how should I automation of work with Python - python

I'm very beginner to python but I know intermediate JavaScript. I have one project to complete this is like a scraper but I want to automate some work for me.
1 ) I have a Excel with more than 1000 data and it also has URLs. I want to code that python visit every URL from that Excel sheet and search first page for Some predefine search texts (List of Texts)
2 ) If my code find any of the Text from that web page then it should return true else false
I want any idea or logic to do this kind of process. Any help will make my head pain less 😅
it is very heavy work which is not very good idea to do in JavaScript that's why I want to do it in Python

An easy way to do this would be to get the requests module. Then learn how to use the csv module which can read spreadsheets such as excel spreadsheets. Then here is what you want to do
import csv
import requests
URLS = []
def GetUrlFromCSVFile():
global URLS
#Figure out how to get link from csv file then append them to the URLS list
for url in URLS:
r = requests.get(URL, headers=#You Should Probs get some headers)
if whatever_keyword_u_looking_for in r.text:
print("Not here")

I suggest the following:
Read about the csv library - to read the content of an excel file.
Read about the requests library - to get the page's content from its URL.
Read about regular expressions in the re library.


Loop for automatically webscrape data from few pages

Since I've been trying to figure out how to make a loop and I couldn't make it from another threads, I need help. I am totally new to this so editing existing codes is hard for me.
I am trying to web scrape data from website. Here's what I've done so far, but I have to insert pages "manually". I want it to automatically scrape prices in zl/m2 from 1 to 20 pages for example:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
page = requests.get(link).text
page1 = requests.get(link1).text
page2 = requests.get(link2).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(pages, 'html.parser')
price_box = soup.findAll('p', attrs={'class':'list__item__details__info details--info--price'})
for i in range(len(price_box)):
I've tried with this code, but got stuck. I don't know what should I add to get output from 20 pages at once and how to save it to csv file.
for i in range (1,npages+1):
page = requests.get(link).text
Thanks in advance for any help.
Python is whitespace sensitive, so the code block of any loops needs to be indented, like so:
for i in range (1,npages+1):
page = requests.get(link).text
If you want all of the pages in a single string (so you can use the same approach as with your pages variable above), you can append the strings together in your loop:
pages = ""
for i in range (1,npages+1):
pages += requests.get(link).text
To create a csv file with your results, you can look into the csv.writer() method in python's built-in csv module, but I usually find it easier to write to a file using print():
with open(samplefilepath, mode="w+") as output_file:
for price in prices:
print(price, file=output_file)
w+ tells python to create the file if it doesn't exist and overwrite if it does exist. a+ would append to the existing file if it exists

Open URLS from list and write data

I am writing a code which creates several URLs, which again are stored in a list.
The next step would be, open each URL, download the data (which is only text, formatted in XML or JSON) and save the downloaded data.
My code works fine thanks to the online community here up. It stuck at the point to open the URL and download the data. I want the url.request to loop through the list with my created urls and call each url seperately, open it, display it and move on to the next. But it only does the loop to create the urls, but then nothing. No feedback, nothing.
import urllib.request
.... some calculations for llong and llat ....
#create the URLs and store in list
urls = []
for lat,long,lat1,long1 in (zip(llat, llong,llat[1:],llong[1:])):
for pages in range (1,17):
print ("{}&per_page=250&bbox={},{},{},{}&accuracy=1&has_geo=1&extras=geo,tags,views,description".format(pages,long,lat,long1,lat1))
print (urls)
#accessing the website
data = []
for amounts in urls:
response = urllib.request.urlopen(urls)
flickrapi =
print (data)
What am I doing wrong`?
The next step would be, downloading the data and save them to a file or somewhere else for further processing.
Since I will receive heaps of data, like a lot lot lot, I am not sure what would be the best way to store it to precess it with R (or maybe Python? - need to do some statistical work on it). Any suggestions?
You're not appending your generated urls to the url list, you are printing them:
print ("{}&per_page=250&bbox={},{},{},{}&accuracy=1&has_geo=1&extras=geo,tags,views,description".format(pages,long,lat,long1,lat1))
Should be:
Then you can iterate over the urls as planned.
But you'll run into the error on the following line:
response = urllib.request.urlopen(urls)
Here you are feeding the whole set of urls into urlopen, where you should be passing in a single url from urls which you have named amounts like so:
response = urllib.request.urlopen(amounts)

How to process URLs with Python

I have the following code (, which strips a .html file of all the 'nonsense' html script, outputting only the 'human-readable' text; eg. it will take a file containing the following:
<a href="">
This is a link</a>
and give
$ ./
File name: htmlexample.html
This is a link
The next thing I need to do is add a function that, if any of the html arguments within the file represent a URL (a web address), the program will read the content of the designated webpage instead of a disk file. (For present purposes, it is sufficient for to recognize an argument beginning with http:// (in any mixture of letter-cases) as a URL.)
I'm not sure where to start with this - I'm sure it would involve telling python to open a URL, but how do I do that?
Apart from urllib2 that others already mentioned, you can take a look at Requests module by Kenneth Reitz. It has a more concise and expressive syntax than urllib2.
import requests
r = requests.get('', auth=('user', 'pass'))
As with most things pythonic: there is a library for that.
Here you need the urllib2 library
This allows you to open a url like a file, and read and writ from it like a file.
The code you would need would look something like this:
import urllib2
urlString = ""
f = urllib2.urlopen(urlString) #open url
pageString = #read content
f.close() #close url
readableText = getReadableText(pageString)
#continue using the pageString as you wish
except IOException:
print("Bad URL")
(I don't have a python interpreter to hand, so can't test that this code will work or not, but it should!!)
Opening the URL is the easy part, but first you need to extract the URLs from your html file. This is done using regular expressions (regex's), and unsurprisingly, python has a library for that (re). I recommend that you read up on both regex's, but they are basically a patter against which you can match text.
So what you need to do is write a regex that matches URLs:
If you don't want to follow urls to ftp resources, then remove "ftp|" from the beginning of the pattern. Now you can scan your input file for all character sequences that match this pattern:
import re
input_file_str = #open your input file and read its contents
pattern = re.compile("(http|ftp|https):\/\/[\w\-_]+(\.[\w\-_]+)+([\w\-\.,#?^=%&:/~\+#]*[\w\-\#?^=%&/~\+#])?") #compile the pattern matcher
matches = pattern.findall(input_file_str) #find all matches, storing them in an interator
for match in matches : #go through iteratr
urlString = match #get the string that matched the pattern
#use the code above to load the url using matched string!
That should do it
You can use third part libraries like beautifulsoup or Standard HTML Parser . Here is a previous stack overflow question. html parser python
Other Links
Standard Library
Performance comparision
While parsing one needs to parse for http
Rather than write your own HTML Parser / Scraper, I would personally recommend Beautiful Soup which you can use to load up your HTML, get the elements you want out of it, find all the links, and then use urllib to fetch the new links for you to parse and process further.

python save url list in txt file

Hello I am trying to make a python function to save a list of URLs in .txt file
Example: visit and save all viewtopic.php?t= word URL in .txt file
I use this function but not save
I am very new in python can someone help me to create this
web_obj ='')
data =
fl_url_list = open('urllist.txt', 'r')
url_arr = fl_url_list.readlines()
This is far from trivial and can have quite a few corner cases (I suppose the page you're referring to is a web page)
To give you a few pointers, you need to:
download the web page : you're already doing it (in data)
extract the URLs : this is hard, most probably, you'll want to usae an html parser, extract <a> tags, fetch the hrefattribute and put that into a list. then filter that list to have only the url formatted like you like (say with viewtopic). Let's say you got it into urlList
then open a file for Writing Text (thus wt, not r).
write the content f.write('\n'.join(urlList))
close the file
I advise to try to follow these steps and ask relevant questions when you're stuck on a particular issue.

Scraping Multiple html files to CSV

I am trying to scrape rows off of over 1200 .htm files that are on my hard drive. On my computer they are here 'file:///home/phi/Data/NHL/pl07-08/PL020001.HTM'. These .htm files are sequential from *20001.htm until *21230.htm. My plan is to eventually toss my data in MySQL or SQLite via a spreadsheet app or just straight in if I can get a clean .csv file out of this process.
This is my first attempt at code (Python), scraping, and I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my crappy pentium IV. Needless to say I am newb and have some roadblocks.
How do I get mechanize to go through all the files in the directory in order. Can mechanize even do this? Can mechanize/Python/BeautifulSoup read a 'file:///' style url or is there another way to point it to /home/phi/Data/NHL/pl07-08/PL020001.HTM? Is it smart to do this in 100 or 250 file increments or just send all 1230?
I just need rows that start with this "<tr class="evenColor">" and end with this "</tr>". Ideally I only want the rows that contain "SHOT"|"MISS"|"GOAL" within them but I want the whole row (every column). Note that "GOAL" is in bold so do I have to specify this? There are 3 tables per htm file.
Also I would like the name of the parent file (pl020001.htm) to be included in the rows I scrape so I can id them in their own column in the final database. I don't even know where to begin for that. This is what I have so far:
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import re
from mechanize import Browser
mech = Browser()
url = "file:///home/phi/Data/NHL/pl07-08/PL020001.HTM"
##but how do I do multiple urls/files? PL02*.HTM?
page =
html =
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
##this confuses me and seems redundant
pl = open("input_file.html","r")
chances = open("chancesforsql.csv,"w")
table = soup.find("table", border=0)
for row in table.findAll 'tr class="evenColor"'
#should I do this instead of before?
outfile = open("shooting.csv", "w")
##how do I end it?
Should I be using IDLE or something like it? just Terminal in Ubuntu 9.04?
You won't need mechanize. Since I do not exactly know the HTML content, I'd try to see what matches, first. Like this:
import glob
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
for filename in glob.glob('/home/phi/Data/*.htm'):
soup = BeautifulSoup(open(filename, "r").read()) # assuming some HTML
for a_tr in soup.findAll("tr", attrs={ "class" : "evenColor" }):
print a_tr
Then pick the stuff you want and write it to stdout with commas (and redirect it > to a file). Or write the csv via python.
MYYN's answer looks like a great start to me. One thing I'd point out that I've had luck with is:
import glob
for file_name in glob.glob('/home/phi/Data/*.htm'):
#read the file and then parse with BeautifulSoup
I've found both the os and glob imports to be really useful for running through files in a directory.
Also, once you're using a for loop in this way, you have the file_name which you can modify for use in the output file, so that the output filenames will match the input filenames.
