I have created a chess bot using minimax and alpha beta pruning, along it I have also created a GUI. But my bot can't go very deep before becoming extremely slow. Already in depth 4 it can take up to 40-50 seconds to find a move.
The algorithm looks like this:
def minimax(depth,board, alpha, beta, is_max):
if depth == 0:
return evaluation(board)
leg_moves = board.legal_moves
if is_max:
value = -9999
for i_move in leg_moves:
move = chess.Move.from_uci(str(i_move))
value = max(value, minimax(depth - 1, board, alpha, beta, False))
alpha = max(alpha, value)
if beta <= alpha:
return value
return value
value = 9999
for i_move in leg_moves:
move = chess.Move.from_uci(str(i_move))
value = min(value, minimax(depth - 1, board, alpha, beta, True))
beta = min(beta, value)
if(beta <= alpha):
return value
return value
To summarize, how do I make it faster?
Implementing a Negamax function instead of Minimax will make future efficiency implementations much easier as a start, it will also make the code look cleaner:
def negamax(depth, board, alpha, beta, color):
if depth == 0:
return evaluation(board)
leg_moves = board.legal_moves
for i_move in leg_moves:
move = chess.Move.from_uci(str(i_move))
value = -negamax(depth - 1, board, -beta, -alpha, -color)
alpha = max(alpha, value)
if beta <= alpha:
return value
return value
Then you might want to look into concepts such as sorting the moves before going into the recursive function, since you will get a beta cutoff much faster that way and not having to look through as many moves. Then you can also implement for example a transposition table (with iterative deepening), null moves and late move reduction.
You probably also want to look at your move generation and see if you can make it any faster. For example, what board representation do you use?
I have made a chess engine in Python which is not at all top notch. It goes to depth 6 in about 15 seconds and you can find the code here for inspiration: Affinity Chess. It uses a 1D board representation, but a bitboard representation would be even faster.
I would also highly recommend looking at www.chessprogramming.org, there is lots of really nice information there.
There are many factors for make the algorithm fast adding more standard features of chess programs. But only 4 moves and so much time is not normal with your source code. How do you generate the moves? You should not ask about them via the UCI protocol, instead try to generate them really fast. In particular do not search about figures on the board, instead organize there positions in a list and add/remove them if they are taken from the board.
Maybe your evaluation function is slow. If you only take care of the values of the pieces, then have a variable to hold the difference of the colours and only update it if a piece is taken or restore. So the evaluation needs nearly no time anymore.
In a java program i reach a depth of 7 in 4s with implementing this details without using methods like hashtables.
I'm working through MIT6.0002 on OpenCourseWare (https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-0002-introduction-to-computational-thinking-and-data-science-fall-2016/assignments/) and I am stumped on Part B of Problem Set 1. The problem, which is presented as a version of the knapsack problem, is stated as follows:
[The Aucks have found a colony of geese that lay golden eggs of various weights] They want to carry as few eggs as possible on their trip as they don’t have a lot of space
on their ships. They have taken detailed notes on the weights of all the eggs that geese can lay
in a given flock and how much weight their ships can hold.
Implement a dynamic programming algorithm to find the minimum number of eggs needed to
make a given weight for a certain ship in dp_make_weight. The result should be an integer
representing the minimum number of eggs from the given flock of geese needed to make the
given weight. Your algorithm does not need to return what the weight of the eggs are, just the
minimum number of eggs.
All the eggs weights are unique between different geese, but a given goose will always lay the same size egg
The Aucks can wait around for the geese to lay as many eggs as they need [ie there is an infinite supply of each size of egg].
There are always eggs of size 1 available
The problem also states that the solution must use dynamic programming. I have written a solution (in Python) which I think finds the optimal solution, but it does not use dynamic programming, and I fail to understand how dynamic programming is applicable. It was also suggested that the solution should use recursion.
Can anybody explain to me what the advantage is of using memoization in this case, and what I would gain by implementing a recursive solution?
(Apologies if my question is too vague or if the solution is too obvious for words; I'm a relative beginner to programming, and to this site).
My code:
# Part B: Golden Eggs
# Problem 1
def dp_make_weight(egg_weights, target_weight, memo = {}):
Find number of eggs to bring back, using the smallest number of eggs. Assumes there is
an infinite supply of eggs of each weight, and there is always a egg of value 1.
egg_weights - tuple of integers, available egg weights sorted from smallest to largest value (1 = d1 < d2 < ... < dk)
target_weight - int, amount of weight we want to find eggs to fit
memo - dictionary, OPTIONAL parameter for memoization (you may not need to use this parameter depending on your implementation)
Returns: int, smallest number of eggs needed to make target weight
egg_weights = sorted(egg_weights, reverse=True)
eggs = 0
while target_weight != 0:
while egg_weights[0] <= target_weight:
target_weight -= egg_weights[0]
eggs += 1
del egg_weights[0]
return eggs
# EXAMPLE TESTING CODE, feel free to add more if you'd like
if __name__ == '__main__':
egg_weights = (1, 5, 10, 25)
n = 99
print("Egg weights = (1, 5, 10, 25)")
print("n = 99")
print("Expected ouput: 9 (3 * 25 + 2 * 10 + 4 * 1 = 99)")
print("Actual output:", dp_make_weight(egg_weights, n))
The problem here is a classic DP situation where greediness can sometimes give optimal solutions, but sometimes not.
The situation in this problem is similar to the classic DP problem coin change where we wish to find the fewest number of different valued coins to make change given a target value. The denominations available in some countries such as the USA (which uses coins valued 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100) are such that it's optimal to greedily choose the largest coin until the value drops below it, then move on to the next coin. But with other denomination sets like 1, 3, 4, greedily choosing the largest value repeatedly can produce sub-optimal results.
Similarly, your solution works fine for certain egg weights but fails on others. If we choose our egg weights to be 1, 6, 9 and give a target weight of 14, the algorithm chooses 9 immediately and is then unable to make progress on 6. At that point, it slurps a bunch of 1s and ultimately thinks 6 is the minimal solution. But that's clearly wrong: if we intelligently ignore the 9 and pick two 6s first, then we can hit the desired weight with only 4 eggs.
This shows that we have to consider the fact that at any decision point, taking any of our denominations might ultimately lead us to a globally optimal solution. But we have no way of knowing in the moment. So, we try every denomination at every step. This is very conducive to recursion and could be written like this:
def dp_make_weight(egg_weights, target_weight):
least_taken = float("inf")
if target_weight == 0:
return 0
elif target_weight > 0:
for weight in egg_weights:
sub_result = dp_make_weight(egg_weights, target_weight - weight)
least_taken = min(least_taken, sub_result)
return least_taken + 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(dp_make_weight((1, 6, 9), 14))
For each call, we have 3 possibilities:
Base case target_weight < 0: return something to indicate no solution possible (I used infinity for convenience).
Base case target_weight == 0: we found a candidate solution. Return 0 to indicate no step was taken here and give the caller a base value to increment.
Recursive case target_weight > 0: try taking every available egg_weight by subtracting it from the total and recursively exploring the path rooted at the new state. After exploring every possible outcome from the current state, pick the one that took the least number of steps to reach the target. Add 1 to count the current step's egg taken and return.
So far, we've seen that a greedy solution is incorrect and how to fix it but haven't motivated dynamic programming or memoization. DP and memoization are purely optimization concepts, so you can add them after you've found a correct solution and need to speed it up. Time complexity of the above solution is exponential: for every call, we have to spawn len(egg_weights) recursive calls.
There are many resources explaining DP and memoization and I'm sure your course covers it, but in brief, our recursive solution shown above re-computes the same results over and over by taking different recursive paths that ultimately lead to the same values being given for target_weight. If we keep a memo (dictionary) that stores the results of every call in memory, then whenever we re-encounter a call, we can look up its result instead of re-computing it from scratch.
def dp_make_weight(egg_weights, target_weight, memo={}):
least_taken = float("inf")
if target_weight == 0:
return 0
elif target_weight in memo:
return memo[target_weight]
elif target_weight > 0:
for weight in egg_weights:
sub_result = dp_make_weight(egg_weights, target_weight - weight)
least_taken = min(least_taken, sub_result)
memo[target_weight] = least_taken + 1
return least_taken + 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(dp_make_weight((1, 6, 9, 12, 13, 15), 724)) # => 49
Since we're using Python, the "Pythonic" way to do it is probably to decorate the function. In fact, there's a builtin memoizer called lru_cache, so going back to our original function without any memoization, we can add memoization (caching) with two lines of code:
from functools import lru_cache
def dp_make_weight(egg_weights, target_weight):
# ... same code as the top example ...
Memoizing with a decorator has the downside of increasing the size of the call stack proportional to the wrapper's size so it can increase the likelihood of blowing the stack. That's one motivation for writing DP algorithms iteratively, bottom-up (that is, start with the solution base cases and build up a table of these small solutions until you're able to build the global solution), which might be a good exercise for this problem if you're looking for another angle on it.
I have a game (using pygame) that I want to improve the performance of. I noticed that when I have low fps the game was only using 20% of the CPU at most, is there a way I can use threads to utilize more of the CPU?
I have tried to implement threads already, but seem to have no good luck, some help would be appreciated.
This function is what is causing the lag:
First Version
def SearchFood(self):
if not self.moving:
tempArr = np.array([])
for e in entityArr:
if type(e) == Food:
if e.rect != None and self.viewingRect != None:
if self.viewingRect.colliderect(e.rect):
tempArr = np.append(tempArr, e)
if tempArr.size > 0:
self.nearestFood = sorted(tempArr, key=lambda e: Mag((self.x - e.x, self.y - e.y)))[0]
Second Version (Slower)
def SearchFood(self):
if not self.moving:
s_arr = sorted(entityArr, key=lambda e: math.hypot(self.x - e.x, self.y - e.y))
for e, i in enumerate(s_arr):
if type(e) != Food:
self.nearestFood = None
self.nearestFood = s_arr[i]
I look through the entire list of entities and sort it after if the entity is food and the distance to the thing that wants to eat said food. Problem is that the entity array is 500 elements (and more) long and thus takes a really long time to iterate through and sort. Then to remedy that I want to make use of more of the CPU with the use of threading.
Here's the full script if that helps: https://github.com/Lobsternator/Game-Of-Life-Esque.git
In Python, threading does not increase the number of used core. You must use multiprocessing instead.
The doc : https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/multiprocessing.html#multiprocessing.Manager
Multithreading in Python is nearly useless (for CPU-intensive tasks like this), and multiprocessing, while viable, requires expensive marshaling of data between processes or careful design. I don't believe either one is applicable to your case.
However, unless you have a huge amount of objects in your game, you shouldn't need to use multiple cores for your scenario. The issue seems more one of algorithmic complexity.
You can improve the performance of your code in several ways:
Keep an index of entities by type (e.g. a dict from entity-type to set of entities, which you update as entities are created/removed), which would allow you to easily find all the "food" entities without scanning through all entities in the game.
Find the nearest food entity using a simple "min" operation (which is O(n)) instead of sorting all the foods by distance (which is O(n*logn)).
If this is still slow you can apply a culling technique, where you first filter foods to those within an easily-computed range (e.g. a rectangle around the player), then find the nearest one by applying the more expensive distance computation only to those.
Make loops tighter by avoiding checking unnecessary conditions inside them, and whenever possible using builtin selection/creation constructs rather than iterating through large lists of objects.
e.g. you can end up with something like:
def find_nearest_food(self):
food_entities = self._entities_by_type[Food]
nearest_food = min(food_entities, key=lambda entity: distance_sq(self, entity))
return nearest_food
def distance_sq(ent1, ent2):
# we don't need an expensive square root operation if we're just comparing distances
dx, dy = (ent1.x - ent2.x), (ent1.y - ent2.y)
return dx * dx + dy * dy
You can optimize further by keeping entity positions as NumPy vectors instead of separate x and y properties, which would allow you to use NumPy operations to calculate distance, e.g. distance_sq = (ent1.pos - ent2.pos)**2 or just np.linalg.norm for regular distance computation. This might also be useful for other vector arithmetic operations.
I'm trying to implement a simple Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Python 2.7, using numpy. The goal is to find the solution to the "Knapsack Problem," where given a set of m objects of value vi and weight wi, and a bag with holding capacity b, you find the greatest value of objects that can be fit into your bag, and what those objects are. I started coding in the Summer, and my knowledge is extremely lopsided, so I apologize if I'm missing something obvious, I'm self-taught and have been jumping all over the place.
The code for the system is as follows (I split it into parts in an attempt to figure out what's going wrong).
import numpy as np
import random
def flip_z(sackcontents):
##This picks a random object, and changes whether it's been selected or not.
return clone_z
def checkcompliance(checkedz,checkedweights,checkedsack):
##This checks to see whether a given configuration is overweight
if (weightSum > checkedsack):
return False
return True
def getrandomz(length):
##I use this to get a random starting configuration.
##It's not really important, but it does remove the burden of choice.
for i in xrange(length):
if random.random() > 0.5:
return z
def checkvalue(checkedz,checkedvalue):
##This checks how valuable a given configuration is.
wealthVector= np.dot(checkedz,checkedvalue)
wealthsum= np.sum(wealthVector)
return wealthsum
def McKnapsack(weights, values, iterations,sack):
zrecord=np.array(["error if you see me"])
for x in xrange(iterations):
current_z= np.array ([])
if (checkcompliance(current_clone,weights,sack))==True:
if checkvalue(current_z,values)>moneyrecord:
zrecord= current_clone
print "The winning knapsack configuration is %s" %(zrecord)
print "The highest value of objects contained is %s" %(moneyrecord)
testweights1= np.array([1,2,1])
What should happen is the following: With a maximum carrying capacity of 2, it should randomly switch between the different potential bag carrying configurations, of which there are 2^3=8 with the test weights and values I've fed it, with each one or zero in the z representing having or not having a given item. It should discard the options with too much weight, while keeping track of the ones with the highest value and acceptable weight. The correct answer would be to see 1,0,1 as the configuration, with 9 as the maximized value. I get nine for value every time when I use even moderately high amounts of iterations, but the configurations seem completely random, and somehow break the weight rule. I've double-checked my "checkcompliance" function with a lot of test arrays, and it seems to work. How are these faulty, overweight configurations getting past my if statements and into my zrecord ?
The trick is that z (and therefore also current_z and also zrecord) end up always referring to the exact same object in memory. flip_z modifies this object in-place via np.put.
Once you find a new combination that increases your moneyrecord, you set a reference to it -- but then in the subsequent iteration you go ahead and change the data at that same reference.
In other words, lines like
zrecord= current_clone
do not copy, they only make yet another alias to the same data in memory.
One way to fix this is to explicitly copy that combination once you find it's a winner:
if checkvalue(current_z, values) > moneyrecord:
moneyrecord = checkvalue(current_clone, values)
zrecord = current_clone.copy()
I am solving the homework-1 of Caltech Machine Learning Course (http://work.caltech.edu/homework/hw1.pdf) . To solve ques 7-10 we need to implement a PLA. This is my implementation in python:
import sys,math,random
w=[] # stores the weights
data=[] # stores the vector X(x1,x2,...)
output=[] # stores the output(y)
# returns 1 if dot product is more than 0
def sign_dot_product(x):
global w
dot=sum([w[i]*x[i] for i in xrange(len(w))])
return 1
else :
return -1
# checks if a point is misclassified
def is_misclassified(rand_p):
return (True if sign_dot_product(data[rand_p])!=output[rand_p] else False)
# loads data in the following format:
# x1 x2 ... y
# In the present case for d=2
# x1 x2 y
def load_data():
global w
for line in f:
data_tmp=([1]+[float(x) for x in line.split(" ")])
def train():
global w
w=[ random.uniform(-1,1) for i in xrange(len(data[0]))] # initializes w with random weights
while True:
rand_p=random.randint(0,len(output)-1) # randomly picks a point
check=[0]*len(output) # check is a list. The ith location is 1 if the ith point is correctly classified
while not is_misclassified(rand_p):
if sum(check)==len(output):
print "All points successfully satisfied in ",iter-1," iterations"
print iter-1,w,data[rand_p]
return iter-1
w=[w[i]+sign*data[rand_p][i] for i in xrange(len(w))] # changing weights
if iter>1000000:
print "greater than 1000"
print w
return 10000000
def simulate():
tot_iter=sum([train() for x in xrange(100)])
print float(tot_iter)/100
The problem according to the answer of question 7 it should take around 15 iterations for perceptron to converge when size of training set but the my implementation takes a average of 50000 iteration . The training data is to be randomly generated but I am generating data for simple lines such as x=4,y=2,..etc. Is this the reason why I am getting wrong answer or there is something else wrong. Sample of my training data(separable using y=2):
1 2.1 1
231 100 1
-232 1.9 -1
23 232 1
12 -23 -1
10000 1.9 -1
-1000 2.4 1
100 -100 -1
45 73 1
-34 1.5 -1
It is in the format x1 x2 output(y)
It is clear that you are doing a great job learning both Python and classification algorithms with your effort.
However, because of some of the stylistic inefficiencies with your code, it makes it difficult to help you and it creates a chance that part of the problem could be a miscommunication between you and the professor.
For example, does the professor wish for you to use the Perceptron in "online mode" or "offline mode"? In "online mode" you should move sequentially through the data point and you should not revisit any points. From the assignment's conjecture that it should require only 15 iterations to converge, I am curious if this implies the first 15 data points, in sequential order, would result in a classifier that linearly separates your data set.
By instead sampling randomly with replacement, you might be causing yourself to take much longer (although, depending on the distribution and size of the data sample, this is admittedly unlikely since you'd expect roughly that any 15 points would do about as well as the first 15).
The other issue is that after you detect a correctly classified point (cases when not is_misclassified evaluates to True) if you then witness a new random point that is misclassified, then your code will kick down into the larger section of the outer while loop, and then go back to the top where it will overwrite the check vector with all 0s.
This means that the only way your code will detect that it has correctly classified all the points is if the particular random sequence that it evaluates them (in the inner while loop) happens to be a string of all 1's except for the miraculous ability that on any particular 0, on that pass through the array, it classifies correctly.
I can't quite formalize why I think that will make the program take much longer, but it seems like your code is requiring a much stricter form of convergence, where it sort of has to learn everything all at once on one monolithic pass way late in the training stage after having been updated a bunch already.
One easy way to check if my intuition about this is crappy would be to move the line check=[0]*len(output) outside of the while loop all together and only initialize it one time.
Some general advice to make the code easier to manage:
Don't use global variables. Instead, let your function to load and prep the data return things.
There are a few places where you say, for example,
return (True if sign_dot_product(data[rand_p])!=output[rand_p] else False)
This kind of thing can be simplified to
return sign_dot_product(data[rand_p]) != output[rand_p]
which is easier to read and conveys what criteria you're trying to check for in a more direct manner.
I doubt efficiency plays an important role since this seems to be a pedagogical exercise, but there are a number of ways to refactor your use of list comprehensions that might be beneficial. And if possible, just use NumPy which has native array types. Witnessing how some of these operations have to be expressed with list operations is lamentable. Even if your professor doesn't want you to implement with NumPy because she or he is trying to teach you pure fundamentals, I say just ignore them and go learn NumPy. It will help you with jobs, internships, and practical skill with these kinds of manipulations in Python vastly more than fighting with the native data types to do something they were not designed for (array computing).
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Closed 9 years ago.
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For a series of algorithms I'm implementing I need to simulate things like sets of coins being weighed or pooled blood samples. The overriding goal is to identify a sparse set of interesting items in a set of otherwise identical items. This identification is done by testing groups of items together. For example the classic problem is to find a light counterfeit coin in a group of 81 (identical) coins, using as few weightings of a pan balance as possible. The trick is to split the 81 coins into three groups and weigh two groups against each other. You then do this on the group which doesn't balance until you have 2 coins left.
The key point in the discussion above is that the set of interesting items is sparse in the wider set - the algorithms I'm implementing all outperform binary search etc for this type of input.
What I need is a way to test the entire vector that indicates the presence of a single, or more ones, without scanning the vector componentwise.
I.e. a way to return the Hamming Weight of the vector in an O(1) operation - this will accurately simulate pooling blood samples/weighing groups of coins in a pan balance.
It's key that the vector isn't scanned - but the output should indicate that there is at least one 1 in the vector. By scanning I mean looking at the vector with algorithms such as binary search or looking at each element in turn. That is need to simulate pooling groups of items (such as blood samples) and s single test on the group which indicates the presence of a 1.
I've implemented this 'vector' as a list currently, but this needn't be set in stone. The task is to determine, by testing groups of the sublist, where the 1s in the vector are. An example of the list is:
sparselist = [0]*100000
sparselist[1024] = 1
But this could equally well be a long/set/something else as suggested below.
Currently I'm using any() as the test but it's been pointed out to me that any() will scan the vector - defeating the purpose of what I'm trying to achieve.
Here is an example of a naive binary search using any to test the groups:
def binary_search(inList):
low = 0
high = len(inList)
while low < high:
mid = low + (high-low) // 2
upper = inList[mid:high]
lower = inList[low:mid]
if any(lower):
high = mid
elif any(upper):
low = mid+1
# Neither side has a 1
return -1
return mid
I apologise if this code isn't production quality. Any suggestions to improve it (beyond the any() test) will be appreciated.
I'm trying to come up with a better test than any() as it's been pointed out that any() will scan the list - defeating the point of what I'm trying to do. The test needn't return the exact Hamming weight - it merely needs to indicate that there is (or isn't!) a 1 in the group being tested (i.e. upper/lower in the code above).
I've also thought of using a binary xor, but don't know how to use it in a way that isn't componentwise.
Here is a sketch:
class OrVector (list):
def __init__(self):
self._nonzero_counter = 0
def append(self, x):
list.append(self, x)
if x:
self._nonzero_counter += 1
def remove(self, x):
if x:
self._nonzero_counter -= 1
list.remove(self, x)
def hasOne(self):
return self._nonzero_counter > 0
v = OrVector()
print v
print v.hasOne()
print v
print v.hasOne()
print v
print v.hasOne()
[0, 1]
The idea is to inherit from list, and add a single variable which stores the number of nonzero entries. While the crucial functionality is delegated to the base list class, at the same time you monitor the number of nonzero entries in the list, and can query it in O(1) time using hasOne() member function.
any will only scan the whole vector if does not find you you're after before the end of the "vector".
From the docs it is equivalent to
def any(iterable):
for element in iterable:
if element:
return True
return False
This does make it O(n). If you have things sorted (in your "binary vector") you can use bisect.
e.g. position = index(myVector, value)
Ok, maybe I will try an alternative answer.
You cannot do this with out any prior knowledge of your data. The only thing you can do it to make a test and cache the results. You can design a data structure that will help you determine a result of any subsequent tests in case your data structure is mutable, or a data structure that will be able to determine answer in better time on a subset of your vector.
However, your question does not indicate this. At least it did not at the time of writing the answer. For now you want to make one test on a vector, for a presence of a particular element, giving no prior knowledge about the data, in time complexity less than O(log n) in average case or O(n) in worst. This is not possible.
Also keep in mind you need to load a vector at some point which takes O(n) operations, so if you are interested in performing one test over a set of elements you wont loose much. On the average case with more elements, the loading time will take much more than testing.
If you want to perform a set of tests you can design an algorithm that will "build up" some knowledge during the subsequent test, that will help it determine results in better times. However, that holds only if you want make more than one test!