Stack implementation error Leetcode Question 20 - python

The leetcode question is :
Given a string s containing just the characters '(', ')', '{', '}', '[' and ']', determine if the input string is valid.
An input string is valid if:
Open brackets must be closed by the same type of brackets.
Open brackets must be closed in the correct order.
My code:
class Solution:
def isValid(self, s: str) -> bool:
mapper = {')':'(',
stack = []
top_element = -1
if not s:
return False
for char in s:
if char in mapper and top_element == -1:
return False
if char in mapper and mapper[char] == top_element:
top_element = stack[-1]
return not stack
The logic works for '()' input but not for '{[]}'. I think the error is in the if-else condition
What am I doing wrong?

There are several things:
class Solution:
def isValid(self, s: str) -> bool:
Does this function need to be non-static?
mapper = {')':'(',
stack = []
top_element = -1
if not s:
return False
for char in s:
if char in mapper and top_element == -1:
return False
if char in mapper and mapper[char] == top_element:
# Change top element
top_element = stack[-1] if stack else -1
You need to change top_element after pop.
What if parenthesis is closing, but it doesn't match with top_element?
elif char in mapper and mapper[char] != top_element:
return False
top_element = stack[-1]
return not stack
Also you could check if s contains other symbols than parenthesis, just in case.

The logic and your code is good, you just need to update topelement after the pop.(Change this:
if char in mapper and mapper[char] == top_element:
top_element = stack[-1] if len(stack)>0 else None
To this (with one more line the commented one):
if char in mapper and mapper[char] == top_element:
top_element = stack[-1] #additional line
top_element = stack[-1]

You're in the right path.
We can just simply add a sentinel value to the stack at initialization.
This'd pass through:
class Solution:
def isValid(self, base_string):
memo = {')': '(', '}': '{', ']': '['}
stack = [0]
for character in base_string:
if character in memo:
if stack.pop() != memo[character]:
return False
return stack == [0]


Balanced expression with replacement

Given a string that contains only the following => ‘{‘, ‘}’, ‘(‘, ‘)’, ‘[’, ‘]’. At some places there is ‘X’ in place of any bracket. Determine whether by replacing all ‘X’s with appropriate bracket, is it possible to make a valid bracket sequence.
Input : S = "{(X[X])}"
Output : Balanced
Input : S = "[{X}(X)]"
Output : Not balanced
I tried to work it out like this, and it works for examples above. But it doesn't work for all examples eg. (it should be balanced but it says it's not)
Input: S = "([X}])"
Output: Not balanced
I tried to work it out but i can't find a solution. Please help.
class Stack:
def __init__(self): = []
def insert(self, x):
def empty(self):
return len( == 0
def remove(self):
if self.empty():
raise ValueError('Stack is empty.')
def top_element(self):
if self.empty():
raise ValueError('Stack is empty.')
def is_matching(a, b):
if a == "(" and b == ")":
return True
elif a == "[" and b == "]":
return True
elif a == "{" and b == "}":
return True
elif a == "X":
return True
return False
def is_balanced(expression,elements=Stack(),ind=0):
if ind == len(expression):
return elements.empty()
pre_brackets = "([{"
post_brackets = ")]}"
char = expression[ind]
if char in pre_brackets:
return is_balanced(expression,elements,ind+1)
elif char in post_brackets:
if elements.empty() :
return False
if not is_matching(elements.top_element(), char):
return False
return is_balanced(expression,elements,ind+1)
elif char == "X":
temp = Stack()
result = (is_balanced(expression,temp,ind+1))
if result:
return True
if elements.empty():
return False
return is_balanced(expression,elements,ind+1)
expression = "([X}])"
if expression == "":
print("No brackets in expression!")
elif len(expression) % 2 != 0:
print("Not balanced")
elif is_balanced(expression):
print("Not Balanced")
You can do it by recursively testing all possible replacements for an X:
def can_be_balanced(expr):
pairs = "{}[]()"
opening_brackets = pairs[::2]
closing_brackets = pairs[1::2]
closer = {o:c for o, c in zip(opening_brackets, closing_brackets)}
opener = {c:o for o, c in zip(opening_brackets, closing_brackets)}
stack = []
for item in expr:
if item in opening_brackets:
# we append opening brackets to the stack
elif item in closing_brackets:
if not stack or stack[-1] != opener[item]:
# the closing bracket doesn't match the top of the stack
return False
# if it does, we remove the matching opening bracket
elif item == 'X':
# X could be any of the opening brackets,
possible = list(opening_brackets)
if stack and stack[-1] in opening_brackets:
# or the closing bracket matching the top of the stack
for pos in possible:
# we replace this X, the first one remaining in expr
test_expr = expr.replace('X', pos, 1)
if can_be_balanced(test_expr):
# This is just in order to print the working solution we just found,
# you may remove these two lines
if not 'X' in test_expr:
return True
# None of the replacements for X gave a balanced expression
return False
raise ValueError(f'Invalid item {item} in {expr}')
# The expression is balanced if and only if the stack ends up empty
return not stack
Testing on your sample data:
tests = [("[{X}(X)]", False),
("{(X[X])}", True),
("([X}])", True),
for test in tests:
print(test[0], ': should be', test[1])
correctly outputs (with the balanced expression in case it can be done):
[{X}(X)] : should be False
{(X[X])} : should be True
([X}]) : should be True
Note that a major problem in your code is that you only test the end of the expression, starting at the position of the X. Beware also of the mutable default argument elements=Stack() that would leave you with the remnants of the previous call to the function instead of a fresh, empty Stack object.

How to check if the parentheses and brackets are balanced?

I need to write a function that given a string with parenthesis and/or square brackets it is able to evaluate if they appear in the correct order. For example, in this string '([b])(aa)' you can see that every time a parenthesis or square bracket is open, it is closed in the correct position. However, a string like '[(a])' it is not closing the parenthesis or square brackets in the correct order as it should be '[(a)]'.
The function should return True or False depending on this correct position of both elements. I have tried the following code, but this logic seems to be infinite and it is not working if I have more than two parenthesis or square brackets opened.
def parenthesis(string):
for a in range(len(string)):
if string[a] == "(":
for b in range(a,len(string)):
if string[b] == "[":
for c in range(b,len(string)):
if string[c] == "]":
for d in range(c,len(string)):
if string[d] == ")":
return True
elif string[b] == ")":
return True
return False
If I run the function over the string "([b])(aa)" it is returning false as output.
How can I rewrite this function so it evaluates all the parenthesis and square brackets combinations properly?
If a right parenthesis is open before a left, you got -1 and return False
def is_balanced(string):
cnt = 0
for char in string:
if char == '(': cnt += 1
if char == ')': cnt -= 1
if cnt < 0: return False
return True if cnt == 0 else False
This is one of the stack implementations I know:
def is_balanced(s):
stack = []
for char in s:
if char == "(" or char == "{" or char == "[":
elif len(stack) <= 0:
return False
elif char == ")" and stack.pop() != "(":
return False
elif char == "]" and stack.pop() != "[":
return False
elif char == "}" and stack.pop() != "{":
return False
if len(stack) == 0:
return True
return False
This version is more DRY than the prior answer:
def is_balanced(parens: str) -> bool:
# Link:
parens_map ={'(':')','{':'}','[':']'}
stack = []
for paren in parens:
if paren in parens_map: # is open
elif paren in parens_map.values(): # is close
if (not stack) or (paren != parens_map[stack.pop()]):
return False
return not stack

Valid Parentheses problem programming logic

I am trying to come up with a code for the valid parentheses problem ( but I am having trouble understanding the logic of this problem.
This is my pseudocode
Iterate over characters in the string.
Get the current element.
Check if current element is == next element.
if it is, return true, else return false.
This was my solution but it doesn't work.
class Solution(object):
def isValid(self,s):
# iterate through the index in the string
for i in range(0,len(s)-1)):
# if the current index is equal to the next index, return true
if(s[i] == s[i+1]):
return True
I asked this question earlier and got the feedback that my code looking for places where the same symbol appears twice in a way. Whereas, I want my code to match up pairs of brackets.
Could someone help me understand the logic of this problem?
Here's how I would approach it:
class Solution(object):
def isValid(self, s):
stack = []
for char in s:
if "(" == char:
elif "{" == char:
elif "[" == char:
elif not stack or stack.pop() != char:
return False
return not stack
def test_is_valid(s, expected):
result = is_valid(s)
print(repr(s), result)
assert result == expected
is_valid = Solution().isValid
test_is_valid("()", True)
test_is_valid("()[]{}", True)
test_is_valid("(]", False)
test_is_valid("", True)
test_is_valid("{", False)
test_is_valid("}", False)
test_is_valid("[{([])}]", True)
'()' True
'()[]{}' True
'(]' False
'' True
'{' False
'}' False
'[{([])}]' True

Stack Balanced Parenthesis is not working

I have a class Stack that looks like this.
I have this function that checks if given string of parenthesis is valid or not.
After debugging and printing current character and character at peak:
This output matches condition at line 40 ans is supposed to pop the element. But does not.
Here is the full code.
class Stack:
def __init__(self):
self.item = []
def push(self, item):
def pop(self):
def isEmpty(self):
return self.item == []
def peek(self):
if not self.isEmpty():
return self.item[-1]
return "Stack is Empty."
def getStack(self):
return self.item
s = Stack()
string = "{[{()}][]}"
def isValid(String):
for char in string:
# print(char)
print("Peak -> " +s.peek())
print("char -> " + char)
if char == "(" or char == "[" or char == "{":
elif (char == ")" and s.peek == "("):
elif (char == "]" and not s.isEmpty() and s.peek == "["):
elif (char == "}" and not s.isEmpty() and s.peek == "{"):
return False
return s.isEmpty()
Before checking if statement, char -> ) and s.peak returns -> (.
So, it should be popped but instead doesnt run any if statement and returns false.
(P.S if I use or instead of and, it works(at least for couple I've tried). Shouldn't it work for and and not for or )
Am I missing something? help, someone!
You are comparing strings with function object s.peek == "[". You need to call s.peek().
Change your elif conditions to this
elif char == ")" and s.peek() == "(":
elif (char == "]" and not s.isEmpty() and s.peek() == "["):
elif (char == "}" and not s.isEmpty() and s.peek() == "{"):

Parentheses pairing ({}[]()<>) issue

I want to be able to pair up all parentheses in a string, if they aren't paired then then they get their index number and False. It seems like it is repeating some values over and over, i.e cl == pop[1]. I have tried to see where the problem is but I can't see it no matter how hard I try. So I'm asking if anyone help me to locate the error and maybe even improve my code ;)
def check_parentheses(string):
pending = 0
brackets = []
'''Checks if parens are paired, otherwise they are bad.'''
parenstack = collections.deque()
for ch in string:
if ch in lrmap:
cl = string.index(ch, pending)
pending = cl + 1
cl = False
if ch in lparens:
parenstack.append([ch, cl])
print parenstack
elif ch in rparens:
pop = parenstack.pop()
if lrmap[pop[0]] != ch:
print 'wrong type of parenthesis popped from stack',\
pop[0], ch, pop[1], cl
brackets.append([pop[1], False])
brackets.append([cl, False])
brackets.append([pop[1], cl])
except IndexError:
print 'no opening parenthesis left in stack'
brackets.append([cl, False])
# if we are not out of opening parentheses, we have a mismatch
for p in parenstack:
return brackets
You can adapt my code to a similar question:
def Evaluate(str):
stack = []
pushChars, popChars = "<({[", ">)}]"
for c in str :
if c in pushChars :
elif c in popChars :
if not len(stack) :
return False
else :
stackTop = stack.pop()
balancingBracket = pushChars[popChars.index(c)]
if stackTop != balancingBracket :
return False
else :
return False
return not len(stack)
iparens = iter('(){}[]<>')
parens = dict(zip(iparens, iparens))
closing = parens.values()
def balanced(astr):
stack = []
for c in astr:
d = parens.get(c, None)
if d:
elif c in closing:
if not stack or c != stack.pop():
return False
return not stack
>>> balanced('[1<2>(3)]')
>>> balanced('[1<2(>3)]')
BRACES = { '(': ')', '[': ']', '{': '}' }
def group_check(s):
stack = []
for b in s:
c = BRACES.get(b)
if c:
elif not stack or stack.pop() != b:
return False
return not stack
Thanks hughdbrown your code was a breeze to get working and it's really short! You've just saved me a headache :D
converted it to pep8 if thats ok :)
Added support for comments and strings, it will not match inside them.
Added support for easy language brace checking, modify the charset dict.
Correctly paires up, i.e right to left
charset = dict(opening='{[(<',\
string = ('"', "'"),\
comment=(('<!--', '-->')))
charset = dict(opening='{[(<',\
string = ('"', "'"),\
comment=(("'''", "'''"), ('"""', '"""'), ('#', '\n')))
charset = dict(opening='{[(<',\
string = ('"', "'"),\
comment=(('/*', '*/'), ('//', '\n')))
you get the point? :)
charset = dict(opening='{[(<',\
string = ('"', "'"),\
comment=(('<!--', '-->'), ('"""', '"""'), ('#', '\n')))
allowed = ''.join([x[0][0] + x[1][0] for x in charset['comment']])
allowed += ''.join(charset['string'])
allowed += charset['opening']
allowed += charset['closing']
def brace_check(text):
o = []
c = []
notr = []
found = []
busy = False
last_pos = None
for i in xrange(len(text)):
ch = text[i]
if not busy:
cont = True
for comment in charset['comment']:
if ch == comment[0][0]:
como = text[i:len(comment[0])]
if como == comment[0]:
busy = comment[1]
if ch in charset['opening']:
last_pos = i
cont = False
if cont:
if ch in charset['string']:
busy = ch
elif ch in charset['opening']:
o.append((ch, i))
elif ch in charset['closing']:
c.append((ch, i))
if ch == busy[0]:
if len(busy) == 1:
comc = ch
comc = text[i:i + len(busy)]
if comc == busy:
if last_pos is not None:
if busy[-1] in charset['closing']:
found.append((last_pos, i))
last_pos = None
text = text[:i] + '\n' * len(comc) +\
text[i + len(comc):]
busy = not busy
elif busy in charset['string']:
if ch == '\n':
busy = not busy
for t, e in reversed(o):
n = next((b, v) for b, v in c\
if b == charset['closing'][\
charset['opening'].find(t)] and v > e)
n = n[1]
if found != []:
if e < found[-1][0] and n > found[-1][0] and n < found[-1][1]\
or e < found[-1][1] and n > found[-1][1] and e > found[-1][0]:
found.append((n, False))
n = False
except StopIteration:
n = False
found.append((e, n))
for t, e in c:
found.append((e, False))
return found
An understandable solution in Python 3:
def check_balanced_string(str):
stack = []
dicc = {'(': ')', '[': ']', '{': '}'}
for char in str:
if char in dicc.keys(): # opening char
elif char in dicc.values(): # closing char
if dicc[stack[-1]] == char: # check if closing char corresponds to last opening char
return False
return not len(stack) # returns True when len == 0
eq = '{1+[3*5+(2+1)]}'
Try this:
def matched(s):
for i in s:
if i in open:
if i in close:
if len(stack)==0:
if len(stack):
The below code will display the missing parentheses and the no of times missing in the given string.
from collections import Counter
def find_missing(str):
stack1 = []
stack2 = []
result = []
res_dict = {}
open_set = '<[{('
closed_set = '>]})'
a = list(str)
for i in a:
if i in open_set:
elif i in closed_set:
dict1 = Counter(stack1)
dict2 = Counter(stack2)
for i in open_set:
if dict1[i] > dict2[closed_set[open_set.index(i)]]:
res_dict[closed_set[open_set.index(i)]] = dict1[i] - dict2[closed_set[open_set.index(i)]]
for i in closed_set:
if dict2[i] > dict1[open_set[closed_set.index(i)]]:
res_dict[open_set[closed_set.index(i)]] = dict2[i] - dict1[open_set[closed_set.index(i)]]
return res_dict
# return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
str1 = '{This ((()bracket {[function]} <<going> crazy}'
x = find_missing(str1)
if len(x) > 0:
First we will scan the string from left to right, and every time we see an opening parenthesis we push it to a stack, because we want the last opening parenthesis to be closed first. (Remember the FILO structure of a stack!)
Then, when we see a closing parenthesis we check whether the last opened one is the corresponding closing match, by popping an element from the stack. If it’s a valid match, then we proceed forward, if not return false.
I needed something for a recent project and figured I could build on the OP's solution a bit. It allows for comment patterns, quotes and brackets to be checked, whilst ignoring the surrounding text. I've purposefully made it more generic than it needs to be so that others can take what they want and cut out what they don't.
This module is for testing bracket pairings within a given string
Tested with Python 3.5.4
>>> regexp = getRegexFromList(opening + closing)
>>> print(regexp)
>>> test_string = 'l<--([0])-->1/*{<2>}*/3//<--4 &-->\\n5#"6"\\n7"/*(8)*/"9\'"10"\'11({12\ta})13[<14>]'
>>> patterns = re.findall(regexp, test_string)
>>> print(patterns)
['<--', '(', '[', ']', ')', '-->', '/*', '{', '<', '>', '}', '*/', '//', '<--', '-->', '\\n', '#', '"', '"', '\\n', '"', '/*', '(', ')', '*/', '"', '(', '{', '}', ')', '[', '<', '>', ']']
>>> doBracketsMatch(patterns)
>>> doBracketsMatch(['"', ')', '"', '[', ']', '\\''])
# Dependencies
import re
# Global Variables
# Provide opening and closing patterns, along with their priorities & whether a priority is nestable
opening = ['<--', '/*', '//', '#', '"', '\'', '(', '[', '{', '<']
closing = ['-->', '*/', '\n', '\n', '"', '\'', ')', ']', '}', '>']
priority = [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
nestable = {0: True, 1: False}
bracket_pairs = dict(zip(opening + closing, \
[[(closing + opening)[i], (priority + priority)[i]] \
for i in range(0, opening.__len__() * 2)]))
def getRegexFromList(listOfPatterns):
Generate the search term for the regular expression
:param listOfPatterns:
>>> getRegexFromList(['"', '<--', '##', 'test'])
# Longer patterns first to prevent false negatives
search_terms = sorted(listOfPatterns, key=len, reverse=True)
regex = ""
for term in search_terms:
for char in str(term):
regex = regex + '\\' + char # Search for all characters literally
regex = regex + '|' # Search pattern = (a|b|c)
return '(' + regex[:-1] + ')' # Remove excess '|' and add brackets
def doBracketsMatch(list_of_brackets):
Determine if brackets match up
:param list_of_brackets:
stack = []
for bracket in list_of_brackets:
# Check empty stack conditions
if stack.__len__() is 0:
# Check for openings first to catch quotes
if bracket in opening:
elif bracket in closing:
return False
# Check for a matching bracket
elif bracket == bracket_pairs[stack[-1]][0]:
# Ignore cases:
# - False positives
# - Lower priority brackets
# - Equal priority brackets if nesting is not allowed
elif bracket not in bracket_pairs or \
bracket_pairs[bracket][1] < bracket_pairs[stack[-1]][1] or \
(bracket_pairs[bracket][1] == bracket_pairs[stack[-1]][1] and \
not nestable[bracket_pairs[bracket][1]]):
# New open bracket
elif bracket in opening:
# Otherwise, unpaired close bracket
return False
# If stack isn't empty, then there is an unpaired open bracket
return not bool(stack)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
