bot sends the message to the group several times - python

def telegram_bot_sendtext():
bot_token = 'bot token'
bot_chatID = 'chat id'
text = ['done!','save']
for i in text:
send_text = '' + bot_token + '/sendMessage?chat_id=' + bot_chatID + '&parse_mode=Markdown&text=' + i
#client.on(events.NewMessage(chats=[chat id]))
async def handler(event):
event_message = event.message
I wrote this code but the bot sends the message to the group several times, what should I do?

Even if I do not list and send a single message, it sends the message continuously


Cant reply json on

Im making a cripto price tracker and i cant make it reply the json that im making with the coin decko URL and Arg1 for example Eternal or SLP, etc.
# bot =
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix = "!")
login = 0
tokens_dict = {
'morw' : '0x6b61b24504a6378e1a99d2aa2a5efcb1f5627a3a',
'slp' : '0xcc8fa225d80b9c7d42f96e9570156c65d6caaa25',
'pvu' : '0x31471e0791fcdbe82fbf4c44943255e923f1b794',
'eternal' : '0xd44fd09d74cd13838f137b590497595d6b3feea4'
# Login
async def on_ready():
global login
print('We have logged in as {0.user}'.format(bot))
login = 1
async def coin(ctx, arg1):
global tokens_dict
if(arg1 in tokens_dict.keys()):
url = '' + tokens_dict[arg1]
response = request.get(url)
responseDict = json.loads(response.text)
await ctx.reply(responseDict)
await ctx.reply("The token " + str(arg1) + " is not in the token list, if you want to add " + str(arg1) + " to the list please use the command : " + '\n' + "!add_token")
In the coin function im trying to reply the json that ive created but i dont know how to.
response = request.get(url)
responseDict = json.loads(response.text)
await ctx.reply(responseDict)
I'm assuming this is the part you're talking about.
You actually don't need to call json.loads(response.text) if you're going to send it anyway. If the raw response is unformatted then you can do this
response_dict = json.loads(response.text)
formatted_dict = json.dumps(response_dict, indent=4)
await ctx.reply(formatted_dict)
This should send the json as a string with indents.
The reason wasn't letting you send the message was because it wasn't a string.

How to extract link from hyperlink in message with telethon?

I am trying to extract the links from the hyperlinked texts, to be able to put them at the end of the message, and finally to remove the hyperlinks.
I tried to do it like this:
def extract_link(event):
event.message.message = event.message.message + "\nSources :"
for entity in event.message:
if isinstance(entity, MessageEntityTextUrl):
event.message.message = event.message.message + "\n- " + entity.url
event.message.entity = None
But i have this error :
Error: 'Message' object is not iterable
Use this code, this will help you!
from telethon import TelegramClient, sync, events
from import MessageEntityTextUrl
api_id =
api_hash = ''
client = TelegramClient('session', api_id, api_hash)
async def my_event_handler(event):
msg = event.message
for url_entity, inner_text in msg.get_entities_text(MessageEntityTextUrl):
url = url_entity.url
client.run_until_disconnected() list users in a message when reaction

i have been trying to fix a problem for days. I want to send an embet naricht and this should be edited as soon as someone has made a reaction.
here my snipped code:
embed = discord.Embed(title='General Information', color=16769251)
embed.set_footer(text='General information')
embed.add_field(name='Text Header ', value=all_lines[1], inline=False)
embed.add_field(name='Text Header 2: ', value=all_lines[2], inline=False)
embed.add_field(name='Accepted Users: ', 'HERE ALL USERS WITH ✅', inline=False)
mess = await message.send(embed=embed)
await mess.add_reaction('✅')
await mess.add_reaction('❌')
I have already tried a lot of things but unfortunately without success I think it would be just too much to really put everything in here I still hodde that someone can help me
Here an example :
Before ( without reactions )
After with reactions:
Final Version with 1 little refresh bug:
async def ReportRaid(self, message, bot):
name =
await message.delete()
args = message.content.split(' ')
# raid <type> <name> <setting> <min>
# 0 1 2 3 4
if args[0] == "/raid" or args[0] == "/Raid":
embed = discord.Embed(title='Raid meldung von ' + str(
embed.add_field(name='Raid Typ: ', value=args[1], inline=True)
embed.add_field(name='Name: ', value=args[2], inline=True)
embed.add_field(name=settings.RaidSetings[args[3]], value=args[4] + " Minuten", inline=True)
embed.add_field(name='Zusagen:', value='Keine Zusagen', inline=True)
if not args[2].lower() in pkm.pokeDir[args[1].lower()]:
await'Das pokemon konnte nicht gefunden werden.', delete_after=30.0)
url=settings.ServerSettings["ImageURL"] + pkm.pokeDir[args[1].lower()][args[2].lower()] + '.png')
with open('accounts/Ac' + str(name) + '.txt', "r") as fp:
all_lines = fp.readlines()
embed.set_footer(text='Trainer name: {} \nTrainer Code: {}'.format(all_lines[1], all_lines[3]))
tgName = all_lines[3]
except IOError:
embed.set_footer(text='Keine Informationen gefunden')
tgName = "Keinen Trainer code gefunden"
channel = bot.get_channel(int(await guild_setings.LoadGuildSettings().get_raid_channel(message)))
mess = await channel.send(embed=embed, delete_after=int(args[4]) * 60)
tg.TelegramBot(message, '**\nRaid Typ: ' + args[1] + "\nName: " + args[2] + "\n" + settings.RaidSetings[args[3]] + " " + args[4] + ' Minuten\nTriainer Code: ' + tgName + '\nRaid Meldung von: ' + str(
re_time = int(args[4]) * 60
emoji_list = ['✅', '❌']
for i in emoji_list:
await mess.add_reaction(i)
while True:
users = ""
reaction, user= await bot.wait_for("reaction_add", timeout=re_time)
if str(reaction) == '✅':
mess = await channel.fetch_message(
reaction_list = mess.reactions
for reactions in reaction_list:
if str(reactions) == "✅":
user_list = [user async for user in reactions.users() if user != bot.user]
for user in user_list:
users = users + user.mention + "\n"
embed_1 = discord.Embed(title='Raid meldung von ' + str(
embed_1.add_field(name='Raid Typ: ', value=args[1], inline=True)
embed_1.add_field(name='Name: ', value=args[2], inline=True)
embed_1.add_field(name=settings.RaidSetings[args[3]], value=args[4] + " Minuten", inline=True)
embed_1.add_field(name='Zusagen:', value=users, inline=True)
if not args[2].lower() in pkm.pokeDir[args[1].lower()]:
await'Das pokemon konnte nicht gefunden werden.', delete_after=30.0)
url=settings.ServerSettings["ImageURL"] + pkm.pokeDir[args[1].lower()][args[2].lower()] + '.png')
with open('accounts/Ac' + str(name) + '.txt', "r") as fp:
all_lines = fp.readlines()
embed_1.set_footer(text='Trainer name: {} \nTrainer Code: {}'.format(all_lines[1], all_lines[3]))
except IOError:
embed_1.set_footer(text='Keine Informationen gefunden')
await mess.edit(embed = embed_1)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
If I understand you correctly, you want something like this. I've tried putting comments in the code along the way so you can understand better what's going on.
As the code is right now, it will not update if a user removes the reaction. If user_1 and user_2 adds reaction, and then user_1 removes reaction, they will both still show, when user_3 adds reaction, it will update to show only user_2 and user_3
You can add the code between *** in the exception as well, to update the embed one final time as the loop ends.
Another thing is that I don't know what your all_lines is, so I had that just as a string during testing.
#client.command() # Correct this according to your code, if you're using bot or client
async def rtest(ctx):
message = ctx.message
# At first we create create the embed
embed = discord.Embed(title='General Information', color=16769251)
embed.set_footer(text='General information')
embed.add_field(name='Text Header ', value=all_lines[1], inline=False)
embed.add_field(name='Text Header 2: ', value=all_lines[2], inline=False)
embed.add_field(name='Accepted Users: ', value='HERE ALL USERS WITH ✅', inline=False)
mess = await ctx.send(embed=embed)
# And add our reactions to the embed
emoji_list = ['✅', '❌']
for i in emoji_list:
await mess.add_reaction(i)
# Create a while loop that will wait for users to react
while True:
users = "" # Create empty string that we need later
reaction, user= await client.wait_for("reaction_add", timeout=60)
# Check that if the reaction added is ✅, and if it is:
if str(reaction) == "✅":
mess = await #*** Need to fetch message again to get updated reaction information
reaction_list = mess.reactions
# Check our reactions on the message, get user list for the ✅ reaction, ignoring the bot
for reactions in mess.reactions:
if str(reactions) == "✅":
user_list = [user async for user in reactions.users() if user != client.user]
# Update the users string, to add user that reacted
for user in user_list:
users = users + user.mention + "\n"
# Create an updated embed with different name, it's the same as before, but with users in last field
embed_1 = discord.Embed(title='General Information', color=16769251)
embed_1.set_footer(text='General information')
embed_1.add_field(name='Text Header ', value=all_lines[1], inline=False)
embed_1.add_field(name='Text Header 2: ', value=all_lines[2], inline=False)
embed_1.add_field(name='Accepted Users: ', value='HERE ALL USERS WITH ✅\n'+users, inline=False)
await mess.edit(embed = embed_1) # Edit message to be the updated embed
# End the loop after the set amount of time (from timeout earlier)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
What you're looking for is bot.wait_for, here a simple example
async def react(ctx):
# Sending the message
message = await ctx.send('React with ✅')
def check(reaction, user):
# Checking if the user that reacted is the same as the one that invoked the command
# also checking if the reaction is `✅` and if the reacted message is the one sent before
return user == and str(reaction) == '✅' and reaction.message == message
# Waiting for the reaction
reaction, user = await bot.wait_for('reaction_add', check=check, timeout=60.0)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
# If the timeout is over, deleting the message
await message.delete()
await ctx.send('Timeout is over')
# If the reaction is not the one we're waiting for, send this
await ctx.send('Bad reaction')
Reference - Send Messages on Specific Channel by Name

I want to make so when a message gets deleted, it sends the message that got deleted in #logs
async def on_message_delete(message):
data ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
print("[" + (colored("{}".format(data), 'white')) + "][" +
(colored("{}".format(message.server), 'blue')) + " - " +
(colored("{}".format(, 'magenta')) + "] " +
(colored("{}".format(, 'cyan', 'on_magenta') +
(colored(": {}".format(message.content), 'red'))))
channel = bot.get_channel("logs")
await bot.say(channel, "ALERT: Message Deleted")
await bot.say(channel, "Message {} got deleted by {} in {}".format(message.content,, channel))
await bot.process_commands(message) and private messages

I am trying to make discord-bot on phyton. Although I have understood discord API, I can't get the robot to send messages to members of server in private mail. Could you help me please
if message.content.startswith(myname + '!btcprice'):
print('[command]: btcprice ')
btc_price_usd, btc_price_rub = get_btc_price()
msg = 'USD: ' + str(btc_price_usd) + ' | RUB: ' + str(btc_price_rub)
await client.send_message(, msg)
I'm assuming you are calling this from the on_message event, in which case to send a PM you can get the member object from You can PM the user with this.
async def on_message(message):
if message.content.startswith(myname + '!btcprice'):
print('[command]: btcprice ')
btc_price_usd, btc_price_rub = get_btc_price()
msg = 'USD: ' + str(btc_price_usd) + ' | RUB: ' + str(btc_price_rub)
await client.send_message(, msg)
