How come widgets from ipywidgets is not defined in an html file? - python

I am using nbinteract to develop an interactive web page from a Jupyter notebook. I finally got to the end and published the first version of it but it does not appear the python libraries loaded properly (see image below). This appears to be the problem even in the original nbinteract tutorial. Any ideas on what might be the problem here?
Thank you

It’s possible to export a notebook including widgets to html using nbconvert ( ). You need to make sure to save the notebook using the classic Jupyter Notebook (not JupyterLab) with the “Widgets -> Save Notebook Widget State” menu option.
Unfortunately, it’s not possible to preserve the behavior of the callback functions this way because these functions are defined using Python, and there’s no Python kernel available in the standalone HTML file.
To host interactive figures outside of the notebook , writing a Dash app is always good ( ). or If you want to stay in notebook/widget field you could use


Is there a way to get markdown code interaction in Visual Studio Code's integrate jupyter notebook functionality?

For example, getting text highlights and rules suggestions like one does when editing a .md file, but in the markdown blocks of a Jupyter Notebook.
I'm a developer on this extension. Currently we have some limitations in our notebook functionality as we have implemented notebooks as a separate webview (so we don't have easy access to base VS Code editing features for markdown files). So no markdown highlighting currently. If you want to upvote here, we have had other customers request this issue here:

Is there a docstring autocompletion tool for jupyter notebook?

I am looking for a tool/extension that helps you writing python docstrings in jupyter notebook.
I normally use VS code where you have the autodocstring extension that automatically generates templates (e.g. the sphinx or numpy template) for docstrings. Is there an equivalent to this in jupyter notebook?
I have been looking online for a long time now, but have trouble finding it.
run this in a Notebook cell:
%config IPCompleter.greedy=True
Then press tab where you want to do autocomplete.
(Extracted from Reddit post)
To make use of auto complete without the use of tab or shift+tab follow this.
However, I do not think there is an autodocstring extension for jupyter notebook like the one on VS Code you mentioned.

MyBinder.Org - Jupyter Notebook interactive function not showing

I used this answer to build a requirements.txt file for my Jupyter notebook. I then put both the ipynb and requirements.txt file in a Git repo and published it to Binder. As I understand, this should give me an interactive version of my notebook which I can share with people for them to play around with.
The published Binder can be found here.
Does anyone know why the interactive bit is not showing? Specifically, the sliders.
You need to enable the extension that allows the sliders, namely ipywidgets. There is an example of using ipywidgets presently here among the Binder example template repos. (If that repo gets altered, I was talking about this specific commit.)
Right now the extension gets enabled separately for JupyterLab vs the classic interface. If you just want to have your launches default to the classic interface, you can leave out the JupyterLab-related enabling.

Bokeh/Jupyter Notebook: Charts don't render when downloaded as HTML

My general practice when sharing Jupyter notebooks has been to download them as HTML and hide the code blocks - this works well because it preserves the interactive aspects of the Bokeh charts.
After I recently updated Bokeh, none of the charts I am creating are visible when I download a Jupyter notebook as HTML. I am running Bokeh 0.12.1, Python 3.5, and iPython 5.1.0. Any solutions to this issue?
Update: regressing to Bokeh 0.11.1 and iPython 5.0.0 resolves this issue, and also resolves other ongoing issues around needing to run output_notebook() multiple times.
In order for Bokeh to display anything at all, the BokehJS client library must be loaded. BokehsJS is loaded by the JavaScript code that is executed in the notebook output cell for output_notebook. If you hide the cell containing output_notebook is hidden, the code to load BokehJS is never run, BokehJS is not loaded, and no Bokeh plots will display.
Long story short: you can't hide the cell that calls output_notebook
See this issue for further discussion, as well as a possible alternative to hiding using "notes" cells (it's mentioned there but I don't know anything more about it)

How do I document the Jupyter Notebook Profile startup?

When I start up the Jupyter Notebook I've modified the in my ipython profile to automatically load numpy as np:
c.InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines = [
'import numpy as np',
This works great. When I start up a Notebook, in the first cell I can immediately call all of the numpy library via np.. However, if I'm sharing this Notebook via a gist or some other method, these imports are not explicitly shown. This is suboptimal as it makes clear reproducibility impossible.
My question: Is there a way that I could automatically populate the first cell of a new Notebook with the code that I'm importing? (Or some other similar way to document the imports that are occurring for the Notebook).
I'd be OK with removing the exec_lines option and pre-populating the code that I have to run myself or some other solution that gets at the main idea: clear reproducibility of the code that I'm initially importing in the Notebook.
A deleted answer that might be helpful to people landing here: I found jupyter_boilerplate which as an installable Notebook extension "Adds a customizable menu item to Jupyter (IPython) notebooks to insert boilerplate snippets of code" -- would allow one to easily create a starting code snippet that could be filled in.
Sidenote to MLavoie because "comments disabled on deleted / locked posts / reviews"
Yes, you are right that:
While this link may answer the question, it is better to include the essential parts of the answer here and provide the link for reference. Link-only answers can become invalid if the linked page changes. - From Review – MLavoie Jul 8 '16 at 17:27
But, you'll notice, that this is a widget to be installed, so there isn't relevant code to paste here. It was unhelpful to delete the above answer.
Almost automatically:
Put import/config code in a version controlled file on your PYTHONPATH and %load it into the first cell.
This has the advantage of allowing you to use different startup code without tweaking your startup config, and notebooks remain portable, i.e. send the notebook and startup file to other users and they can run it without tweaking their startup config.
Create a notebook that contains the preparations you want and use that as a template. That is, copy it to a new file and open it.
