How can I find just the kth-nearest neighbor? - python

I have a dataframe with almost 4000000 entries. Based on 3 features I want to find the distance between each point and its 1000th nearest neighbor. So far I've tried it like this:
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
neigh = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1000)
nbrs =[features])
distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(df[features])
Afterwars i would slice the distances array to get an array with just the distance to the 1000th nearest neighbor for each entry, because that's the only one I care about. However I don't get that far, because I don't have enough memory for an array with shape (4000000, 1000).
Is there a way where I can save just the distance to the 1000th neighbor and discard all other 999?
Background is that I'm trying to find a good fit for epsilon to run an DBSCAN algorith, but apparently my datapoints are too close to each other. I've already tried the code above for 5 and 100 neighbors. However besides from some outliers the distance is pretty much 0.
Quantiles for distances to the 100th neighbor

You may wish to try:
from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree
x = np.random.randn(4000000,3)
kdt = KDTree(x)
closest_1000th =[]
for i in range(x.shape[0]):
dist, _ = kdt.query(x[i,:].reshape(1,-1),1000)
closest_1000th.append(dist[0, -1])
On my 4Gb RAM laptop it took about 1hr to complete this task.
Hat tip #bogovicj.


How to get the K most distant points, given their coordinates?

We have boring CSV with 10000 rows of ages (float), titles (enum/int), scores (float), ....
We have N columns each with int/float values in a table.
You can imagine this as points in ND space
We want to pick K points that would have maximised distance between each other.
So if we have 100 points in a tightly packed cluster and one point in the distance we would get something like this for three points:
or this
For 4 points it will become more interesting and pick some point in the middle.
So how to select K most distant rows (points) from N (with any complexity)? It looks like an ND point cloud "triangulation" with a given resolution yet not for 3d points.
I search for a reasonably fast approach (approximate - no precise solution needed) for K=200 and N=100000 and ND=6 (probably multigrid or ANN on KDTree based, SOM or triangulation based..).. Does anyone know one?
From past experience with a pretty similar problem, a simple solution of computing the mean Euclidean distance of all pairs within each group of K points and then taking the largest mean, works very well. As someone noted above, it's probably hard to avoid a loop on all combinations (not on all pairs). So a possible implementation of all this can be as follows:
import itertools
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
Npoints = 3 # or 4 or 5...
# making up some data:
data = np.matrix([[3,2,4,3,4],[23,25,30,21,27],[6,7,8,7,9],[5,5,6,6,7],[0,1,2,0,2],[3,9,1,6,5],[0,0,12,2,7]])
# finding row indices of all combinations:
c = [list(x) for x in itertools.combinations(range(len(data)), Npoints )]
distances = []
for i in c:
distances.append(np.mean(pdist(data[i,:]))) # pdist: a method of computing all pairwise Euclidean distances in a condensed way.
ind = distances.index(max(distances)) # finding the index of the max mean distance
rows = c[ind] # these are the points in question
I propose an approximate solution. The idea is to start from a set of K points chosen in a way I'll explain below, and repeatedly loop through these points replacing the current one with the point, among the N-K+1 points not belonging to the set but including the current one, that maximizes the sum of the distances from the points of the set. This procedure leads to a set of K points where the replacement of any single point would cause the sum of the distances among the points of the set to decrease.
To start the process we take the K points that are closest to the mean of all points. This way we have good chances that on the first loop the set of K points will be spread out close to its optimum. Subsequent iterations will make adjustments to the set of K points towards a maximum of the sum of distances, which for the current values of N, K and ND appears to be reachable in just a few seconds. In order to prevent excessive looping in edge cases, we limit the number of loops nonetheless.
We stop iterating when an iteration does not improve the total distance among the K points. Of course, this is a local maximum. Other local maxima will be reached for different initial conditions, or by allowing more than one replacement at a time, but I don't think it would be worthwhile.
The data must be adjusted in order for unit displacements in each dimension to have the same significance, i.e., in order for Euclidean distances to be meaningful. E.g., if your dimensions are salary and number of children, unadjusted, the algorithm will probably yield results concentrated in the extreme salary regions, ignoring that person with 10 kids. To get a more realistic output you could divide salary and number of children by their standard deviation, or by some other estimate that makes differences in salary comparable to differences in number of children.
To be able to plot the output for a random Gaussian distribution, I have set ND = 2 in the code, but setting ND = 6, as per your request, is no problem (except you cannot plot it).
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial as spatial
N, K, ND = 100000, 200, 2
SIGMA, SEED = 40, 1234
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=SEED)
means, variances = [0] * ND, [SIGMA**2] * ND
data = rng.multivariate_normal(means, np.diag(variances), N)
def distances(ndarray_0, ndarray_1):
if (ndarray_0.ndim, ndarray_1.ndim) not in ((1, 2), (2, 1)):
raise ValueError("bad ndarray dimensions combination")
return np.linalg.norm(ndarray_0 - ndarray_1, axis=1)
# start with the K points closest to the mean
# (the copy() is only to avoid a view into an otherwise unused array)
indices = np.argsort(distances(data, data.mean(0)))[:K].copy()
# distsums is, for all N points, the sum of the distances from the K points
distsums = spatial.distance.cdist(data, data[indices]).sum(1)
# but the K points themselves should not be considered
# (the trick is that -np.inf ± a finite quantity always yields -np.inf)
distsums[indices] = -np.inf
prev_sum = 0.0
for loop in range(MAX_LOOPS):
for i in range(K):
# remove this point from the K points
old_index = indices[i]
# calculate its sum of distances from the K points
distsums[old_index] = distances(data[indices], data[old_index]).sum()
# update the sums of distances of all points from the K-1 points
distsums -= distances(data, data[old_index])
# choose the point with the greatest sum of distances from the K-1 points
new_index = np.argmax(distsums)
# add it to the K points replacing the old_index
indices[i] = new_index
# don't consider it any more in distsums
distsums[new_index] = -np.inf
# update the sums of distances of all points from the K points
distsums += distances(data, data[new_index])
# sum all mutual distances of the K points
curr_sum = spatial.distance.pdist(data[indices]).sum()
# break if the sum hasn't changed
if curr_sum == prev_sum:
prev_sum = curr_sum
if ND == 2:
X, Y = data.T
marker_size = 4
plt.scatter(X, Y, s=marker_size)
plt.scatter(X[indices], Y[indices], s=marker_size)
plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
Splitting the data into 3 equidistant Gaussian distributions the output is this:
Assuming that if you read your csv file with N (10000) rows and D dimension (or features) into a N*D martix X. You can calculate the distance between each point and store it in a distance matrix as follows:
import numpy as np
X = np.asarray(X) ### convert to numpy array
distance_matrix = np.zeros((X.shape[0],X.shape[0]))
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
for j in range(i+1,X.shape[0]):
## We compute triangle matrix and copy the rest. Distance from point A to point B and distance from point B to point A are the same.
distance_matrix[i][j]= np.linalg.norm(X[i]-X[j]) ## Here I am calculating Eucledian distance. Other distance measures can also be used.
#distance_matrix = distance_matrix + distance_matrix.T - np.diag(np.diag(distance_matrix)) ## This syntax can be used to get the lower triangle of distance matrix, which is not really required in your case.
K = 5 ## Number of points that you want to pick
indexes = np.unravel_index(np.argsort(distance_matrix.ravel())[-1*K:], distance_matrix.shape)
Bottom Line Up Front: Dealing with multiple equally distant points and the Curse of Dimensionality are going to be larger problems than just finding the points. Spoiler alert: There's a surprise ending.
I think this an interesting question but I'm bewildered by some of the answers. I think this is, in part, due to the sketches provided. You've no doubt noticed the answers look similar -- 2d, with clusters -- even though you indicated a wider scope was needed. Because others will eventually see this, I'm going to step through my thinking a bit slowly so bear with me for the early part.
It makes sense to start with a simplified example to see if we can generalize a solution with data that's easy to grasp and a linear 2D model is easiest of the easy.
We don't need to calculate all the distances though. We just need the ones at the extremes. So we can then take the top and bottom few values:
right = lin_2_D.nlargest(8, ['x'])
left = lin_2_D.nsmallest(8, ['x'])
graph = sns.scatterplot(x="x", y="y", data=lin_2_D, color = 'gray', marker = '+', alpha = .4)
sns.scatterplot(x = right['x'], y = right['y'], color = 'red')
sns.scatterplot(x = left['x'], y = left['y'], color = 'green')
fig = graph.figure
What we have so far: Of 100 points, we've eliminated the need to calculate the distance between 84 of them. Of what's left we can further drop this by ordering the results on one side and checking the distance against the others.
You can imagine a case where you have a couple of data points way off the trend line that could be captured by taking the greatest or least y values, and all that starts to look like Walter Tross's top diagram. Add in a couple of extra clusters and you get what looks his bottom diagram and it appears that we're sort of making the same point.
The problem with stopping here is the requirement you mentioned is that you need a solution that works for any number of dimensions.
The unfortunate part is that we run into four challenges:
Challenge 1: As you increase the dimensions you can run into a large number of cases where you have multiple solutions when seeking midpoints. So you're looking for k furthest points but have a large number of equally valid possible solutions and no way prioritizing them. Here are two super easy examples illustrate this:
A) Here we have just four points and in only two dimensions. You really can't get any easier than this, right? The distance from red to green is trivial. But try to find the next furthest point and you'll see both of the black points are equidistant from both the red and green points. Imagine you wanted the furthest six points using the first graphs, you might have 20 or more points that are all equidistant.
edit: I just noticed the red and green dots are at the edges of their circles rather than at the center, I'll update later but the point is the same.
B) This is super easy to imagine: Think of a D&D 4 sided die. Four points of data in a three-dimensional space, all equidistant so it's known as a triangle-based pyramid. If you're looking for the closest two points, which two? You have 4 choose 2 (aka, 6) combinations possible. Getting rid of valid solutions can be a bit of a problem because invariably you face questions such as "why did we get rid of these and not this one?"
Challenge 2: The Curse of Dimensionality. Nuff Said.
Challenge 3 Revenge of The Curse of Dimensionality Because you're looking for the most distant points, you have to x,y,z ... n coordinates for each point or you have to impute them. Now, your data set is much larger and slower.
Challenge 4 Because you're looking for the most distant points, dimension reduction techniques such as ridge and lasso are not going to be useful.
So, what to do about this?
Wait. What?!?
Not truly, exactly, and literally nothing. But nothing crazy. Instead, rely on a simple heuristic that is understandable and computationally easy. Paul C. Kainen puts it well:
Intuitively, when a situation is sufficiently complex or uncertain,
only the simplest methods are valid. Surprisingly, however,
common-sense heuristics based on these robustly applicable techniques
can yield results which are almost surely optimal.
In this case, you have not the Curse of Dimensionality but rather the Blessing of Dimensionality. It's true you have a lot of points and they'll scale linearly as you seek other equidistant points (k) but the total dimensional volume of space will increase to power of the dimensions. The k number of furthest points you're is insignificant to the total number of points. Hell, even k^2 becomes insignificant as the number of dimensions increase.
Now, if you had a low dimensionality, I would go with them as a solution (except the ones that are use nested for loops ... in NumPy or Pandas).
If I was in your position, I'd be thinking how I've got code in these other answers that I could use as a basis and maybe wonder why should I should trust this other than it lays out a framework on how to think through the topic. Certainly, there should be some math and maybe somebody important saying the same thing.
Let me reference to chapter 18 of Computer Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing and an expanded argument by analogy with some heavy(-ish) math. You can see from the above (the graph with the colored dots at the edges) that the center is removed, particularly if you followed the idea of removing the extreme y values. It's a though you put a balloon in a box. You could do this a sphere in a cube too. Raise that into multiple dimensions and you have a hypersphere in a hypercube. You can read more about that relationship here.
Finally, let's get to a heuristic:
Select the points that have the most max or min values per dimension. When/if you run out of them pick ones that are close to those values if there isn't one at the min/max. Essentially, you're choosing the corners of a box For a 2D graph you have four points, for a 3D you have the 8 corners of the box (2^3).
More accurately this would be a 4d or 5d (depending on how you might assign the marker shape and color) projected down to 3d. But you can easily see how this data cloud gives you the full range of dimensions.
Here is a quick check on learning; for purposes of ease, ignore the color/shape aspect: It's easy to graphically intuit that you have no problem with up to k points short of deciding what might be slightly closer. And you can see how you might need to randomize your selection if you have a k < 2D. And if you added another point you can see it (k +1) would be in a centroid. So here is the check: If you had more points, where would they be? I guess I have to put this at the bottom -- limitation of markdown.
So for a 6D data cloud, the values of k less than 64 (really 65 as we'll see in just a moment) points are pretty easy. But...
If you don't have a data cloud but instead have data that has a linear relationship, you'll 2^(D-1) points. So, for that linear 2D space, you have a line, for linear 3D space, you'd have a plane. Then a rhomboid, etc. This is true even if your shape is curved. Rather than do this graph myself, I'm using the one from an excellent post on by Inversion Labs on Best-fit Surfaces for 3D Data
If the number of points, k, is less than 2^D you need a process to decide what you don't use. Linear discriminant analysis should be on your shortlist. That said, you can probably satisfice the solution by randomly picking one.
For a single additional point (k = 1 + 2^D), you're looking for one that is as close to the center of the bounding space.
When k > 2^D, the possible solutions will scale not geometrically but factorially. That may not seem intuitive so let's go back to the two circles. For 2D you have just two points that could be a candidate for being equidistant. But if that were 3D space and rotate the points about the line, any point in what is now a ring would suffice as a solution for k. For a 3D example, they would be a sphere. Hyperspheres (n-spheres) from thereon. Again, 2^D scaling.
One last thing: You should seriously look at xarray if you're not already familiar with it.
Hope all this helps and I also hope you'll read through the links. It'll be worth the time.
*It would be the same shape, centrally located, with the vertices at the 1/3 mark. So like having 27 six-sided dice shaped like a giant cube. Each vertice (or point nearest it) would fix the solution. Your original k+1 would have to be relocated too. So you would select 2 of the 8 vertices. Final question: would it be worth calculating the distances of those points against each other (remember the diagonal is slightly longer than the edge) and then comparing them to the original 2^D points? Bluntly, no. Satifice the solution.
If you're interested in getting the most distant points you can take advantage of all of the methods that were developed for nearest neighbors, you just have to give a different "metric".
For example, using scikit-learn's nearest neighbors and distance metrics tools you can do something like this
import numpy as np
from sklearn.neighbors import BallTree
from sklearn.neighbors.dist_metrics import PyFuncDistance
from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def inverted_euclidean(x1, x2):
# You can speed this up using cython like scikit-learn does or numba
dist = np.sum((x1 - x2) ** 2)
# We invert the euclidean distance and set nearby points to the biggest possible
# positive float that isn't inf
inverted_dist = np.where(dist == 0, np.nextafter(np.inf, 0), 1 / dist)
return inverted_dist
# Make up some fake data
n_samples = 100000
n_features = 200
X, _ = make_blobs(n_samples=n_samples, centers=3, n_features=n_features, random_state=0)
# We exploit the BallTree algorithm to get the most distant points
ball_tree = BallTree(X, leaf_size=50, metric=PyFuncDistance(inverted_euclidean))
# Some made up query, you can also provide a stack of points to query against
test_point = np.zeros((1, n_features))
distance, distant_points_inds = ball_tree.query(X=test_point, k=10, return_distance=True)
distant_points = X[distant_points_inds[0]]
# We can try to visualize the query results
plt.plot(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], ".b", alpha=0.1)
plt.plot(test_point[:, 0], test_point[:, 1], "*r", markersize=9)
plt.plot(distant_points[:, 0], distant_points[:, 1], "sg", markersize=5, alpha=0.8)
Which will plot something like:
There are many points that you can improve on:
I implemented the inverted_euclidean distance function with numpy, but you can try to do what the folks of scikit-learn do with their distance functions and implement them in cython. You could also try to jit compile them with numba.
Maybe the euclidean distance isn't the metric you would like to use to find the furthest points, so you're free to implement your own or simply roll with what scikit-learn provides.
The nice thing about using the Ball Tree algorithm (or the KdTree algorithm) is that for each queried point you have to do log(N) comparisons to find the furthest point in the training set. Building the Ball Tree itself, I think also requires log(N) comparison, so in the end if you want to find the k furthest points for every point in the ball tree training set (X), it will have almost O(D N log(N)) complexity (where D is the number of features), which will increase up to O(D N^2) with the increasing k.

Large set of x,y coordinates. Efficient way to find any within certain distance of each other?

I have a large set of data points in a pandas dataframe, with columns containing x/y coordinates for these points. I would like to identify all points that are within a certain distance "d" of any other point in the dataframe.
I first tried to do this using 'for' loops, checking the distance between the first point and all other points, then the distance between the second point and all others, etc. Clearly this is not very efficient for a large data set.
Recent searching online suggests that the best way might be to use scipy.spatial.ckdtree, but I can't figure out how to implement this. Most examples I see check against a single x/y location, whereas I want to check all vs all. Is anyone able to provide suggestions or examples, starting from an array of x/y coordinates taken from my dataframe as follows:
points = df_sub.loc[:,['FRONT_X','FRONT_Y']].values
That looks something like this:
[[19091199.587 -544406.722]
[19091161.475 -544452.426]
[19091163.893 -544464.899]
[19089150.04 -544747.196]
[19089774.213 -544729.005]
[19089690.516 -545165.489]]
The ideal output would be the ID's of all pairs of points that are within a cutoff distance "d" of each other.
scipy.spatial has many good functions for handling distance computations.
Let's create an array pos of 1000 (x, y) points, similar to what you have in your dataframe.
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix
num = 1000
pos = np.random.uniform(size=(num, 2))
# Distance threshold
d = 0.25
From here we shall use the distance_matrix function to calculate pairwise distances. Then we use np.argwhere to find the indices of all the pairwise distances less than some threshold d.
pair_dist = distance_matrix(pos, pos)
ids = np.argwhere(pair_dist < d)
ids now contains the "ID's of all pairs of points that are within a cutoff distance "d" of each other", as you desired.
Of course, this method has the shortcoming that we always compute the distance between each point and itself (returning a distance of 0), which will always be less than our threshold d. However, we can exclude self-comparisons from our ids with the following fudge:
pair_dist[np.r_[:num], np.r_[:num]] = np.inf
ids = np.argwhere(pair_dist < d)
Another shortcoming is that we compute the full symmetric pairwise distance matrix when we only really need the upper or lower triangular pairwise distance matrix. However, unless this computation really is a bottleneck in your code, I wouldn't worry too much about this.

Choosing subset of farthest points in given set of points

Imagine you are given set S of n points in 3 dimensions. Distance between any 2 points is simple Euclidean distance. You want to chose subset Q of k points from this set such that they are farthest from each other. In other words there is no other subset Q’ of k points exists such that min of all pair wise distances in Q is less than that in Q’.
If n is approximately 16 million and k is about 300, how do we efficiently do this?
My guess is that this NP-hard so may be we just want to focus on approximation. One idea I can think of is using Multidimensional scaling to sort these points in a line and then use version of binary search to get points that are furthest apart on this line.
This is known as the discrete p-dispersion (maxmin) problem.
The optimality bound is proved in White (1991) and Ravi et al. (1994) give a factor-2 approximation for the problem with the latter proving this heuristic is the best possible (unless P=NP).
Factor-2 Approximation
The factor-2 approximation is as follows:
Let V be the set of nodes/objects.
Let i and j be two nodes at maximum distance.
Let p be the number of objects to choose.
P = set([i,j])
while size(P)<p:
Find a node v in V-P such that min_{v' in P} dist(v,v') is maximum.
\That is: find the node with the greatest minimum distance to the set P.
P = P.union(v)
Output P
You could implement this in Python like so:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
p = 50
N = 400
print("Building distance matrix...")
d = np.random.rand(N,N) #Random matrix
d = (d + d.T)/2 #Make the matrix symmetric
print("Finding initial edge...")
maxdist = 0
bestpair = ()
for i in range(N):
for j in range(i+1,N):
if d[i,j]>maxdist:
maxdist = d[i,j]
bestpair = (i,j)
P = set()
print("Finding optimal set...")
while len(P)<p:
print("P size = {0}".format(len(P)))
maxdist = 0
vbest = None
for v in range(N):
if v in P:
for vprime in P:
if d[v,vprime]>maxdist:
maxdist = d[v,vprime]
vbest = v
Exact Solution
You could also model this as an MIP. For p=50, n=400 after 6000s, the optimality gap was still 568%. The approximation algorithm took 0.47s to obtain an optimality gap of 100% (or less). A naive Gurobi Python representation might look like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import gurobipy as grb
p = 50
N = 400
print("Building distance matrix...")
d = np.random.rand(N,N) #Random matrix
d = (d + d.T)/2 #Make the matrix symmetric
m = grb.Model(name="MIP Model")
used = [m.addVar(vtype=grb.GRB.BINARY) for i in range(N)]
objective = grb.quicksum( d[i,j]*used[i]*used[j] for i in range(0,N) for j in range(i+1,N) )
# for maximization
m.ModelSense = grb.GRB.MAXIMIZE
# m.Params.TimeLimit = 3*60
# solving with Glpk
ret = m.optimize()
Obviously, the O(N^2) scaling for the initial points is bad. We can find them more efficiently by recognizing that the pair must lie on the convex hull of the dataset. This gives us an O(N log N) way to find the pair. Once we've found it we proceed as before (using SciPy for acceleration).
The best way of scaling would be to use an R*-tree to efficiently find the minimum distance between a candidate point p and the set P. But this cannot be done efficiently in Python since a for loop is still involved.
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
p = 300
N = 16000000
# Find a convex hull in O(N log N)
points = np.random.rand(N, 3) # N random points in 3-D
# Returned 420 points in testing
hull = ConvexHull(points)
# Extract the points forming the hull
hullpoints = points[hull.vertices,:]
# Naive way of finding the best pair in O(H^2) time if H is number of points on
# hull
hdist = cdist(hullpoints, hullpoints, metric='euclidean')
# Get the farthest apart points
bestpair = np.unravel_index(hdist.argmax(), hdist.shape)
P = np.array([hullpoints[bestpair[0]],hullpoints[bestpair[1]]])
# Now we have a problem
print("Finding optimal set...")
while len(P)<p:
print("P size = {0}".format(len(P)))
distance_to_P = cdist(points, P)
minimum_to_each_of_P = np.min(distance_to_P, axis=1)
best_new_point_idx = np.argmax(minimum_to_each_of_P)
best_new_point = np.expand_dims(points[best_new_point_idx,:],0)
P = np.append(P,best_new_point,axis=0)
I am also pretty sure that the problem is NP-Hard, the most similar problem I found is the k-Center Problem. If runtime is more important than correctness a greedy algorithm is probably your best choice:
Q ={}
while |Q| < k
Q += p from S where mindist(p, Q) is maximal
Side note: In similar problems e.g., the set-cover problem it can be shown that the solution from the greedy algorithm is at least 63% as good as the optimal solution.
In order to speed things up I see 3 possibilities:
Index your dataset in an R-Tree first, then perform a greedy search. Construction of the R-Tree is O(n log n), but though being developed for nearest neighbor search, it can also help you finding the furthest point to a set of points in O(log n). This might be faster than the naive O(k*n) algorithm.
Sample a subset from your 16 million points and perform the greedy algorithm on the subset. You are approximate anyway so you might be able to spare a little more accuracy. You can also combine this with the 1. algorithm.
Use an iterative approach and stop when you are out of time. The idea here is to randomly select k points from S (lets call this set Q'). Then in each step you switch the point p_ from Q' that has the minimum distance to another one in Q' with a random point from S. If the resulting set Q'' is better proceed with Q'', otherwise repeat with Q'. In order not to get stuck you might want to choose another point from Q' than p_ if you could not find an adequate replacement for a couple of iterations.
If you can afford to do ~ k*n distance calculations then you could
Find the center of the distribution of points.
Select the point furthest from the center. (and remove it from the set of un-selected points).
Find the point furthest from all the currently selected points and select it.
Repeat 3. until you end with k points.
Find the maximum extent of all points. Split into 7x7x7 voxels. For all points in a voxel find the point closest to its centre. Return these 7x7x7 points. Some voxels may contain no points, hopefully not too many.

Efficient distance for clustering computation

I want to compute the distance from a set of N 3D-points to a set of M 3D-centers and store the results in a NxM matrix (where column i is the distance from all points to center i)
data = np.random.rand(100,3) # 100 toy 3D points
centers = np.random.rand(20,3) # 20 toy 3D points
For computing the distance between all points and a single center we can use "broadcasting" so we avoid looping though all points:
i = 0 # first center
np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(data - centers[i,:], 2),1)) # Euclidean distance
Now we can put this code in a loop that iterates over all centers:
distances = np.zeros(data.shape[0], centers.shape[0])
for i in range(centers.shape[0]):
distances[:,i] = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(data - centers[i,:], 2),1))
However this is clearly an operation that could be parallelized and improved.
I'm wondering if there is a better way of doing this (maybe some multi-dimensional broadcasting or some library).
This is a very common problem for clustering and classification, where you want to get distances from your data to a set of classes, so I think it should be some efficient implementation to to this.
What's the best way of doing this?
Broadcast all the way:
import numpy as np
data = np.random.rand(100,3)
centers = np.random.rand(20,3)
distances = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(data[:,None,:] - centers[None,:,:], 2), axis=-1))
print distances.shape
# 100, 20
If you just want the nearest center, and you have a lot of data points (a lot being more than a several 100 000 samples), you probably should store your data in a KD tree and query that with the centers (scipy.spatial.KDTree).

How can I select L neighbors

I'd like to know how to select the optimal L neighbors of a specific point. Like saying I need to select the 5 neighbors. Is there any parameter to change.
I want to let it select L points where : L = SQRT[number of points in data set]
I have a huge data set, so I might find a lot of points near to each others while others far from them.
L, the number of neighbors to consider, can be chosen arbitrarily, or
with cross validation. With more training data, L can be larger, since
the training data is more dense in the underlying space X. With more
discontinuous or nonlinear dynamics in the classification, K should be
smaller, to capture these more local fluctuations.
NearestNeighbors(algorithm='auto', leaf_size=30, n_neighbors=5, p=2,
radius=1.0, warn_on_equidistant=True)
I want to let it select L points where : L = SQRT[number of points in data set]
That's not possible unless you compute the number of samples and its square root yourself. You can only pass an integer as n_neighbors.
The only way to take a variable number of neighbors into account is to use RadiusNeighbors{Classifier,Regressor}, which take a distance cutoff instead of a k parameter.
Please try the following example:
import numpy as np
rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
nnbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=5)
points = rng.randn(500, 3)
point_of_interest = np.array([0, 1, 0])
distances, neighbor_indices = nnbrs.kneighbors(point_of_interest)
neighbors = points[neighbor_indices]
Does this obtain the desired result? You should try this on your sparse matrix data and play with algorithm= (see docs), if there are calculation time / memory problems
