How to plot randomly? - python

Is is possible to have a plot, something like This random triangle, but instead of . we have Roses?
I mean, How can we plot the below Rose in random locations??
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
t,k = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,1000),5
x = np.cos(k*t)*np.cos(t)
y = np.cos(k*t)*np.sin(t)

yes! you just plot your rose at lots of random points as sampled from your linked out question.
first I've refactored the method so it returns size points uniformly sampled within the given triangle:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def trisample(A, B, C, size=1):
r1 = np.random.rand(size)
r2 = np.random.rand(size)
s1 = np.sqrt(r1)
p1 = 1 - s1
p2 = (1 - r2) * s1
p3 = r2 * s1
x = A[0] * p1 + B[0] * p2 + C[0] * p3
y = A[1] * p1 + B[1] * p2 + C[1] * p3
return x, y
next we calculate a few of your roses:
t, k, z = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 5*5+1), 5, 0.1
x_r = np.cos(k*t) * np.sin(t) * z
y_r = np.cos(k*t) * np.cos(t) * z
note that your pi*2 meant that it was orbited twice so I've dropped that, also I only use 5 points per "petal" to speed things up. z scales the roses down so they fit into the triangle
finally we sample some points in the triangle, and plot them as you did:
for x_t, y_t in zip(*trisample([1,1], [5,3], [2,5], 100)):
plt.plot(x_r + x_t, y_r + y_t, lw=1)
which gives something like the following:

You need a random start point for the rose. I guess you could something like thatin this manner:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
t,k = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,1000),5
x_start = random.randint(0, 10)
y_start = random.randint(0, 10)
x = x_start + np.cos(k*t)*np.cos(t)
y = y_start + np.cos(k*t)*np.sin(t)


Plotting a 3-dimensional superball shape in matplotlib

I'm trying to plot a 3D superball in python matplotlib, where a superball is defined as a general mathematical shape that can be used to describe rounded cubes using a shape parameter p, where for p = 1 the shape is equal to that of a sphere.
This paper claims that the superball is defined by using modified spherical coordinates with:
x = r*cos(u)**1/p * sin(v)**1/p
y = r*cos(u)**1/p * sin(v)**1/p
z = r*cos(v)**1/p
with u = phi and v = theta.
I managed to get the code running, at least for p = 1 which generates a sphere - exactly as it should do:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
r, p = 1, 1
# Make data
u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100)
u, v = np.meshgrid(u, v)
x = r * np.cos(u)**(1/p) * np.sin(v)**(1/p)
y = r * np.sin(u)**(1/p) * np.sin(v)**(1/p)
z = r * np.cos(v)**(1/p)
# Plot the surface
ax.plot_surface(x, y, z)
This is a 3D plot of the code above for p = 1.
However, as I put in any other value for p, e.g. 2, it's giving me only a partial shape, while it should actually give me a full superball.
This is a 3D plot of the code above for p = 2.
I believe the fix is more of mathematical nature, but how can this be fixed?
When plotting a regular sphere, we transform positive and negative coordinates differently:
Positives: x**0.5
Negatives: -1 * abs(x)**0.5
For the superball variants, apply the same logic using np.sign and np.abs:
power = lambda base, exp: np.sign(base) * np.abs(base)**exp
x = r * power(np.cos(u), 1/p) * power(np.sin(v), 1/p)
y = r * power(np.sin(u), 1/p) * power(np.sin(v), 1/p)
z = r * power(np.cos(v), 1/p)
Full example for p = 4:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection': '3d'})
r, p = 1, 4
# Make the data
u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi)
v = np.linspace(0, np.pi)
u, v = np.meshgrid(u, v)
# Transform the coordinates
# Positives: base**exp
# Negatives: -abs(base)**exp
power = lambda base, exp: np.sign(base) * np.abs(base)**exp
x = r * power(np.cos(u), 1/p) * power(np.sin(v), 1/p)
y = r * power(np.sin(u), 1/p) * power(np.sin(v), 1/p)
z = r * power(np.cos(v), 1/p)
# Plot the surface
ax.plot_surface(x, y, z)

How to stop the roots of a cubic from becoming mixed up when plotting the 3 roots as contour plots?

I have a function which determines the roots of a complex cubic. I am solving the cubic for a variety of k0 and k1 values and showing the solutions as contour plots. Since the cubic has three roots, I produce 3 contour plots for the real parts and 3 for the imaginary parts. However, sometimes you can clearly see that sections of the contour plots for one root really should be swapped with a different contour plot - all the contours should be continuous. I have tried various "sorting methods" which you can see, but none of them fully fix it. What can I do so that the roots don't get mixed up resulting in non-continuous contours.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Constants
Ra = 2e4
Pr = 0.1
Omega = 1e5
zeta = 1e-4
deltaN = 0.05
L = 55
def polynomial(k):
m = 1
delta_k = m**2 * np.pi**2 + k[0]**2
a_3 = delta_k
a_2 = 1j*(Ra * Pr * delta_k * k[0])/Omega + (Pr + zeta + 1)*delta_k**2
a_1 = 1j*(Ra * Pr * delta_k**2 * k[0] * (Pr + zeta)/Omega) + k[1] * Pr * zeta * (delta_k**2/L**2 + delta_k) - deltaN * Ra * Pr * k[0]**2 + (Pr * zeta + Pr + zeta) * delta_k**3
a_0 = 1j*(Pr * zeta * k[0] * (Ra * Pr * delta_k**3/Omega + k[1] * Omega * deltaN * delta_k / L**2)) + Pr * zeta * (k[1] * (Pr * delta_k**3 / L**2 + delta_k**2) - deltaN * Ra * delta_k * k[0]**2 + delta_k**4)
x_K = np.roots([a_3, a_2, a_1, a_0])
# x_K = np.sort_complex(x_K)
x_K = sorted(x_K, key=lambda x: x.imag)
# x_K = sorted(x_K, key=lambda x: x.real)
# if x_K[2].imag >= 0:
# x_K[-1], x_K[-2] = x_K[-2], x_K[-1]
# if x_K[0].imag >= x_K[2].imag:
# x_K[0], x_K[-1] = x_K[-1], x_K[0]
if x_K[0].real >= x_K[1].real:
x_K[0], x_K[1] = x_K[1], x_K[0]
# if x_K[1].real >= x_K[2].real:
# x_K[1], x_K[2] = x_K[2], x_K[1]
return x_K
# Create arrays of k[0] and k[1] values for contour plot
k0, k1 = np.linspace(0, 5, 100), np.linspace(0, 5e2, 100)
K0, K1 = np.meshgrid(k0, k1)
# Get roots for each pair of k[0], k[1] value
roots = np.array([polynomial([K0[i, j], K1[i, j]]) for i in range(100) for j in range(100)], dtype=complex)
ky_max = []
Qz_max = []
# Plot real and imaginary parts of roots separately in one figure
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(13.6, 7.6), constrained_layout=True)
axs = axs.ravel()
for i in range(3):
cnt = axs[i].contourf(K0, K1, roots[:, i].real.reshape(K0.shape), levels=20, cmap='coolwarm')
axs[i].set_title(f'Real part of root {i+1}')
# axs[i].set_yscale('log')
fig.colorbar(cnt, ax=axs[i])
cnt = axs[i+3].contourf(K0, K1, roots[:, i].imag.reshape(K0.shape), levels=20, cmap='coolwarm')
axs[i+3].set_title(f'Imaginary part of root {i+1}')
# axs[i+3].set_yscale('log')
cbar1 = fig.colorbar(cnt, ax=axs[i+3])
cbar1.formatter.set_powerlimits((0, 0))
max_val = np.max(roots[:, i].real)
print(f'Maximum value for real part of root {i+1} is: {max_val}')
max_val = np.max(roots[:, i].real)
max_index = np.argmax(roots[:, i].real)
k0_max, k1_max = K0.flatten()[max_index], K1.flatten()[max_index]
axs[i].scatter(k0_max, k1_max, s=150, color='yellow', marker='x', label=f'Max value {max_val:.4f}')
print(f'k_y for root {i+1} is: {k0_max}')
print(f'Q_z for root {i+1} is: {k1_max}')
for axis in ['top','bottom','left','right']:
# Create a caption
caption = f'Contour plot showing the real and imaginary components of the roots of the cubic for a range of $k_y$ and $Q_z$ values. Where the other variables are given by: Ra$^* = $ {Ra:.1e}, $\Delta N =$ {deltaN}, Pr = {Pr:.1e}, $\zeta =$ {zeta:.1e}, $\Omega =$ {Omega:.1e}, $L$ = {L}.'
# Create a file name
figure_name = f'decay_contour_Ra={Ra:.1e}_Pr={Pr:.1e}_dN={deltaN}'
pdf_file = f'{figure_name}.pdf'
tex_file = f'{figure_name}.tex'
# save the plot as a PDF
# create a text file containing the LaTeX code to include the figure
with open(tex_file, 'w') as f:
f.write("\\includegraphics[width=0.85\linewidth]{"+ pdf_file+"}\n")
f.write("\\caption{"+ caption +"}\n")
fig2, axs2 = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(11, 8), constrained_layout=True)
for idx_1 in range(3):
k1_slice = 0
indices = np.where(K1.flatten() == k1_slice)
root_slice = roots[indices][:,idx_1].real
k1_slice = K0.flatten()[indices]
root_slice = roots[indices][:,idx_1].real
axs2[0][idx_1].plot(k1_slice, root_slice, color = 'red')
k1_slice_imag = K0.flatten()[indices]
root_slice_imag = roots[indices][:,idx_1].imag
axs2[1][idx_1].plot(k1_slice, root_slice_imag, color = 'red')
for idx_1 in range(3):
axs2[0][idx_1].plot(k0, -zeta*(np.pi**2 + k0**2), 'x', markevery=10, color = 'black')
# Create a caption
caption = f'Profiles at the $k_y$ at $Q_z = 0$ showing the real and imaginary components of the roots of the cubic for a range of $k_y$ and $Q_z$ values. Where the other variables are given by: Ra$^* = $ {Ra:.1e}, $\Delta N =$ {deltaN}, Pr = {Pr:.1e}, $\zeta =$ {zeta:.1e}, $\Omega =$ {Omega:.1e}, $L$ = {L}.'
# Create a file name
figure_name = f'decay_profiles_Ra={Ra:.1e}_Pr={Pr:.1e}_dN={deltaN}'
pdf_file = f'{figure_name}.pdf'
tex_file = f'{figure_name}.tex'
# create a text file containing the LaTeX code to include the figure
with open(tex_file, 'w') as f:
f.write("\\includegraphics[width=0.99\linewidth]{"+ pdf_file+"}\n")
f.write("\\caption{"+ caption +"}\n")
for axis in ['top','bottom','left','right']:
# save the plot as a PDF
I've tried np.sort, np.sorted, flapping the roots using if statements etc, nothing works 100%
For two successive polynomials P and Q, I suggest simply solving the assignment problem to pair each root of P to the closest root of Q.
You can use scipy's linear_sum_assignment along with distance_matrix to find the best assignment of P's roots with Q's roots.
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def get_root_sequence(sequence_of_polynomials):
r0 = np.roots(sequence_of_polynomials[0])
roots = [r0]
for P in sequence_of_polynomials[1:]:
r1 = np.roots(P)
_, idx = linear_sum_assignment(distance_matrix(r0.reshape(3, 1), r1.reshape(3,1)))
r1 = r1[idx]
r0 = r1
return np.array(roots)
sequence_of_polynomials = np.linspace((1,0,0,-1), (1,-7-2j,15+9j,-10-10j), 100)
roots = get_root_sequence(sequence_of_polynomials)
for i in range(3):
r = roots[:, i]
ordinal = ('first', 'second', 'third')[i]
plt.plot(r.real, r.imag, label=f'{ordinal} root')
for triangle, label in zip((roots[0], roots[-1]), ('x³-1', '(x-2)(x-2-i)(x-3-i)')):
triangle = triangle[[0,1,2,0]]
plt.plot(triangle.real, triangle.imag, label=label)
plt.xlabel('Real part')
plt.ylabel('Imaginary part')

Mayavi - Add clipping planes

Is it possible to add clipping planes to a Mayavi scene?
Here is an example:
import numpy as np
import mayavi.mlab as mlab
u, v = np.mgrid[0:2*np.pi:150j, 0:np.pi:150j]
r = 2 + np.sin(7 * u + 5 * v)
x = r * np.cos(u) * np.sin(v)
y = r * np.sin(u) * np.sin(v)
z = r * np.cos(v)
mlab.mesh(x, y, z)
which produces:
But I would like to add a couple of clipping planes to obtain something similar to this:

Using matplotlib to generate 3D surfaces from 2D matrices

Using a 2d matrix in python, how can I create a 3d surface plot, where columns=x, rows=y and the values are the heights in z?
I can't understand how to creat 3D surface plot using matplotlib.
Maybe it's different from MatLab.
from pylab import *
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
def p(eps=0.9, lmd=1, err=10e-3, m=60, n=40):
delta_phi = 2 * np.pi / m
delta_lmd = 2 / n
k = 1
P0 = np.zeros([m + 1, n + 1])
P = np.zeros([m + 1, n + 1])
GAP = 1
while GAP >= err:
k = k + 1
for i in range(0, m):
for j in range(0, n):
if (i == 1) or (j == 1) or (i == m + 1) or (i == n + 1):
P[i,j] = 0
A = (1+eps*np.cos((i+1/2)*delta_phi))**3
B = (1+eps*np.cos((i-1/2)*delta_phi))**3
C = (lmd*delta_phi/delta_lmd)**2 * (1+eps*np.cos((i)*delta_phi))**3
D = C
E = A + B + C + D
F = 3*delta_phi*((1+eps*np.cos((i+1/2)*delta_phi))-(1+eps*np.cos((i-1/2)*delta_phi)))
P[i,j] = (A*P[i+1,j] + B*P[i-1,j] + C*P[i,j+1] + D*P[i,j-1] - F)/E
if P[i,j] < 0:
P[i,j] = 0
S = P.sum() - P0.sum()
T = P.sum()
GAP = S / T
P0 = P.copy()
return P, k
def main():
start = time.time()
eps = 0.9
lmd = 1
err = 10e-8
m = 60
n = 40
P, k = p()
fig = figure()
ax = Axes3D(fig)
X = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, m+1)
Y = np.linspace(-1, 1, n+1)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
#Z = P[0:m, 0:n]
#Z = Z.reshape(X.shape)
ax.set_xticks([0, np.pi/2, np.pi, np.pi*1.5, 2*np.pi])
ax.set_yticks([-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1])
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, P)
if __name__ == '__main__':
ValueError: shape mismatch: objects cannot be broadcast to a single
And the pic
pic by matplotlic
And I also use MatLab to generate,the pic:
pic by MatLab
I should think this is a problem of getting the notaton straight. A m*n matrix is a matrix with m rows and n columns. Hence Y should be of length m and X of length n, such that after meshgridding X,Y and P all have shape (m,n).
At this point there would be no need to reshape of reindex and just plotting
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, P)
would give your the desired result.
Let's assume if you have a matrix mat.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
h, w = mat.shape
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8))
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(w), np.arange(h))
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, mat, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap='viridis', edgecolor='none', antialiased=False)

Still having trouble with curve fitting

I already opened a question on this topic, but I wasn't sure, if I should post it there, so I opened a new question here.
I have trouble again when fitting two or more peaks. First problem occurs with a calculated example function.
xg = np.random.uniform(0,1000,500)
mu1 = 200
sigma1 = 20
I1 = -2
mu2 = 800
sigma2 = 20
I2 = -1
yg3 = 0.0001*xg
yg1 = (I1 / (sigma1 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))) * np.exp( - (xg - mu1)**2 / (2 * sigma1**2) )
yg2 = (I2 / (sigma2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))) * np.exp( - (xg - mu2)**2 / (2 * sigma2**2) )
plt.figure(0, figsize=(8,8))
plt.plot(xg, yg, 'r.')
I tried two different approaches, I found in the documentation, which are shown below (modified for my data), but both give me wrong fitting data and a messy chaos of graphs (I guess one line per fitting step).
1st attempt:
import numpy as np
from lmfit.models import PseudoVoigtModel, LinearModel, GaussianModel, LorentzianModel
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
gauss1 = PseudoVoigtModel(prefix='g1_')
pars['g1_sigma'].set(15, min=3)
pars['g1_fwhm'].set(20, vary=True)
#pars['g1_fraction'].set(0, vary=True)
gauss2 = PseudoVoigtModel(prefix='g2_')
pars['g2_fwhm'].set(20, vary=True)
#pars['g2_fraction'].set(0, vary=True)
mod = gauss1 + gauss2 + LinearModel()
pars.add('intercept', value=0, vary=True)
pars.add('slope', value=0.0001, vary=True)
init = mod.eval(pars, x=xg)
out =, pars, x=xg)
plt.figure(5, figsize=(8,8))
When I include the 'fraction'-parameter, I often get
'NameError: name 'pv1_fraction' is not defined in expr='<_ast.Module object at 0x00000000165E03C8>'.
although it should be defined. I get this Error for real data with this approach, too.
2nd attempt:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import lmfit
def gauss(x, sigma, mu, A):
return A*np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))
def linear(x, m, n):
return m*x + n
peak1 = lmfit.model.Model(gauss, prefix='p1_')
peak2 = lmfit.model.Model(gauss, prefix='p2_')
lin = lmfit.model.Model(linear, prefix='l_')
model = peak1 + lin + peak2
params = model.make_params()
params['p1_mu'] = lmfit.Parameter(value=200, min=100, max=250)
params['p2_mu'] = lmfit.Parameter(value=800, min=100, max=1000)
params['p1_sigma'] = lmfit.Parameter(value=15, min=0.01)
params['p2_sigma'] = lmfit.Parameter(value=20, min=0.01)
params['p1_A'] = lmfit.Parameter(value=-2, min=-3)
params['p2_A'] = lmfit.Parameter(value=-2, min=-3)
params['l_m'] = lmfit.Parameter(value=0)
params['l_n'] = lmfit.Parameter(value=0)
out =, params, x=xg)
print out.fit_report()
plt.figure(8, figsize=(8,8))
So the result looks like this, in both cases. It seems to plot all fitting attempts, but never solves it correctly. The best fitted parameters are in the range that I gave it.
Anyone knows this type of error? Or has any solutions for this? And does anyone know how to avoid the NameError when calling a model function from lmfit with those approaches?
I have a somewhat tolerable solution for you. Since I don't know how variable your data is, I cannot say that it will work in a general sense but should get you started. If your data is along 0-1000 and has two peaks or dips along a line as you showed, then it should work.
I used the scipy curve_fit and put all of the components of the function together into one function. One can pass starting locations into the curve_fit function. (you can probably do this with the lib you're using but I'm not familiar with it) There is a loop in loop where I vary the mu parameters to find the ones with the lowest squared error. If you are needing to fit your data many times or in some real-time scenario then this is not for you but if you just need to fit some data, launch this code and grab a coffee.
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pylab
from matplotlib import cm as cm
import time
def my_function_big(x, m, n, #lin vars
sigma1, mu1, I1, #gaussian 1
sigma2, mu2, I2): #gaussian 2
y = m * x + n + (I1 / (sigma1 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))) * np.exp( - (x - mu1)**2 / (2 * sigma1**2) ) + (I2 / (sigma2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))) * np.exp( - (x - mu2)**2 / (2 * sigma2**2) )
return y
#make some data
xs = np.random.uniform(0,1000,500)
mu1 = 200
sigma1 = 20
I1 = -2
mu2 = 800
sigma2 = 20
I2 = -1
yg3 = 0.0001 * xs
yg1 = (I1 / (sigma1 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))) * np.exp( - (xs - mu1)**2 / (2 * sigma1**2) )
yg2 = (I2 / (sigma2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))) * np.exp( - (xs - mu2)**2 / (2 * sigma2**2) )
ys = yg1 + yg2 + yg3
xs = np.array(xs)
ys = np.array(ys)
#done making data
#start a double loop...very expensive but this is quick and dirty
#it would seem that the regular optimizer has trouble finding the minima so i
#found that having the near proper mu values helped it zero in much better
start = time.time()
serr = []
_x = []
_y = []
for x in np.linspace(0, 1000, 61):
for y in np.linspace(0, 1000, 61):
cfiti = curve_fit(my_function_big, xs, ys, p0=[0, 0, 1, x, 1, 1, y, 1], maxfev=20000000)
serr.append(np.sum((my_function_big(xs, *cfiti[0]) - ys) ** 2))
serr = np.array(serr)
_x = np.array(_x)
_y = np.array(_y)
print 'done loop in loop fitting'
print 'time: %0.1f' % (time.time() - start)
plt.hexbin(_x, _y, C=serr, gridsize=gridsize, cmap=cm.jet, bins=None)
plt.axis([_x.min(), _x.max(), _y.min(), _y.max()])
cb = plt.colorbar()
ix = np.argmin(serr.ravel())
mustart1 = _x.ravel()[ix]
mustart2 = _y.ravel()[ix]
print mustart1
print mustart2
cfit = curve_fit(my_function_big, xs, ys, p0=[0, 0, 1, mustart1, 1, 1, mustart2, 1], maxfev=2000000000)
xp = np.linspace(0, 1000, 1001)
plt.scatter(xs, ys) #plot synthetic dat
plt.plot(xp, my_function_big(xp, *cfit[0]), '-', label='fit function') #plot data evaluated along 0-1000
plt.legend(loc=3, numpoints=1, prop={'size':12})
Good luck!
In your first attempt:
pars['g1_fraction'].set(0, vary=True)
The fraction must be a value between 0 and 1, but I believe that cannot be zero. Try to put something like 0.000001, and it will work.
