Hello I am in need of a custom regularization term to add to my (binary cross entropy) Loss function. Can somebody help me with the Tensorflow syntax to implement this?
I simplified everything as much as possible so it could be easier to help me.
The model takes a dataset 10000 of 18 x 18 binary configurations as input and has a 16x16 of a configuration set as output. The neural network consists only of 2 Convlutional layer.
My model looks like this:
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras import datasets, layers, models
model = models.Sequential()
model.fit(initial.reshape(10000,18,18,1),target.reshape(10000,16,16,1),batch_size = 1000, epochs=EPOCHS, verbose=1)
output = model(initial).numpy().reshape(10000,16,16)
Now I wrote a function which I'd like to use as an aditional regularization terme to have as a regularization term. This function takes the true and the prediction. Basically it multiplies every point of both with its 'right' neighbor. Then the difference is taken. I assumed that the true and prediction term is 16x16 (and not 10000x16x16). Is this correct?
def regularization_term(prediction, true):
order = list(range(1,4))
deviation = (true*true[:,order]) - (prediction*prediction[:,order])
deviation = abs(deviation)**2
return 0.2 * deviation
I would really appreciate some help with adding something like this function as a regularization term to my loss for helping the neural network to train better to this 'right neighbor' interaction. I'm really struggling with using the customizable Tensorflow functionalities a lot.
Thank you, much appreciated.
It is quite simple. You need to specify a custom loss in which you define your adding regularization term. Something like this:
# to minimize!
def regularization_term(true, prediction):
order = list(range(1,4))
deviation = (true*true[:,order]) - (prediction*prediction[:,order])
deviation = abs(deviation)**2
return 0.2 * deviation
def my_custom_loss(y_true, y_pred):
return tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy()(y_true, y_pred) + regularization_term(y_true, y_pred)
model.compile(optimizer='Adam', loss=my_custom_loss)
As stated by keras:
Any callable with the signature loss_fn(y_true, y_pred) that returns
an array of losses (one of sample in the input batch) can be passed to
compile() as a loss. Note that sample weighting is automatically
supported for any such loss.
So be sure to return an array of losses (EDIT: as I can see now it is possible to return also a simple scalar. It doesn't matter if you use for example the reduce function). Basically y_true and y_predicted have as first dimension the batch size.
here details: https://keras.io/api/losses/
Have built a Reinforcement Learning DQN with variable length sequences as inputs, and positive and negative rewards calculated for actions. Some problem with my DQN model in Keras means that although the model runs, average rewards over time decrease, over single and multiple cycles of epsilon. This does not change even after significant period of training.
My thinking is that this is due to using MeanSquareError in Keras as the Loss function (minimising error). So I am trying to implement gradient ascent (to maximise reward). How to do this in Keras? My current model is:
model = Sequential()
model.add(Input(shape=inp)) # 'a shape tuple(integers), not including batch-size
model.add(Masking(mask_value=0., input_shape=inp))
model.add(LSTM(env.NUM_FEATURES, input_shape=inp, return_sequences=True))
optimizer=Adam(lr=LEARNING_RATE, decay=DECAY),
In trying to implement gradient ascent, by 'flipping' the gradient (as negative or inverse loss?), I have tried various loss definitions:
but these all generate bad operand [for unary] errors.
How to adapt current Keras model to maximise rewards ?
Or is this gradient ascent not even the problem? Could it be some issue with the action policy?
Writing a custom loss function
Here is the loss function you want
def positive_mse(y_true, y_pred):
return -1 * tf.keras.losses.MSE(y_true, y_pred)
And then your compile line becomes
optimizer=Adam(lr=LEARNING_RATE, decay=DECAY),
Please note : use loss=positive_mse and not loss=positive_mse(). That's not a typo. This is because you need to pass the function, not the results of executing the function.
I'm currenly working on a dataset where I've to predict an integer output. It starts from 1 to N. I've build a network with loss function mse. But I feel like mse loss function may not be an ideal loss function to minimize in the case of integer output.
I'm also round my prediction to get integer output. Is there a way to make/optimize the model better in case of integer output.
Can anyone provide some help on how to deal with integer output/targets. This is the loss function I'm using right now.
model.compile(optimizer=SGD(0.001), loss='mse')
You are using the wrong loss, mean squared error is a loss for regression, and you have a classification problem (discrete outputs, not continuous).
So for this your model should have a softmax output layer:
model.add(Dense(N, activation="softmax"))
And you should be using a classification loss:
model.compile(optimizer=SGD(0.001), loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy')
Assuming your labels are integers in the [0, N-1] range (off by one), this should work. To make a prediction, you should do:
output = np.argmax(model.predict(some_data), axis=1) + 1
The +1 is because integer labels go from 0 to N-1
Ordinal regression could be an appropriate approach, in case predicting the wrong month but close to the true month is considered a smaller mistake than predicting a value one year earlier or later. Only you can know that, based on the specific problem you want to solve.
I found an implementation of the appropriate loss function on github (no affiliation). For completeness, below I copy-paste the code from that repo:
from keras import backend as K
from keras import losses
def loss(y_true, y_pred):
weights = K.cast(
K.abs(K.argmax(y_true, axis=1) - K.argmax(y_pred, axis=1))/(K.int_shape(y_pred)[1] - 1),
return (1.0 + weights) * losses.categorical_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred)
After i 'v written the simple neural network with numpy, i wanted to compare it numerically with PyTorch impementation. Running alone, seems my neural network implementation converges, so it seems to have no errors.
Also i v checked forward pass matches to PyTorch, so basic setup is correct.
But something different happens while backward pass, because the weights after one backpropagation are different.
I dont want to post full code here because its linked over several .py files, and most of the code is irrelevant to the question. I just want to know does PyTorch "basic" gradient descent or something different.
I m viewing the most simle example about full-connected weights of the last layer, cause if it is different, further will be also different:
self.weight += self.learning_rate * hidden_layer.T.dot(output_delta )
output_delta = self.expected - self.output
self.expected are expected value,
self.output is forward pass result
No activation or further stuff here.
The torch past is:
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(nn.parameters() , lr = 1.0)
criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss(reduction='sum')
output = nn.forward(x_train)
loss = criterion(output, y_train)
So it is possible that with SGD optimizer and MSELoss it uses some different delta or backpropagation function, not the basic one mentioned above? If its so i d like to know how to numerically check my numpy solution with pytorch.
I just want to know does PyTorch "basic" gradient descent or something different.
If you set torch.optim.SGD, this means stochastic gradient descent.
You have different implementations on GD, but the one that is used in PyTorch is applied to mini-batches.
There are GD implementations that will optimize parameters after the full epoch. As you may guess they are very "slow", this may be great for supercomputers to test. There are GD implementations that work for every sample, as you may guess their imperfectness is "huge" gradient fluctuations.
These are all relative terms, so I am using ""
Note you are using too big learning rates like lr = 1.0, which means you haven't normalized your data at first, but this is a skill you may scalp over time.
So it is possible that with SGD optimizer and MSELoss it uses some different delta or backpropagation function, not the basic one mentioned above?
It uses what you told.
Here is a the example in PyTorch and in Python to show detection of gradients works as expected (used in back propagation) :
x = torch.tensor([5.], requires_grad=True);
print(x) # tensor([5.], requires_grad=True)
y = 3*x**2
print(x.grad) # tensor([30.])
How would you get this value 30 in plain python?
def y(x):
return 3*x**2
e=0.01 #etha
print(g) # 30.0299
As we expect we got ~30, it would be even better with smaller etha.
I am nooby in this field of study and probably this is a pretty silly question. I want to build a normal ANN, but I am not sure if I can use a weighted mean square error as the loss function.
If we are not treating each sample equally, I mean we care the prediction precision more for some of the categories of the samples more than the others, then we want to form a weighted loss function.
Lets say, we have a categorical feature ci, i is the index of the sample, and for simplicity, we assume that this feature takes binary value, either 0 or 1. So, we can form the loss function as
(ci + 1)(yi_hat - yi)^2
#and take the sum for all i
Are there going to be any problem with the back-propagation? I don't see any issue with calculating the gradient or updating the weights between layers.
And, if no issue, how can I program this loss function in Keras? Because it seems that the loss function only takes two parameters, y_true and y_pred, how can I plug in the vector c?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Functions can declare the constants withing themselves or even take the constants from an outside scope:
import keras.backend as K
c = K.constant([c1,c2,c3,c4,...,cn])
def weighted_loss(y_true,y_pred):
loss = keras.losses.get('mse')
return c * loss(y_true,y_pred)
Exactly like yours:
def weighted_loss(y_true,y_pred):
weighted = (c+1)*K.square(y_true-y_pred)
return K.sum(weighted)
I'm trying to train a network with an unbalanced data. I have A (198 samples), B (436 samples), C (710 samples), D (272 samples) and I have read about the "weighted_cross_entropy_with_logits" but all the examples I found are for binary classification so I'm not very confident in how to set those weights.
Total samples: 1616
A_weight: 198/1616 = 0.12?
The idea behind, if I understood, is to penalize the errors of the majority class and value more positively the hits in the minority one, right?
My piece of code:
weights = tf.constant([0.12, 0.26, 0.43, 0.17])
cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.weighted_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=pred, targets=y, pos_weight=weights))
I have read this one and others examples with binary classification but still not very clear.
Note that weighted_cross_entropy_with_logits is the weighted variant of sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits. Sigmoid cross entropy is typically used for binary classification. Yes, it can handle multiple labels, but sigmoid cross entropy basically makes a (binary) decision on each of them -- for example, for a face recognition net, those (not mutually exclusive) labels could be "Does the subject wear glasses?", "Is the subject female?", etc.
In binary classification(s), each output channel corresponds to a binary (soft) decision. Therefore, the weighting needs to happen within the computation of the loss. This is what weighted_cross_entropy_with_logits does, by weighting one term of the cross-entropy over the other.
In mutually exclusive multilabel classification, we use softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits, which behaves differently: each output channel corresponds to the score of a class candidate. The decision comes after, by comparing the respective outputs of each channel.
Weighting in before the final decision is therefore a simple matter of modifying the scores before comparing them, typically by multiplication with weights. For example, for a ternary classification task,
# your class weights
class_weights = tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]])
# deduce weights for batch samples based on their true label
weights = tf.reduce_sum(class_weights * onehot_labels, axis=1)
# compute your (unweighted) softmax cross entropy loss
unweighted_losses = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(onehot_labels, logits)
# apply the weights, relying on broadcasting of the multiplication
weighted_losses = unweighted_losses * weights
# reduce the result to get your final loss
loss = tf.reduce_mean(weighted_losses)
You could also rely on tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy to handle the last three steps.
In your case, where you need to tackle data imbalance, the class weights could indeed be inversely proportional to their frequency in your train data. Normalizing them so that they sum up to one or to the number of classes also makes sense.
Note that in the above, we penalized the loss based on the true label of the samples. We could also have penalized the loss based on the estimated labels by simply defining
weights = class_weights
and the rest of the code need not change thanks to broadcasting magic.
In the general case, you would want weights that depend on the kind of error you make. In other words, for each pair of labels X and Y, you could choose how to penalize choosing label X when the true label is Y. You end up with a whole prior weight matrix, which results in weights above being a full (num_samples, num_classes) tensor. This goes a bit beyond what you want, but it might be useful to know nonetheless that only your definition of the weight tensor need to change in the code above.
See this answer for an alternate solution which works with sparse_softmax_cross_entropy:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
# let's say we have the logits and labels of a batch of size 6 with 5 classes
logits = tf.constant(np.random.randint(0, 10, 30).reshape(6, 5), dtype=tf.float32)
labels = tf.constant(np.random.randint(0, 5, 6), dtype=tf.int32)
# specify some class weightings
class_weights = tf.constant([0.3, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1])
# specify the weights for each sample in the batch (without having to compute the onehot label matrix)
weights = tf.gather(class_weights, labels)
# compute the loss
tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(labels, logits, weights).eval()
Tensorflow 2.0 Compatible Answer: Migrating the Code specified in P-Gn's Answer to 2.0, for the benefit of the community.
# your class weights
class_weights = tf.compat.v2.constant([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]])
# deduce weights for batch samples based on their true label
weights = tf.compat.v2.reduce_sum(class_weights * onehot_labels, axis=1)
# compute your (unweighted) softmax cross entropy loss
unweighted_losses = tf.compat.v2.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(onehot_labels, logits)
# apply the weights, relying on broadcasting of the multiplication
weighted_losses = unweighted_losses * weights
# reduce the result to get your final loss
loss = tf.reduce_mean(weighted_losses)
For more information about migration of code from Tensorflow Version 1.x to 2.x, please refer this Migration Guide.