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How to add placeholder to an Entry in tkinter?
(10 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Can you help me to display a text in my entry, which disappears after clicking on the entry?
For this I have the following example in the entry with the text "Search". I would like to have exactly this text displayed in my entry.
Thanks a lot!
What your looking for is called placeholders. Unfortunately there is no default option with tkinter on placeholders, but a simple placeholder would look like:
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
placeholder = 'Your text here'
def erase(event=None):
if e.get() == placeholder:
def add(event=None):
if e.get() == '':
e = tk.Entry(root)
dummy = tk.Entry(root) #dummy widget just to see other widget lose focus
But this code has many downfalls as the entry methods wont work properly if your looking to manipulate with more data, so what I prefer to do is to make a class and use it, instead of using the default Entry class.
This is a code that I had made to work for similar situations, I dont make any claim that this is any how perfect, but this could get your job done.
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk as ttk
class PlaceholderEntry(ttk.Entry):
Custom modern Placeholder Entry box, takes positional argument master and placeholder along with\n
textcolor(default being black) and placeholdercolor(default being grey).\n
Use acquire() for getting output from entry widget\n
Use shove() for inserting into entry widget\n
Use remove() for deleting from entry widget\n
Use length() for getting the length of text in the widget\n
BUG 1: Possible bugs with binding to this class\n
BUG 2: Anomalous behaviour with config or configure method
def __init__(self, master, placeholder,textcolor='black',placeholdercolor='grey', **kwargs):
self.text = placeholder
self.__has_placeholder = False # placeholder flag
self.placeholdercolor = placeholdercolor
self.textcolor = textcolor
# style for ttk widget
self.s = ttk.Style()
# init entry box
ttk.Entry.__init__(self, master, style='my.TEntry', **kwargs)
# add placeholder if box empty
# bindings of the widget
self.bind('<FocusIn>', self._clear)
self.bind('<FocusOut>', self._add)
self.bind_all('<Key>', self._normal)
self.bind_all('<Button-1>', self._cursor)
def _clear(self, *args): # method to remove the placeholder
if self.get() == self.text and self.__has_placeholder: # remove placeholder when focus gain
self.delete(0, tk.END)
self.s.configure('my.TEntry', foreground='black',
font=(0, 0, 'normal'))
self.__has_placeholder = False #set flag to false
def _add(self, *args): # method to add placeholder
if self.get() == '' and not self.__has_placeholder: # if no text add placeholder
self.s.configure('my.TEntry', foreground=self.placeholdercolor,
font=(0, 0, 'bold'))
self.insert(0, self.text) # insert placeholder
self.icursor(0) # move insertion cursor to start of entrybox
self.__has_placeholder = True #set flag to true
def _normal(self, *args): #method to set the text to normal properties
self._add() # if empty add placeholder
if self.get() == self.text and self.__has_placeholder: # clear the placeholder if starts typing
self.bind('<Key>', self._clear)
self.icursor(-1) # keep insertion cursor to the end
self.s.configure('my.TEntry', foreground=self.textcolor,
font=(0, 0, 'normal')) # set normal font
def acquire(self):
"""Custom method to get the text"""
if self.get() == self.text and self.__has_placeholder:
return 'None'
return self.get()
def shove(self, index, string):
"""Custom method to insert text into entry"""
self.insert(index, string)
def remove(self, first, last):
"""Custom method to remove text from entry"""
if self.get() != self.text:
self.delete(first, last)
elif self.acquire() == self.text and not self.__has_placeholder:
self.delete(first, last)
def length(self):
"""Custom method to get the length of text in the entry widget"""
if self.get() == self.text and self.__has_placeholder:
return 0
return len(self.get())
def _cursor(self, *args): # method to not allow user to move cursor when placeholder exists
if self.get() == self.text and self.__has_placeholder:
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
e = PlaceholderEntry(root,placeholder='Your text')
dummy = tk.Entry(root) #dummy widget just to see other widget lose focus
Though I recommend you use the latter example once you understand whats going on behind the hood.
PS:- The example with class is faulty when making more than one instance of the class.
I know this Q has been answered in this site, but im looking for a more simpler answer, and ive seen one before but then the question has been deleted or something, I cant find it. Hopefully someone is having a better and easier way around to it. Something related to class might be better as I could use it easily with more Entry widgets
Here is a snippet:
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
def remove(event):
e.delete(0, END)
e = Entry(root)
e.insert(0, 'PLACEHOLDER')
e.bind('<FocusIn>', remove)
e2 = Entry(root)
e2.pack( pady=(20,100))
Yes, this will remove all the other items inside of the box once it looses focus and gains it again, including the text we enter at first. Anyway to get around that and have a perfect placeholder with tkinter, I'm aware there is no inbuilt way.
Thanks in advance :D
I'm not really clear on what you're asking, so I'm guessing you're asking how to know when the entry widget has placeholder text and when it doesn't so that you know when to clear it and when not to clear it.
The easiest solution is to add an attribute to the entry with the replacement text, and then compare it to the contents before deleting.
Using functions
First, let's create a function to initialize the placeholder text for a widget. This function does a few simple things: it adds a placeholder attribute on the widget, and it establishes the bindings. It also inserts the placeholder if the widget is empty:
def init_placeholder(widget, placeholder_text):
widget.placeholder = placeholder_text
if widget.get() == "":
widget.insert("end", placeholder_text)
# set up a binding to remove placeholder text
widget.bind("<FocusIn>", remove_placeholder)
widget.bind("<FocusOut>", add_placeholder)
Now let's tweak your remove function to be a bit more generic. Since it's called via an event, it can use event.widget rather than a hard-coded reference to a specific widget. It also uses the placeholder attribute which we added to the widget. These two techniques lets it be used by more than one widget.
def remove_placeholder(event):
placeholder_text = getattr(event.widget, "placeholder", "")
if placeholder_text and event.widget.get() == placeholder_text:
event.widget.delete(0, "end")
Finally we need to implement the add_placeholder function. This function will add the placeholder when the widget loses focus and the user hasn't typed anything. It needs to check if the entry widget has a placeholder, and if it does and the widget is empty, it adds the placeholder. Like remove_placeholder it uses event.widget and the placeholder attribute:
def add_placeholder(event):
placeholder_text = getattr(event.widget, "placeholder", "")
if placeholder_text and event.widget.get() == "":
event.widget.insert(0, placeholder_text)
I've modified your program to use different placeholder text for each of the two entry widgets to show that the functions are generic and not tied to a specific entry widget.
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
def remove_placeholder(event):
"""Remove placeholder text, if present"""
placeholder_text = getattr(event.widget, "placeholder", "")
if placeholder_text and event.widget.get() == placeholder_text:
event.widget.delete(0, "end")
def add_placeholder(event):
"""Add placeholder text if the widget is empty"""
placeholder_text = getattr(event.widget, "placeholder", "")
if placeholder_text and event.widget.get() == "":
event.widget.insert(0, placeholder_text)
def init_placeholder(widget, placeholder_text):
widget.placeholder = placeholder_text
if widget.get() == "":
widget.insert("end", placeholder_text)
# set up a binding to remove placeholder text
widget.bind("<FocusIn>", remove_placeholder)
widget.bind("<FocusOut>", add_placeholder)
e = Entry(root)
e2 = Entry(root)
e2.pack( pady=(20,100))
init_placeholder(e, "First Name")
init_placeholder(e2, "Last Name")
Using a custom class
Arguably, a better way to implement this would be to create a custom class. That way everything is encapsulated in one place. Here's an example:
class EntryWithPlaceholder(Entry):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.placeholder = kwargs.pop("placeholder", "")
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.insert("end", self.placeholder)
self.bind("<FocusIn>", self.remove_placeholder)
self.bind("<FocusOut>", self.add_placeholder)
def remove_placeholder(self, event):
"""Remove placeholder text, if present"""
if self.get() == self.placeholder:
self.delete(0, "end")
def add_placeholder(self,event):
"""Add placeholder text if the widget is empty"""
if self.placeholder and self.get() == "":
self.insert(0, self.placeholder)
You can use this class just like an Entry widget, but you can specify a placeholder:
e3 = EntryWithPlaceholder(root, placeholder="Address")
Here is a very simple example. In this example we include a couple of features/caveats:
ghost text for the placeholder
entry.input will return None if it's text is the placeholder or empty
entry.input should be used in place of .get() and .insert(). The .input logic is designed to give you the proper results for this type of widget. .get() is not smart enough to return the proper data, and .insert() has been reconfigured as a proxy to .input
placeholder is juggled while you type
placeholder can be overwritten with .insert() ~ no need to use .delete(). You should still use entry.input instead
import tkinter as tk
class PlaceholderEntry(tk.Entry):
All Of These Properties Are For Convenience
def input(self):
return self.get() if self.get() not in [self.__ph, ''] else None
def input(self, value):
self.delete(0, 'end')
self.insert(0, value)
self.configure(fg = self.ghost if value == self.__ph else self.normal)
def isempty(self) -> bool:
return self.get() == ''
def isholder(self) -> bool:
return self.get() == self.__ph
def __init__(self, master, placeholder, **kwargs):
tk.Entry.__init__(self, master, **{'disabledforeground':'#BBBBBB', **kwargs})
self.normal = self['foreground']
self.ghost = self['disabledforeground']
self.__ph = placeholder
self.input = placeholder
vcmd = self.register(self.validate)
self.configure(validate='all', validatecommand=(vcmd, '%S', '%s', '%d'))
self.bind('<FocusIn>' , self.focusin)
self.bind('<FocusOut>', self.focusout)
self.bind('<Key>' , self.check)
#rewire .insert() to be a proxy of .input
def validate(self, action_text, orig_text, action):
if action == '1':
if orig_text == self.__ph:
self.input = action_text
return True
#removes placeholder if necessary
def focusin(self, event=None):
if self.isholder:
self.input = ''
#adds placeholder if necessary
def focusout(self, event=None):
if self.isempty:
self.input = self.__ph
#juggles the placeholder while you type
def check(self, event):
if event.keysym == 'BackSpace':
if self.input and len(self.input) == 1:
self.input = self.__ph
return 'break'
elif self.isholder:
if event.char:
self.input = ''
return 'break'
usage example:
import tkinter as tk
import widgets as ctk #custom tk
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Placeholder Entry")
root.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
#init some data
entries = [] #for storing entry references
label_text = ['email', 'name']
entry_text = ['', 'John Smith']
#create form
for n, (label, placeholder) in enumerate(zip(label_text, entry_text)):
#make label
tk.Label(root, text=f'{label}: ', width=8, font='consolas 12 bold', anchor='w').grid(row=n, column=0, sticky='w')
#make entry
entries.append(ctk.PlaceholderEntry(root, placeholder, width=14, font='consolas 12 bold'))
entries[-1].grid(row=n, column=1, sticky='w')
#form submit function
def submit():
for l, e in zip(label_text, entries):
if e.input:
print(f'{l}: {e.input}')
#form submit button
tk.Button(root, text='submit', command=submit).grid(column=1, sticky='e')
I have tried this:
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
def remove(event):
if e.get() == 'PLACEHOLDER': #Check default value
e.delete(0, END)
def add(event):
if not e.get(): #Check if left empty
e.insert(0, 'PLACEHOLDER')
e = Entry(root)
e.insert(0, 'PLACEHOLDER')
e.bind('<FocusIn>', remove)
e.bind('<FocusOut>', add)
e2 = Entry(root)
e2.pack( pady=(20,100))
By doing this you will be clearing only if the default value is present in the Text and also, if the field is left empty, the placeholder gets back into the Text.
No, this is not directly, possible with tkinter. You might want to use classes and OOP.
I know this Q has been answered in this site, but im looking for a more simpler answer, and ive seen one before but then the question has been deleted or something, I cant find it. Hopefully someone is having a better and easier way around to it. Something related to class might be better as I could use it easily with more Entry widgets
Here is a snippet:
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
def remove(event):
e.delete(0, END)
e = Entry(root)
e.insert(0, 'PLACEHOLDER')
e.bind('<FocusIn>', remove)
e2 = Entry(root)
e2.pack( pady=(20,100))
Yes, this will remove all the other items inside of the box once it looses focus and gains it again, including the text we enter at first. Anyway to get around that and have a perfect placeholder with tkinter, I'm aware there is no inbuilt way.
Thanks in advance :D
I'm not really clear on what you're asking, so I'm guessing you're asking how to know when the entry widget has placeholder text and when it doesn't so that you know when to clear it and when not to clear it.
The easiest solution is to add an attribute to the entry with the replacement text, and then compare it to the contents before deleting.
Using functions
First, let's create a function to initialize the placeholder text for a widget. This function does a few simple things: it adds a placeholder attribute on the widget, and it establishes the bindings. It also inserts the placeholder if the widget is empty:
def init_placeholder(widget, placeholder_text):
widget.placeholder = placeholder_text
if widget.get() == "":
widget.insert("end", placeholder_text)
# set up a binding to remove placeholder text
widget.bind("<FocusIn>", remove_placeholder)
widget.bind("<FocusOut>", add_placeholder)
Now let's tweak your remove function to be a bit more generic. Since it's called via an event, it can use event.widget rather than a hard-coded reference to a specific widget. It also uses the placeholder attribute which we added to the widget. These two techniques lets it be used by more than one widget.
def remove_placeholder(event):
placeholder_text = getattr(event.widget, "placeholder", "")
if placeholder_text and event.widget.get() == placeholder_text:
event.widget.delete(0, "end")
Finally we need to implement the add_placeholder function. This function will add the placeholder when the widget loses focus and the user hasn't typed anything. It needs to check if the entry widget has a placeholder, and if it does and the widget is empty, it adds the placeholder. Like remove_placeholder it uses event.widget and the placeholder attribute:
def add_placeholder(event):
placeholder_text = getattr(event.widget, "placeholder", "")
if placeholder_text and event.widget.get() == "":
event.widget.insert(0, placeholder_text)
I've modified your program to use different placeholder text for each of the two entry widgets to show that the functions are generic and not tied to a specific entry widget.
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
def remove_placeholder(event):
"""Remove placeholder text, if present"""
placeholder_text = getattr(event.widget, "placeholder", "")
if placeholder_text and event.widget.get() == placeholder_text:
event.widget.delete(0, "end")
def add_placeholder(event):
"""Add placeholder text if the widget is empty"""
placeholder_text = getattr(event.widget, "placeholder", "")
if placeholder_text and event.widget.get() == "":
event.widget.insert(0, placeholder_text)
def init_placeholder(widget, placeholder_text):
widget.placeholder = placeholder_text
if widget.get() == "":
widget.insert("end", placeholder_text)
# set up a binding to remove placeholder text
widget.bind("<FocusIn>", remove_placeholder)
widget.bind("<FocusOut>", add_placeholder)
e = Entry(root)
e2 = Entry(root)
e2.pack( pady=(20,100))
init_placeholder(e, "First Name")
init_placeholder(e2, "Last Name")
Using a custom class
Arguably, a better way to implement this would be to create a custom class. That way everything is encapsulated in one place. Here's an example:
class EntryWithPlaceholder(Entry):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.placeholder = kwargs.pop("placeholder", "")
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.insert("end", self.placeholder)
self.bind("<FocusIn>", self.remove_placeholder)
self.bind("<FocusOut>", self.add_placeholder)
def remove_placeholder(self, event):
"""Remove placeholder text, if present"""
if self.get() == self.placeholder:
self.delete(0, "end")
def add_placeholder(self,event):
"""Add placeholder text if the widget is empty"""
if self.placeholder and self.get() == "":
self.insert(0, self.placeholder)
You can use this class just like an Entry widget, but you can specify a placeholder:
e3 = EntryWithPlaceholder(root, placeholder="Address")
Here is a very simple example. In this example we include a couple of features/caveats:
ghost text for the placeholder
entry.input will return None if it's text is the placeholder or empty
entry.input should be used in place of .get() and .insert(). The .input logic is designed to give you the proper results for this type of widget. .get() is not smart enough to return the proper data, and .insert() has been reconfigured as a proxy to .input
placeholder is juggled while you type
placeholder can be overwritten with .insert() ~ no need to use .delete(). You should still use entry.input instead
import tkinter as tk
class PlaceholderEntry(tk.Entry):
All Of These Properties Are For Convenience
def input(self):
return self.get() if self.get() not in [self.__ph, ''] else None
def input(self, value):
self.delete(0, 'end')
self.insert(0, value)
self.configure(fg = self.ghost if value == self.__ph else self.normal)
def isempty(self) -> bool:
return self.get() == ''
def isholder(self) -> bool:
return self.get() == self.__ph
def __init__(self, master, placeholder, **kwargs):
tk.Entry.__init__(self, master, **{'disabledforeground':'#BBBBBB', **kwargs})
self.normal = self['foreground']
self.ghost = self['disabledforeground']
self.__ph = placeholder
self.input = placeholder
vcmd = self.register(self.validate)
self.configure(validate='all', validatecommand=(vcmd, '%S', '%s', '%d'))
self.bind('<FocusIn>' , self.focusin)
self.bind('<FocusOut>', self.focusout)
self.bind('<Key>' , self.check)
#rewire .insert() to be a proxy of .input
def validate(self, action_text, orig_text, action):
if action == '1':
if orig_text == self.__ph:
self.input = action_text
return True
#removes placeholder if necessary
def focusin(self, event=None):
if self.isholder:
self.input = ''
#adds placeholder if necessary
def focusout(self, event=None):
if self.isempty:
self.input = self.__ph
#juggles the placeholder while you type
def check(self, event):
if event.keysym == 'BackSpace':
if self.input and len(self.input) == 1:
self.input = self.__ph
return 'break'
elif self.isholder:
if event.char:
self.input = ''
return 'break'
usage example:
import tkinter as tk
import widgets as ctk #custom tk
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Placeholder Entry")
root.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
#init some data
entries = [] #for storing entry references
label_text = ['email', 'name']
entry_text = ['', 'John Smith']
#create form
for n, (label, placeholder) in enumerate(zip(label_text, entry_text)):
#make label
tk.Label(root, text=f'{label}: ', width=8, font='consolas 12 bold', anchor='w').grid(row=n, column=0, sticky='w')
#make entry
entries.append(ctk.PlaceholderEntry(root, placeholder, width=14, font='consolas 12 bold'))
entries[-1].grid(row=n, column=1, sticky='w')
#form submit function
def submit():
for l, e in zip(label_text, entries):
if e.input:
print(f'{l}: {e.input}')
#form submit button
tk.Button(root, text='submit', command=submit).grid(column=1, sticky='e')
I have tried this:
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
def remove(event):
if e.get() == 'PLACEHOLDER': #Check default value
e.delete(0, END)
def add(event):
if not e.get(): #Check if left empty
e.insert(0, 'PLACEHOLDER')
e = Entry(root)
e.insert(0, 'PLACEHOLDER')
e.bind('<FocusIn>', remove)
e.bind('<FocusOut>', add)
e2 = Entry(root)
e2.pack( pady=(20,100))
By doing this you will be clearing only if the default value is present in the Text and also, if the field is left empty, the placeholder gets back into the Text.
No, this is not directly, possible with tkinter. You might want to use classes and OOP.
I'm trying to validations both on key and focusout such that entry is restricted to allowable characters
and I can call a function when the user focuses out (leaving valid entry).
Is something like this possible?
import tkinter as tk
class Example(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
vcmd = (self.register(self.on_validate), '%S')
vcmd2 = (self.register(self.if_valid), '%s')
# This is the meat of the question; looking to do something like
self.entry = tk.Entry(self,
self.text = tk.Text(self, height=10, width=40)
self.entry.pack(side="top", fill="x")
self.text.pack(side="bottom", fill="both", expand=True)
def on_validate(self, S):
# Disallow anything but binary string
if S == '1' or '0':
return True
return False
def if_valid(self, s):
if len(s) == 3:
return True
return False
def my_function(self, value):
# send value somewhere
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = tk.Tk()
Example(root).pack(fill="both", expand=True)
Taken from :
Perhaps you want to use all?
'focus' Validate whenever the Entry widget gets or loses focus (see
Section 53, “Focus: routing keyboard input”).
'focusin' Validate whenever the widget gets focus.
'focusout' Validate whenever the widget loses focus.
'key' Validate whenever any keystroke changes the widget's contents.
'all' Validate in all the above situations.
'none' Turn off validation. This is the default option value. Note
that this is the string 'none', not the special Python value None.
If it was essential that you only validate focusout and key, then you could use all and then in your validation method you could simply call the .get_focus() method to see if the focus was on the box or not.
Im creating a user management system that allows the admin to create user / employee accounts. When using the default tkinter "Entry" widget it places correctly. correct placement
However when i use my version of the tk entry (LabeledEntry), it places like this
this is the code for my altered entry widget:
class LabeledEntry(tk.Entry): #creates a version of the tkEntry widget that allows for "ghost" text to be within the entry field.
def __init__(self, master=None, label = ""): #which instructs the user on what to enter in the field.
self.label = label
self.bind('<FocusOut>', self.on_exit)
self.bind('<FocusIn>', self.on_entry)
def on_entry(self, event=None):
if self.get() == self.label: #checks if the given label is present
self.delete(0, tk.END) #If the text field of the entry is the same as the label, it is deleted to allow for user input
self.configure(fg = "black") #sets the text color to black
def on_exit(self, event=None):
if not self.get(): #checks if user entered anything into the entry when clicked into it.
self.insert(0, self.label) #If they did not, sets the text to the original label
self.configure(fg = "grey") #and changes the color of the text to grey.
Is there a way to resolve this issue?
You aren't passing master to the superclass ctor, which is probably part of the issue:
class LabeledEntry(tk.Entry):
def __init__(self, master=None, label = ""):
# ...
I'm writing some GUI program in Tkinter. I'm trying to trace the contents of the Text widget by using Text.get() method.
I heard that I can get(1.0, 'end') to get current contents written on the widget, but it doesn't give the most recent character I typed.
This is a simple example I wrote:
import Tkinter as tk
class TestApp(tk.Text, object):
def __init__(self, parent = None, *args, **kwargs):
self.parent = parent
super(TestApp, self).__init__(parent, *args, **kwargs)
self.bind('<Key>', self.print_contents)
def print_contents(self, key):
contents = self.get(1.0, 'end')
print '[%s]' % contents.replace('\n', '\\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
app = TestApp(root, width = 20, height = 5)
If I type 'abcd', it prints 'abc\n', not 'abcd\n'. ('\n' is automatically added after the last line by the Text widget.)
How can I get 'abcd\n', instead of 'abc\n'?
Thanks to Bryan Oakley and Yasser Elsayed, I solved the problem by replacing
self.bind('<Key>', self.print_contents)
to the following:
self.bind('<KeyRelease>', self.print_contents)
This is due to the timing of your event handler, which executes as soon as the event happens, meaning there was no chance for the Text widget to actually get the key typed just yet. You have two options here, either simply append the key parameter you get in the event handler to the Text.get() result, or bind to <KeyRelease-A> for example if you're listening for a specific key (A in this case).