I am trying to create two graphs that depend on the same slider values. Unfortunately, when I try to move the graph of one, I move the axes of the other. In addition, the xlims are linked when they are not supposed to, even when they are set explicitly. This is causing my plotted curves to be off the graph. I attached pictures for reference. How do I make it so the graphs are independent?
So, I found out the answer. There's a keyword "shared_axes" that you can set to be False. Put this in .opts(shared_axes=False) for both plots.
I have a case in which vertex_text is hidden behind the one of the vertices (indicated by the red square in the image below). I have drawn this network using graph_tool's circular layout (minimize_nested_blockmodel_dl).
In the graph_tools docs (https://graph-tool.skewed.de/static/doc/draw.html), I did not find any way to set the zorder for the vertex_text.
I wonder if setting zorders for elements is possible in graph_tool. I would like to know if there is any workaround for this, while keeping the plot and the labels as they are i.e. same size, layout and locations.
If this is useful, for reference, here's are the vertex related parameters I used that went into the draw module:
vertex_text=[list of labels],
vertex_fill_color=[list of colors],
This can be done using the vorder parameter, which determines the relative order with which nodes and their labels are drawn.
I'm new to plotly/plotly express and i'm having a really hard time finding any working example other than the documentation examples for the library (which are really basic and standard).
I have, let's say a scatter plot, in plotly express:
fig = px.scatter(any_random_data)
And i want to add to that plot an image in a fixed (x,y) position, but i don't know (and can't find!) if there is any kind of method for that.
I've seen there is an add_trace() method to add traces to the plot (i guess), is there any similar function for adding images? (Like add_image() or something)
I currently annotate my charts with the last value of each series by adding a Label and supplying my the name of corresponding range it's plotted on:
y=data.loc[data.index.max(), 'my_col'],
Which gives me:
How do I move the labels so they are positioned on their respective axis?
Please note that my labels' y-positioning is off, so I need some help with that aspect too. I've tried tweaking the y_offset but this has not yielded any consistently good results.
My data are always numerical time series.
As of Bokeh 1.2 there is no built-in annotation or glyph that will display outside the central plot area. There is an open issue on GitHub that this is similar to that you can follow or comment on. For the time being, something like this would require making a custom extension
What I'm looking to do is have a pair of 3D figures side by side.
In matplotlib, I was able to create these subplots like so:
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121, projection='3d')
I'm trying to use Mayavi for my 3D plotting here, because it solves some other problems I'm having, but I can't seem to find a way to plot two figures side-by-side.
Is this even possible?
Every mayavi actor has position/origin/orientation attributes, which you can set to move them to different parts of the scene. You can also add multiple axes and tailor both the ranges over which they display and the labels output. Using a combination of these, you can solve your question; but no, I don't know of a simple "subplot" mechanism.
Other possible alternatives
mlab.screenshot() on separate scenes and combine them in a custom view.
use the canvas frontend inside your own screen widgets, with each side-by-side widget showing a different scene.
I while ago, I was comparing the output of two functions using python and matplotlib. The result was as good as simple, since plotting with matplotlib is quite easy: I just plotted two arrays with different markers. Piece of cake.
Now I find myself with the same problem, but now I have a lot of pair of curves to compare. I initially tried plotting everything with different colors and markers. This did not satisfy me since the ranges of each curve are not quite the same. In addition to this, I quickly ran out of colors and markers that were sufficiently different to identify (RGBCMYK, after that, custom colors resemble any of the previous ones).
I also tried subplotting each pair of curves, obtaining a window with many plots. Too crowded.
I tried one window per plot, too many windows.
So I was just wondering if there is any existing widget or if you have any suggestion (or a different idea) to accomplish this:
I want to see a pair of curves and then select easily the next one, with a slidebar, button, mouse scroll, or any other widget or event. By changing curves, the previous one should disappear, the legend should change and its axis as well.
Well I managed to do it with an event handler for mouse clicks. I will change it for something more useful, but I post my solution anyway.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
figure = plt.figure()
# plotting
def on_press(event):
print 'you pressed', event.button, event.xdata, event.ydata
# select new curves to plot, in this example [1,2,3] [0,0,0]
event.canvas.figure.gca().plot([1,2,3],[0,0,0], 'ro-')
figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', on_press)
Sounds like you want to embed matplotlib in an application. There are some resources available for that:
user interface examples
Embedding in WX
I really like using traits. If you follow the tutorial Writing a graphical application for scientific programming , you should be able to do what you want. The tutorial shows how to interact with a matplotlib graph using graphical user interface.