Client-Side API for Discord (Python) - python

Is there a Python Client-Side API for Discord?
I don't need much, just to listen to events like getting a call or a message.
Is it possible?

Note that selfbots are against TOS, and you could be banned without warning.
Sounds like you want a selfbot.
What you might be looking for is, many selfbots are written in that, such as:
If you would rather not get banned, is still good for scripting bots for servers.

Ok late answer but maybe someone can benefit from it so here goes.
Never use for selfbots. was created to work on bot accounts not user accounts. That being said, a lot of things in will flag your account.
If you want, you can use what I'm currently developing with Merubokkusu: discum: discord selfbot api wrapper
Here's the classic ping-pong example:
import discum
def pingpong(resp):
if resp.event.message:
m =
if m['content'] == 'ping':
bot.sendMessage(m['channel_id'], 'pong')
Here's a ping-pong example where you don't reply to yourself:
import discum
def pingpong(resp):
if resp.event.message:
m =
if m['author']['id'] != bot.gateway.session.user['id']
if m['content'] == 'ping':
bot.sendMessage(m['channel_id'], 'pong')
here's another example, this one appends live messages to a list:
import discum
messagelist = []
def pingpong(resp):
if resp.event.message:
Also, if you're just doing this in the terminal and don't want to reinitialize your gateway every time, you can just clear the commands you've set
and clear the current (gateway) session variables
Discum is intended to be a raw wrapper in order to give the developer maximum freedom. It's also written to be relatively-simple, easy to build-on, and easy-to-use. Hope this helps someone! Happy coding!


Telegram bot doesn't answer after CommandHandler starts

So, I'm kinda new creating bots with Python. I'm using PyPI(PY Telegram Bot). I've been learning a lot during these days and it even started working. While using MessageHandler I could pretty much send a message and the bot would return me a text or a picture.
But now I want something different. I want to start creating a game for Telegram, still to learn more on how to use the library.
The thing is: eveytime I want the bot to answer me, it doesn't work. Basically when entering the rockpaperscissors function, I want it to show a text asking for an option, then, whatever this answer is leads me to an answer by the bot. But whenever I answer, the bot never answers back.
Just an example of what happens:
And here is the source code. I excluded the superfluous sections so it wouldn't be that messy. Any help is appreciated :)
from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, MessageHandler, Filters, ConversationHandler, CallbackContext
import random
def rockpaperscissors(update, context):
update.message.reply_text('Rock, paper, scissors. Return an option')
msgUsr = str(update.message.text)
if msgUser == "rock":
update.message.reply_text("You chose 'rock'")
def main():
token ='(token)'
updater = Updater(token=token, use_context=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Your bot is expecting a command /rps, and responding correctly. However, when you send a plain message (rather than a command), the bot just doesn't know what to do. Note that the function rockpaperscissors is only called when the user sends a message starting with /rps or /rps#yourbot , but it never equals to "rock". So your if will never be executed.
You must add a MessageHandler and associate another function to, well, handle the message.

discord py - message.mentions "else" makes nothing

I want to get the user that was mentioned in a message and send him a private message. That's working without problems, but now I want to add a message for the case, that the mentioned member is not on the same server.
I searched a lot and try now for over 3 hours to find a solution.
Showcase of the problem:
Heres my code:
async def on_message(message):
if len(message.mentions) == 1:
membe1 = message.mentions[0].id
membe2 = bot.get_user(membe1)
guild = bot.get_guild(
if guild.get_member(membe1) is not None:
await membe2.send(content=f"you was mentioned in the server chat")
embed2 = discord.Embed(title=f"» :warning: | PING not possible", description=f"not possible")
await"{}", embed=embed)
await message.delete()
The first part is working without problems, but at the "else" part, does the bot nothing. He still posts the message with the "invalid" ping in the chat and just ignores it. What can I do to fix that?
There is an error of design in what you are trying to do.
In Discord, you are not able to mention a user if he is not on that same server, so what you are checking will never work at all, currently your code is pretty much checking if the mentioned user exists, which will always happen unless he leaves the guild at the same time the command is executed.
Say for example, to make your command work you want to mention the user user123, who is in your server, you do the following:
#user123 blablabla
And that works because Discord internal cache can find user123 in your server and it is mentioned, which means that clicking on "#user123" will show us a target with his avatar, his roles or whatsoever.
But if you try to do the same for an invalid user, let's say notuser321:
#notuser321 blablabla
This is not a mention, take for example that you know who notuser321 is but he is in the same server as the bot is. Discord cannot retrieve this user from the cache and it is not considered a mention, just a single string, so not a single part of your code will be triggered, because len(message.mentions) will be 0.
Something that you could try would be using regular expressions to find an attempt to tag within message.content. An example would be something like this:
import re
message = "I love #user1 and #user2"
mention_attempt = re.findall(r'[#]\S*', message) # ['#user1', '#user2']

Discord Rich presence

So basically I'm trying to have my account on discord online 24/7 so I wrote a bit code for that in python, now I want to add a rich presence, with a timer (how much time elapsed since I started the game) a game title, a large image key and all of that stuff and I have no idea how to write it, anyone knows how to help?
My code so far in
from discord.ext import tasks, commands
client = commands.Bot(
game = discord.Game("Game Title")
async def on_connect():
await client.change_presence(, activity=game)
keep_alive.keep_alive()"TOKEN"), bot=False)```
Using self bots is actually against the terms of service. Instead of using use pypresense You can do a lot more with it.
This is an example of time elapsed
from pypresence import Presence
import time
You need to upload your image(s) here:<APP ID>/rich-presence/assets
client_id = "client_id" # Enter your Application ID here.
RPC = Presence(client_id=client_id)
# Make sure you are using the same name that you used when uploading the image
start_time=time.time() # Using the time that we imported at the start. start_time equals time.
RPC.update(large_image="LARGE_IMAGE_HERE", large_text="Programming B)",
small_image="SMALL_IMAGE_HERE", small_text="Hello!", start=start_time) # We want to apply start time when you run the presence.
while 1:
time.sleep(15) #Can only update presence every 15 seconds
You can install it using pip install pypresence
I know this is an old question, and I am sorry if this is not what you are looking for, but is not made for user-bots (atleast not intended), I recommend using something like lewdneko's pypresence. It has bizzare compatibility/detection (Linux, especially Arch) issues but when it works, it works very well actually. It also has an attribute for time_elapsed, which you can use with something like time.time(). (afaik)

How can make conversation between bot and user with telepot

I want to create the bot with telepot that ask the users frequent questions.
For example first ask 'whats your name.?' then the user reply 'user-name',then ask how old are you? and the user reply his age and ...
I had written a code for this chat between user and bot,but sometimes I am getting error. Please guide me how can I make this bot with telepot.?
I want to make conversation between bot and users with telepot
I am no longer maintaining this library. Thanks for considering
- the maintainer, nickoala
What you're looking for is DelegatorBot.
Consider this tutorial.
Consider this scenario. A bot wants to have an intelligent
conversation with a lot of users, and if we could only use a single
line of execution to handle messages (like what we have done so far),
we would have to maintain some state variables about each conversation
outside the message-handling function(s). On receiving each message,
we first have to check whether the user already has a conversation
started, and if so, what we have been talking about. To avoid such
mundaneness, we need a structured way to maintain “threads” of
DelegatorBot provides you with one instance of your bot for every user, so you don't have to think about what happens when multiple users talk to it. (If it helps you, feel free to have a look at how I am using it.)
The tutorial's example is a simple counter of how many messages the user has sent:
import sys
import time
import telepot
from telepot.loop import MessageLoop
from telepot.delegate import pave_event_space, per_chat_id, create_open
class MessageCounter(telepot.helper.ChatHandler):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MessageCounter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._count = 0
def on_chat_message(self, msg):
self._count += 1
TOKEN = sys.argv[1] # get token from command-line
bot = telepot.DelegatorBot(TOKEN, [
per_chat_id(), create_open, MessageCounter, timeout=10),
while 1:
This code creates an instance of MessageCounter for every individual user.
I had written a code for this chat between user and bot,but sometimes I am getting error.
If your question was rather about the errors you're getting than about how to keep a conversation with state, you need to provide more information about what errors you're getting, and when those appear.

pyxmpp: quick tutorial for creating a muc client?

I'm attempting to write a quick load-test script for our ejabberd cluster that simply logs into a chat room, posts a couple of random messages, then exits.
We had attempted this particular test with tsung, but according to the authors, the muc functionality did not make it into this release.
pyxmpp seems to have this functionality, but darned if I can figure out how to make it work. Here's hoping someone has a quick explanation of how to build the client and join/post to the muc.
Hey I stumbled over your question a few times, while trying the same thing.
Here is my answer:
Using as a quickstart, all you have to do is import the MUC-Stuff
from pyxmpp.jabber.muc import MucRoomState, MucRoomManager
And once your Client is connected, you can connect to your room:
def session_started(self):
"""Handle session started event. May be overriden in derived classes.
This one requests the user's roster and sends the initial presence."""
print u'ConnectToParty'
def connectToMUC(self):
self.roomManager = MucRoomManager(;
self.roomHandler = MucRoomHandler()
self.roomState = self.roomManager.join(
password = None)
To send a message, all you have to do is call self.roomState.send_message("Sending this Message")
To do stuff, inherit from MucRoomHandler and react on events. Notice the "set_handlers()" to roomManager though, it's is important, otherwise callbacks will not be called..
