'<' not supported between instances of 'node' and 'node' priorityqueue python - python

I am implementing A* Search algorithm in Python.
for get the min edge node, i am using priority queue class of python. the algorithm implementation portion.
the code -
from queue import PriorityQueue
def a_star_search(g_edge, h_value, des):
path = []
class node:
def __init__(self, node_no, prev, actual_cost, total_cost):
self.node_no = node_no
self.prev = prev
self.actual_cost = actual_cost
self.total_cost = total_cost
minQ = PriorityQueue()
new = node(0, None, 0, 10)
while not minQ.empty():
NOb = minQ.get()
if NOb.node_no == des:
return path
for list in g_edge:
for element in list:
if element[0] == NOb.node_no:
prev = NOb.node_no
actual_cost = NOb.actual_cost + element[2]
for l in h_value:
if l[0] == 0:
total_cost = NOb.actual_cost + l[1]
NObNew = node(element[1], prev, actual_cost, total_cost)
the error occured in this line ->
NObNew = node(element[1], prev, actual_cost, total_cost)
where is the problem?


Reverse a sub list

I have to reverse a sub list in my linked list and then return the original linked list but with the sublist reversed. The question is as follows...
Given the head of a LinkedList and two positions ‘p’ and ‘q’, reverse the LinkedList from position ‘p’ to ‘q’.
For example
1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> null, p = 2, q = 4 then,
1 -> 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 5 -> null
from __future__ import print_function
class Node:
def __init__(self, value, next=None):
self.value = value
self.next = next
def print_list(self):
temp = self
while temp is not None:
print(temp.value, end=" ")
temp = temp.next
def reverse_sub_list(head, p, q):
start, end = head, head
previous = None
while p > 1:
previous = start
start = start.next
p -= 1
while q > 0:
end = end.next
q -= 1
last_node_of_sub_list = start
sub_list = reverse(start, end)
previous.next = sub_list
last_node_of_sub_list.next = end
return head
first_list = head
last_list = end
while first_list is not None:
first_list = first_list.next
first_list = sub_list
while sub_list is not None:
sub_list = sub_list.next
sub_list = last_list
return head
def reverse(head, last_node):
previous = None
while head is not last_node:
_next = head.next
head.next = previous
previous = head
head = _next
return previous
def main():
head = Node(1)
head.next = Node(2)
head.next.next = Node(3)
head.next.next.next = Node(4)
head.next.next.next.next = Node(5)
print("Nodes of original LinkedList are: ", end='')
result = reverse_sub_list(head, 2, 4)
print("Nodes of reversed LinkedList are: ", end='')
In my while loops I thought I was connecting the last node of the first_list to sub_list and the last node of sub_list to the last_list.
Turns out that when I return head, head is now only 1 -> 2 -> null
This happens when I reverse the sub_list which is fine and I understand that part, but I thought I was reconnecting my lists again.
def reverse_sub_list(head, p, q):
start, end = head, head
previous = None
while p > 1:
previous = start
start = start.next
p -= 1
Now before moving with q > 0 while loop, you can just store the values of the previous and current and continue with q > 0 while loop.
And inside this loop, the reverse is done and q is decremented
connection = previous
tail = current
while q > 0:
currentNext = current.next
current.next = previous
previous = current
current = currentNext
Now all we have got is whether connection was null or not. If the connection is null, then you can set previous to head else set previous to connection.next
if connection != None:
connection.next = previous
head = previous
tail.next = current
return head
Full Code :
def reverse_sub_list(head, p, q):
current = head
previous = None
while p > 1:
previous = start
current = current.next
p -= 1
connection = previous
tail = current
while q > 0:
currentNext = current.next
current.next = previous
previous = current
current = currentNext
if connection != None:
connection.next = previous
head = previous
tail.next = current
return head
You can check this link for more explanation and figure : Click here
# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode:
# def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
# self.val = val
# self.next = next
class Solution:
def reverseBetween(self, head: ListNode, left: int, right: int) -> ListNode:
if left == right:
return head
prev = start = prev_start = None
node = head
for count in range(1, right + 1):
if count >= left:
if not start:
prev_start = prev
start = node
nxt = node.next
node.next = prev
prev = node
node = nxt
prev = node
node = node.next
if prev_start:
prev_start.next = prev
if start:
start.next = node
return head if left > 1 else prev

(Python) Summing two linked lists where each node is an integer. Attribute error

class Node:
def __init__(self, data = None, next = None):
self.data = data
self.next = next
class LinkedList:
def __init__(self, node = None):
self.head = node
self.length = 0
def InsertNode(self, data):
newNode = Node()
newNode.data = data
if self.length == 0:
self.head = newNode
newNode.next = self.head
self.head = newNode
self.length += 1
def printList(self):
temp = self.head
while temp != None:
print(temp.data, end = " ")
temp = temp.next
class AddingListNumbers:
def addTwoNumbers(self, list1, list2):
if list1 == None:
return list2
if list2 == None:
return list1
len1 = len2 = 0
head = list1.head
while head != None:
len1 += 1
head = head.next
head = list2.head
while head != None:
len2 += 1
head = head.next
if len1 > len2:
shorter = list2
longer = list1
shorter = list1
longer = list2
sum = None
carry = 0
while shorter != None:
value = shorter.data + longer.data + carry
carry = value / 10
value -= carry * 10
if sum == None:
sum = Node(value)
result = sum
sum.next = Node(value)
sum = sum.next
shorter = shorter.next
longer = longer.next
while longer != None:
value = longer.data + carry
carry = value / 10
value -= carry * 10
sum.next = Node(value)
sum = sum.next
longer = longer.next
if carry != 0:
sum.next = Node(carry)
return result
linkedlist = LinkedList()
linkedlist2 = LinkedList()
list3 = LinkedList()
ResultList = AddingListNumbers()
list3.next = ResultList.addTwoNumbers(linkedlist, linkedlist2)
I have created Node and LinkedList classes and then another class AddingListNumbers for adding the list number.
I am getting an error message:
value = shorter.data + longer.data + carry
AttributeError: 'LinkedList' object has no attribute 'data'
I don't understand how to debug this one. How to handle attribute errors?
Below is the image of the error message.
The issue is with this section:
if len1 > len2:
shorter = list2 # should be list2.head instead
longer = list1 # should be list1.head instead
shorter = list1 # should be list1.head instead
longer = list2 # should be list2.head instead
With that said, however, this code can be optimised to traverse the lists only once. In this implementation you're first finding the shorter list and then adding while the shorter list is traversed. It can be done in single traversal as:
Repeat these steps while list1 is traversed OR list2 is traversed completely
Add data from node of list1, if it exists, or add 0
Add data from node of list2, if it exists, or add 0
Add carry to the above sum.
Calculate divmod of the sum and re-assign carry and sum.
Move pointers ahead, if next nodes are present.
The resultant list will have sum of the lists.

Nodes in Ascending Order

I have a class named Poly that takes in a list of tuples and converts them into polynomials... now I'm running into some issues in my insert function and can't figure out how to order the information ascending based on power
Current Output Based on Input:
>>> i = [(2,3),(2,1),(3,4),(2,3),(3,1)]
>>> p = Poly(i)
>>> print(p)
'4x^3 + 2x + 3x + 3x^4'
Expected Output:
>>> i = [(2,3),(2,1),(3,4),(2,3),(3,1)]
>>> p = Poly(i)
>>> print(p)
'5x + 4x^3 + 3x^4'
The solution must have the lowest powers on the left and the highest powers on the right. So in ascending order.
My Code:
class Poly:
class Node:
def __init__(self, coef, power, next):
self._coef = coef
self._power = power
self._next = next
def __init__(self, lst):
self._head = None
self._size = 0
for elem in lst:
def insert(self, tup):
node = self.Node(tup[0], tup[1], None)
if node._coef == 0:
if self.isEmpty():
self._head = node
self._size += 1
if self._head._power == node._power:
self._head._coef += node._coef
self._size += 1
curr = self._head
while curr._next and node._power >= curr._next._power:
if node._power == curr._power:
curr._coef += node._coef
curr = curr._next
self._size += 1
node._next = curr._next
curr._next = node
Thanks in advance for any help!

Bidirectional BFS in Python Implementation

I am implementing a bidirectional BFS for a 2d maze problem in Python 3.7.3.
Firstly, here is how I create the maze:
for row in range(dim):
# Add an empty array that will hold each cell
# in this row
for column in range(dim):
grid[row].append(np.random.binomial(1, 0.2, 1)) # Append a cell
if (row == column == dim - 1):
grid[row][column] = 0
grid[0][0] = 0
Now, in order to facilitate the bidirectional BFS, I defined a junct class which is essentially a node which stores both a parent junct from the starting direction and a parent junct from the goal direction.
class junct():
def __init__(self, row, column, parent_S, parent_G):
self.row = row
self.column = column
self.parent_S = parent_S
self.parent_G = parent_G
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.row == other.row and self.column == other.column)
Here is my bidirectional bfs function. It is part of an Agent class which has not given me any issues so far. I want this function to return a list of tuples (row, column) of all the nodes in the path from the start to the goal.
def bidirectional_bfs(self):
def get_value(maze, a, b):
return maze[a][b]
def is_out_of_bounds(a, b, d):
return (a < 0 or a >= dim) or (b < 0 or b >= d)
grid = self.grid
dim = len(grid)
Q_start = []
Q_goal = []
visited = []
start = junct(0, 0, None, None)
goal = junct(dim-1, dim-1, None, None)
#beginning loop
while (len(Q_start) > 0) and (len(Q_goal) > 0):
current_S = Q_start[0]
current_G = Q_goal[0]
row_S = current_S.row
column_S = current_S.column
row_G = current_G.row
column_G = current_G.column
#some mechanics
if len(Q_start) > 0:
if len(Q_goal) > 0:
#in case the current node from starting is in the goal Queue
if (current_S in Q_goal):
#forming the path back to G
current = current_S
path_S = [current]
while current.parent_S is not None:
current = current.parent_S
path_S = [(item.row, item.column) for item in path_S]
#in case the current node from goal is in the start Queue
if (current_G in Q_start):
#forming the path back to S
current = current_G
path_G = [currrent]
while current.parent_S is not None:
current = current.parent_G
path_G = [(item.row, item.column) for item in path_G]
if (current_S in Q_goal) and (current_G in Q_start):
path = [item for item in path_G for item in path_S]
return path
#enqueueing children from the start direction
children_S = [junct(row_S+1, column_S, current_S, None), junct(row_S-1, column_S, current_S, None), junct(row_S, column_S+1, current_S, None), junct(row_S, column_S-1, current_S, None)]
for child in children_S:
if not is_out_of_bounds(child.row, child.column, dim):
if child not in visited:
if get_value(grid, child.row, child.column) == 0:
#enqueueing childen from the goal direction
#enqueueing children from the start direction
children_G = [junct(row_G+1, column_G, None, current_G), junct(row_G-1, column_G, None, current_G), junct(row_G, column_G+1, None, current_G), junct(row_G, column_G-1, None, current_G)]
for child in children_S:
if not is_out_of_bounds(child.row, child.column, dim):
if child not in visited:
if get_value(grid, child.row, child.column) == 0:
return []
print("No path")
Where am I going wrong in my code? What needs to be changed in order to return the path?

Bidirectional A* not finding the shortest path

I'm implementing bidirectional A* algorithm in Python 2.7.12 and testing it on the map of Romania from from Russell and Norvig, Chapter 3. The edges have weights and the aim is to find the shortest path between two nodes.
Here is the visualization of the testing graph:
The example where my Bidirectional A* is failing is that where the starting point is 'a' and the goal is 'u'. This is the path that my implementation has found:
The length of ['a', 's', 'f', 'b', 'u'] is 535.
This is the actual shortest path from 'a' to 'u':
The length of ['a', 's', 'r', 'p', 'b', 'u'] is 503.
As we can see, my implementation failed to find the shortest path. I think that the problem may be in my stopping conditions, but I don't know.
This is the python script with my implementation of A* (I used Euclidean distance as a heuristic) and few other help classes and functions:
from __future__ import division
import math
from networkx import *
import random
import pickle
import sys
import heapq
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class PriorityQueue():
"""Implementation of a priority queue"""
def __init__(self):
self.queue = []
self.node_finder = dict()
self.current = 0
self.REMOVED_SYMBOL = '<removed>'
def next(self):
if self.current >=len(self.queue):
raise StopIteration
out = self.queue[self.current]
self.current += 1
return out
def pop(self):
while self.queue:
node = heapq.heappop(self.queue)
nodeId = node[1]
if nodeId is not self.REMOVED_SYMBOL:
del self.node_finder[nodeId]
except KeyError:
return node
def remove(self, nodeId):
node = self.node_finder[nodeId]
node[1] = self.REMOVED_SYMBOL
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __str__(self):
return 'PQ:[%s]'%(', '.join([str(i) for i in self.queue]))
def append(self, node):
nodeId = node[1]
nodePriority = node[0]
node = [nodePriority, nodeId]
self.node_finder[nodeId] = node
heapq.heappush(self.queue, node)
def update(self, node):
nodeId = node[1]
nodePriority = node[0]
node = [nodePriority, nodeId]
self.node_finder[nodeId] = node
heapq.heappush(self.queue, node)
def getPriority(self, nodeId):
return self.node_finder[nodeId][0]
def __contains__(self, key):
self.current = 0
return key in [n for v,n in self.queue]
def __eq__(self, other):
return self == other
def size(self):
return len(self.queue)
def clear(self):
self.queue = []
def top(self):
return self.queue[0]
__next__ = next
def bidirectional_a_star(graph, start, goal):
if start == goal:
return []
pq_s = PriorityQueue()
pq_t = PriorityQueue()
closed_s = dict()
closed_t = dict()
g_s = dict()
g_t = dict()
g_s[start] = 0
g_t[goal] = 0
cameFrom1 = dict()
cameFrom2 = dict()
def euclidean_distance(graph, v, goal):
xv, yv = graph.node[v]['pos']
xg, yg = graph.node[goal]['pos']
return ((xv-xg)**2 + (yv-yg)**2)**0.5
def h1(v): # heuristic for forward search (from start to goal)
return euclidean_distance(graph, v, goal)
def h2(v): # heuristic for backward search (from goal to start)
return euclidean_distance(graph, v, start)
cameFrom1[start] = False
cameFrom2[goal] = False
pq_s.append((0+h1(start), start))
pq_t.append((0+h2(goal), goal))
done = False
i = 0
mu = 10**301 # 10**301 plays the role of infinity
connection = None
while pq_s.size() > 0 and pq_t.size() > 0 and done == False:
i = i + 1
if i % 2 == 1: # alternate between forward and backward A*
fu, u = pq_s.pop()
closed_s[u] = True
for v in graph[u]:
weight = graph[u][v]['weight']
if v in g_s:
if g_s[u] + weight < g_s[v]:
g_s[v] = g_s[u] + weight
cameFrom1[v] = u
if v in closed_s:
del closed_s[v]
if v in pq_s:
pq_s.update((g_s[v]+h1(v), v))
pq_s.append((g_s[v]+h1(v), v))
g_s[v] = g_s[u] + weight
cameFrom1[v] = u
pq_s.append((g_s[v]+h1(v), v))
if v in closed_t:
if g_s[u] + weight + g_t[v] < mu:
mu = g_s[u] + weight + g_t[v]
connection = v
done = True
fu, u = pq_t.pop()
closed_t[u] = True
for v in graph[u]:
weight = graph[u][v]['weight']
if v in g_t:
if g_t[u] + weight < g_t[v]:
g_t[v] = g_t[u] + weight
cameFrom2[v] = u
if v in closed_t:
del closed_t[v]
if v in pq_t:
pq_t.update((g_t[v]+h2(v), v))
pq_t.append((g_t[v]+h2(v), v))
g_t[v] = g_t[u] + weight
cameFrom2[v] = u
pq_t.append((g_t[v]+h2(v), v))
if v in closed_s:
if g_t[u] + weight + g_s[v] < mu:
mu = g_t[u] + weight + g_s[v]
connection = v
done = True
if u in closed_s and u in closed_t:
if g_s[u] + g_t[u] < mu:
mu = g_s[u] + g_t[u]
connection = u
stopping_distance = min(min([f for (f,x) in pq_s]), min([f for (f,x) in pq_t]))
if mu <= stopping_distance:
done = True
#connection = u
if connection is None:
# start and goal are not connected
return None
#print cameFrom1
#print cameFrom2
path = []
current = connection
#print current
while current != False:
#print predecessor
path = [current] + path
current = cameFrom1[current]
current = connection
successor = cameFrom2[current]
while successor != False:
path = path + [successor]
current = successor
successor = cameFrom2[current]
return path
# This function visualizes paths
def draw_graph(graph, node_positions={}, start=None, goal=None, path=[]):
explored = list(graph.get_explored_nodes())
labels ={}
for node in graph:
if not node_positions:
node_positions = networkx.spring_layout(graph)
edge_labels = networkx.get_edge_attributes(graph,'weight')
networkx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, node_positions)
networkx.draw_networkx_edges(graph, node_positions, style='dashed')
networkx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(graph, node_positions, edge_labels=edge_labels)
networkx.draw_networkx_labels(graph,node_positions, labels)
networkx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, node_positions, nodelist=explored, node_color='g')
if path:
edges = [(path[i], path[i+1]) for i in range(0, len(path)-1)]
networkx.draw_networkx_edges(graph, node_positions, edgelist=edges, edge_color='b')
if start:
networkx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, node_positions, nodelist=[start], node_color='b')
if goal:
networkx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, node_positions, nodelist=[goal], node_color='y')
# this function calculates the length of the path
def calculate_length(graph, path):
pairs = zip(path, path[1:])
return sum([graph.get_edge_data(a, b)['weight'] for a, b in pairs])
#Romania map data from Russell and Norvig, Chapter 3.
romania = pickle.load(open('romania_graph.pickle', 'rb'))
node_positions = {n: romania.node[n]['pos'] for n in romania.node.keys()}
start = 'a'
goal = 'u'
path = bidirectional_a_star(romania, start, goal)
print "This is the path found by bidirectional A* :", path
print "Its length :", calculate_length(romania, path)
# visualize my path
draw_graph(romania, node_positions=node_positions, start=start, goal=goal, path=path)
# compare to the true shortest path between start and goal
true_path = networkx.shortest_path(romania, start, goal, weight='weight')
print "This is the actual shortest path: ", true_path
print "Its lenght: ", calculate_length(romania, true_path)
#visualize true_path
draw_graph(romania, node_positions=node_positions, start=start, goal=goal, path=true_path)
Pickle data for Romania can be downloaded from here.
I corrected some errors in PriorityQueue and bidirectional_a_star. It's working fine now.
The corrected code for the class and the function is as follows:
class PriorityQueue():
"""Implementation of a priority queue"""
def __init__(self):
self.queue = []
self.node_finder = dict()
self.current = 0
self.REMOVED_SYMBOL = '<removed>'
def next(self):
if self.current >=len(self.queue):
raise StopIteration
out = self.queue[self.current]
while out == self.REMOVED_SYMBOL:
self.current += 1
out = self.queue[self.current]
self.current += 1
return out
def pop(self):
# TODO: finish this
while self.queue:
node = heapq.heappop(self.queue)
nodeId = node[1]
if nodeId is not self.REMOVED_SYMBOL:
del self.node_finder[nodeId]
except KeyError:
return node
#raise KeyError('pop from an empty priority queue')
def remove(self, nodeId):
node = self.node_finder[nodeId]
node[1] = self.REMOVED_SYMBOL
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __str__(self):
return 'PQ:[%s]'%(', '.join([str(i) for i in self.queue]))
def append(self, node):
# node = (priority, nodeId)
nodeId = node[1]
nodePriority = node[0]
node = [nodePriority, nodeId]
self.node_finder[nodeId] = node
heapq.heappush(self.queue, node)
def update(self, node):
nodeId = node[1]
nodePriority = node[0]
node = [nodePriority, nodeId]
self.node_finder[nodeId] = node
heapq.heappush(self.queue, node)
def getPriority(self, nodeId):
return self.node_finder[nodeId][0]
def __contains__(self, key):
self.current = 0
return key in [n for v,n in self.queue]
def __eq__(self, other):
return self == other
def size(self):
return len([1 for priority, node in self.queue if node!=self.REMOVED_SYMBOL])
def clear(self):
self.queue = []
def top(self):
return self.queue[0]
__next__ = next
def bidirectional_a_star(graph, start, goal):
if start == goal:
return []
pq_s = PriorityQueue()
pq_t = PriorityQueue()
closed_s = dict()
closed_t = dict()
g_s = dict()
g_t = dict()
g_s[start] = 0
g_t[goal] = 0
cameFrom1 = dict()
cameFrom2 = dict()
def euclidean_distance(graph, v, goal):
xv, yv = graph.node[v]['pos']
xg, yg = graph.node[goal]['pos']
return ((xv-xg)**2 + (yv-yg)**2)**0.5
def h1(v): # heuristic for forward search (from start to goal)
return euclidean_distance(graph, v, goal)
def h2(v): # heuristic for backward search (from goal to start)
return euclidean_distance(graph, v, start)
cameFrom1[start] = False
cameFrom2[goal] = False
pq_s.append((0+h1(start), start))
pq_t.append((0+h2(goal), goal))
done = False
i = 0
mu = 10**301 # 10**301 plays the role of infinity
connection = None
while pq_s.size() > 0 and pq_t.size() > 0 and done == False:
i = i + 1
if i % 2 == 1: # alternate between forward and backward A*
fu, u = pq_s.pop()
closed_s[u] = True
for v in graph[u]:
weight = graph[u][v]['weight']
if v in g_s:
if g_s[u] + weight < g_s[v]:
g_s[v] = g_s[u] + weight
cameFrom1[v] = u
if v in closed_s:
del closed_s[v]
if v in pq_s:
pq_s.update((g_s[v]+h1(v), v))
pq_s.append((g_s[v]+h1(v), v))
g_s[v] = g_s[u] + weight
cameFrom1[v] = u
pq_s.append((g_s[v]+h1(v), v))
fu, u = pq_t.pop()
closed_t[u] = True
for v in graph[u]:
weight = graph[u][v]['weight']
if v in g_t:
if g_t[u] + weight < g_t[v]:
g_t[v] = g_t[u] + weight
cameFrom2[v] = u
if v in closed_t:
del closed_t[v]
if v in pq_t:
pq_t.update((g_t[v]+h2(v), v))
pq_t.append((g_t[v]+h2(v), v))
g_t[v] = g_t[u] + weight
cameFrom2[v] = u
pq_t.append((g_t[v]+h2(v), v))
if u in closed_s and u in closed_t:
if g_s[u] + g_t[u] < mu:
mu = g_s[u] + g_t[u]
connection = u
stopping_distance = max(min([f for (f,x) in pq_s]), min([f for (f,x) in pq_t]))
except ValueError:
if mu <= stopping_distance:
done = True
connection = u
if connection is None:
# start and goal are not connected
return None
#print cameFrom1
#print cameFrom2
path = []
current = connection
#print current
while current != False:
#print predecessor
path = [current] + path
current = cameFrom1[current]
current = connection
successor = cameFrom2[current]
while successor != False:
path = path + [successor]
current = successor
successor = cameFrom2[current]
return path
