Weird character not exists in html source python BeautifulSoup - python

I have watched a video that teaches how to use BeautifulSoup and requests to scrape a website
Here's the code
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs4
import requests
import pandas as pd
pages_to_scrape = 1
for i in range(1,pages_to_scrape+1):
url = ('{}.html').format(i)
for item in pages:
page = requests.get(item)
soup = bs4(page.text, 'html.parser')
for j in soup.findAll('p', class_='price_color'):
The code i working well. But as for the results I noticed weird character before the euro symbol and when checking the html source, I didn't find that character. Any ideas why this character appears? and how this be fixed .. is using replace enough or there is a better approach?

Seems for me you explained your question wrongly. I assume that you are using Windows where your terminal IDLE is using the default encoding of cp1252,
But you are dealing with UTF-8, you've to configure your terminal/IDLE with UTF-8
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def main(url):
with requests.Session() as req:
for item in range(1, 10):
r = req.get(url.format(item))
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser')
goal = [(x.h3.a.text, x.select_one("p.price_color").text)
for x in"li.col-xs-6")]
try to always use The DRY Principle which means Don’t Repeat Yourself”.
Since you are dealing with the same host so you've to maintain the same session instead of keep open tcp socket stream and then close it and then open it again. That's can lead to block your requests and consider it as DDOS attack where the TCP flags got captured by the back-end. imagine that you open your browser and then open a website then you close it and repeat the circle!
Python functions is usually looks nice and easy to read instead of letting code looks like journal text.
Notes: the usage of range() and {} format string, CSS selectors.

You could use page.content.decode('utf-8') instead of page.text. As people in the comments said, it is an encoding issue, and .content returns HTML as bytes, then you can convert it into string with right encoding using .decode('utf-8'), whereas .text returns string with bad encoding (maybe cp1252). The final code may look like this:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs4
import requests
import pandas as pd
pages_to_scrape = 1
pages = [] # You forgot this line
for i in range(1,pages_to_scrape+1):
url = ('{}.html').format(i)
for item in pages:
page = requests.get(item)
soup = bs4(page.content.decode('utf-8'), 'html.parser') # Replace .text with .content.decode('utf-8')
for j in soup.findAll('p', class_='price_color'):
This should hopefully work
P.S: Sorry for directly writing the answer, I don't have enought reputation to write in comments :D


How to scrape all the home page text content of a website?

So I am new to webscraping, I want to scrape all the text content of only the home page.
this is my code, but it now working correctly.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
website_url = ""
ra = requests.get(website_url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(ra.text, "html.parser")
full_text = soup.find_all()
When I print "full_text" it give me a lot of html content but not all, when I ctrl + f "" the email adress that is on the home page (footer)
is not found on full_text.
Thanks you for helping!
A quick glance at the website that you're attempting to scrape from makes me suspect that not all content is loaded when sending a simple get request via the requests module. In other words, it seems likely that some components on the site, such as the footer you mentioned, are being loaded asynchronously with Javascript.
If that is the case, you'll probably want to use some sort of automation tool to navigate to the page, wait for it to load and then parse the fully loaded source code. For this, the most common tool would be Selenium. It can be a bit tricky to set up the first time since you'll also need to install a separate webdriver for whatever browser you'd like to use. That said, the last time I set this up it was pretty easy. Here's a rough example of what this might look like for you (once you've got Selenium properly set up):
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from selenium import webdriver
import time
driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path='/your/path/to/geckodriver')
source = driver.page_source
soup = BeautifulSoup(source, 'html.parser')
full_text = soup.find_all()
I haven't used BeatifulSoup before, but try using urlopen instead. This will store the webpage as a string, which you can use to find the email.
from urllib.request import urlopen
response = urlopen("")
html = = "UTF8", errors='ignore')
print("Cannot open webpage")

Python scraping website with flight tickets

I am trying to extract information about prices of flight tickets with a python script. Please take a look at the picture:
I would like to parse all the prices (such as "121" at the bottom of the tree). I have constructed a simple script and my problem is that I am not sure how to get the right parts from the code behind page's "inspect element". My code is below:
import urllib3
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
ULR = ""
response = http.request('GET', URL)
soup = BS(, "html.parser")
body = soup.find('body')
__next = body.find('div', {'id':'__next'})
ui_container = __next.find('div', {'class':'ui-container'})
bottom_container_root = ui_container.find('div', {'class':'bottom-container-root'})
The problem is that I am stuck at the level of ui-container. bottom-container-root is an empty variable, despite it is a direct child under ui-container. Could someone please let me know how to parse this tree properly?
I have no experience in web scraping, but as it happens it is one step in a bigger workflow I am building.
.find_next_siblings and .next_element can be useful in navigating through containers.
Here is some example usage below.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html = open("small.html").read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
print soup.head.next_element
print soup.head.next_element.next_element

bs4 won't open locally stored html page correctly

When I attempt to parse a locally stored copy of a webpage, beautifulsoup returns gibberish to me. I don't understand why as I've never faced this problem when using the requests and bs4 modules together for scraping tasks.
here's my code
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS
import os
url_2 = r'/Users/davidferreira/Documents/coding_2/ak_screen_scraping/bmra/'
f = open('re_2.html')
soup = BS(url_2, "lxml")
print soup
this code returns the following :
I wasn't able to find a similar problem online so I've posted it here. any help would be much appreciated.
You are passing the path (which you named url_2) to BeautifulSoup so it treats that as a web page text and returns it, neatly wrapped in some minimal HTML. Seems fine.
Try constructing the BS from the file's contents instead. See here how it works:
soup = BS(f)
should do...

urllib keeps freezing while trying to pull HTML data from a website - is my code correct?

I'm trying to build a simple Python script algorithm on Mac OS X that has four parts to it.
go to a defined website and grab all the HTML using urllib
parse the HTML data to find a table of numbers (using beautifulsoup)
with those numbers do a simple calculation
print out the results in a table in numerical order
I'm having trouble with step 1, i can grab the data with urllib using this code
import urllib.request
y=urllib.request.urlopen('my target website url')
But it keeps freezing once it has returned the HTML and the Python shell is non-responsive.
Since you mentioned requests, I think it's a great solution.
import requests
import BeautifulSoup
r = requests.get('')
html = r.content
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
table = soup.find("table", {"id": "targettable"})
As suggested by jonrsharpe, if you're concerned about the size of the response returned by that url, you can check the size first before printing or parsing.
With requests:
r = requests.get('')
print r.headers['content-length']

Python web scraping involving HTML a tag

I've been trying to scrap the names in a table from a website using bsoup script but the program is returning nothing or "[]". I would appreciate if any one can help me pointing what I'm doing wrong.
Here is what I'm trying to run:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2
soup = BeautifulSoup(
for eachname in names:
print eachname.string
And here is one of the elements that I'm trying to get:
<a href="dog.jsp?runnername=PG+BAD+GRANDPA">
See the documentation for BeautifulSoup, which says that if you want to give a regular expression in a search, you need to pass in a compiled regular expression.
Taking your variables, this is what you want:
import re
names = soup.find_all("a",{"href":re.compile("dog")})
A different approach, this one using Requests instead of urllib2. Matter of preference, really. Main point is that you should clean up your code, especially the indentation on the last line.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import requests
import re
url = "$20140228E02"
r = requests.get(url).content
soup = bs(r)
names = soup.find_all("a", href=re.compile("dog"))
for name in names:
print name.get_text().strip()
Let us know if this helps.
