The following API function works. But I would like to parameterize the query name so that I don't have to use if...else. Instead, I would like to be able to take the parameter from the query url, concatenate it to the query name variable and execute the query.
I would like to be able to stick "qry_+ <reportId>" and use it as the query name variables like qry_R01, qry_R02, or qry_R03. Is it possible?
def get_report():
reportId = request.args.get('reportId', '')`
qry_R01 = """
qry_R02 = """
qry_R03 = """
db = OracleDB('DB_RPT')
if (rptId == 'R01'):
elif (rptId == 'R02'):
elif (rptId == 'R03'):
json_data = db.render_json_data('json_arr')
return json_data
It seems what you need in this case is to map from reportId to the table, the rest of the query is identical. The below solutions uses a dictionary and str.format():
def get_report():
reportId = request.args.get('reportId', '')
# this maps ours possible report IDs to their relevant query suffixes
reportTableMap = {
'R01': 'table1',
'R02': 'table2',
'R03': 'table3',
# ensure this report ID is valid, else we'll end up with a KeyError later on
if reportId not in reportTableMap:
return 'Error: invalid report'
baseQuery = '''
FROM {table}
db = OracleDB('DB_RPT')
json_data = db.render_json_data('json_arr')
return json_data
This solution only works for fairly simple cases, though, and does risk leaving open a SQL injection attack. A better solution would be to use prepared statements but the exact code to do that depends on the database driver being used.
Unable to pass data from excel as variable in sql query in sql alchemy in Python.
Below is my code where I am accessing list of company ids from excel; But when I try to use that in the sql query in (in condition), it throws me error. Can you tell me how to pass variable in sql query in sql alchemy.
file_loc = path + file
company_id = pd.read_excel(file_loc,sheet_name='Sheet1',index_col=None,usecols="A",header=1)
qry = sqlalchemy.text("SELECT year,name,source,SUM(value) FROM table WHERE id in (:company_id) GROUP BY year,name,source")
qryres = pd.read_sql(qry,conn)
you can use this :
file_loc = path + file
company_id = pd.read_excel(file_loc,sheet_name='Sheet1',index_col=None,usecols="A",header=1)
qry = sqlalchemy.text(f"SELECT year,name,source,SUM(value) FROM table WHERE id in ({company_id}) GROUP BY year,name,source")
qryres = pd.read_sql(qry,conn)
Docs :
Say for example, I have a table of students, and I have a Python dictionary
mydict = {"fname" : "samwise", "lname" : "gamgee", "age" : 13}
How can I safely generate a Python function that can UPDATE this into my student table? (In my use-case I can safely assume that the student already exists in the table, AND I KNOW the id already)
I have created a function that achieves this functionality, but I can't help but think it's a bit crude, and perhaps open to SQL injection attacks
def sqlite_update(conn, table, data, pkeyname, pkeyval):
set_lines = ""
for k,v in data.items():
set_lines += "{} = '{}', ".format(k,v)
set_lines = set_lines[:-2] #remove space and comma from last item
sql = "UPDATE {0} SET {1} WHERE {2} = '{3}'"
statement = sql.format(table, set_lines, pkeyname, pkeyval)
And to update I just call
sqlite_update(conn, "student", mydict, "id", 1)
As I assume you are using sqlalchemy. In this case, you can use sqlalchemy.sql.text function which escapes strings if required.
You can try to adjust your function as below.
from sqlalchemy.sql import text
def sqlite_update(conn, table, data, pkeyname, pkeyval):
set_lines = ",".join([f"{k}=:{k}" for k in data.keys()])
statement = text(f"UPDATE {table} SET {set_lines} WHERE {pkeyname} = :pkeyval")
args = dict(data)
args["pkeyval"] = pkeyval
conn.execute(statement, args)
For more details, refer to sqlalchemy official documentation on text function.
As for sqlite3 connection you can do basically the same thing as above, with slight changes.
def sqlite_update(conn, table, data, pkeyname, pkeyval):
set_lines = ",".join([f"{k}=:{k}" for k in data.keys()])
statement = f"UPDATE {table} SET {set_lines} WHERE {pkeyname} = :pkeyval"
args = dict(data)
args["pkeyval"] = pkeyval
conn.execute(statement, args)
Refer to sqlite3 execute
This is indeed widely opened to SQL injection, because you build the query as a string including its values, instead of using a parameterized query.
Building a parameterized query with Python is easy:
def sqlite_update(conn, table, data, pkeyname, pkeyval):
query = f"UPDATE {table} SET " + ', '.join(
"{}=?".format(k) for k in data.keys()) + f" WHERE {pkeyname}=?"
# uncomment next line for debugging
# print(query, list(data.values()) + [pkeyval])
conn.execute(query, list(data.values()) + [pkeyval])
With your example, the query displayed by the debug print line is:
UPDATE student SET fname=?, lname=?, age=? WHERE id=?
with the following values list: ['samwise', 'gamgee', 13, 1]
But beware, to be fully protected from SQL injection, you should sanitize the table and field names to ensure they contain no dangerous characters like ;
here's a run down of what I'd like to do: I have a list of table names, and I want to run sql against an oracle database and pull back the table name and row count for every table in my table list. However, not every table name in my list of table names is necessarily actually in the database. This causes my code to throw a database error. What I would like to do, is whenever I come to a table name that is not in the database, I create a dataframe that contains the table name and instead of count(*), there's some text that says 'table not found', or something similar. At the end of the loop I'm concatenating all of the dataframes into one dataframe. The overall goal here is to validate that certain tables exist and that they have the expected row counts.
connstr= '%s/%s#%s' %(username, password, server)
conn = cx_Oracle.connect(connstr)
with conn:
query_list = ["SELECT '%s' as tbl, count(*) FROM %s." %(elm, database) +elm for elm in table_list]
df_List = [pd.read_sql(elm,conn) for elm in query_list]
df = pd.concat(df_List)
Consider try/except handling to return query output or table not found output:
def get_table_count(sql, conn, elm):
return pd.read_sql(sql, conn)
return pd.DataFrame({'tbl': elm, 'note': 'table not found'}, index = [0])
with conn:
sql = "SELECT '{t}' as tbl, count(*) as table_count FROM {d}.{t}"
df_List = [get_table_count(sql.format(t = elm, d = database), conn, elm) \
for elm in table_list]
df = pd.concat(df_List, ignore_index = True)
Get a list of all the Table Names which are in the DB, then create a loop to query each Table to get the row count.
Here is a SQL statement to get a list of all Tables in an Oracle DB:
Python (to make list of tables you want row counts for and which exist in the DB):
list(set(tables_that_exist_in_DB) - (set(tables_that_exist_in_DB) - set(list_of_tables_you_want)))
I'm trying to insert dummy data into a mysql database.
The database structure looks like:
database name: messaround
database table name: test
table structure:
id (Primary key, auto increment)
path (varchar(254))
UPDATED 2 method below, and error.
I have a method to try to insert via:
def insert_into_db(dbcursor, table, *cols, **vals):
query = "INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES ('{}')".format(table, ",".join(cols), "'),('".join(vals))
except pymysql.Error as exc:
print("error inserting...\n {}".format(exc))
insertstmt=insert_into_db(connection, table='test', cols=['path'], vals=[''])
However, this is failing saying:
INSERT INTO test () VALUES ('vals'),('cols')
error inserting...
(1136, "Column count doesn't match value count at row 1")
Can you please assist?
Thank you.
If you use your code:
def insert_into_db(dbcursor, table, *cols, **vals):
query = "INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES ({})".format(table,",".join(cols), ",".join(vals))
insert_into_db('cursor_here', 'table_here', 'name', 'city', name_person='diego', city_person='Sao Paulo')
Python returns:
INSERT INTO table_here (name,city) VALUES (name_person,city_person)
Now with this other:
def new_insert_into_db(dbcursor, table, *cols, **vals):
vals2 = ''
for first_part, second_part in vals.items():
vals2 += '\'' + second_part + '\','
vals2 = vals2[:-1]
query = "INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES ({})".format(table,",".join(cols), vals2)
new_insert_into_db('cursor_here', 'table_here', 'name', 'city', name_person='diego', city_person='Sao Paulo')
Python will return the correct SQL:
INSERT INTO table_here (name,city) VALUES ('diego','Sao Paulo')
Generally in Python you pass a parameterized query to the DB driver. See this example in PyMySQL's documentation; it constructs the INSERT query with placeholder characters, then calls cursor.execute() passing the query, and a tuple of the actual values.
Using parameterized queries is also recommended for security purposes, as it defeats many common SQL injection attacks.
you should print the sql statement which you've generated, that makes it a lot easier to see what's wrong.
But I guess you need quotes ' around string values for your ",".join(vals) (in case there are string values.
So your code is producing
insert into test (path,) values (,);
but it should produce
insert into test (`path`) values ('');
Otherwise try which makes it super easy to insert data to MariaDB/MySQL using pymysql.
Change your query as below
query = "INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES ('{}')".format(table, ",".join(cols), "'),('".join(vals))
As you are using join, the variable is expected to be a list but not a string
table = 'test'
cols = ['path']
vals = ['', '']
"INSERT INTO test (path) VALUES (''),('')"
def insert_into_db(dbconnection=None, table='', cols=None, vals=None):
mycursor = dbconnection.cursor()
if not (dbconnection and table and cols and vals):
print('Must need all values')
query = "INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES ('{}')".format(table, ",".join(cols), "'),('".join(vals))
except pymysql.Error as exc:
print("error inserting...\n {}".format(exc))
insertstmt=insert_into_db(dbconnection=connection, table='test', cols=['path'], vals=[''])
I am using SQLAlchemy without the ORM, i.e. using hand-crafted SQL statements to directly interact with the backend database. I am using PG as my backend database (psycopg2 as DB driver) in this instance - I don't know if that affects the answer.
I have statements like this,for brevity, assume that conn is a valid connection to the database:
conn.execute("INSERT INTO user (name, country_id) VALUES ('Homer', 123)")
Assume also that the user table consists of the columns (id [SERIAL PRIMARY KEY], name, country_id)
How may I obtain the id of the new user, ideally, without hitting the database again?
You might be able to use the RETURNING clause of the INSERT statement like this:
result = conn.execute("INSERT INTO user (name, country_id) VALUES ('Homer', 123)
If you only want the resulting id:
result = conn.execute("INSERT INTO user (name, country_id) VALUES ('Homer', 123)
[new_id] = result.fetchone()
User lastrowid
result = conn.execute("INSERT INTO user (name, country_id) VALUES ('Homer', 123)")
Current SQLAlchemy documentation suggests
result.inserted_primary_key should work!
Python + SQLAlchemy
after commit, you get the primary_key column id (autoincremeted) updated in your object.
db.session.commit() #will insert the new_usr data into database AND retrieve id
idd = new_usr.usrID # usrID is the autoincremented primary_key column.
return jsonify(idd),201 #usrID = 12, correct id from table User in Database.
this question has been asked many times on stackoverflow and no answer I have seen is comprehensive. Googling 'sqlalchemy insert get id of new row' brings up a lot of them.
There are three levels to SQLAlchemy.
Top: the ORM.
Middle: Database abstraction (DBA) with Table classes etc.
Bottom: SQL using the text function.
To an OO programmer the ORM level looks natural, but to a database programmer it looks ugly and the ORM gets in the way. The DBA layer is an OK compromise. The SQL layer looks natural to database programmers and would look alien to an OO-only programmer.
Each level has it own syntax, similar but different enough to be frustrating. On top of this there is almost too much documentation online, very hard to find the answer.
I will describe how to get the inserted id AT THE SQL LAYER for the RDBMS I use.
Table: User(user_id integer primary autoincrement key, user_name string)
conn: Is a Connection obtained within SQLAlchemy to the DBMS you are using.
insstmt = text(
'''INSERT INTO user (user_name)
VALUES (:usernm) ''' )
# Execute within a transaction (optional)
txn = conn.begin()
result = conn.execute(insstmt, usernm='Jane Doe')
# The id!
recid = result.lastrowid
MS SQL Server
insstmt = text(
'''INSERT INTO user (user_name)
OUTPUT inserted.record_id
VALUES (:usernm) ''' )
txn = conn.begin()
result = conn.execute(insstmt, usernm='Jane Doe')
# The id!
recid = result.fetchone()[0]
insstmt = text(
'''INSERT INTO user (user_name)
VALUES (:usernm) ''' )
txn = conn.begin()
result = conn.execute(insstmt, usernm='Jane Doe')
# The id!
recid = conn.execute(text('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()')).fetchone()[0]
insstmt = text(
'''INSERT INTO user (user_name)
VALUES (:usernm)
RETURNING user_id ''' )
txn = conn.begin()
result = conn.execute(insstmt, usernm='Jane Doe')
# The id!
recid = result.fetchone()[0]
Worked for me. The only thing to note is that this returns a list that contains that last_insert_id.
Make sure you use fetchrow/fetch to receive the returning object
insert_stmt = user.insert().values(name="homer", country_id="123").returning(
row_id = await conn.fetchrow(insert_stmt)
For Postgress inserts from python code is simple to use "RETURNING" keyword with the "col_id" (name of the column which you want to get the last inserted row id) in insert statement at end
syntax -
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
conn_string = "postgresql://USERNAME:PSWD#HOSTNAME/DATABASE_NAME"
db = create_engine(conn_string)
conn = db.connect()
INSERT INTO emp_table (col_id, Name ,Age)
VALUES(3,'xyz',30) RETURNING col_id;
(if col_id column is auto increment)
insert_sql = (INSERT INTO emp_table (Name ,Age)
VALUES('xyz',30) RETURNING col_id;)
result = conn.execute(insert_sql)
[last_row_id] = result.fetchone()
#output = 3
ex -