
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None
session = requests.Session()
for j in range(0, len(df)):
url = df['url'][j] #takes a url of an article in a column 'url'
req = session.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'lxml')
except Exception as e:
tags = soup.find_all('p')
if tags == []:
tags = soup.find_all('p', itemprop = 'articleBody')
# Putting together all text from HTML p tags
article = ''
for p in paragraph_tags:
article = article + ' ' + p.get_text()
article = " ".join(article.split())
df['article_text'][j] = article #put collected text to a corresponding cell
return df
You have 2 for loops, the most inner loop is usually the best place to start.
Plus operator is inefficient for string concatenation. Str.join is a better choice, it also takes a generator as input.
article = " ".join(p.get_text() for p in paragraph_tags)
article = " ".join(article.split())

Creating multiple text files with unique file names from scraped data

I took an introductory course in Python this semester and am now trying to do a project. However, I don't really know what code I should write to create multiple .txt files of which the title will be different for each file.
I scraped all the terms and definitions from the website Title of the .txt file should for example be 'Aconite.txt' and the content of the file should be the title and the definition. Every term with its definition can be found in a separate p-tag and the term itself is a b-tag withing the p-tag. Can I use this to write my code?
I suppose I will need to use a for-loop for this, but I don't really know where to start. I searched StackOverflow and found several solutions, but all of them contain code I am not familiar with and/or relate to another issue.
This is what I have so far:
#!/usr/bin/env/ python
import requests
import bs4
def download(url):
r = requests.get(url)
html = r.text
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
terms_definition = []
#for item in soup.find_all('p'): #beter definiëren
items = soup.find_all("div", {"class" : "font-size-16 roboto"})
for item in items:
terms = item.find_all("p")
for term in terms:
if term.text is not 'None':
term_split = term.text.split()
if term.text != None and len(term.text) > 1:
if '-' in term.text.split():
if item.find('p'):
return terms_definition
def create_url(start, end):
list_url = []
base_url = ''
for x in range(start, end):
list_url.append(base_url + str(x))
return list_url
def search_all_url(list_url):
for url in list_url:
#write data into separate text files. Word in front of the dash should be title of the document, term and definition should be content of the text file
#all terms and definitions are in separate p-tags, title is a b-tag within the p-tag
def name_term
def text_files
path_write = os.path.join('data', name_term +'.txt') #'term' should be replaced by the scraped terms
with open(path_write, 'w') as f:
#for loop? in front of dash = title / everything before and after dash = text (file content) / empty line = new file
if __name__ == '__main__':
#list_url = create_url(1, 27)
Thanks in advance!
You can iterate over all pages (1-27) to get its content, then parse each page with bs4 and then save results to files:
import requests
import bs4
import re
for i in range(1, 27):
r = requests.get('{}/'.format(i)).text
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r, 'html.parser')
items = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "font-size-16 roboto"})
for item in items:
terms = item.find_all("p")
for term in terms:
title = re.match('^(.*) -', term.text).group(1).replace('/', '-')
with open(title + '.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
Output files:

Python extract and append data into data frame

I've scraped the website for my research but I couldn't find the right way to extract it into data frame. I believe that my problem is related with list objects that are between lines 36 and 38.
The print line has worked very nice that I can see the final version of data frame in the Python console.
The solution can be really easy but I couldn't figure it out. Thanks in advance for all help.
from time import sleep
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, SoupStrainer
import requests
import pandas as pd
# Insert the hisghest page number for website
highest_number = 12
def total_page_number(url):
all_webpage_links = []
all_webpage_links.insert(0, url)
pages = [str(each_number) for each_number in range(2, highest_number)]
for page in pages:
link = ''.join(url + '&page=' + page)
return all_webpage_links
# Use total_page_number function to create page list for website
All_page = total_page_number(
def clean_text(text):
""" Removes white-spaces before, after, and between characters
:param text: the string to remove clean
:return: a "cleaned" string with no more than one white space between
return ' '.join(text.split())
# Create list objects for data
# Problem occurs in this line !!!!!!
actor_names = []
titles = []
dates = []
def get_cast_from_link(movie_link):
""" Go to the IMDb Movie page in link, and find the cast overview list.
Prints tab-separated movie_title, actor_name, and character_played to
stdout as a result. Nothing returned
:param movie_link: string of the link to IMDb movie page (
:return: void
movie_page = requests.get(movie_link)
# Use SoupStrainer to strain the cast_list table from the movie_page
# This can save some time in bigger scraping projects
cast_strainer = SoupStrainer('table', class_='cast_list')
movie_soup = BeautifulSoup(movie_page.content, 'html.parser', parse_only=cast_strainer)
# Iterate through rows and extract the name and character
# Remember that some rows might not be a row of interest (e.g., a blank
# row for spacing the layout). Therefore, we need to use a try-except
# block to make sure we capture only the rows we want, without python
# complaining.
for row in movie_soup.find_all('tr'):
actor = clean_text(row.find(itemprop='name').text)
print('\t'.join([movie_title, actor, movie_date]))
except AttributeError:
# Export data frame
# Problem occurs in this line !!!!!!
tsd_df = pd.DataFrame({'Actor_Names': actor_names,
'Movie_Title': titles,
'Movie_Date': dates})
tsd_df.to_csv('/Users/ea/Desktop/movie_df.tsv', encoding='utf-8')
for each in All_page:
# Use requests.get('url') to load the page you want
web_page = requests.get(each)
# Prepare the SoupStrainer to strain just the tbody containing the list of movies
list_strainer = SoupStrainer('div', class_='lister-list')
# Parse the html content of the web page with BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(web_page.content, 'html.parser', parse_only=list_strainer)
# Generate a list of the "Rank & Title" column of each row and iterate
movie_list = soup.find_all('span', class_='lister-item-header')
for movie in movie_list:
movie_title = movie.a.text
movie_date = movie.find('span', class_='lister-item-year text-muted unbold').text
# get the link to the movie's own IMDb page, and jump over
link = '' + movie.a.get('href')
# remember to be nice, and sleep a while between requests!

How to go through all items and than save them in a dictionary key

I want to load automatically a code from website.
I have a list with some names and want to go through every item. Go through the first item, make request, open website, copy the code/number from HTML (text in span) and than save this result in dictionary and so on (for all items).
I read from csv all lines and save them into a list.
After this I make request to load HTML from a website, search the company and read the numbers from span.
My code:
with open(test_f, 'r') as file:
rows = csv.reader(file,
data = [data for data in rows]
url_part1 = ""
url_enter_company = [data for data in rows]
url_last_part = "&CompanySearchSubmit=1"
firma_noga = []
for data in firma_noga:
search_noga = url_part1 + url_enter_company + url_last_part
r = requests.get(search_noga)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser')
lii = soup.find_all("span")
# print all numbers that are in a span
numbers = [d.text for d in lii]
print("NOGA Codes: ")
I want to get in dictionary the result, where the key should be the company name (item in a list) and the value should be the number that I read from the span:
dict = {"firma1": "620100", "firma2": "262000, 465101"}
Can some one help me, I am new at web scraping and python, and don't know what I am doing wrong.
Split your string with regex and do your stuff depending on wether it is a number or not:
import re
for partial in re.split('([0-9]+)', myString):
print(partial + ' is not a number')
Well, myString is somewhat expected to be a string.
To get the text content of your spans as a string you should be able to use .text something like this:
spans = soup.find_all('span')
for span in spans:
myString = span.text #
for partial in re.split('([0-9]+)', myString):
print(partial + ' is not a number')
Abstracting from my requirements in comments I think somethinfg like this should work for you:
firma_noga = ['firma1', 'firma2', 'firma3'] #NOT EMPTY as in your code!
res_dict = {}
for data in firma_noga:
search_noga = url_part1 + url_enter_company + url_last_part
r = requests.get(search_noga)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser')
lii = soup.find_all("span")
for l in lii:
if data not in res_dict:
res_dict[data] = [l]
Obviously this will work obviously if firma-noga won't be empty like in your code; and all the rest (your) parsing logic should be valid as well.

Extract Information out of html

how can I extract the information of the appended html and save in a text file the following:
Paragraph-ID \t TokenID \t TokenCoordinates \t TokenContent
So, for example, the first lines should look like this:
T102633 1 109,18,110,18 IV
T102634 1 527,29,139,16 Seit
I'd like to use python. At the moment, I have the following:
root = lxml.html.parse('html-file').getroot()
tables = root.cssselect('table.main')
tables = root.xpath('//table[#class="main" and not(ancestor::table[#class="main"])]')
for elem in root.xpath("//span[#class='finereader']"):
text = (elem.text or "") + (elem.tail or "")
if elem.getprevious() is not None: # If there's a previous node
previous = elem.getprevious()
previous.tail = (previous.tail or "") + text # append to its tail
parent = elem.getparent() # Otherwise use the parent
parent.text = (parent.text or "") + text # and append to its text
txt = []
txt += ([lxml.etree.tostring(t, method="html", encoding="utf-8") for t in tables])
text = "\n".join(el for el in txt)
This gives me something like this:
Now, it's clear that I could use the string-find-method to extract the information I want. But is there no more elegant solution? With ".attrib" or something like that?
Thanks for any help!
Here, one can find the html:
This code using BeautifulSoup gives all the spans you are interested in:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html_file = open('html_file')
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_file)
table = soup.find('table', attrs={'class':'main'})
# The first two tr's dont seem to contain the info you need,
# so get rid of them
rows = table.find_all('tr')[2:]
for row in rows:
data = row.find_all('td')[1]
span_element = data.find_all('span')
for ele in span_element:
print ele.text
Once you have the data in the format [:T102639-3 coord="186,15,224,18":]L.[:/T102639-3:], use the python regex module to get the content.
import re
pattern = re.compile('\[:(.*):\](.*)\[:\/(.*):\]')
data = "[:T102639-3 coord="186,15,224,18":]L.[:/T102639-3:]"
res =, data)
#[0] then gives 'T102639-3'
#[1] gives coord="186,15,224,18"
# gives 'L.'
